70% A Gamers Guide to Conquest, Remastered / Chapter 7: The Midnight Suns

章 7: The Midnight Suns

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.
Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old Man of the Mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent, Mike, God of Lore and Beans

The Gamer's Guide to Conquest, Remastered
Chapter 07: Midnight Suns

– Kuro Tepes –

"You know, I figured this was about Vladdy Daddy, what with the wanna-be vampire hunter over there," I admit, getting an unamused look from Blade as I lounge on the couch of the ye olde manor Blade led me to.

The old woman standing in front of me with a highly unamused expression just stares at me, and for some unknown reason I get the feeling she doesn't like me.

"But you guys know I don't even know who my mom is, right?" I continue, seeing the shock and confusion on their faces.

The cute goth girl with the staff looks almost sorry for me. Hello Nico Minoru, wielder of the staff of one. Pinky promise I won't steal your fancy staff. The blonde with the big sword gives me a suspicious and angry look, and you must be Illyana Rasputin. Magik, the Queen of Limbo.

A Hispanic-looking dude is next to them, and while I don't recognise him, I do sense the power within him. He's no Johnny Blaze, but I have a feeling I recognise that particularly pissed-off spirit within him.

So, a Ghost Rider, the Ruler of Limbo, a blood witch and an edgy dhampir walk into a manor.

"You expect us to believe that you've never even looked into your mother?" Illyana asks, scoffing.

"Father was the only person I could ask, and he generally just had some insults to throw her way. 'The Dark Harlot', 'That Woman', 'Foul Witch', etcetera," I say with a casual shrug. "It's not like I could get a DNA test."

"And yet your mother's plans seem to revolve around you, the same plans for which she kidnapped our friend," the discount Ghost Rider counters, making me shrug again.

"Lots of people have plans that revolve around me; it's always funny to watch them fall apart," I reply indifferently. "Believe what you want. I don't know her plans, I don't know where your friend is, and I don't even know who she is."

"Your mother is Selene, the Black Priestess. She's a seventeen thousand-year-old witch who has been manipulating humanity for aeons, and unfortunately, we have found ourselves wrapped up in her newest scheme," the old woman says. "She attacked us right here in our very home, broke through the ancient defences of our safe haven and made off with one of our members."

"She kicked your asses, didn't she?" I ask, interrupting as her ever-present scowl depends. "Where even are we, and who are you, for that matter? You skipped the introduction phase and went straight to the accusations."

"I am Caretaker, and this is the Abbey. A pocket dimension that was separated from the rest of the world during the Salem Witch Trials. A pocket dimension that was a safe haven before Selene broke in," Caretaker (stupid name) says, making me raise an eyebrow. "And these are the Midnight Suns, a team made up to deal with the more Occult threats to the world."

"Uhuh, and how is that going for you?" I ask, making her eyes narrow. I wouldn't normally be this much of a dick, but after I came here willingly, this old woman immediately started barking questions and commands at me. "So, I recognise Blade, Vladdy dearest mentioned him, and I'm pretty sure that one is a Ghost Rider, but are the rest of you going to make some introductions or just keep staring at me?"

"I'm Robbie, Robbie Reyes. How did you know-" Robbie starts, making me laugh.

"Please, the spirit of vengeance in your head is anything but subtle," I scoff.

"Illyana Rasputin, but I go by Magik," Ilyana says, still glaring at me as I give myself a gold star for recognising her.

"Bet you had to think long and hard about that nickname," I reply, and oddly enough, my talking shit to her actually makes her back off slightly, seeming almost impressed.

"And I'm Nico, Nico Minoru. I don't have a nickname," Nico says, trying to stop me and Illyana from arguing. She seems oddly peppy for the gothic blood witch, but whatever.

– Illyana Rasputin (Magik) –

Kuro practically lounged in front of them, utterly relaxed despite being in a pocket dimension with five powerful figures. It spoke of a confidence she probably should have expected from a son of Dracula.

"You truly know nothing?" Illyana asked, making him nod.

"Not a clue. I don't even know who this friend of yours is, so how would I know what mommy wants with her," Kuro replied with the same mocking casualness he'd treated them with since he got here.

He wasn't one to take shit from people. She could respect that.

"Her name is Wanda Maximoff," Nico replied helpfully, and while it was so very brief, she spotted a hint of recognition in his eyes, which was gone so fast she was almost convinced she imagined it. "You don't have any idea what your mother would have planned for her?"

