88% A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 22: Chapter 17 Curing Curses and meeting 'Death'

章 22: Chapter 17 Curing Curses and meeting 'Death'

Rodrick stared ahead as Farley left the room, an amused smile on her face. It seemed the seventh year always had something she seemed to find funny about him. He'd asked her to collect all the seventh years in the castle, minus the Gryffindors.

He sighed as he waited. He hadn't told anyone about the vision he'd had a month ago. Though he tried to hide it.

Luna had been upfront when she'd questioned him if he was alright. Tracey used Nott, as surprising as that was. Nott had tried to be subtle about it. His Hufflepuff tendencies made that difficult. Malfoy had got some younger Slytherins to do it, it seemed the blonde was practically the second in control in the house, unsurprising.

Blaise copied Luna, which again wasn't surprising. Astoria had given him some of her sweets. That had definitely made his day. Daphne didn't bother, merely waiting for him to tell her, whenever he was ready to. Though he certainly knew there was only so much time she was willing to wait. He had been especially happy about that, he wasn't planning to lie to the girl about it. Those who asked however received the same response.

He was fine.

He sighed as he took in the bland classroom, it hadn't been in use for almost 15 years... Something about it just called out to him.

Speaking of peculiar rooms, he hadn't bothered to return to the strange room he'd found on Valentine's day. He wasn't stupid, he knew the room likely had some sort charm enchanted to it that responded to a persons need, he was sure he'd read a passage about such a room in Hogwarts: A history... However, one, he wasn't sure what it was that he exactly needed, two... Well, the fact that the room could conjure up those three mirrors meant it was dangerous. Dangerous for him in any case. Perhaps as long as he felt like this he was liable for them to appear, or perhaps not. It wasn't a chance he could take. Once he made certain they wouldn't appear, he considered showing it to his friends.

Perhaps he ought to ask about it first...

Rodrick shook his head, he couldn't get distracted, that room didn't matter... Not yet anyway. Until he cured Astoria, he couldn't risk any unknown magic affecting him in any way.

Once again, he considered whether it had been a good idea not to take Divination... Unreliable visions were one of the things that he couldn't control and he's learnt well enough how dangerous they could really be.

Easter, on the other hand, was quickly coming, he really hoped he was successful, more importantly, he really hoped he didn't die in the process, who knew what kind of trauma that would leave on the poor girl. Considering how painful it had been to simply stabilise it... Rodrick shuddered at the thought of what trying to remove it would be like. Her parents, however, had been immensely grateful for his help, to the point where Roxanne had promised to furnish his future home. He'd joked on whether that had been her way of telling him to move out before quickly shifting the attention on towards Warrington. He felt bad for what Roxanne had managed to do.

Rodrick groaned. He was getting distracted again. Though he still couldn't help the smile, the woman had sicced the boy's father on him. That hadn't been a pretty sight. Warrington had become the first Slytherin in a century to receive a Howler from a parent... A howler threatening disownment for the embarrassment he'd brought to his name.

Rodrick cleared his thoughts again. He idly wondered if that was why Dumbledore had so much trouble with planning. Getting too lost in thought was probably an even bigger problem for the headmaster. He blinked when he'd realised his hand had been grasping his necklace. Raising the necklace in front of him, he stared at the silver globe encompassing the modified symbol of the Deathly Hollows.

'How many secrets do you hold?' He thought to himself. The necklace had practically become an extension of him, he could almost feel it call out to him, he knew he could get lost staring at it without realising... It was almost as if it held worlds of secrets inside... He could still see the signs of the blood magic his grandfather had performed. 'Why? Why so far? Why did Grandfather go so far?' There was a curse for everything... Those who attempted to summon it, forcibly remove it, and according to the goblins, even those who simply tried to wear it with no ill intent, nothing to seemingly stop them from doing so... And that had resulted in that particular goblin's death. And that was only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps the scariest thing he'd seen regarding the necklace was that he could only see the curses his grandfather had instilled, he couldn't see anything else and that in itself was terrifying because he definitely knew without a doubt, that the necklace was powerful... A Hollow dangerous enough to warrant it's exclusion from history... He could practically feel it, he simply couldn't see it. The fact he had managed to notice an obscure room in Hogwarts and not see something that was around his neck? It made no sense. Of course, there was also the book... He was sorely tempted to read it. Even if only to read the tale of his grandfather. Perhaps the man had written it himself? But if so, did that mean he would eventually write his own piece? After all, the first time he'd seen the Hollows so-called home could've been a vision in itself. Or was it something else... Something beyond even his grandfather? A man who up until his death, while an ex-dark lord, had been considered a living legend.

He'd read over anything he could find about the man... Had asked all he could... He still remembered the conversation with the Headmaster two weeks following the whole Warrington event. Still remembered what the headmaster had shown him...



"Rodrick?" Dumbledore remarked, a little surprised. Only one student used that particular password.

Rodrick entered the office.

"Back so soon?" Dumbledore questioned amused before seeing the determined look sporting the boy's face.

"Tell me about my Grandfather," Rodrick simply stated as he took his usual seat.

Dumbledore stared at the boy before relaxing, "What would you like to know?"

"Everything," Rodrick.

Dumbledore chuckled, "I don't think we have enough time for such a thing," The headmaster spoke, not unkindly.

Rodrick frowned slightly before he heard the Headmaster continue.

"Would you like to see the duel?" Dumbledore questioned.

Rodrick's eyes lit up, before frowning. "You told me it lasted six hours... I don't think I have enough time for that either..." He mused.

Dumbledore blinked before agreeing, Fawkes letting out an amused snort in the background.

"Though I do want to see what he was capable of..." Dumbledore heard the boy whisper to himself. He stared at the teen before sighing.

"In that case... There is something I could show you... Something that had occurred moments before my duel with him."

Rodrick raised his gaze to the headmaster, "What was it?"

Dumbledore simply shook his head, "It'll be easier to show you... However I should warn you, it is not an easy memory to take in."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before smirking, "I reckon I can handle it... I've spent the last 8-9 years learning from him you know." he finished with an eager grin.

Dumbledore didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. Fawkes knew. He didn't screech a word.

Rodrick watched as the headmaster raised his wand towards his temple, quickly removing a memory.

If the headmaster had been told, years ago, that he'd bring up such a memory again... He wouldn't have believed it. However, the boy in front of him deserved it, deserved to know that his grandfather had been one of the most powerful wizards in history. For if his wand had truly been loyal, Dumbledore knew without a doubt that Gellert Grindelwald would currently be ruling the very world as it was.

The boy had certainly earned it, with how much good he had managed to do, whether on purpose or by accident. His greatest perhaps being the fact he had managed to save Harry Potter's life or his willingness and determination to destroy the dark lords Horcuxes... Though deep down he knew perhaps the greatest thing he'd seen had been the most recent... Slytherin was slowly being accepted by the other house, not only that, it was a mutual feeling... As shocking as it was, it was also perhaps the most wondrous thing he had seen in his life. For all his years as a headmaster, he never thought he'd see the day Purebloods and Muggleborns would... Not get along per se, no it wasn't there yet, no at the current moment in time, it was only acknowledgement between them. Both sides acknowledging the other's existence, and more importantly the need for it. A far bigger step then any other had managed. McGonagall and Flitwick being especially happy that the need had involved education. He looked forward to the upcoming years and how far that would develop.

