85.71% A Familiar Bond / Chapter 12: Life-changing Decisions

章 12: Life-changing Decisions

The champions, the heads of schools, ministry officials from different countries, and delegates of the ICW were gathered in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, and for the first time, Harry was in the company of so many dignitaries. He dealt with the situation as best as he could.

His fellow champions were no different, however, he noted that Fleur seemed to be handling it the best out of the three. Standing beside Dumbledore who was talking to the Foreign Minister of France, Harry observed Fleur keenly. She was with her headmistress, and the pair was talking to the announcer.

Harry had already recognized the man. He was Ludo Bagman, a former Quidditch professional turned commentator who was regarded as one of the best in the business. Bagman was miserably failing at trying to control himself around Fleur. The proximity had seemingly enhanced the effect she was having on him, it seemed.

Fleur looked annoyed. He didn't know what clued him in, but that fake polite smile and courteous replies she gave to the man were easy to see through. She was skilled at this art, he had to concede, but he could easily look past that perfectly maintained exterior and discern that she didn't like this one bit.

Not for the first time, Harry observed her. He had never seen a veela before he met Fleur. With her silvery tresses that framed her face and went down to the middle of her back like a silver waterfall and that porcelain skin that shined radiantly, Harry could see why men would fall over their feet for her.

Even the other men in attendance, and accomplished people in positions of power at that, seemed to fail at stealing glances at the silvery blonde, and Harry felt a flash of irritation pass through him. She was almost as old as their daughters or even granddaughters in a few cases, and for them to ogle her like that didn't sit right with him.

Fleur had also seen the effect she was having on the men and the glares she had been receiving from a few women in attendance. Harry scoffed internally. As if any of it was her fault. It was on these pathetic wizards who couldn't practice basic self-restraint.

'Hell, even Krum is holding himself better than this lot,' Harry thought as he looked over at his Bulgarian counterpart before he grit his teeth when he saw bloody Karkaroff do the same.

Fleur, however, pointedly ignored the nasty stares she was getting from the females in attendance and the not-so-subtle glances the older men were giving her. However, Harry was sure it was affecting her.

He looked at the minister who Dumbledore was talking to and smiled politely at him as he greeted them in parting. Sighing, he looked at the headmaster who gave him an amused glance.

"This is cumbersome," he muttered. Dumbledore chuckled.

"This is what it is going to be like when you take your lordships. Better get used to it."

Harry shook his head. "A part of me really wants to just get rid of them and hole myself up in some mountain cave. At least I'd have peace then."

Dumbledore looked at him amusingly as Harry walked over to the table and took his seat. He looked around the hall, taking in the people that were assembled. It had already been over an hour, and most of it had been filled with one person after another coming up to greet and introduce themselves to the bloody Boy who lived. Harry doubted even half of them would've cared this much if he was someone else.

He turned to look at Fleur. Something about this woman intrigued him. He couldn't put his fingers on what it was, but there was a pull he felt from her. He was sure it was not her veela magic working to ensnare him. His Occlumency was capable enough to detect intrusion of any nature and he didn't feel her allure enmeshing his senses either.

Furthermore, he was able to keep his wits around her, and he was sure he had not stared at her even once. Instead, he recalled with slight mirth, she was the one who seemed to be checking him out.

Well, if she had any such ideas, she would have to face a certain raven vixen first.

Harry had taken to watching the others, being the least interested in seeing Fudge staring at this witch who could be his granddaughter when he felt someone sit beside him.

"I have to admit, you have it much worse than I do," Harry replied without turning around. His magic recognized the woman easily, who turned to look at him inquisitively.

"What are you talking about?"

Harry gestured around the Great Hall where a few people were discreetly watching them. He thought he heard the shutter of a camera but could not be bothered to confront whoever it was.

"Being stared at wherever you go. It used to happen to me a lot, and although I don't get many stares at Hogwarts now apart from new students, it still happens elsewhere. However, I don't think I've ever been as uncomfortable as you have looked today."

Fleur looked at him in surprise.

"You have keen eyes," she intoned softly, and Harry turned to look at her. She had a small frown on her face as she stared ahead.

"You are right. It does get tiring. But being who I am, I need to maintain some form of self-control. Reacting will only worsen it all," Fleur said, sighing.

Harry frowned. "You did tell me that your father is a member of the legislature. Is that the only reason why you need to keep up appearances?"