"As I've said several times, I didn't even know who she was before today; you might as well be asking me about a stranger's plans. Dad says he hasn't seen her since shortly after my birth. All I know is that he really doesn't like her. Frankly, you could probably guess what she's up to better than me," Kuro answered, and despite the momentary lapse in his self-control when Wanda was mentioned, she actually believed him. "You've at least met the woman."

She wouldn't call having a witch teleport into the middle of their sanctuary and devastate them in seconds before making off with their friend a 'meeting'.

"Dammit, then we're back to square one," Blade growled. "Assuming he's telling the truth."

"Assume what you want. It won't change the truth," Kuro shrugged.

"Maybe not. Kuro might not know where his mother is or what she is planning, but he can still be useful in countering Selene," Caretaker said, making him scoff.

"Brave of you to assume I want to be useful. I came along out of sheer curiosity, but this seems like a whole bunch of not my problem," Kuro countered, making Caretaker frown.

"We did mention that Selene's plans involve you, right?" Blade pointed out. "Whatever she wants Wanda for, you're a part of it."

"Maybe she's just getting me a birthday present for all those missed years," Kuro quipped.

He was really getting under Caretaker's skin, which won him a few points in her book, but it was still highly unuseful in getting her friend back from the dark bitch's hands.

"And what if we don't let you leave? You got here by my powers, and I don't feel like being helpful and letting you leave if you're not going to help us find my friend," Illyana countered, making him laugh.

"You really think I'd have come here if I didn't have an out?" Kuro asked condescendingly, flashing a fanged smile. "I will come and go as I please, whether I have to go through you or not."

"Careful, baby Tepes. I've killed Dracula before; I can handle you," Blade warned, making Kuro laugh even louder.

"Oh yeah, you did, didn't you? He told me about that, but how did that go for you again? Sure, he was gone for like a week, but tell me, where are the rest of your heroic monster-hunting friends?" Kuro chuckled, rising as he stared down Blade, who stiffened up and glared at Kuro.

They all knew the answer to that. Dracula returned and slaughtered Blade's old crew before locking Blade in a coffin for years until Caretaker found him.

"You didn't kill Dracula; you inconvenienced him for a week or two. Do you know why he spared you? Because he finds your attempts to kill him funny. He let you live because you're not a threat to him; you're entertainment," Kuro scoffed.

Kuro could go from laid-back to genuinely intimidating at the snap of his fingers, his tone growing darker.

"We both might be Dhampirs, but you were turned by some nobody while I am the son of Dracula. Don't mistake me for one of the leeches you like hunting, Blade, or you'll find out just how different we truly are," Kuro warned. "Nobody is holding me prisoner."

"Enough, we have enough issues without us fighting amongst ourselves. We don't intend to hold you here, despite Magik's words," Caretaker said, cutting in before Blade could respond. "Illyana, Blade, that's enough. Kuro, as much as it pains me to admit it, we need your help. Whatever Selene has planned, it cannot be good. I know of several rituals that could be used to find her, but we'd need some of her blood for that."

"My blood," Kuro continued, making her nod.

"Indeed, as her son, we could use your connection to her to find her and retrieve Wanda before it is too late. Selene's plans are never simple and rarely end well for whoever she is targeting. I'm sure you think you can handle whatever she is planning for you, but she is ancient and extremely powerful," Caretaker reasoned.

"And you guys want to take the fight to her?" Kuro asked, going back to his laid-back, casual attitude. "How did that go for you guys again? What makes you think you'll have a better chance this time?"

"She caught us by surprise. We weren't expecting an attack here of all places," Robbie argued, looking somewhat embarrassed about how swift their former defeat had been.

"We don't need to beat her; we just need to get Wanda back," Illyana argued, making Kuro raise an eyebrow.

"Back where exactly, here? Where Selene apparently walked in like she owned the place and kicked all your asses?" Kuro asked, making Illyana scowl even as she mentally admitted he wasn't entirely wrong.

"The Abbey's defences were not fully raised; it has been decades since this place came under attack. Even Selene won't find it so easy to attack us here a second time," Caretaker said calmly. "But you aren't incorrect; Selene is a great threat to everyone. I don't know why she's come out of hiding for the first time in decades, but the last time she came out, the last generation of Midnight Suns stood against her. It was thanks to them that her attempts to tear open the boundaries between your world and the hells failed. Selene doesn't do small plots, and I don't know what she's been doing for almost two hundred years of silence, but whatever she has planned, we can't just ignore her and hope for the best. I don't believe you're as blase about this as you pretend; you jumped into action to protect New York from the alien invasion alongside the… Avengers, was it?"