"Shall we?" Dumbledore questioned as he stared down at the Pensieve.

Rodrick nodded wordlessly, peering down at the whirling water, watching as the memory slowly took shape.

The two wizards slowly lowered their heads and quickly felt the warping effect of a Pensieve.

Rodrick stared at his surroundings before his eyes widened, the place looked eerily similar to what he'd seen in the vision. Focusing his gaze, he realised the two of them were on the edge of a cliff.

"Wher-" Rodrick was about to ask before his eyes looked down towards the lower ground, it was slightly difficult to make out the faraway figures from a cliff.

"Can we get closer?" He questioned, his eyes locked on the sole figure on one side. The other containing hundreds...

"I am afraid for your own safety we will have to keep our distance,"

Rodrick's eyes snapped towards the headmaster, "This is only a memory,"

Dumbledore nodded, his gaze unshifting from the same figure. "Yes, even then, one can never be too careful,"

Rodrick frowned before turning back, "You said this was moments before your duel..."

Dumbledore nodded, "Do not take your eyes off him."

Rodrick nodded wordlessly, so the sole figure was his grandfather... But then that meant...

"Who are the others?"

"Bounty hunters, that particular group is an Ameri-" Dumbledore answered. Before he could add on anymore, however, Grindelwald's figure moved.

Rodrick turned his full attention towards his grandfather... There were too many enemies... He thought to himself... 'If this was moments before the duel with Dumbledore...'


Gellert Grindelwald stared ahead at the contingent of wizards, no doubt hired to take him out... It was the 7th one so far. He shook his head, so much was already changing... It didn't matter though. Not really. Though he certainly hoped it didn't change too much. He knew his duel with Dumbledore was to happen soon... In fact, if he had to guess, it was likely after this. 'Dumbledore might already be waiting...'

"No matter," Gellert remarked as he moved forward, his eyes locked with the leader.

"American I take it?" Gellert questioned passively.

The man in front narrowed his eyes, "There's a lot of money on your head Grindelwald. You have any idea how much governments are willing to pay for it?" He chuckled mirthlessly.

Gellert didn't react, merely taking in the person's appearance. He looked to be in his 50s... Poor fool.

"It won't be worth it," Gellert warned, he knew it wouldn't do anything but it was worth trying.

The man spat to the side. "Afraid it ain't your choice to make." The man remarked before taking his wand out. The wizards behind him doing the same.

Gellert's expressionless face made no change. "Don't you American companies have some sort of code of honour?"

The man had the nerve to laugh at him. Oh, he was definitely set for the afterlife.


"No," Gellert remarked closing his eyes for a brief moment, "Simple Curiosity." He remarked, taking his own wand out. Even after all these years... He was still learning. There truly was no limit to what one could learn. As he stared at the group of wizards ahead of him, there was also no limit to stupidity. If Governments were willing to offer you such a reward...

One ought to take the hint really.

The man seemed to stutter for a second before frowning and eventually sighing. "There is in fact one..."

Gellert raised an eyebrow before watching as the man raised a hand. He was surprised to see the others lower their wands.

"Leader goes first?" Gellert questioned.

The mans approaching footsteps answered his question.

"Very well,"

The two, for a second, seemed to stand still. Staring the other off.

Gellert noticed the man attempt and succeed in a wandless non-verbal shield charm.

The other didn't notice anything different.

"Your name," Gellert stated.

The American wizard raised an eyebrow before answering. "The Blue Ghost," The wizard gave the nickname he'd earned.

"Fitting," Gellert chuckled mirthlessly, "I am the Dark Lord Grindelwald," The words sending a shudder down the other wizards spine.

It couldn't even be called a duel.

The 'Blue Ghost' had struck first, a volley of curses raining down on Grindelwald. All of which bounced harmlessly off the dark lord's shield.

The infamous Wizard's eyes showed shock, as he watched the still man in front of him, not moving a muscle. Yet all the spells he'd thrown wouldn't reach.

"Avada Kedavra!" The Ex-hit wizard shot off the reason he became a bounty hunter. 'Block this,'

Gellert stared at the incoming spell, a bored look in his eyes, simply watching as the spell crashed against a conjured rock, turning it to dust. 'How Primitive,'

Then, the dark lord retaliated it, proving to the world that nonverbal magic was far more dangerous compared to wandless.

The first spell shattered the man's shield, leaving his body staggering and reeling from the effects. Before the man could even raise his wand to conjure another shield, however. A storm of spells crashed into the American wizard.

The second spell, a stream of blue light hit the wizard square in the chest, leaving a strange mark, causing his eyes to widen as he felt the skin surrounding the mark slowly rot away.

The third stopped his breathing, the fourth left him on the floor numb, the fifth shot the man into the sky, a twisted form of levitation. The man could feel gravity push down on his body. He was dead before the seventh spell hit. His corpse flailing about in the air. A plethora of magical spells combining and shredding through magically resistant wear, enhanced skin and bone until there was nought but dust where the once infamous bounty hunter stood.

To the rest, a mere moment had passed between their leaders first spell and his subsequent death.

"Come," Gellert remarked, a hand outstretched to the rest, "I've got an appointment with an actual wizard waiting,"

The first to cry out in anger was the first to join the leader... The rest quickly aimed their wands and Gellert Grindelwald had disappeared. Reappearing in the middle of the group of hundreds.

The few that caught a glimpse of the dark lord watched as the man crouched, his hands crossed in front of him, a wand in one arm and strange Grimoire-like book in the other. Gellert whipped his wand arm in an arc, his other mirroring the action, before swooping his wand arm down.

"Pavoris Venti," He calmly spoke the words.

Static sparks left his wand, travelling to ground. Before the first wizard could even react. It started off as a slow swirl of air, quickly transforming into a raging whirlwind, picking up every wizard within his vicinity, throwing them into the air, thrashing each wizard with the force of a boulder.

Gellert Grindelwald had turned nearly every single wizard around him into a crash test dummy, all of them flailing about inside the storm, screaming in terror. He stared up from his still position in the centre.

Those not caught in the force of the spell could only stare in complete shock. Their hands limp by their sides. Wands dropped and long forgotten as they took in the dark lord's power. In a matter of seconds, he'd disabled their leader and was currently ravaging the rest of their company.

The whirlwind wouldn't cease, the screams of those caught could still be heard. No, they definitely weren't being paid enough. They'd been offered enough Galleons to last them the rest of their lives.

Ironically enough, if they had been offered a single Galleon, it still would've lasted them until the rest of their lives.

"Duratius," Gellert jabbed his wand up, his free hand by his side. The book no longer in sight. Before twisting his wrist in half an arc.

