34.48% a game of thrones and magic / Chapter 9: The Noble family of the Palestars

章 9: The Noble family of the Palestars

Im sitting in my tent in the northern camp, is the next day already, there's a bed, a table three chairs some materials and my paintings, nothing much but I don't need much anyways, it is big though, but what takes my attention is an object on the table, a black long sword with a rippled pattern, in the pommel is a white gemstone, is obviously a Valyrian steel sword, it was of House Harlaw but I don't remember the name, I didn't even know the Harlaws had a Valyrian sword, but now is mine, I can feel magic in it, nothing surprising after all is magical steel but why it repelled my magic that is the real question, I need to investigate this.

I take a stick that I find around and draw a perfect circle around my tent, I put pale white dancing lights floating above the said circle, and as im doing that some of the soldiers approach, they seem a little nervous.

Of course, I am still a big interrogation mark to many, I have their respect thanks to my healing but im still the unknown that put some discomfort on a lot of people, they don't know if they treat me as noble or something else, and are quite afraid of pushing my buttons since I can "curse" them, I never cursed anyone, but let them talk for enough time and I guarantee that by the end of the conversation, I am the creator of the children of the forest.

"Ah, greetings lads you all arrived in good time," I say and gesture to them to come closer" you see this circle right here, is a circle of protection if someone goes beyond it the lights go red and they start to choke, but I have to see if it works, any volunteers?" I smile innocently at them.

They step back and shake their heads some pale quite a bit, there are more soldiers around, of course, my tent is not far away from the others but maybe 3m(13ft) from other tents, soon the murmuring starts, and some soldiers trying to challenge other to pass the "magical" line or pushing they friends in the direction of my tent just to get a reaction, they are being merry and messing around but none tries to pass the line and I get once again the proof that the belief of the people is a quite useful tool to have, I don't have a spell for every situation. But if they believe I do, then I do.

After that I asked the soldiers to bring me an animal that they were planning to kill and eat, I asked for it alive of course, sometime after they brought me a chicken, I thank them and take the chicken inside and close the tent entrance, I hold the chicken by the neck pit it in front one of the paintings and cast the spell.

As I cast PROGRAMMED ILLUSION, the animal in my hand simply goes limp, dead, and the energy flows through my arm and goes into the painting I whisper "Ours is the fury" the paint glow and I see the painting move, its actors once static in action now finish they battle in a violent movement, red stones fly out of the painting, screams, shouts, sound of steel hitting steel and cheers from the soldiers behind the two combatants spread through my tent and then seconds after it turns back to the initial position and silence reigns once more, the painting is, of course, Robert Baratheon greatest moment in life, killing Prince Rhaegar Targaryen on the battle of the Trident, that and my contribution to the campaign will earn me the boon of taking the ironborn workforce, later I have to animate the other one, that will grant me lordship and maybe a tax exemption.

But now I focus on the sword, the same energy that left the chicken I can feel in the sword but a lot stronger, some internet theories that I read say that to create Valyrian steel a sacrifice is needed, which confirms that I believe, but is probably a human soul and not a chicken inside the sword, I take it in my hand and concentrate on it, the world goes silent, I spend some time looking the sword, I feel some connection to it that wasn't there before, I hear at distance "Antares" again and again, the voice gets closer and closer until I hear it screamed outside of my tent.

As I leave the tent I noticed that the sun is almost down, Lord Stark and three other men are all in front of the line that I draw on the ground.

"Lord Stark" I greet him as I pass the line"what you need of me."

"I've sent for you but my men were not able to gain your attention it seems, and they didn't want to test your line." He says looking warily at the line in the mud.

"I apologize for that, I was in a deep trance, I didn't hear much of anything really, but if you want to discuss something I give you permission to cross over," I say crossing the line again and entering the tent I quickly cover one of the paintings.

"Welcome Lord Stark to my humble abode"I make a grand gesture to present the grounds of the tent." He seems amused for a moment before he schooled his face, and looked around the tent he looks at the sword on the table and his eyebrows rise a bit, his eyes Go to the first painting, recognition, and realization, like he found the last clue to a mystery a little steel show's in his eyes as well as he looked upon the Targaryen Knight, but he smiles a bit and says.