They'd seen the invasion on TV (she still didn't quite understand how they'd managed to get reception in a pocket dimension, but she certainly wasn't complaining), and they'd wanted to go and help, but Caretaker had put her foot down. The Midnight Suns had always acted in the shadows, against Occult threats, so she wouldn't allow them to join such a publicised fight.

"They blew up my street and ruined a perfectly good nap," Kuro quipped before sighing. "But you aren't wrong; if she has plans for me, I'd like to know what exactly they are. When Dracula himself cautions you about someone, you know they're a real threat."

"So you'll help?" Nico asked quickly. She had always been an optimistic one.

"For now, at least. Until we find out whatever it is she's up to. If nothing else, it'll be interesting to finally meet her," Kuro shrugged. "But I want the books on any rituals you're planning on doing with my blood; I'm not going to take shit on faith when it comes to this kind of magic. I know what any half-decent witch could do with my willingly given blood."

Caretaker frowned for a moment, hesitating. Ever since Wanda's… accident, she'd jealously guarded the library like a dragon with a leather-bound hoard.

"Would you even understand them? I've seen you flaunting your magical skills where the world can see them, but these kinds of rituals are far higher than your illusions and light magic," Caretaker countered.

"Try me; I'm a quick learner," Kuro replied, a lazy smirk on his lips. Why did a vampire spawn have light magic to begin with?

"They are advanced books on a type of magic you aren't familiar with; reading them would, at best, leave you confused and, at worst, endanger everyone," Caretaker replied, making Kuro shrug.

"Then you can fuck off because I'm not doing any rituals without knowing exactly what they do," Kuro said stubbornly. "That's my stipulation for helping you; otherwise, I'm out of here, and I wish you all the best in not getting swatted a second time."

They stared each other down, neither breaking eye contact as Kuro challengingly raised an eyebrow.

"I will consider it; I need to double-check which ritual would be best for finding Selene anyway," Caretaker finally said, making Kuro shrug.

"Take your time; it's not my friend that's been kidnapped," Kuro pointed out.

Glaring at Caretaker, she watched the old woman turn and walk towards the sealed library. Caretaker was a control freak, even more so after Agatha died, and Kuro didn't seem the type to accept that.

"What crawled up her ass?" Kuro asked as he watched Caretaker leave.

"She doesn't take people talking back to her well," Illyana replied honestly, crossing her arms. "Do you go out of your way to antagonise people, or does it just happen naturally?"

"I go out of my way, obviously," Kuro admitted shamelessly, seeming rather proud of that fact. "She's not even in the top ten most powerful people I've deliberately antagonised for my own amusement."

"That's gonna get you hurt," Blade scoffed, making Kuro grin.

"Good thing I heal fast then, isn't it? So, how badly did mommy dearest kick all your asses? I want to know what I'm getting myself in for," Kuro asked, making them pause awkwardly. "That bad, huh?"

"She caught us by surprise; half of us were asleep when she attacked," Robbie argued, not liking remembering how quickly Selene had taken him out, simply sealing away the Spirit of Vengeance, leaving him powerless.

"No, let's face facts. She wasn't even trying; Kuro ain't wrong. We go after Selene like this. She's gonna wipe the floor with us," Blade admitted, his pragmatism showing as Illyana nodded in agreement. The ancient witch had schooled them, barely even trying as she easily subduing them all and just walking off with Wanda with all the effort someone would put into picking up the milk on their way home. "We need an actual plan before we take the fight to her, or we're just going to lose again."

"We need to know what she's doing and, more importantly, what she wants Wanda for," Illyana pointed out. Saving her friend was the first priority; dealing with Selene could come later. She might not have been a member of the X-men for long, but they'd taught her one thing, you didn't leave someone behind.

An awkward silence fell over them, though Kuro ignored it as he looked around the main room of the manor, amused to see a television and some gaming systems set up. Caretaker might have reformed the Midnight Suns, but the truth was this was the first real challenge they were dealing with,

"So!" Nico started, getting Kuro's attention from the bar. "Would you like the tour? This place can be easy to get lost in," Nico explained, making Kuro shrug.

"Honestly, I don't know how long I'll be around; I have my own things going on, but sure," Kuro agreed.

Watching Nico lead Kuro away on the tour, she turned to the others with a questioning look.

"I don't trust him," Blade said immediately, making her nod.

"I mean, he seems kinda nice underneath the asshole exterior?" Robbie argued weakly, making her scoff. She was pretty sure that underneath the smug asshole exterior was a sociopathic asshole.

Not that she minded; every member of the Midnight Suns had their own touch of darkness; it was what brought them together. If Kuro could help her get Wanda back, she didn't care how much of a dickhead he was.

Honestly, it was kinda attractive, and watching Caretaker seethe was always a good time.