Ice quickly built up in a spiral surrounding the still dark lord, seven long spikes protruding and punching through the wizards screaming in terror in the air. When the whirlwind had died, all that remained was a spiral of ice going into the sky, hundreds of dead wizards decorating each spike. Gellert walked ahead, ice parting in front of him, it was moments later before the ice disappeared, hundreds of bodies dropping beside him. Ahead of him, he could see the terrified wizards left alive. There was barely a tenth of what it had been.

"Look on the bright side, if you win you get a bigger cut now," Gellert mirthlessly remarked, staring and daring the remaining wizards to try anything.

It didn't take long before the echoes of Portkey travel took over.

The moment Gellert turned his eye towards Dumbledore's hidden position, the vision ended.

Rodrick pulled his head out of the Pensieve, a shocked expression marring his face as he turned towards the headmaster.

"How the hell did you beat my grandfather!?" Decorum long forgot.


Flashback ends

Rodrick chuckled at the memory, Dumbledore hadn't answered, in fact, he'd been somewhat fazed by his nonplussed reaction to what the old man probably thought a bloodbath.

He considered what he'd seen and felt himself falling short... The duels he'd shared with his grandfather had apparently been the tip of the iceberg of the former Dark Lord's power... Remembering the first wizard, Rodrick sighed. He knew that wizard would've mopped the floor with him in minutes and his grandfather had swatted him aside like a fly. Before utterly annihilating the rest. In two spells, he'd taken out hundreds of wizards. His mage sight wouldn't let him see exactly what kind of magic his Grandfather had used however the curse on his arm had reacted to it... It was dark magic, very dark for him to have felt it through a memory... He shuddered at what he would've gone through had he been hit by it. Hell, he was glad the headmaster had deigned to keep him so far away. He'd found his respect for the old man increase, anyone that could survive a duel against a wizard like that...

Rodrick shook his head, he had the memory, he could always view it later... He fully intended to learn the two spells his grandfather had used.

His thoughts however quickly went over towards the escaped Death Eater... He wasn't interested in the how of it, more of that, no one had heard anything from the woman. There hadn't been a sign of her anywhere. Not a hint or clue. Almost as if she'd disappeared from the face of the earth. Even with all of the ministry's effort trying to find her, nothing. The effort while being led by Barty Crouch Senior, Fudge likely had the last say as he had actually tried to have the dementors return to the castle, only to be shot down by almost every member in the Wizangamot though Crouch seemed to have agreed, after what had happened the last time though that hadn't surprised him in the least but definitely relieved him. He simply couldn't stand the creatures. they made him feel vulnerable and weak thanks to the double-edged sword of a curse on his arm. The very thought set him on edge. The idea of being helpless and too vulnerable to do anything...

Rodrick's attention quickly snapped to the sound of the door opening. He watched as each seventh year from three out of four of the houses entered. He mostly only recognised the Slytherins really.

"So, what's this big surprise?" Farley questioned.

Rodrick grinned, as he indicated the seats.

One Seventh year Ravenclaw frowned, "Why'd you bring us to this third year?" Penelope Clearwater questioned, her gaze locked onto Farley.

"Problem?" Rodrick questioned with a raised eyebrow.

The girl in question turned towards the third year. "Yes as a-"

"Feel free to leave," Rodrick spoke over the girl.

Penelope narrowed her eyes at the words before raising her head and turning on her heel, heading straight through the door.

Farley stared at the retreating girl before turning back to Rodrick with a frown. "Why'd you do that? You know how hard it was to get her to come here?"

Rodrick shrugged, "I told you, I don't want this getting back to Gryffindor,"

Some of the Hufflepuffs shifted uncomfortably at the words. While a light of understanding seemed to seep into the Slytherins, even Farley looked momentarily abashed.

"I don't have all day, if you have any problem please make them known now," Rodrick started.

The moment he saw another Ravenclaw about to protest, Rodrick continued.

"You can make them known by exiting through that door." Rodrick lazily pointed towards the exit.

The same Ravenclaw twitched, "You're lucky your stunt last month's too valuable to give up,"

Rodrick's eyes lit up at the words, "I am so glad to find a Ravenclaw smart enough to figure that out,"

"Figure what out?" One of the Hufflepuffs questioned.

Rodrick smiled, "If you don't play along with me, I don't bother involving you,"


"He means no invitation to the NEWT Revision sessions, you know, the ones led by our house?" Flint answered, a smirk on his face.


"Speaking of NEWTs, I take it everyone's breezing through them? The Professors seem to think so," Rodrick questioned.

Seeing the sudden looks of distaste gave him his answer.

"Hold that thought," Rodrick grinned. "How would you all like to get back at all said professors?" He started off, amused to see a mischievous light enter most of the seventh years, surprisingly including some Hufflepuffs. "You know, for the hell, they've put all of you through..."

He had the room's full attention at that. Though he knew it would take a while before his plans would come to fruition, he sorely looked forward to the day it happened... And from ecstatic look on Flint's face and amused expressions on the rest of the Slytherins. The intrigued looks on the Ravenclaws faces, no doubt wishing to test their skill against the professors. And of course, the extremely uncomfortable looks on the Hufflepuffs meant it was going to be one incredible day.


Several days later, Rodrick called his friends over to the same room. It had taken some time but the seventh year Hufflepuffs had come around. If only because they're only other option involved breaking even more rules. All's fair in war but apparently, Hufflepuffs didn't think that was a good enough reason to jinx or hex a few wizards... Unlike Diggory, the first Hufflepuff Rodrick actually found himself growing respect for... His vocabulary of insults was almost Slytherin worthy. Luna had surprised him with that bit of information. It was the main reason he was willing to include him in his plans.

Merlin knew how difficult it would be to get the rest of the Hufflepuffs to agree to a three on one against Gryffindor, best let them think it was a free for all. A free for all, where Ravenclaw and Slytherin were going to team up and thrash everyone else. The seventh years only knew they're part, he had no intention of letting any of them try to sabotage his plans.

"Ok seriously, what have you been planning?" Nott questioned forcefully, they'd been left in the dark for too long.

Rodrick rolled his eyes before raising an eyebrow at Malfoy.

Malfoy slapped Nott across the head with a grin.

"Not what I meant..." Rodrick chuckled, amused to see Nott take his wand out and start throwing hexes at Malfoy.

Daphne shook her head before taking a seat beside Rodrick, Tracey taking the other.

"Where's Tori?" Luna questioned as she entered the room, ducking under one of Nott's spells.

Blaise came in after, in an attempt to copy the blonde, he was hit by a tripping jinx from Malfoy.

Rodrick snorted.

It took about 20 minutes before everyone actually calmed down enough to focus. Astoria had turned up with a large bowl filled with what looked suspiciously like Sherbet Lemons. Rodrick was sat at the head of the circle, his friends making up the rest. Malfoy on the opposite side. Blaise to Daphne's right, Nott to Tracey's left. Luna and Astoria both, for some reason, decided to take a seat on the floor in the middle... Everyone else decided to take a chair.

"Where on earth did you get that?" Rodrick questioned, he could've sworn that was Dumbledores own bowl.

"The headmaster has been really nice ever since Valentine's day," Luna answered with a smile.