"Now I see how you will fall on Robert's good graces he would give you a position on the small council for this."

"Ha, Antares Palestars Master of the Arcane, it does have a good ring to it, but no, if I never step in kings landing it will still be too soon." I let out a short laugh and say to him, sure it's a novelty but an entire city with a smell of shit, Nah im good.

He smiles again and says "You are wise beyond your years." His eyes go to the second painting, I finished it the night before my scout in Pike, I see a nostalgic look in his eyes, I see happiness and I see melancholy.

"I finished your gift Lord Stark, before the end of the rebellion as promised." The painting like the other three is 3m(10ft)tall, it shows Eddard's father and mother sitting in two chairs with wolf adornments all over them, Brandon by their side, in front of them on the left Benjen and Ned is on the right, on the middle, Lianna, a huge Stark banner is hanging behind the family and Ice is on Lord Stark hand the tip of the blade on the ground, it is a very realistic painting Very close to the real ones that I saw in Ned mind, he seems shook, moved even, I will take this as a big W.

"I-it is truly a kingly gift Antares, what would be your price for it" his eyes still glued on the painting.

"It would not be a gift if I get paid for it, but if you want to recompense me let me make a painting of you and your own family, so you can hang it by the side of this one." I really enjoyed painting, I always enjoyed creating new things but never really had a talent for it, now I will let my imagination flow, it also helps that he is the Warden of the North, soon the king will also own one of my paintings, it will make it be a status thing to own one of my paintings, it will make it expensive as well.

After the gifts were given, Lord Stark told the purpose of his coming.

"I have something to ask you Antares, a mission if you will" he stopped for a moment before he continues" I want you to go and find the Greyjoy children, the young ones, I know what will happen when a wall is breached and the men pour into a keep, and I would like to spare them from it." He proposes" I know very well you can come and go easily into the fortress, so if you could go ahead and keep them unharmed I would be very grateful."

He didn't do that in the original timeline, well he didn't have the option, but he seems different, disturbed.

"I can certainly do that." I nod and I take the pipe out of my sachel and put some leaves and light it up then I look him in the eyes, I cast detect thoughts" though I must ask, you seem sure that something bad will happen" as I direct his thoughts with my question I look into his mind, I see two children dead on the stone cold floor, dark hair is pretty obvious that is Yasha and Theon, another flash is appearing in his mind another two children this time with white hair, mutilated bodies in front of the iron throne, then he waked up, is he just feeling guilty or is that a magic dream as the ones Bran have.

"I have a... Bad feeling about it, but if you will deal with the situation, then I will rest more peacefully" he says then he gets up to leave he stops and look at the sword on the table, he says" that is Nightfall the valiryan steel sword of House Harlaw, well it was, if anyone questions you about the ownership tell them that I let you keep it as a reward for your services." He told me.

I smile " thank you, Lord Stark I appreciate your assistance on the matter, I will take the painting to your tent later" he nods and walks out.

Two days after that we see the sails of the Southron navy on the horizon and a couple of hours after we see a big number of horsemen approach the camp, the banners of the Baratheon held high and proudly on the flags and painting on the shield of many, the king has arrived.

The king went directly to speak with Lord Stark in the command tent but the little I saw of him I can see why he is an inspiring commander at least, his massive like a bull, muscled, and has a thick black beard he is very tall as well, taller than me at least by his side I can see a man of semblance with the king but a very sour face he also wears the Baratheon colors, that is, of course, the one and only Stannis the Mannis, huh when Shireen gets greyscale I don't remember really but I must keep my ears open for when it happens, healing her will earn me some points with him.

After the stags come with their detachment I, of course, got a little more occupied, new people, new diseases, and new wounds, I became the de facto leader of all the healers around here, they can't heal something they ask me for instructions, a disease spreading a wound festering I was the solution for all problems, the system I implemented in the northern army of washing on the sea and have the cooks have to be clean to cook gave some good results, fewer people sick around maybe I will be able to make them wash regularly outside of war someday.