Fleur shook her head. "You must understand that although Veela are considered a part of the French society, marrying one is still not widely practiced. In fact, my father is the only wizard from the nobility who has married one. As such, we are seen with higher scrutiny. Any lapse on our part would reflect poorly on the Noble House of Delacour."

"No pressure then," Harry replied with a mirthless chuckle, easily understanding how challenging such a life could be. In a certain sense, it reminded him oddly of how he was looked at in this country, and that made him relate to her a bit more.

Fleur smiled and shook her head. "This tournament is supposed to be my chance at making a name for myself, and proving to the wizarding populace that there is more to me beyond the tag of Veela, something they better keep in mind."

Harry smiled. "I can respect that."

Fleur looked at him and could not help but smile back.

"Your English is quite good, by the way," Harry praised. "You've barely got an accent."

"Thanks. I've learned various languages," she replied, smiling. Harry looked at her interestedly.

"Have you? What other languages can you speak?"

"Spanish, Italian and a little bit of Greek."

Harry whistled softly. "Now that is impressive. With translation charms and runes available, devoting yourself to learn other languages is something I can respect."

Fleur smirked. "Careful, Mr Potter. Seems like you're respecting me a bit too much. Won't want it when we compete against each other."

Harry chuckled. "Believe me, Miss Delacour, when I say that I know how to toe the thin line between respect and too much respect. You'll find enough challenge in me."

"In that case, you better call me Fleur. Rivals are generally on first name basis, right?"

Harry chuckled. "In that case, call me Harry then."

The pair looked at each other with identical smirks when Harry spied someone over Fleur's shoulder. A glint entered his eye as his smirk widened.

"Professor!" He called out, standing up. "Have you met Miss Fleur Delacour?"

"Oh, Harry lad, no, I don't believe I've had the pleasure," Slughorn smiled, before turning towards Fleur who had also stood up and was looking at Harry in confusion.

"Fleur, this is Professor Slughorn, probably the best Potions professor to ever teach at Hogwarts. Professor, Fleur Delacour, the champion of Beauxbatons and the heiress to the Noble House of Delacour."

Slughorn gave the woman a polite nod and smiled at Harry. Fleur looked at Harry appreciatingly, not missing how he introduced her as the champion first – something she had earned and was not born with.

"I do not know about the best professor, but I do try, my boy," the old man chuckled. Harry smiled.

"Well, I can only speak from experience and what Sirius has told me. If Dumbledore paid you a special visit for a recommendation, I think it proves how much value he puts in your expertise. And frankly, sir, what I have experienced so far in your classes further solidifies that fact for me."

Slughorn chuckled. "Quite a flatterer, isn't he?"

Fleur smiled.

"I only tell the truth, Professor. You are one of the very few potion masters who can brew a perfect batch of Liquid Luck. And you have singlehandedly raised the Potions grade of almost every student here. I think it is something we should commend, won't you say, Fleur?"

Fleur could only nod with a surprised smile.

"You can brew Felix Felicis?" She asked in wonder. Slughorn chuckled.

"Never underestimate this man, Miss Delacour," Harry teased as he leaned his elbow on Slughorn's shoulder, who looked at him in surprise. "Professor Slughorn is one of the most accomplished Potions master, and I am sure you will find a number of people during the year who will have nothing but words of praise for him."

"Oho, young man. You've lifted me high enough. Time to cut it out a little," Slughorn smiled and turned towards Fleur.

"Tell me a bit about yourself, Miss Delacour."

He stood there between them as the two talked for a couple of minutes before Slughorn left with a parting look at him. Harry stifled a smirk of satisfaction.

"So… that was something," Fleur remarked and Harry turned towards her. "May I know the reason why you were endorsing him for something? I can't imagine it was because he's such a good professor."

Harry smirked. "You noticed that, huh?"

"I've been around these games for too long to not recognise when one is being played right in front of me," she stated simply. Harry chuckled.

"Well, I'm afraid that's confidential. Don't worry though, it's nothing bad."

"Even then, I do not take kindly to being a part of someone's games, Mr Potter."

Harry chuckled at her frown and waved his hand dismissively.

"Trust me, I'm playing no games here. It was a mutually beneficial recommendation, you can say. I know Slughorn won't remain at Hogwarts for more than a couple of years, and your father won't find a more accomplished potions master. I am sure France has ample of those, but can any of them claim to brew a perfect Felix Felicis?" Harry asked with a winning smile. Fleur had to concede that he had a point.