"Anyway..." Malfoy drawled, "Can we get on with this?"

Rodrick rolled his eyes. "Right, right,"

"I take it you calling us here means the seventh years are on board?" Blaise questioned.

Malfoy furrowed his brows, "On board with what?"

"I've said it once, I'll say it again, he intends to mock the entire school system," Daphne answered.

Tracey nodded her head. "And no, the house cup isn't the only thing she means,"

Nott frowned before sharing a glance with Malfoy. "Why haven't we been told?"

Malfoy simply stared at Astoria and Luna, "Don't tell me even they know?"

"Know what?" Luna questioned, tilting her head to the side.

Malfoy breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think they're talking about the last Quidditch match," Astoria added on.

Malfoy twitched before avoiding the urge to glare at Grindelwald.

Nott had an intrigued look on his face, "Quidditch?"

Rodrick nodded.

"You intend to show up?" Nott questioned.

Rodrick nodded this time with a smile on his face.

That was enough to send a look of horror over the lanky Slytherins face.

"Oh, Merlin what are you planning to do?"

Rodrick grinned.

"Do I have to keep repeating myself?" Daphne questioned, staring at Tracey who simply shook her head laughing.

"Will you just tell us already!?" Malfoy questioned exasperated.

"I've already told Daphne, Tracey, Blaise, Luna and Astoria... Wonder whose missing..." Rodrick mused.

Malfoy took a deep breath in. Too much twitching was bad for one's face.

Nott was not amused.

"Seriously why haven't you told us yet?"

"There are some conditions..."

"They don't get any?"

"I have no worries about their ability to obey orders," Rodrick deadpanned, earning two affronted slaps to the back of his head.

"What conditions?" Malfoy questioned.

Rodrick turned towards Nott, "I need you to work with Diggory."

Nott blanched, "Why?"

"I want Hufflepuff,"

"You want Hufflepuff?" Malfoy questioned with a sneer, "Why?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"It's Hufflepuff..."

"It's also one-quarter of the future potential Ministry of magic employees," Astoria remarked, nodding her head with each word.

"The eleven-year-old gets it and Malfoy doesn't," Blaise scoffed.

"12 out of 64," Malfoy deadpanned back, bringing up Blaise's most recent History result.

"That was low," Blaise frowned, affronted.

"Yes. Yes, it was," Malfoy added on.

"Blaise's inability to do History aside, how does me working with Diggory get you Hufflepuff exactly?" Nott questioned.

"Strictly speaking, I am giving you Hufflepuff, I just control it through you," Rodrick answered.

Nott frowned, "Why not take it over yourself?"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the question, looking around, he realised the other's were just as clueless. Even the two on the floor were staring at him, wondering what his reason was.

"It's pretty simple if you think about it." Rodrick started, "If one person controlled all four houses, he's the prime target for everyone,"

Blaise's eyes lit up with understanding. "Right, right. In other words, if say you controlled Slytherin, Nott had Hufflepuff..." Blaise stopped there for a second before turning towards Luna, "Lovegood takes Ravenclaw..." A smirk quickly took over the boy's face as he turned to Malfoy. "Potter takes Gryffindor."

Draco sneered at the words.

Daphne turned towards Blaise, "And?" she prompted.

"If someone decides to go against Grindy here," Blaise started with an amused glint in his eye, "They would likely go to one of the other four houses."

"Which I would know about thanks to you," Rodrick nodded before locking gazes with Blaise. "Call me Grindy again and I'll turn you into a History book,"

"A blank one," Nott scoffed.

Ignoring both, Blaise continued, "If Rodrick was the only one in control, it'd be difficult to keep track of potential Backstabbers."

"Can you trust Potter though?" Malfoy questioned with an incredulous look on his face.

Rodrick nodded, "To a certain extent, realistically, taking over Gryffindor myself is quite frankly impossible regardless."

The words seemed to mollify the blonde somewhat. "But why Potter?"

"You prefer Weasley?" Nott questioned amused.

"Of course not!" Malfoy scoffed.

"Think it's about time you told them," Daphne remarked from beside Rodrick.

Rodrick nodded, "So can you guys play along?" he questioned.

"Yea, as if we could say no..." Nott answered.


"Malfoy?" Rodrick questioned.

It took a few moments before the blonde sighed, He hasn't made a bad move yet...

"What do I have to do?" Malfoy questioned.

"Play nice with Potter." Rodrick started.


"Next year," Rodrick added on.

"Next year?" Daphne suddenly questioned surprised.

"I have my reasons," Rodrick muttered.

Malfoy stared at Rodrick for a few moments before nodding slightly. "If he annoys me I am hexing him."

"Don't worry," Rodrick chuckled, "If either of you annoys me, you'll spend a night in the chamber of secrets."

Malfoy frowned. "It better be a good reason..." He spoke to himself.

Rodrick narrowed his eyes slightly before composing himself. Draco had been acting strangely himself, he idly wondered if Lucius' own peculiar actions were starting to take a toll on the Malfoy heir. It seemed without his father's attention, Draco was slowly starting to feel awkward when dealing with any problems he came across. He hadn't heard Malfoy threaten to tell his father in months. It was sobering really. He was starting to see a glimpse of what Draco Malfoy was really like.

"So?" Nott questioned.

"Right," Rodrick grinned. "As you already know, Gryffindor has managed to win every Quidditch match so far..."

Nott raised an eyebrow at the words but kept quiet.

Tracey sighed, "If they win they're next one they're guaranteed to take the cup..."

"If they lose, we still have a chance..." Nott added on. "Of course that's assuming we win our own game..."

"Against Hufflepuff?" Malfoy scoffed, "Might as well just give us the points."

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "Anyway, seeing as Gryffindor aren't likely to lose to Ravenclaw through a fair game, we might as well give the birds an advantage..."

Nott's eyes lit up at the words, "What sort of advantage?"

Rodrick chuckled, "Oh nothing too obvious, we'll simply sabotage that game in every sense of the word,"

Malfoy cheered up significantly at the words.

"Which is why he needed the Seventh years," Daphne added on, shaking her head. "He asked them to make sure the teacher's stands were completely warded with runes preventing the professors from interfering."

"Would that really work?" Nott questioned.

"They have two months to prepare, if it fails then they really haven't learnt much," Rodrick answered.


As everyone else made to leave the room, Rodrick watched as Daphne stayed until she was last.

Rodrick locked the classroom door with a charm before proceeding to remove the transfiguration on his face.

"I can't wait until I stop relying on that," Rodrick remarked shaking his head.

Daphne raised an eyebrow before placing a hand on the boy's forehead.


"You don't look well," She clarified, before removing her hand.

"That's one way to put it I suppose..."

"So, any reason you decided to lock the door?" She questioned amused.

"Not really," Rodrick answered before taking a wand out and transfiguring two chairs into a couch.

"I am not sure your allowed to do that," Daphne chuckled.

"Yes, because I am such a model student,"

"Quite a few people look up to you, you know."

"Quite a few people look up to Lockhart, it doesn't mean much."

Daphne relaxed onto the couch.