Three more days, the king spend just feasting, in the third day of it Lord Stark called me and told me he would introduce me to the king, well I did go to the feast prepared I took the painting(covered)and let it outside of the big kingly tent where the feast where happening, okay breath deeply put on the game face, let's do this.

Inside the tent were pretty much all the lords on the island, all the northern lords that participated in the rebellion and the Stormlords were drinking singing, and shouting, as soon as we entered a voice boomed from the other end of the tent.

"NED COME HERE, I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU." shouted the already drunk, king of the seven kingdoms, Ned looked at me and said.

"I will call for you in a moment, let me talk to him beforehand."

"I will wait for your call then, I see Umber trying to drink the Stormlord's under the table, I will see if he needs help." I smile and walk in the direction of Umber, drinking and screaming, I hear Ned's voice behind my back.

"Try not to drink too much you will need your wits if you want to talk with the king, but knowing him, he will appreciate you more if you are drunk as he is." He says with a sigh and walks to the king.

Umber made good on his promise of sharing his drink with me because that is what he did every day after that siege, I always had a place on his table and it was at his table that we became friends and I discovered that I can drink for days, is really hard for me to get drunk, which is good but not really.

When I arrived they give the drinking a pause and were exchanging jests and insults with one another's.

I put an arm around Jon's tall shoulders and say smiling.

"If a good joke is what you want, all you need to do is ask Jon here to pull his pants down."

"Antares y-you, Burp, piece of shit, I challenge you to a drink competition." oh yes, he's totally wasted, his speech is slurry and he looks like he will fall over any moment, to be fair there are at least three lords passed out on the table, so he already drinked at least three man worth of alcohol.

"Maybe later my friend I just came here to insult you and I will be gone in a minute really" I squeeze his shoulder.

"Fuck you," he says lowly, looks like he's going to vomit at any moment.

"And you are?" one of Stormlord's asked.

"Antares Palestars my lord, a pleasure to meet you on this fine evening" I bow dramatically to the lord.

"I don't remember ever hearing about house Palestars" he lightly frowns.

"well it doesn't exist here yet but it will change soon." I smile.

"you seen quite sure about it, is not every dirty peasant that can turn into a lord you know, what did you do to deserve such an honor."

"Antares here took the Tanley keep by himself, and open the gates of orkmont castle," said Jorah, who approached me with a drink, I smile at him and take the drink.

"Why thank you lord Mormont, very kind of you, but about the dirty peasant comment, "I turn back to the Stormlord" when was the last time YOU washed?" I smile as he starts to turn red, he opens his mouth but gets interrupted by Lord Stark.

"Antares come, Robert will speak with you now," he says in his nonsense way.

"Of course, Lord Stark who we are to leave the king waiting, my lords" I do a mocking bow to the Stormlord and leave with Ned as we started walking he says

"making friends I see."

"all the time, Lord Stark, all the time." As we approach the king I look at his company, two Men with fine armor and white capes, One of them is an older man, with white hair and a beard he's tall and has piercing blue eyes, ser Barristan the bold no douth, the other has green eyes and blonde hair and an irritating smirk Jaime fucking Lannister, quite obvious, between then sits the king now looking closer he's starting to show signs of his fat future self but still fit enough for his hammer im sure.

"Robert this is the man I talked with you about"

"Your Grace" I bow and look at Robert.

"You should kneel before the king," said the Lannister.

I ignore Jaime and keep looking at Robert, his lips lightly going up, points earned.

"So my Warden of the North told me about your sploits, two keep falling in less than a week thanks to you, impressive, how did you manage that?"

"Oh, he kept that part for himself, did he?" I look at ned and he smiles

"Far from me to ruin such a surprise"

"Okay you two, what the fuck is the secret you keeping." Say, Robert, I can sense his amusement though.

"Well, I have no intention of hiding my gift, Magic, your grace im a powerful mage" Jaime scoff, Barristan tenses, huh why that, Robert frow a little.

"I don't believe you but I can give you the benefits of the doubt since Ned vouched for you, prove your ma-" the tall chair he was in started to float in the air, I turn and use minor illusion to make a stag of stormy clouds and an ice wolf chase each other in the air of the tent they pass through under the tables and in front of the king.