"So you want me to do what? Put a favorable word for him with my father?"

Harry shrugged. "I'll leave that up to you to decide. Afterall, you are more capable of knowing whether your father might have need of his services in the future. Something to think about, right?"

Fleur looked at him with a frown. She had to accept that Harry Potter was very different from the image of him she had in her mind. She had not expected him to be this sneaky. In one small discussion about her, he had managed to decipher that her father needed good potion masters and had fit it into his plans.

"You want something from him, don't you?"

Harry glanced at Fleur out of the corner of his eye. "That is confidential information, and I am sorry but you are not someone in my circle of trust yet."

"I'm not asking you to tell me your secrets," she rolled her eyes before smirking. "And you should keep an open mind and try to discuss things first before trying to manipulate situations. That is how you make allies."

Harry smirked. "I'll keep that in mind."


The Duelling Pit of Slytherin was a silent graveyard, even with hundreds of students surrounding it. A tense aura permeated the air as students from the second to the seventh year all stared at the pair standing on the opposite ends.

From her vantage point atop a pillar, a certain midnight black kneazle watched in interest. Her eyes were trained on the female – a statuesque blonde who exuded supreme confidence as she stared at her opponent with disdain apparent in her gaze.

Her opponent had a swagger of arrogance about him as he smirked at the woman whose expression did not waver in the slightest.

"Daphne Greengrass and Draco Malfoy," the same student from before began, "you have decided to settle the issue with a formal duel. State your demands."

"I ask for Greengrass' dismissal from the Council and her seat to be granted to the one it should have been granted to in the first place – Me!"

Daphne glared at the wizard in front of her, who smirked.

"There is nothing this pathetic excuse of a wizard has that I might possibly want," Daphne intoned softly.

Valerie chuckled to herself, observing the smirks on a few faces scattered around the arena as the wizard officiating the duel nodded, his poker face unwavering. Malfoy bristled.

"I hope Potter's cock is enough for you, Greengrass. Afterall, once you've sullied yourself with filth like him, there is no way any upstanding wizard would even touch that cunt," the blonde wizard hissed maliciously.

Daphne glared murderously at Malfoy and waited for the signal. She didn't waste even a second when the whistle blew, and Malfoy flew off the platform and into the pit beside it. Before the wizard could even catch his bearings, the sound of his cries rang out around the small chamber as Daphne conjured a whip and smacked him across the back.

Blood seeped through his white shirt and everyone looked on in fascination as Daphne did not relent, calmly whipping her wand. Valerie watched this torture with fascination, for torture this was. Her sad excuse of a nephew was left a crying mess in the dirt when Daphne stopped, disdainfully looking at the spot where he was lying, face down.

The blonde beauty flicked her wand once again, and the Malfoy heir was levitated into the air. Slowly, she dragged his writhing and shivering form back over the dueling platform until he was right in front of her.

Daphne stared down at him and viciously put her shoe-clad foot over his right hand, and Malfoy cried as his fingers snapped.

"You're not so talkative now," the woman whispered, yet her voice carried all over the dueling arena. Everyone watched with bated breath, not daring to intervene or put a stop to it. They could not, anyway. The rules forbade them to.

"You are nothing more than a pest, Malfoy. An insect that feasts on shit. Stay there and you will live your pathetic life in peace."

Daphne turned him around, and everyone saw the red face of Draco Malfoy as he cried in pain. Snot covered the lower half of his face and Daphne looked around.

"This is who you people consider listening to? A pathetic fool?" Daphne asked mockingly, spitting to the side. Slowly, she squatted in front of Malfoy's face and grabbed his hair. The boy cried out when his face was yanked upwards, and he looked into the infernal pools of sapphire that burnt like the coldest flames with tearful eyes. His back hurt so much that he could not explain.

"You do not need to worry whether Potter's cock would be enough for me, Malfoy. I have full faith in his manliness. Something that can't be said about you. Shame that the Malfoy name will end with you," Daphne sighed in faux sympathy as she shoved his face into the platform and stood up. "On second thought," she reconsidered, "maybe it won't be such a shame if your wretched family of upjumped peasants went extinct anyway."

Daphne took a few steps away and stared at the officiating wizard with a raised eyebrow, who sighed and gestured towards Malfoy's wand which was still in his palm. Daphne rolled her eyes. The idiot might be taken care of, but he was still conscious. Feeling justifiably vindictive, she hit him with a vicious stunner right in the face and the wizard went limp.