"What's up with you anyway, you've been getting more stressed than usual... And that's not even taking account your sudden mood change last month either,"

Rodrick hummed along to the girl.

"Where do I even start?"

"That depends on what you want to tell me,"

"Which depends on what you want to know,"

Daphne's expression turned a little softer before she turned to face the other. "What's got you stressed?"

"Astoria's birthday's in 10 days..."

Daphne's eyes widened at the words, "Then..."

Rodrick nodded, "It should be then..."

Daphne stared at the boy before frowning, "You'll be fine? Right?"

Rodrick blinked before shrugging.


"Who knows?"

Clear worry swept over the girls face at that, "If it's too dangerous then..." Daphne looked down unsure of what to say.

"I am sure it'll be fine."

Daphne sighed, "Maybe next year might be better..."

Rodrick shook his head, "No next year's going to be stressful enough as it is..."

Daphne raised an eyebrow at the words, "Have you had another vision?"

Rodrick nodded, "Not about that... I will say this though, I have an idea of whose probably going to be picked next year."

Daphne nodded, "Potter?"

Rodrick's eyes widened a little in surprise before chuckling, "Good guess,"

"My other one was you,"

"Another good guess."

Daphne raised an eyebrow at the boy, Rodrick simply hummed along to something she didn't recognise causing her to roll her eyes.

The two set into another small silence, Daphne idly started playing with his hair for some reason.

"You know, I never really put much thought into it but..." Daphne started.


"Your hairs pretty weird."

Rodrick blinked, "What?"

"Well, it's mostly black but you can clearly see some blonde in there..."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the words, "I never really thought about it,"

Daphne scoffed, "Yes, you rarely see it considering you're always hiding your actual face."

Rodrick shrugged at the words before changing his position, laying his head on the girl's lap.

"I don't think the professors would approve,"

"Black would," Rodrick grinned staring up at the girl.

Daphne rolled her eyes before relaxing her back onto the sofa. One hand going through the boy's hair, before pulling a blonde strand.

"See," She chuckled, letting the strand fall over one of his eyes.

"Ha ha,"Rodrick drawled, before brushing the strand away.

"What was your vision about?"

The question quickly sending Rodrick into a sombre mood.

"Nothing good..."

Daphne frowned at the words, watching as Rodrick quickly got up, "What do you mean?"

"That's just it, nothing good... Not good at all."

"Have you shown the headmaster?"

Rodrick shook his head.


"It involves him."

Daphne's eyes widened, "What did you see?"

Rodrick stared at the girl before sighing, "I saw the end of the war,"


Rodrick nodded somberly. "It wasn't a pretty sight."

"Did you?" She started before stopping herself unable to consider it.

Rodrick, to her relief, shook his head.

"But I wouldn't have wanted to survive there either,"

Daphne stared at the boy as she took in the words, a feeling of dread slowly taking hold. "What do you mean?"

Rodrick looked down for a second, the moment he was about to say anything, however.

"No, don't tell me."

Rodrick blinked in surprise before turning to face the girl, "Why?"

"I don't want to give it any more credit then it deserves," She answered raising her head, before chuckling. "If you don't like it, change it,"

Rodrick however simply stared at the girl, "How would I do that, if I don't know what I should change?"

"I am sure you'll figure something out, and if you can't, there's nothing wrong with asking for help..." She answered.

"No I suppose not," He replied back, a small smile in place.

"Just don't ask Fudge," she added on, "Mother says he's incompetent,"

Rodrick let out a laugh. "Black just calls him an idiot,"

"Yes, well Purebloods are raised to be dignified,"

"Daphne, Black is a pureblood,"

"Don't tell him that,"


The last 5 days before Easter, as well as Astoria's birthday, were perhaps the most stressed Rodrick had ever been, He knew the headmaster was already preparing a room for it. He'd been informed of the sort of protections and enchantments the man intended to put in place before allowing him the chance to attempt to cure an ancient curse. Not that it really made a difference, it wasn't extracting that was the problem...

He knew who was going to be around in case anything went off. The head of houses, Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey and of course Astoria's parents.

Rodrick sighed as he stared down at the potion's book, he'd been planning to spend the last couple of days in the library to brush up on anything he might've missed. His friends weren't anywhere in sight, He'd asked for the privacy to focus. However, as he looked at the words he sighed. He'd gone over the passages enough times to have memorised them. Reading it over didn't really change anything. He'd wanted to attempt the extraction of another feather, however, he neither had it nor did he want to risk going into a coma. With his luck, it'd last just long enough for Easter to pass. Sure it was unlikely but it wouldn't have been the first coma he'd gone through.

Rodrick turned to his bag, there wasn't really anything he could gain out of rereading different passages regarding extraction, nor did he have any intention of attempting to learn any other chapter in the book. He reached a hand into his bag and stiffened as he felt his fingers grasp the book of Hollows. He held it there for a few seconds, contemplating whether he should or shouldn't attempt to have a read of it, slowly he removed the book out of his bag and stared at the image of the items on the cover. He let out a sigh. Even that was likely too risky-

"Rodrick?" Another's voice called out to him.

Rodrick blinked before turning to the source and finding Harry Potter standing behind him.

"Harry?" Rodrick questioned bemused. "Why on earth are you in the library?" He questioned amused However the expression on the wizard's face was disconcerting, to say the least.

"Rodrick, what is that?" Harry questioned as he stared at the book.

Understanding quickly dawned on him as he turned back to stare at the book of Hollows. "Uh... No idea..." he remarked, quickly putting the book back into his bag.

Harry didn't move, he stared at the bag in general before finally, to Rodrick's relief, he shrugged and took a seat beside the boy.

"It looked familiar," Harry added on.

Rodrick narrowed his eyes slightly. "Really?"

Harry nodded, "I don't know why though..."

Rodrick shrugged, "Probably imagining things,"

Harry frowned, "Strange thing to imagine don't you think?"

Rodrick was slowly turning uncomfortable on the subject, "I doubt you would've seen this anywhere else Potter,"

Harry raised an eyebrow at the boy, "Back to Potter?"

Rodrick blinked before shaking his head, "Just a little tense really,"


"I am talking to a Gryffindor in public,"

Harry rolled his eyes, "Besides that,"

"I am plotting world domination,"

Harry stared incredulously at the Slytherin in front of him, "Really?"

"Yea, Black's helping me do it,"

Harry sighed, "Very funny,"

"No, no I am serious, were considering hiring Lockhart for Public relations, fact-checking, you know the usual, has to be legitimate and all,"


"Madam Pomfrey will be secretary of defence. I reckon she'd like that,"

Harry sighed.

"McGonagall will be a prison warden for all my enemies."

Harry simply waited for the boy to finish.

"I am leaving Malfoy in charge of our dealings with the muggles,"

"Seriously?" Harry couldn't help himself.

"I am leaving Neville in charge of our Potions department."

"Really, I figured you'd deal with that part,"

"No, no, the person in charge doesn't actually work you see,"

"And who put you in charge?"


Harry snorted. "What does Dumbledore think of all this?"