"As long as he helps us get Wanda back, I don't care," Illyana said stubbornly. Wanda had been taken weeks ago, and the Caretaker just sat on her hands until they forced her to let them go after Selene's son.

Caretaker hated Wanda; she had ever since Wanda arrived here, and it had only gotten worse since Agatha died. If it wasn't for the fact that Selene was clearly up to something, then she'd probably have just abandoned Wanda entirely.

"Assuming he's planning on helping, you can't trust a Tepes," Blade said, making Illyana's lips twitch. He was hardly unbiased, given how long he'd been trying to kill Dracula. "I'm gonna sleep with one eye open as long as he's around. At least Lilith hates her father; Kuro seems proud to be the son of that monster."

"Lilith?" Robbie asked.

"Lilith Drake, Kuro's older sister. She might just hate Dracula more than I do," Blade said with a slight smirk. "Dracula had a few other kids as well, but he hunted and killed all the rest around a decade or two ago."

As in around the time Kuro was born? It sounded like Selene wasn't the only one with plans for Kuro.

– Nico Minoru –

The others didn't trust Kuro, and while she couldn't entirely blame them, it wasn't really fair, considering they'd come to him for help. Sure, Kuro was a bit of an asshole, but she was pretty sure he just liked pissing people off to keep them off-guard.

"Your weird slice of ancient Salem has a swimming pool?" Kuro asked, lips twitching as she shrugged.

"It's not really a pool, more like a shallow pond we use as a pool," Nico admitted. "We also have Wi-Fi, so it's not the weirdest thing around here. Not even close."

"How does that even work?" Kuro asked, making her shrug.

"Agat- someone set it up for us, but they're gone now, and I don't think even Caretaker knows how it actually works. God help us if it breaks; we'd go mad cooped up in this place without Netflix," Nico admitted with a smile.

"Fair, my pocket dimension is cooler, but I don't have Wi-Fi. I could probably add a pool, though," Kuro said, pausing as she blinked. He had his own pocket dimension? "Of course I do. Do you think I'd have come here if I didn't have a way out? Oh, sorry… I developed telepathy a while back, and I still have some trouble not picking up surface thoughts," Kuro admitted, seeing her shock.

"You can read minds?" Nico asked, making him nod.

"Surface thoughts and emotions; I normally don't do it, but it slips up occasionally. Honestly, Daddy Dearest wasn't exactly thorough in explaining my powers. It was more like, 'Boy! Grab this sword. We are going to hunt wolves the size of horses. What do you mean you don't know how to use a sword? You're a Tepes!'" Kuro said mockingly, putting on an overly boisterous voice which made her giggle.

"And you never met your mother?" Nico asked, making him chuckle.

"I don't know what happened between them, but Dadula and Selene, the Black Mommy, do not get along. They parted ways a long time ago, and violently, from what Dad told me. He usually called her things like 'the foul witch', 'that sorcerous wench' or 'the black harlot'. Honestly, I thought she was literally black despite my pale skin. Those were the more polite things he called her," Kuro scoffed. "...is she black?"

"Nah, she's super pale. Kinda got this evil goth witch thing going on, black leather clothes, black hair, she even wore this tiny corset," Nico explained.

"Huh, so like you but older and evil?" Kuro asked, making her pause as she looked down at her black leather trousers and jacket, the dark purple tank top underneath it the only hint of colour.

"Okay, fair. Illyana bought me these," Nico said defensively. "Also, she was way hotter than me. I'm pretty sure Robbie got a boner," Nico said with a grin. "If she wasn't super evil, she might be my new idol… but the whole kidnapping my best friend thing kinda ruined that."

"Even hotter than you? That's impressive. It's no wonder I came out so perfect, since my mom is apparently a ten," Kuro said smugly, but again, she was pretty sure most of his arrogance was played up for show, and she just blushed lightly at the compliment and bumped her shoulder against his, bouncing off the solid wall of muscle.

Kuro wasn't wrong; he was unfairly good-looking. She briefly wondered if Dracula was hot, but immediately shook her head; Blade might just kill her if she went down that route.

…She ignored the way Kuro's lips twitched slightly, having picked up her stray thoughts. She couldn't ignore the image that flashed through her head, a tall, noble-looking man with white hair and a warrior's build, a sneer on his lips as he lounged on a throne with several girls in skimpy outfits hanging off him.

Oh fuck, Dracula was hot.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Blade," Kuro teased. "But we Tepes are just built differently; there's no shame in lusting for our perfect forms."

"Oh, shut up," Nico groaned, kicking his shin as he laughed. "Does he really have harem girls?"