"The winner is Daphne Greengrass. Someone fix Malfoy so that he can go to the infirmary."


Feeling oddly satisfied for some reason, Valerie walked in the shadows behind the Greengrass heiress who had walked out once the assembly had ended. Her pathetic nephew's proposal had been dismissed without any further consideration.

Right after, the blonde beauty had been followed by two brunette girls. Spying her old dormitory for fourth years, Valerie darted forward quickly and before the girls could see anything, she shot through the small gap in the doorway and lay down in a dark corner.

The door swung open and the three entered, before closing it behind them. Valerie saw them sit opposite each other, with the pair of brunettes taking their seats on two beds adjacent to each other while the object of her interest threw her robes to the floor before taking her sweater off.

"Was that really necessary, Daph?" The brunette who looked younger than the other asked with an exasperated sigh. Daphne did not answer and threw her sweater over her robes and slipped off her tie, dropping it on the small pile.

"Leave it, Tori. You know she won't answer. It's always like this," the other brunette muttered with a frown. Daphne paused and looked at her, who stared back defiantly.

"If you have something to say to me, be direct. I have no interest in your insinuations, Tracey," Daphne replied firmly. The brunette who Valerie now knew was named Tracey looked at Daphne with pursed lips.

"I am talking about this obsession you have with Potter," she began, and Valerie looked at the blonde intently. "Whenever someone mentions him in a negative light or tries to go against him, you respond with so much scorn that it reeks. You are a weird woman, Daph. You always preach that we should keep our composure and yet react the way you did down there when he is concerned. Hell, you even basically stated for the entire house to hear that Potter's cock is enough for you. Really, Daph? Such crassness?"

Valerie's eyes widened as she listened to this accusation and she turned to look at the blonde who was staring at the brunette stonily.

"You done?" She asked. Tracey sighed. Daphne went back to undressing. She took off her shirt and skirt, leaving her in her undergarments, and Valerie had to admit that she was a very pleasing sight indeed. Her assets were easily on par with hers, a fact she could not help but notice. She watched on as Daphne grabbed her silk black nightdress and slipped it on before letting her blonde hair loose.

"You want to know what it is between me and Potter?" Daphne asked finally, looking at the pair of witches, who exchanged a look and nodded.

"I respect him. More than any other. Is that enough of an answer?"

"You defend him so much because you respect him?" Tracey asked skeptically.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Daphne chuckled. "Potter has been impressive ever since he arrived in this school. Everyone thought he would either be an entirely unremarkable wizard or an arrogant ponce who'd let his childhood fame go to his head. He was nothing like that, and he proved himself to be the best wizard in our year and even years above."

The two women listened in wonder as Daphne explained everything passionately. Never had they heard her speak like this. She looked… alive.

"I've observed him over the years. First year when he killed Quirrell and saved everyone. Second year with the Basilisk and the Chamber fiasco. Third year and the innocence of Sirius Black. Year after year he has proven himself. And I can respect a person like that."

Tracey found her voice. "And that respect is enough to make you behave like this?"

They had never talked about this, so hearing Daphne open up was something entirely new to them. They looked surprised when Daphne smiled. A genuine, serene smile that reached her eyes.

"I haven't told you this," Daphne continued, "but I talked to him after all those incidents. He was skeptical at first, which is understandable, but we soon got talking. He explained what happened and how he did everything."

"He might be lying," Tracey interjected. Daphne shook her head.

"I have no reason to believe he lied. You can't fake such genuineness. I was honestly surprised and shocked that a boy as old as me was able to accomplish feats like those, and he inspired me to better myself. What I am capable of today is all because I had a goal. A goal of becoming as strong and capable as possible so that I could one day stand alongside him."

Their eyes widened.

"What are you saying, Daph?" The younger brunette asked. However, Valerie paid her no mind. She was staring at this blonde beauty in surprise, who looked at the girl and smiled.

"It started as respect, and my respect for him slowly turned into love. I have talked to him thrice, but that doesn't matter. I know the kind of person he is, and I respect and admire him more than I can explain."

Three pairs of eyes shot open at the admission, and all stared at the smiling witch.

"You… love him? Love?" Tracey whispered, flabbergasted. "Daph, he already has a girlfriend!"