"Oh he doesn't know, I am planning to have him put into a retirement home under Kreacher's gentle care,"

"Right..." Harry remarked.

"Snape will be in charge of Education,"

Harry scoffed.

"Hey, he is a professional teacher," Rodrick defended, nodding his head in certainty.

"Where do I stand in all this?"

"You don't, I am having you shipped off to Australia,"

"Why on earth would I go there?"

"Voldemort can't swim, you'll be safe there,"


"You're very welcome,"

Harry Potter simply stared at the boy, "So what's the book about anyway?"

"Goddamit Potter,"

Harry grinned, "Not that easy, Grindy,"

Rodrick stunned him, before disappearing under an invisibility charm.

Harry, stunned, watched as Rodrick returned with a book that looked like it belonged in the restricted section and promptly placed it in front of him and left him there. Stunned. It really didn't help that he was supposedly the only one that could somehow see through his invisibility charm.

"Bye," Rodrick idly waved as he left the library, a cheerful smile on his face.

Staring ahead at the retreating Grindelwald and approaching Madam Pince. Harry Potter contemplated the shoot first think later Ideology. It didn't help that the stunner had coincidently vanished the moment Pince had reached him. He lost 30 points for taking a book out of the restricted section without permission.

Sometimes he really didn't like Grindelwald.


Rodrick stood outside the infirmary wing, staring at the locked door. He surveyed the wing as he entered, he spotted each head of house, Dumbledore and of course Astoria's parents. Astoria herself was currently sat upright on one of the infirmary wings, Cyrus on one side, Roxanne on the other. Dumbledore looked to still be busy adding additional enchantments to the bed. Snape had a passive expression on his face, when he noticed him he simply gave him a curt nod, he was on a seat on the opposite side of the wing. Minerva was the first to walk up to him, with what he assumed was a proud and somewhat worried look gracing her features. Fillius was helping the headmaster add charm after charm surrounding Astoria's bed.

"Are you ready?" Minerva questioned.

Rodrick simply nodded, it was now or never really. He walked towards Astoria with a determined look on his face. Roxanne quickly got up from her own seat, grabbing him into a hug, startling him somewhat.

"Are you sure?" she asked as she let go.

Again Rodrick simply nodded before he turned towards Astoria.

"Hell of a birthday present don't you think?" He questioned with a grin.

Astoria blinked at the words before she grinned.

Rodrick took his wand out. To his surprise, the headmaster was quiet, he watched as the man put his wand away before moving towards the bed.

"Rodrick, it is not to-"

Rodrick raised a hand, "Time isn't going any slower headmaster, were stretched thin as it is,"

The only man who seemed to understand the words beside the headmaster was Snape to his surprise.

"Very well. If you feel it growing too dangerous I want you to promise to stop at that very moment,"

Rodrick simply nodded, "I am making no promises whatsoever Headmaster," Before he turned towards Astoria.

Dumbledore sighed. Snape snorted. It was surreal.

Cyrus was simply staring at him, he couldn't really read the man's expression. Though he could see hints of worry in his eyes. Worry and hope.

Rodrick took another deep breath before nodding. "Ready," Raising his wand, Rodrick aimed it at Astoria.



Rodrick blinked a few times, trying to get his vision sorted out. Everything had just gone white all of a sudden. The only thing he could remember was the dark red coloured haze that had been extracted, he could still hear Dumbledore's voice calling out to him before the cursed energy had decided to latch itself onto him. He hadn't felt a thing. He'd simply blacked out and woke up here.

As he took in his surroundings he sighed, it was the dream world he'd used to go to before his grandfather's death. He wasn't sure how he'd almost forgotten about it completely. It was the same blank state, nothing to see for miles on end. And then it occurred to him...

"Where are the bloody mirrors?" He murmured to himself.

He hadn't expected to hear a response.

"This is not your world Mr Grindelwald," Answered a voice behind him.

Rodrick turned on the spot at the voice, his wand already outstretched in his hand, aimed at the stranger.

The man chuckled at the reaction. "Calm yourself,"

Rodrick blinked as he stared at the middle-aged looking man before him. short red hair covered the man's head, a trimmed beard followed. The man was dressed in a red suit out of its time. An amused smile gracing his face.

Rodrick narrowed his eyes, "Who are you? And why am I here?" About to ask a third when the stranger in front of him raised a hand.

"I am sure you will find out exactly who I am in mere moments if you follow me. You are in my world as it was because you are not the only one capable of replicating this wonderful piece of magic, I simply invited you in,"

Rodrick had a confused expression on his face, "You really expect me to follow you when you won't even tell me your name?"

The man's face did not change, he merely smiled. "If you wish to leave, feel free to, though I would advise against it. Your body is currently going through what are understandable repercussions for absorbing cursed magic. Very powerful cursed magic. And also very painful,"

Rodrick blinked before lowering his wand. "So I am not dead?"

The man, in turn, raised an amused eyebrow, "Of course not, believe me, you'll know when you're dead,"

"Right..." Rodrick muttered warily, "Am I in a coma?"

The man shook his head, "No I don't imagine you are, I believe you'll be fine soon enough... Well, you'll be awake in any case,"

"Does that depend on how long this takes?"

"Not at all,"

Rodrick shrugged before putting his wand away and walking towards the man. His eyes idly darting around as they watched the scene surrounding them unfold.

"Are you death?" Rodrick questioned.

The man shook his head, "No I am merely a former owner of the artefact around your neck,"

"Are you Nicholas Flamel?" The sudden question took the man by surprise. He let out a chuckle before shaking his head.

"You have a Horcrux," Rodrick stated passively.

The man stopped in his tracks immediately. Turning towards the boy slowly. Before he could let out a word, the teen before spoke up.

"This is your Horcrux," He pointed a finger towards the necklace around his neck.

The man couldn't even find the words for a reaction, simply staring at the child in front of him. "How? From those simple questions..."

Rodrick shrugged, "I guess a lot," he remarked as if it explained everything.

"Guess?" The man furrowed his brows.

"You're not Nicholas Flamel but you're old enough to be the former owner of this," he remarked pointing towards his necklace. "Before my grandfather," he added on, a glint in his eye. "Dumbledore didn't even know it existed, and you claim to be older than him. Besides, my grandfather wouldn't have let you live if you'd owned this, there were likely a few people between you and him..."

"So you guessed I had a Horcrux." The man remarked.

Rodrick nodded, "Your reaction confirmed it."

"How did you know it was the necklace?"

"Grandfather told me that this spell." Rodrick raised his hands around indicating the changing landscape, though it seemed to have slowed down, before continuing "Was based on blood magic, there should be no way you could interact with me unless you happen to either have his blood running through you or had blood magic performed on you, which in your case would be your Horcrux, I know for a fact that grandfather had drenched this necklace in that,"

"But it was still only a guess," The man simply muttered, rather irritated at his lack of subtlety.

Rodrick cheerfully nodded, "You did a wonderful of job of confirming them,"

The man sighed before simply focusing his magic. "I am rather glad you decided to stick around, I doubt very much I will see you again after this,"

Rodrick let out a sigh, "If I'd known that, I might have actually left," He remarked.