"His brides, and yes. Usually random girls who caught his attention and found themselves spirited away to Castle Dracul, turned to serve him eternally," Kuro admitted. "I actually like him, but he's very evil. Kidnapping and rape is the least of his crimes."

"My parents were in a death cult, trying to destroy the world, so I can't really talk," Nico admitted. "Honestly, I think having issues with your parents is a requirement to become a Midnight Sun."

"Everyone needs a good tragic backstory," Kuro agreed with a grin, making her smile.

Finishing the tour, the others seemed to have disappeared, so she decided to induct Kuro into the Suns her own way, with a movie night, Kuro joining her as they watched some crappy movies.

When he wasn't deliberately antagonising people, Kuro was actually pretty cool, not even complaining at her extremely questionable choice in movies.

– Kuro Tepes –

Deciding to spend the night in the Abbey that makes up the home base of the Midnight Suns, I frown to myself as I consider how I'm going to use this. Selene, I know that name from the comics, but I honestly can't remember anything about her beyond the fact that she's a member of Hellfire sometimes.

Did Selene arrange for Emma to recruit me, or was that just a coincidence?

Plus, an ancient evil sorceress who now has her hands on the Scarlet Witch and has plans for me? Well, my life is never boring, at least.

Okay, pros and cons.

Pros. Illyana and Nico are hot, and this place could be a good source of magical knowledge. This would give me a chance to meet my mother and work out what's going on there. I have a chance to get Wanda under my thumb.

Cons. Caretaker is a bitch. Selene is scheming something up, and that doesn't bode well for me. Blade already mistrusts me (he's right to, but he's being unfair, I'm not responsible for Dracula's fuckery).

Meh, I'll stick around for now. I have my Hellfire business and the next round of the tournament to take care of, but I'm free for the most part until Emma calls for me. What's the worst that could happen?

— Bonus Scene — Selene Gallio

With the Scarlet Witch secured, she smiled from the throne she had in her lair. The pieces were all falling into place, bit by bit. Flipping through the pages of the Darkhold, she smiled to herself. Decades of planning were finally coming to fruition.

The Midnight Suns' decision to approach Kuro was unexpected but hardly surprising or troubling. Honestly, she could use this.

They were a minor road bump. None of their members posed a real threat to her or her plans, especially given that Wanda herself had killed Agatha, one of the few magic users who could have potentially challenged her.

Wanda's lack of control was unsurprising. Her powers came from Chthon himself, making her a conduit of pure chaos magic. Agatha was too soft on Wanda, too gentle as she hoped to coax Wanda away from the powers of chaos, denying what she was.

And it got her killed.

She wouldn't make the same mistake; Wanda would learn to harness and control her powers and find her purpose as the Scarlet Witch.

She'd make a fine queen for Kuro, but that was a matter for her future.

As for Kuro himself, she wasn't worried about him joining the Midnight Suns in their attempts to stop her plans, and she highly doubted Vlad had taught him morality. She'd watched her son carefully.

He played the hero, but he was just playing. A game to amuse himself, a way to get laid. He would see things her way in time. He likely shared Vlad's immunity to her mental manipulation, but she could draw him to her side. Kuro wanted power, wealth and women; she could offer him all three in ways even Hellfire couldn't match.

In fact, her plans revolved around giving him all three; she just needed to make sure her beloved son saw things her way. She'd come too far to let Kuro's independence interfere with her plans.

Emma couldn't control him, nor could Caretaker, and if they became too irritating, she'd just provide them with something else to battle.

The Midnight Suns were formed to fight supernatural threats, and she happened to know where one of the biggest supernatural threats on Earth was.

Dracula grew bored easily, and while she didn't get along with Vlad, he'd be happy to test his son once again.

The Suns would have trouble disrupting her plans while they were dealing with that battle-loving fool.

For now, she had a family reunion to prepare for.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: Kuro continues to be a shit, Caretaker always pissed me off in the game, and she was never going to get along with someone as stubborn as Kuro.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn.

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (ThePumpkinKing), and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally put my Pat reon to use after months of procrastinating. My Pat reons now have the ability to vote for which fics they’d like to see updated more during the next chapter cycle. The winner of the normal tier poll gets one extra chapter per cycle, the second tier poll gets two extra chapters, and the highest tier pat reons can pick a fic that will get three extra chapters per cycle. The current cycle is probably going to last until early-mid January, so voting is open until then. I’ll also be starting the actual early access chapters around the same time, so if you want a fic to get some extra love, feel free to check it out.

Link: Pat reon .com/ TheDarkWolfShiro

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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