72.3% A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI) / Chapter 47: Chapter 47- Ren's return I

章 47: Chapter 47- Ren's return I

Black Zetsu POV

He didn't feel emotions like other people do. Mostly because he wasn't born like others. He wasn't nurtured in his mother's womb for nine months before being brought into this world. No, he was created in a fit of fear when his mother finally realised that she had lost and needed someone in the world to rescue her from her new prison.

He was sentient since birth. Since the very moment his mother gave shape to him and threw him far away, a mere moment before she sealed by her two sons.

And as soon as he landed on the ground, he knew his one and only purpose in life. To rescue his mother from her prison.

In essence, the clarity of his purpose served as his greatest asset. Unlike others, he didn't grapple with uncertainty about his life's direction; it was already defined.

That didn't make his life any easier though. He task, as simple as it might have seemed at first, was monumentally difficult.

How do you rescue a god sealed away by her two demigod children?

A good thing he already knew the answer since birth. A Rinnegan user who became the Jinchuriki of the Ten tails, would be the key to breaking his mother's seal and bringing her back into this world.

Problem was, Hagoromo Otsutsuki was the only Rinnegan user in the world. And to complicate matters, that ungrateful half brother of his then tore the Ten tails in Nine different pieces, making his already difficult job even more difficult.

He harbored a hope that Indra would ascend to possess the esteemed Rinnegan eyes during his lifetime. However, Indra's defeat at the hands of Asura, followed by his subsequent demise, shattered that hope.

That was a devastating blow to him, and the first time in his life he felt true despair. But, despite the great setback, his purpose remained clear. To rescue his mother.

Indra was dead, but his children remained. Thus, he embarked on a journey to shape the course of world events, aiming to cultivate an individual capable of unlocking the Rinnegan, assembling the Nine-Tailed Beasts, assuming the role of Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, and ultimately affording him the opportunity to resurrect his mother.

For a Thousand years, he had manipulated the world. Starting bloodfueds, wars, and even peace, at times when it looked like both Asura and Indra's descendants would be wiped out due a continuous series of wars.

For a Thousand years, he toiled. And when it looked like his labours were finally about to be bear fruit… this happened.

He didn't feel emotions like other humans. But he did feel despair whenever his plan to rescue his mother failed. And this time, the failure had been great indeed.

So much planning, so much hard work, so many hours spent raising, nurturing and manipulating his pawns… all down the drain.

Nagato had lost his eyes. The Akatsuki was as good as disbanded without its leader. And Obito, that fool, was missing. Presumably dead.

The only silver lining in this entire thing was that the Rinnegan eyes were currently in the possession of another Uchiha. An Uchiha who showed even greater potential than Madara Uchiha.

Even better, the boy was already the Jinchuriki of the Six tails. And despite his failure, Nagato had succeeded in sealing Three of the Tailed Beasts inside Gedo Mazo. With the Four others being in Konoha, and One being in Suna.

The original plan he had created was gone, reduced to dust. But that didn't mean he would stop. No, he would create new plans and continue forward, just as he had always done.

With this thought, he had gone to Konoha, seeking to meet Ren Uchiha so that he could manipulate the boy and have him follow in the footsteps of Madara Uchiha.

The boy has already seen war at such a young age, which is never good for someone's psyche. Surely it would be easy to manipulate him?

Or that's what he had thought at least.

Somehow, the boy had detected him. Or to be fair, the boy's Fuinjutsu barriers had detected him. And without even talking, the boy's shadow clones had attempted to kill him.

No, not kill him, but to seal him away to places unknown. Seal him away so that he would not be able to rescue his mother.

He barely managed to escape with his life. And decided that he would lay low for the foreseen future. He would have to be patient, and clever with his plans from here on out.

Otherwise, he might fail. And failure was not an option for him.

Not when it came to rescuing his mother.


Daimyo of the Land of Fire POV

He stood in the balcony and watched the training of his men. The best warriors from the three Shinobi clans under his command sparred with each other, each striving to catch his eye with their skill and dedication.

When Hashirama first created Konoha, not every shinobi clan flocked to Konoha.

