

I woke up to a blurry mess and felt like I had been through a night of heavy drinking. But instead of a pounding headache, I was greeted with the eerie feeling of snowflakes on my skin and the frigid air nipping at my nose. I used my almost numb hand to lift myself from the snow-covered ground, that is when I realized I had gone from the concrete jungle of New York to a winter wonderland forest overnight. Talk about a change of scenery!

Dense clusters of snow-covered trees stretched everywhere I looked.

But before I could even begin to process what was happening, I noticed a strange robe draped over me and a metal clip fastened to my waist. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks—being the nerd that I was, it took me only a second to process what I was seeing.

I was dressed like a Jedi Knight, and that metal could only be a Light Saber!

I couldn't believe my eyes as I held up the weapon in front of me. The handle was polished silver, and the crystal chamber glowed a faint blue. And when I pressed the activation button, the weapon emitted a brilliant blue energy blade that hummed with power. It was like I had just become a Jedi myself, and I couldn't help but feel a sudden connection to the saber like parts of me were being awakened from within

The sound of hooves stomping like a toddler throwing a tantrum snapped me out of my saber-induced trance. And that's when things got even crazier. Two dark horses galloped by like they were possessed by the devil himself, marking the beginning of the madness.

Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream shattered the peaceful woods like a glass vase hitting the floor. And out of nowhere, a dude dressed head-to-toe in black leather came sprinting out of the trees like his life depended on it. (Spoiler alert: It probably did.)

The mysterious stranger skidded to a stop next to me, but upon seeing the glowing lightsaber in my hand, he suddenly found the energy to keep running. With a face full of fear, he bolted off in the opposite direction.

I was suddenly overcome with the strangest feeling I had ever experienced. The weather had been cold before, but now it had grown ten times colder, sending shivers down my numb skin. A spooky feeling crept over me, as if the woods had suddenly come to life and were calmly watching me, biding their time to make a move. I felt a sudden urge to tear off in pursuit of the stranger. But before I could even take a step, a tall, dreary figure emerged from the direction the man had come from. It clutched a bleeding head that was slowly soaking the snow-covered ground.

I froze mid-step, my mind racing with terror. The familiarity of the scene was what was driving me mad with fear. It was just like the opening scene of Game of Thrones, where the White Walkers murdered two men of the Nightwatch and left the third one to take the message. I realized that the man's face had not been entirely unfamiliar. Having watched the show almost ten times, I could swear that the guy had been Will, one of the three Night Watch members. The head in the hands of the White Walker was certainly that of Jared, and deeper into the woods, I was certain that the first one to meet this fate had been Ser Waymer.

The situation was no longer strange, but it was terrifying. I realized that something was quite strange. Just like I had been watching, I couldn't help but notice that I was being watched too. It was as if the group before me had stumbled upon a rare Pokemon and were in complete shock at the sight of me. But what caught my attention was the one holding Jared's severed head—it couldn't take its icy eyes off the lightsaber in my hands.

Just as the tension reached its peak, more figures emerged from the woods. My fear was palpable, and I knew I had to act fast. The bleeding head was a reminder of what White Walkers were capable of—my feet were already in motion.

Without a second thought, I turned and charged in the direction Will had headed, my lightsaber still blazing. As I sprinted through the dense forest, I couldn't help but feel like I was on some sort of twisted obstacle course. The trees were so tightly packed together that I was practically playing dodgeball with them. Not forgetting the snow-covered ground that made it impossible to tell which way Will had gone. It was like Mother Nature was playing a cruel joke on me. But I didn't have time to dwell on the absurdity of my situation. I could hear the sound of my footsteps pounding against the snow, urging me to run faster. I knew I was the next victim in the White Walkers' zombie mind.

It was a while before I burst into a clearing, my heart was pounding so hard that I thought it might burst out of my chest. And then I saw him—the man in black, hunched over and gasping for breath. I let out a sigh of relief. Thank God, it was Will. Maybe I could finally get some answers. But as I approached, Will's head snapped up, and he let out a -curdling scream before taking off like a bat out of hell. I was left standing there, dumbfounded. What the hell was going on? It didn't take long for me to connect the dots. I was dressed like a Jedi, wielding a glowing lightsaber(quite an unseen combo in Westeros) —of course, Will thought I was a White Walker. It was the only logical explanation for why the poor guy was running for his life every time he saw me.

As I gazed upon my surroundings, a sense of unease crept over me like a bad rash. Something was definitely amiss. It dawned on me that we hadn't actually emerged from a forest, but rather a slightly large farm with dense trees.