The man chuckled, "Yes your distaste for the book is quite amusing,"

Rodrick furrowed his brows, "You know about tha-" before sighing, stupid Horcrux.

"I wouldn't try to destroy it if I were you," The man added on warily.

Rodrick contemplated that course of action before shuddering, "Why do I suddenly feel like that is the worst thing I could ever do?"

"Death has that effect on people," The man idly remarked.

"Right... So who are you? And what are you trying to show me?" He questioned, trying to pin the location they were in to no avail. "Also why now?"

The man rubbed his chin before reaching into his pocket.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before hints of dread settled into his stomach. The man had taken out a small book before enlarging it to reveal the book of Hollows.

"Seriously, you just want me to read the stupid book?"

The man nodded once, "Though how you are here is entirely your fault,"

Rodrick blinked, "What are you talking about?"

The man stared out before a small smile took over his features, "If you repeat something enough times, there are certain times when it turns into a true vow. Words are a lot more powerful then one realises."

Rodrick crossed his arms before it dawned on him. "Damn... I didn't realise it could work like that," he sighed. How many times had he postponed the book thanks to Astoria... Almost believing he'd start on it once she'd been cured...

A small smile graced his face, "So she's cured?"

The man shrugged, "I wouldn't know,"

Rodrick stared at the man incredulously before shaking his head. "So just because I kept on saying or meaning something over and over again-"

The man simply cut him over, nodding, "Yes. Magic surprisingly can do that,"

Then it dawned on Rodrick, "Is that how magical holidays and the like work, and the number seven?"

The man once again nodded, "Though that isn't entirely the wizard's fault, as even the muggles believe in them,"

Rodrick blinked at the words, clear surprise on his face. "I don't know why I never even considered that..."

The man nodded, "If you wish to understand how the magical holidays work, do not look for what their intended purpose is... look for how the world feels towards them,"

Rodrick contemplated the words before a frown took over... "That's a lot to take in..." He thought thinking of his own feelings regarding the famous holidays... Not at all what one should feel to such joyous occasions. As he took in the man before him, he realised he was being given advice... Odd.

"So you just want me to read the book? Or your tale?"

The man stared a for a second longer than necessary before once again nodding.

"Are you trapped?" Rodrick questioned curiously.

The shadow of a smile seemed to light upon the man's face, "You could say that..." He remarked before turning away. Facing ahead as the scenery finally finished changing.

Rodrick furrowed his brows as he took in the strange pathway. When he turned to question the man he found no one in sight.

"I suppose this is faster compared to simply reading it..." Rodrick remarked to no one in particular. He focused his eyes on the four figures slowly walking the pathway. At the back, his eyes widened when they spotted the familiar looking red hair. He looked to be a teen, however, and clearly the youngest of the four.

He watched as the four slowly came upon a small crossing, missing the bridge. The river looked rather rough however what grabbed his attention was the subtle hints of magic in place. Someone had cursed the river... Placed a condition over it. When he turned back to the four brothers he found them squabbling amongst each other though he, unfortunately, couldn't make any sense of the words.

The eldest brother was the first to attempt to cross, from what he could tell, the man didn't seem to want to work with the others... Or perhaps it was more out of pride that he'd wanted to solve it himself.

Regardless, he failed.

The second brother followed, unfortunately receiving the same result and then the third had his turn.

Before long it was the youngest turn, however unlike the others and surprisingly enough to Rodrick who could finally make out the words for once. The stranger asked them all to help him. Finally succeeding in creating a bridge to cross over the cursed river. As the four crossed over, Rodrick watched as the youngest fell back in step, his eyes glazed over as he stared at a necklace dangling off a tree.

The scenery quickly changed the moment the youngest had picked up and put on the cursed Hollow. Rodrick found himself in what looked like a basement, to his surprise and shock he'd suddenly heard a voice right beside him. He found the youngest brother, only this time he was hidden under an invisibility charm. Further ahead in the room, the oldest was working away on something.

'If only he'd let me help... I know what's missing...'

Rodrick heard the voice echo around the room, was the stranger willingly showing him his thoughts? Or was it simply because the book had contained all of them? How did the book even get any of the knowledge? A small frown took over when he looked down at the necklace. Perhaps it was from there...

Turning his attention back up, Rodrick walked towards the eldest, curious as to what the man was trying to accomplish before his eyes widened in shock. For their laid on the table was a wand eerily similar to the elder wand.

The scenery once again changed after that reveal, this time, however, Rodrick felt the tension rise as he took in his surroundings. He was in a graveyard... Ahead of him lay a grave. The words Antioch Peverell instilled into the stone.

Behind him stood the youngest Peverell brother, a look of anguish on his face.

"Why... Why now... The moment we get close to finishing the wand... You just leave..."

A stream of information quickly flew into Rodrick's head at the words, the man's brother had apparently died in an accident... What accident it was, he didn't know. Though the wizard before him looked angered.

Once again Rodrick fought off the nauseating feeling as the world around him warped. This time he found himself in a rather large room, filtered with all kinds of books, however, his attention lay in front of him as he stared at the second eldest and the youngest brother interact over something.

"You really think it would work?" The second eldest questioned.

The youngest simply nodding as he held the elder wand out in front of the strange object.

Rodrick turned his attention towards the table and found a stone.

"We'll find out who killed him," The youngest voice reverberated across the room as the room quickly disappeared.

Rodrick once again found himself standing in the middle of the graveyard, only this time, he found two graves instead of the one. The words Cadmus Peverell etched into the second stone.

"He got you too..." The youngest remarked mournfully, resigned to the loss of another brother.

Rodrick turned at the sound footsteps, finding the third brother at the entrance to the graveyard. A look of anger, shock and most of all of fear as he gazed at his younger brother.

That was the last thing he could remember before everything disappeared and Rodrick found himself in the blank void once again. The stranger right beside him.

"Do you understand?" The stranger questioned staring ahead.

"Were you under control?"

The man simply nodded.

"The Hollow?"

Once again the man simply nodded, "Gifts of death require death itself to create, however, I had not known what had been going on, merely urged to create the Hollows using any means necessary. By the time I'd come to, my brothers were all dead,"

"What did you do?"

The man let off a mirthless chuckle, "I was angry and stupid and disillusioned by power. I was meddling with things I did not understand..." The man seemed to stop for a second before turning to gaze at Rodrick. "You must understand, the Hollows must always exist. While the three items you have seen can be recreated, the necklace surrounding your neck cannot. And One Must always exist, no matter what,"

"You tried to destroy it?" Rodrick questioned, inwardly sighing, if the first three Hollows could be recreated then that likely meant they'd existed long before the man before him had created them... Just how many people had failed its goal and suffered?

"One doesn't try to destroy death's gifts without consequence,"

"What happen?" Rodrick questioned.

"To this day, I still am not sure what had occurred. One moment I had been aiming the elder wand at the cursed thing and the next I was on the opposite side of a crossing. Awaiting my former brothers,"


"I was removed from history. That was the price I'd paid,"

Rodrick gulped down something vile at the words... "I take it you're responsible for the lack of information regarding this necklace then?"