The Kurogane clan, known for their affinity with wolves as their ninkens, refrained from joining Konoha due to their longstanding feud with the Inuzuka clan. Instead, they aligned themselves with his grandfather, biding their time, prepared to act if the Daimyo of the Land of Fire ever waged war against Konoha.

The Yamasaki clan, an offshoot of the Yamanaka clan, decided that their mind reading skills would be more valued by a wealthier patron and came under his grandfather's service due to greed more than anything.

And last but not the least, the Kumoashi clan. A clan that excels at manipulating the Lightning Element. They had tried to unite the shinobi clans in the Land of Lightning in order to establish Kumo. But were beaten to it by the 1st Raikage.

When they refused to submit to the 1st Raikage's authority, a great battle took place. A battle that they ultimately lost.

They came to his grandfather as refugees, and has been doing their best to shore up their numbers over the decades. Their efforts proved successful, with their ranks now swelling to the hundreds. But he personally felt that these descendants lacked the power of their once formidable ancestors.

These three Shinobi clans weren't his sole retainers. He also commanded several Samurai clans, loyal to his family for generations. Among them, some consistently produced A-class Samurai in nearly every generation.

However, just as some Shinobi chose to align with the Daimyo, a rebellious member of the Hatake Samurai clan defected to join Konoha instead.

A great pity that was. As the Hatake clan finally succeeded in producing an S-class monster. But under the Hokage's rule, rather than his own.

As of now, the Samurai clans under him had produced a few A-class Samurai, but no S-class one.

He also had a few monk orders under his rule that he knewwould rally behind him in defense if neighbouring kingdoms threatened the Land of Fire. Though he was less sure about what they would do if his armies ever went to war with Konoha.

This didn't mean that he didn't have other powerful men under him. He looked to the side, toward the man guarding him.

The head of the 12 Guardian Ninja was a man who had served his family since his grandfather's time. The man was old now, but still had the strength of an S-class Shinobi.

Aside from that, one of the children he'd adopted in his youth for the boy's immense potential, had finally turned into an S-class Samurai after an entire decade of gruelling training.

All in all, his strength consisted of Two S-class warriors, over a dozen A-class warriors, and a powerful army of Samurai, Shinobi, Monks and conscripted warriors from his lands.

With all these resources at his disposal, he neared the level of power comparable to that of a major village. His might approached that of renowned villages like Kiri.

A village that was destroyed by Minato and his Elites in a single night.

A deep sigh escaped him as he walked away from the balcony, having lost interest in the display put in front of him.

Yes, he was strong. The strongest Daimyo in all of Elemental Nations, in fact. But what did it matter when Konoha could still crush him in a single night?

'It was a mistake to withhold support from Konoha in their time of need.' He contemplated to himself. 'I should've maintained a good relationship with them, like my father and grandfather had done. But now… I fear that it might be too late.'

"Trust is akin to glass," his father's words echoed in his mind. "Once shattered, it may never fully mend, if it mends at all."

He had expected the war to last for years. Just as it had done in the 2nd and 3rd shinobi war.

He felt that if he were to hold back his monetary support, then he could force the Hokage to sign a few treaties that would make Konoha more reliant on to the Daimyo, to him.

Only, instead of lasting for years, Konoha had ended the war within 8 months, by systematically destroying all their enemies one by one. And now they blamed him for withholding support when they needed it the most.

'I am such a great fool. I should've known better than to play with fire.' He thought to himself. 'But how was I to know that Konoha had become 'that' strong under this new Hokage's rule?'

Three Major villages, all of them destroyed within 8 months. Just thinking about this filled him with fear.

His nobles were already angry at him for earning the enmity of such a powerful force, when he should've made alliances instead.

Already, some of the nobles were distancing themselves from him, engaging in trade with Konoha and even hiring their Shinobi, despite his explicit order to maintain distance from them.

Most were doing it discreetly, making sure that Konoha won't attack them in case of a civil war. But some of the noble houses were doing this openly, undermining the stability of his regime and making cracks in the foundation of his rule.

He couldn't blame them either. They were only doing what they thought was best for their families.

That didn't mean that he won't make an example out of them if he won the upcoming conflict.