Silence is what follows, in the entirety of the tent eyes widen and gasps and murmurs start to form the northern lords have that smirk of someone who knew about the prank before it happened, BAM, the chair the king is sitting in falls on the ground once again startling everyone, I smile and say

"I don't believe I introduced myself, let me correct that."I bow lightly once more" Antares Palestars Druid of the old gods, healer, and master of the Arcane."

"So let me get it, HICK, straight you made the guy piss himself just entering the room," the king asked as he drank from a tankard, he was starting to get

really drunk, and Ned was listening to the story beside him, there were others around listening as well.

"Well yes, but to be fair with him he saw me kill like 60 men before I got to him" the king laughed and said

"Where the fuck were you during our rebellion" he drank deeply from his tankard Lord Stark then said.

"Well, what do you think, he certainly earned a reward for his astonishing feats."

"AYE, HICK he did, I Robert Baratheon of many fucking titles bestow with the title Lord the Palestars family."

The fuck, wait is that it, no ceremony just get up and say someone is a lord and they are, sure he's the king but shit, I didn't even show him the painting yet.

"Huuh, I thank you, my king, for such an honor and I have a gift for you on this wonderful night." I go outside and bring in the painting still covered.

I put it in the middle of the tent in front of all the presents is a big painting, I snap my fingers and the covering falls revealing the painting.

The king and everyone fell silent observing the painting, I could see the fire in Baratheon's blue eyes, a smile showing on his face like he remembered something real found to him, he probably did, the battlefield, he raised from his chair and come closer observing the painting with a fascination that I didn't see in his eyes before.

"Yes that is the kind of gift I can appreciate, I won't have to dream of this moment every night anymore"

" Actually this is only half the gift, if you recite your house words the fun part will happen."

"Ours is the fury," he says with ferocity while smiling like a child, silence and then from the painting came the sound of battle and cheers as Painting Robert high in his horse moves and brings his Warhammer to Rhaegar's chest, the dragon prince flies out of his horse as two Rubys fly off the painting and make a shattering sound as the fall to the ground and turn into sparks, the soldiers start to call Roberts name, while the real Roberts look moved by the painting is probably the best gift he ever received, a way to his glorious past, the painting goes back in its natural way after that.

"You can do that every 10 minutes," I say to him and then lower" I have another painting that will certainly interest you, but it would be best if only you see it, but since you're the king the lord commander might come as well." He looks like he got somber just by excitement, his presence seems more enthusiastic as well.

"I- sure is in your tent?" He says still looking at the painting, how interesting, his reaction is just like Ned, the reason for the fascination with the paintings is different yet so similar both looking at something they lost and wish back.

"Yes, you may see it later if you wish, I will be going now your grace" that went well, I say my goodbye to those who I care enough to give, and promise to talk about arranging the making of some paintings to a lot of lords and leave.

When the night came I found myself sitting on a bonfire with some soldiers close to my tent, the soldiers that are my "neighbors" took my promotion as a reason to commemorate so im here singing and drinking with them for now, feels surprisingly nice to be here.

As the night passes I see the ones I've been waiting for, Robert and Barristan approach my tent, I get up say some farewells to the soldiers, and go in their directions

"Your Grace, ser Barristan, I believe I know why you're here come, I gave both permissions to pass" they look at me strangely and are a little insulted by i giving permission to them, and I smile.

"Is a magical line" I point to their feet" if you cross without permission the consequence are... Unpleasant."

"I see, it looks like an ordinary line though," said the knight.

"That is the best part, nobody expects to die by crossing a line in the mud, come inside."

As they enter the king focus on the covered painting but Barristan looks all around for any danger.

"Well let's see the painting then." Said the king losing his patience, I pull the cover, and the eyes of the king widen.


XAkarrinX XAkarrinX

Hey still alive, been traveling and working, so you know, sorry for the delay.

so question time, how much would you ask for a 3m realistic painting, and how much for a magical one(in golden dragons of course)?

got any Names for a black sword?

any suggestion on what he will recive in the Wall?

Anyways I decide that I will put some homebrew in the mix just for fun, so you might not know all the spells that will show up.

Hope you all like the chapter and as usual any thoughts, suggestions and corrections please leave in the comment.

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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