What in the Seven Hells were the three watchmen doing so far from the wall? And how in the name of the old gods and the new did a white walker manage to cross the wall?

Now, I may not be a maester, but I know my way around a map. And I know for a fact that the undead can't just waltz across the wall like it's a stroll through the park. There are ancient spells etched into its very foundation that prevent such a thing from happening. Unless, of course, some living, breathing fool decided to lend a hand to the walking dead.

It's like they say, "Winter is coming." And with it, apparently, comes a whole lot of tomfoolery.

whatever this was, I had gotten into real mess

I shook my head in disbelief, I couldn't help but curse whoever had brought me to this twisted world. But at least I had a lightsaber, even if I had no idea how to use it. Maybe I could use it to flag down a passing wagon or something.

With a shrug, I switched off the saber, stuffed it beneath the robes, and took off after Will, determined to clear up the misunderstanding.



He could hear it behind him; there was not much distance between them.

"Curse you, Ser Waymer," he mumbled.

The white walker seemed determined to catch him, and Will knew that it would. He could already feel his knees defying his mind; his legs could no longer run. With a last cry of despair, he fell to his knees on the cold snow and shut his eyes. praying that the White Walker would make it fast.

If ghosts could haunt other ghosts, Will swore to forever haunt Ser Waymer. He was the reason he would peril today

"Hey, Will wait up." Will felt his body begin to sweat despite the cold weather. The thing knew his name; he had not seen its face, but the ice-like glowing sword in its hand had been enough to tell him he was one of them.

just then sounds of galloping horses and yells of men came from ahead and Will raised his head and immediately began to shout in desperation

"Help, "help! Please keep it away from me!" He screamed, pointing at the approaching creature, as he rose to meet the group of close to ten Winterfell soldiers who had emerged, accompanied by the three horses that Eron had seen earlier.

The soldiers quickly surrounded them while Will continued yelling unintelligible tantrums like a man with a fever. He told the soldiers that Eron was a white walker and had killed Ser Waymer and Jared.

At first, the soldiers laughed at the mention of the White Walkers until Eron spoke.

"I am not a white Walker, you fool."I was just running away from them, just like you are."

The soldiers burst out laughing even louder "Well," said one of them, "who else if not the cowardly thief who turned to night watch?"

"Ahh!" another one exclaimed. "they must have been waiting to rob more. "found any gold." he mocked

Another one chimed in, "They call him a coward in the night watch; he must be deserting his watch.why else would he be this far from the wall"

They all seemed to have ignored me as they took turns mocking Will. until one of them, who appeared to be the leader, turned his attention to me.

He scrutinized me from head to toe and seemed uncertain.

"And who might you be sir? and what is your business in Winterfell?"

"He is one of them, I tell you; I saw it with my eyes—they murdered Ser Waymer and poor Jared," Will yelled

"Enough of your white walkers!.even if they were real,what is the wall for" the leader roared, silencing Will, who still glared at me with fright.

"I was talking to you, sir," the man said, addressing me again. I noted the use of the word sir. This man thought I was some kind of nobleman or merchant who had fallen into Will's snare.

This was certainly an opportunity to escape.

Will was, after all, a renowned thief before he joined the night watch. I could easily turn the story on him and save my skin. but just the thought of it made me feel disgusted with myself. From the cannon events, it appears that Will had been executed innocently by Ned Stark, and perhaps that is why Ned himself paid with his head.

I cleared my throat and faced the leader. "My name is Eron, and I just happened to be passing by but lost my way. What the man says, however, is true: the White Walkers killed two of his colleagues, and I was there. "He must, however, mistake me for one of them due to fear."

"The man gave me a long, piercing look before he burst out laughing alongside his men.

"I shall tell you what this is," the man said, suddenly stopping laughing and turning to face Will, who was still trembling. The soldiers fell silent, seeing their leader suddenly stern.

"You," he said, pointing at Will, " are a deserter, and you were arrested while running away from your watch".Will's jaws were trembling so badly that he couldn't even respond.

"And as for you, sir," the soldier added, turning to me, "I don't know your purpose, but I know you are trespassing on stark land. Both of you will be brought before Lord Stark to decide your case."

He turned to one of the young soldiers."Jory, escort these men to the cells. I will take a few men to investigate the matter. Inform Lord Stark if he asks of my whereabouts."

"Yes, Ser Rodric."

And just like that, I knew that we had just landed our feet in an even deeper hole.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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