Daphne's smile faltered a bit, and she sighed.

"I know… And I'm happy that he finally found someone. He stayed too lonely all those years. It's good that he has his childhood friend back. And it is clear that they love each other. As long as he is happy, I'm strangely fine with it."

"Oh Daph," Tracey whispered and stood up, before wrapping her arms around the blonde, who seemed to blink back tears before chuckling.

"I still regret not trying to approach him when I realised what I felt for him. Perhaps things would've been different. But you never know, perhaps they might break up someday. And if it happens, I'll be waiting for him," Daphne said with a smile as she extricated herself from the hug.

"I don't know what to say," Tracey said as she dropped onto her bed and looked at Daphne, who sat on hers. Astoria put her hand on her sister's shoulder, who looked at her and smiled.

It was barely a second later when the door to the dormitory swung open and they saw an irate brunette walk up to them. Daphne looked at her with a bored gaze while the other two women stared disdainfully.

Before the brunette could get a word out, she found a wand pressed under her chin and chilling sapphire eyes glaring at her.

"Just try," Daphne whispered. Pansy's eyes bugged out and she stood, frozen.

"I really hope you don't do something foolish, Pansy," Daphne continued. "I have no personal quarrel with you. However, I won't hesitate in dealing with you if you become a thorn in my side. One wrong step and I'll have no reluctance in making an example out of you too."

Her bit said, Daphne pulled her wand back and took her seat on her bed. Pansy, shivering and no longer glaring, turned around and walked over to her bed.

"Tell your boy candy to mind himself if he fails to learn his lesson, Pansy. I'd rather not spend any more of my energy on him."

Valerie's mind was swirling with emotions as she stared at this beautiful blonde woman who loved her husband. In no way could she detect any foul play or maliciousness on her part, and the way she had destroyed her nephew in her husband's defense stood a testament to the strength of her feelings.

Love born out of respect was perhaps the most powerful of them all. Valerie had seen Harry's memories, and she recalled them talking every year before school ended. There was some chemistry between the two, she could not deny that.

For the first time, Valerie wondered what would have happened if Harry had not found her that day in Hogsmeade. It was entirely possible that he would have ended up with Daphne. After all, Daphne was holding back only because he had a girlfriend now.

As Valerie walked out of the dungeons and to the Room of Requirement, she reached a decision. A decision that would change their lives for good.


"You seem tense."

Valerie gazed at him in the reflection of the mirror as he came behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She sighed in contentment when he pulled her close and kissed her bare shoulder tenderly.

"Done with all the socializing finally?" She asked instead. Harry sighed.

"It was a pain. All those suckers posturing and prattling on as if there was no tomorrow. I'd have been bored out of my mind if not for Fleur."

"Hmm?" Valerie asked in interest. "Already on first name basis with the Frenchie?"

Harry looked at her and rolled his eyes, feeling her amusement.

"She's interesting, that's all."

"I bet she's only interesting," Valerie teased as she walked over to their bed, aware of his eyes following the sway of her rear under the black babydoll she was wearing.

"Well," Harry chuckled as he walked closer. "I've felt her magic, and she is powerful. Much more than any other seventh year at Hogwarts. I'm sure she will pose a challenge."

"Really?" Valerie asked in interest, and Harry looked at her with a frown.

"Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you are," Harry said in exasperation. Valerie sighed.

"You know we will have to discuss it in the near future, so why not now?"

Frowning, Harry got under the covers and laid down, and lifted it. Valerie smiled and got in, leaning back against him. She sighed softly when he pulled her close.

"You know you will have to marry three witches one day. That is inevitable," she said softly.

"So what?" He asked as he stroked her belly softly. "We have enough time."

"Do we?" Valerie asked as she grabbed his hand and pulled it in front of her face. Three rings became visible on his fingers – Potter, Black, and Peverell. She stroked each reverently.

"You might not be marrying them right now or even in one or two years, but if we don't discuss it and decide who they should be, we might miss out on someone who is worthy," Valerie whispered.

Harry sighed, "And you think Fleur is worthy?"

"You tell me. You are the one who thinks she is interesting, and attractive as well. Yeah," she chuckled, "our bond tells me that much, and I have to agree. She is perhaps one of the most beautiful witches I have ever seen."

Harry stayed silent as she caressed his fingers.