Because a conflict it was going to be.

The House of the Daimyo, and Konoha had drifted too far apart for it to be anything else.

His wife still suggested that he make up with Konoha. Her grandfather had married a kunoichi of the Senju clan and thus, her family had closer ties with Konoha than most other noble families.

She didn't know that it was already too late.

Konoha had already won the war, and from the rumours he'd recently heard, they were now concentrating on economic pursuits to recuperate from the financial setback his lack of support had inflicted upon them.

By all accounts, it seemed they were doing a pretty good job of it as well.

No, any support he provides to Konoha at this juncture would be meaningless. This is why what he was going to do next was necessary.

As he entered the meeting room, the ongoing bickering abruptly ceased. He made his way to the head of the table and settled into his seat, casting his gaze over the assembled diplomats who had gathered to meet him.

Representatives from the Four Great Nations, accompanied by delegates from smaller nations, joined by the leaders of the remnants of Iwa and Kumo.

The door to the meeting room shut behind him, the seals made by the Uzumaki clan activating and ensuring the confidentiality of the discussions within.

"Gentlemen. Let's begun this meeting and discuss what we are to do with the new Superpower in the Elemental Nations."


Mei Terumi POV

The Flaming suns flew toward her faster than a speeding bullet and she responded by spewing forth a tsunami of acid. Most of it vaporised before it could even reach the suns, but some of it eventually breached through and destabilised the chakra holding its form, and the flaming suns dissipated.

It took her months of harsh training and countless spars to get to the point where she's able to dissipate Pakura's Scorch Release balls. And she knew from experience that she only had a few seconds before Pakura conjured another set of Flaming Suns.

She had to end the fight before that, or it'll be too late. So she charged at her sparring partner and spewed forth a jet of water that cut anything in sight. Well, anything except for her main target, who effortlessly evaded the attack, and the protective barrier enveloping their battle.

"Too late." She told Pakura as she finally closed in on her advisory, only for the ground underneath her to suddenly transform into liquid magma as a trio of flaming suns rose from underground, forcing her to back off as quickly as possible.

But the damage had already been done. Even being within a Twenty meter radius of those flaming suns left her with First and Second degree burns all over her body. And the only reason her eyes hadn't boiled away as well was because she'd reinforced them with a lot of chakra.

Despite the excruciating pain coursing through her body, she resisted the urge to halt the spar; she was on the verge of victory. With resolve, she began forming hand signs to summon a shadow clone for a collaborative Ninjutsu assault. However, she halted midway as her chakra fizzled out, leaving her unable to proceed.

The same went for the flaming suns flying toward her and she frowned as she turned to face the Shadow Clone overseeing their sparring session.

"I had this in the bag!" She complained but the clone ignored her words as he walked over to her and started healing her body.

Now that the adrenaline rush had worn off, she could feel the pain in full and… it was not pleasant. Thankfully, Ren's Shadow Clone was already in the process of healing her wounds or this would suck even more.

At that moment, Pakura approached her, offering a nod of approval, though the usual melancholic look never faded from her eyes. "You did well this time. Almost got me."

To her surprise, she observed that Pakura had indeed sustained significant acid burns during their spar.

She felt exhilarated at the fact that she was finally coming close to defeating this monster, even though a part of her felt guilty at hurting her senior like this.

Out of all the women living in Ren's home, she liked Pakura the most, followed by Shisui and Ringo.

She liked Yugito the least. But that's more due to how Ren used his Sharingan to change her personality rather than due to any fault of her own.

She still shuddered in fear whenever she thought about how the situation could've turned out for her if she hadn't accepted Ren's offer.

Would he have used his Sharingan on her to turn her into a husk of her former self as well? Someone who only cared for him and nothing else.

She sighed and shook her head. She shouldn't forget that all of them were Ren's enemy once. Hell, Ringo had tried to kill Ren for his bounty. And she had done the same when they had met in the battlefield. So she had no room to complain about what happens in the aftermath.

To the winner goes the spoils, and all that.

The Shadow clone eventually finished healing her in record time, leaving her skin as good as new before he moved on to Pakura and started healing her acid wounds.