The man nodded, "However at the time I had possessed all four Hollows, it was where my second mistake had come. You see, I sought to reward my brothers, to give them what they'd all sought to create and so... I took death's mantle and rewarded their efforts for passing the curse."

"You gave away the Hollows?"

The man chuckled, "Death was none too pleased about it, I had been the first person in centuries to have managed to collect all four and I'd given them away out of spite,"

Rodrick merely listened in.

"I was bound to this necklace for what I had done, I cannot pass on to the next life until the Hollows are returned, That was the price I had to pay... Not that the Hollows had helped my brothers all that much..." The stranger added on mournfully. "Death is not an entity you wish to displease Mr Grindelwald,"

Rodrick ignored the second remark, "Was my grandfather cursed?"

A smile lit up on the mans face at the question, "Your grandfather is perhaps the craziest, most obnoxious wizard I have ever had the pleasure of watching,"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the words, "Why?"

"The man sought to submit the Hollow to himself, so that none may use its powers against him. At first, he'd simply made it impossible to remove the Hollow from his possession,"

"His punishment?"

"Forever cursed to failure," The man remarked uneasily.

Rodrick didn't flinch, it certainly explained how such a powerful wizard could have lost, an even more powerful entity had been involved it seemed. Besides when compared to getting cursed to failure, accidentally murdering your own brothers to create a stick, stone and cloak was quite frankly worse. He couldn't imagine living all those years with something like that on his conscious...

"However, he wasn't one to take it lightly..." The stranger added on with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"For while Death may have cursed him to failure, your grandfather retaliated by using Blood magic, effectively forcing the Hollow to forever follow his bloodline alone,"

"So you're saying..." Rodrick started off barely holding in his amusement.

"Yes, your grandfather, in essence, threw the curse right back at Death's face, for while Gellert Grindelwald was cursed to fail, so would the Hollows with him. As one of those amusing red head's might've put it, your grandfather pranked Death."

Rodrick watched as the world slowly distorted, he knew he was about to wake up at any moment, he turned towards the stranger and asked his last question.

"Why did you want to show me all that?"

The man simply stared ahead, "I wish for you to return the hollows back to their home, I feared you would not find interest in my story unless presented to you... I cannot pass on to the rest of my family until you finish Death's task. I fear even your grandfather's curse may not lift until then either."

Rodrick crossed his arms about to speak.

"I cannot offer you anything Mr Grindelwald but advice. I recommend getting free of that Hollow as soon as you can, it is without a doubt the most dangerous artefact you will ever come acros,"

"You want me to take it off?" Rodrick questioned amused.

The man shook his head, "I am afraid it won't be that easy..."

"If I return it to it's home, the Horcrux part gets lifted?" Rodrick questioned confused.

The man simply gave off a wane smile, "One can only hope."


Rodrick stared up ahead at the ceiling in the hospital wing. He found himself in, 'I did pass out...' He found each professor or parent staring at him, Pomfrey had a worried look on her face while Cyrus Greengrass had a grateful one. The man was situated by his now cured Daughter who was fitfully sleeping away as if nothing had occurred. It was then he felt himself getting pulled into a hug by Roxanne. The woman was saying something he couldn't hear, his hearing still wasn't back to normal, though he could slowly make out more sound with each second.

Dumbledore had a passive expression on his face as he looked towards him. Rodrick gave him a wink. The man's expression almost broke. Severus Snape was in the back lazily relaxed into a chair. McGonagall and Flitwick were soundly conversing with each other, he assumed it was regarding him, he couldn't lip read.

Roxanne finally gave him some room to breathe and he found himself suddenly being gawked at, it took a few moments before he realised they must've asked him a question.

"I have no idea what any of you have just said," Rodrick deadpanned.

"Told you he couldn't hear anything," McGonagall remarked with an amused smile towards Flitwick.

Filius merely shook his head before he walked up towards Rodrick, earning a raised eyebrow.

"I must say, quite a splendid job that was, truly well done," The professor remarked shaking his hand.

"I believe some points are in order," Rodrick heard Snape suddenly remark. McGonagall rolled her eyes.

Dumbledore was staring at him with a twinkle in his eye, however before anyone could say a word regarding Snape's obsession with house points. The door to the wing was suddenly thrust open, revealing Sirius Black, the man had an irritated look gracing his face. An expression that seemed to break the peaceful moment earlier.

"Professor Black, is there a problem?" Dumbledore questioned cautiously.

Sirius Black raised an eyebrow at the number of people but shrugged it off, "Crouch's outside waiting to enter the castle, says he wants to see you first,"

Dumbledore frowned, "Crouch? Again?" He remarked exasperatedly.

"If this is about returning the Dementors again..." McGonagall remarked dangerously, her eyes setting Sirius Black's stomach in dread.

That was the first Rodrick had heard of it, he frowned realising how little attention he had been paying the previous days...

Sirius Black moved into the wing slowly, "I am not sure what he's here for, I don't think it's about dementors..." Black failed to mention the fact that the man had set him on edge...

Dumbledore contemplated the words before the slightest dip of his head occurred, "Well, keeping him waiting will hardly do any good," The old man remarked tired, though there was a peaceful look on the man's face. To say he was surprised that Rodrick had managed to cure an ancient curse was an understatement... The small part of his mind telling him how dangerous that made the boy was quickly ignored as he turned to make his way to meet the man at his doorstep.

"Rodrick when you are feeling able, make your way to my office," Rodrick heard the headmaster idly mention as he left the wing.

Black simply stared at all the assembled adults and the two students in bed. "What is all this anyway?"

Snape sneered, "If you had paid attention as a Professor you might have a clue as to what's going on,"


"Enough," McGonagall's voice whipped through the air. The two wizards simply glared at one another. 'Honestly, its been more than a decade,'

Rodrick had a surprised look on his face at the revelation of who Snivelus was.

"So," Sirius started, "What'd Grindelwald do this time?" He questioned amused.

Rodrick had a straight face on as he turned to Madam Pomfrey, "You already knew? Right?"


Crouch stared at the entrance, waiting impatiently for the old man to show up, 'Honestly, how long does he think he can take?' The senior looking man adjusted his tie ignoring any and all noises. It wasn't that difficult, he could always just turn off the irritating noise, but he didn't think the other would like that all much... Such a shame, things had changed so much... All the power they'd had before... The 'man' shook his head as he finally saw the headmaster approaching. Placing on a tight smile, Crouch greeted the headmaster.

"You wished to see me?" Dumbledore questioned amiably.

Crouch nodded, "And don't worry it's not about dementors."

A twinkle appeared in Dumbledores eyes as he turned around, idly wondering what Crouch wante-

"It's about Grindelwald,"

Dumbledore momentarily froze before he continued walking. "Perhaps we can wait until we are in my office?" Grateful there was no one else in sight.

There was a smile on the man's face as he watched the headmaster lead the way. It was but moments later before Bellatrix Lestrange entered Hogwarts, escorted by the headmaster himself.

'I still think this is a stupid idea,'

'Shut up Crouch,'

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