"I have eyes too, my love, and I have personal experience with how much libido you have," she whispered, rubbing her rear against his hardening member. "See, this small discussion is enough to arouse you. Are you thinking about her, by any chance? How it would feel to have you writhing under you as you take her? As you make her yours?"

With every question, Valerie rubbed her ass against his groin until he was at full mast. She had a vice grip on his hand right atop her breasts as he squeezed them.

"I know you, Harry. More than you think. And I know you might not have stared at her like those idiots, but you did imagine how it would be like. Don't worry, I'm not mad. In fact, I think it's hot," she whispered as he softly pinched her hard nipples.

"Well," he began huskily as he kissed her under the ear, "you got me. I did imagine it all. In fact, I imagined a lot more. How hot it would be to take you both at the same time. I know you like that a lot," he smirked.

Valerie arched her back as he dragged his hand down until he slipped his fingers inside the elastic of her knickers and stroked her slick folds.

"I discovered something else as well," she gasped and tilted her head slightly so that he could properly kiss her tender skin.

"Oh yeah? And what else did you discover?" He asked, hot breath caressing the wet skin where he had just licked. Valerie smirked.

"Daphne Greengrass loves you, and I believe she would make a brilliant lady for one of the houses."

Harry's fingers froze above her gushing quim and she felt him go still behind her.

"What did you just say?"

Valerie turned her head to the side and with a smirk, she opened their mind link, connecting with him instantly. Projecting what she had witnessed in the dungeons, she relaxed and let him enjoy the show. She felt his immense amusement and fascination as Daphne dressed down Malfoy before she beat the crap out of him, which transformed into abject shock when Daphne confessed to everything.

Valerie had put her hand inside his shorts and was softly stroking him while Harry was busy, and she smirked at him when he came to himself, looking down at her with wide eyes.

"Now tell me it would be wrong to have anyone other than her be yours. I dare you," she said confidently, and probably for the first time, Harry was truly at a loss.

"I had no clue," he whispered, and Valerie's eyes softened.

"No one can blame you. You've talked to her three times till date. How could you expect something like that? But now that you do, what are you going to do about it?"

Harry closed his eyes and leaned his face in her hair as he inhaled her fruity scent. Valerie smirked.

"Can you imagine, Harry? Three witches. All among some of the most powerful there are. All politically savvy and astute. And all among the most beautiful there are. You don't need to answer. This is answer enough," she whispered huskily as she kept stroking him, feeling his manhood throb every once in a while.

Slowly, he pulled away and she turned her head around to look at him. Her eyes glinted and she grinned when she saw the familiar emerald glow in them. Pushing his shorts down his legs, she grabbed his cock and pushed her knickers to the side. She lined him up against herself and he pushed all the way inside in one thrust.

His hands grabbed the hem of her babydoll and he pulled it over her head. Throwing it away, he unhooked her flimsy lace bra before freeing up her tits. Clad in only her lace knickers, Valerie rocked her ass as he thrust hard and fast inside her.

"Oh yes! Oh, fuck me! Fuck me like you want to fuck them, Harry! Show me how much you want them!" Valerie cried out erotically as Harry grunted and started to pound into her furiously. Her ass jiggled with every slap of his waist and she hissed whenever he pinched or pulled her nipples.

Turning her head around, she looked into his eyes and grinned.

"Imagine you are breeding me, Fleur and Daphne together. Imagine your seed taking root inside us, Harry. Fuck me like you mean it!"

In an instant, Harry leaned over and bent her in front of him. Valerie had barely a moment to catch her bearings as he slammed viciously from behind.

"Ohh fuck!" She cried out in pleasure as he grabbed her round ass roughly and continued to pound her. Her toes curled and Harry grunted when she grabbed his cock in a vice.

The head of his cock expanded, and Valerie moaned during the pleasure-induced haze of her orgasm as she felt him explode inside her.

Panting, they dropped onto the bed, breathing heavily. Harry slowly rolled off her and laid on his back, leaving her lying face-first on the bed.

"Wow," she whispered as she slowly pulled herself and looked at him.

It was fifteen minutes later when they had calmed down entirely and Valerie was lying almost on top of him. His hands were softly stroking the curve of her ass as he looked at her.

"So… what have you decided?" She asked him softly. Harry dragged his right hand over her body and brought it in front of their faces. They looked at the rings once again before looking at her.

"I'll think about it."

Valerie smiled and buried herself in his embrace as the pair drifted off to sleep.


To be continued…


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