Having a healer as skilled as Ren was a tremendous advantage, enabling them to push their limits during their sparring sessions. Moreover, if Ren detected that their lives were at risk during combat, he promptly intervened, by halting their chakra usage and stepping in.

"Hey clone, when is Ren coming out of the Time Acceleration Chamber?" She asked.

Since the clone had been created about a month ago when Ren first went inside that Chamber, it still looked to be 7 years old.

Ren said that he would come out after a month, looking a decade older, so she was feeling rather excited about this, along with a mix of other emotions.

On one hand, Ren would soon be the same age as her, potentially paving the way for the romantic relationship she had long desired.

On the other hand, she felt bad for Ren as he was forcibly aging himself so that he could be together with them as a man. She would've been even more worried had Ren not promised her that he had found a way to become Ageless and had a way to bestow that blessing onto them as well.

"He should be done… about now." The clone said, not even looking in her direction and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Seriously?" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable. Even Pakura appeared intrigued by the news. "Let's go to that Chamber and meet him then."

"No need, I'm already here." a deep, husky voice interjected from behind her, causing her heart to skip a beat at the sound of that mature tone.

Pakura must have noticed Ren behind her too, as her eyes widened and a blush spread across her cheeks, her breath quickening.

Turning slowly, she was greeted with a sight that took her breath away. 

A striking young man, seemingly chiseled by the gods themselves, stood behind her. His flowing locks cascaded down his shoulders, and a self-assured smile graced his lips as he gazed down at her.

Yes, he gazed 'down' at her, cause Ren was finally taller than her.

It felt as though her prayers had been answered, as if Kami had sent her the perfect man.

Just being looked at him like that made her clench her thighs as her core grew moist.

Though despite all the transformations, one change in particular caught her attention more than the alterations in his appearance. Rather than the crimson hue of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, his eyes were now a deep shade of purple, with black pupils at their center, encircled by several concentric lines.

Those eyes... she couldn't quite comprehend their nature, but they emanated an inexplicable pressure. Her instincts warned her against crossing paths with the bearer of those eyes, hinting that any attempt to oppose them would prove fruitless.

While she wasn't well-versed in all the intricacies of the Sharingan, she understood that Ren's eyes underwent changes with each evolution. Each advancement in his eyes corresponded to an increase in his strength. This meant that Ren was now even more formidable than he had been prior to entering the Time Acceleration Chamber.

That only added to his charm, as far as she was concerned.

"See something you like?" Ren asked her, his eyes crinkling in amusement.

Kami, his voice alone was enough to make her breath hitch.

"Yes. Mommy likes." She said ashamedly as she moved toward him, her hands landing over his perfectly sculpted body as she started to feel him up.

His six pack abs, his muscular chest, and his muscles that felt like coiled steel upon touch… she could feel her heart beating faster, and her cheeks flushing red with arousal.

Her body heated up, her mind getting hazy as she imagined Ren pinning her against the bed and taking her against her will.

Oh god… she felt like she just came from that…

Ren grabbed her hand and she looked up at him in confusion before she flushed in shame as she realised just where her hand had been travelling.

Down his pants.

"Patience," Ren's husky baritone voice nearly caused her to climax once more. "We have all the time in the world for that. For now, summon Ringo and Yugito back from their missions. I'll be back after informing the Hokage of my return."

With that, Ren vanished from her sight and she instantly felt a wave of disappointment crash against her heart as the man of her dreams departed.

She let out a heavy sigh, as the disappointment gradually transform into excitement at how hot Ren had become, and at the thought of raising a family with him.

Yes, this was perfect.

She turned around and looked at Pakura who was also looking at bit under the weather after being under Ren's presence, her cheeks turning a faint red hue even as she tried to hide any other reaction.

"I claim him," she announced to Pakura, who blinked in surprise before shaking her head.

"Feel free. I'm not interested in him in that way," Pakura replied, though she couldn't help but detect a hint of disappointment and yearning in her voice.

She chuckled inwardly. Looks like Pakura still hadn't realised that she needed a man in her life to fuck the stoicism out of her and breed her.

Oh well, more for her until Pakura realised the truth.


AN: That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C47
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


