The result of the battle...
The Aragon family was destroyed, along with all the people that lived in the Land of Dragons.
Zen did not leave anyone alive, it was just like he said back then: he erased the Dragonic Lineage from the face of the planet.
He even did it in such a ruthless way that they were unable to defend themselves and were unable to escape their fate of being killed.
The entire land first had the most peaceful atmosphere, but the next moment, before they knew it, a bloodbath started essentially killing them all.
Even the Aragon family, which ruled this land, was unable to do anything.
It was really tragic, even for the people in this land; they did not even know the real reason why they were killed, even though Zen explained the reason why he invaded them, they did not believe him at all.
This was just the unwavering loyalty that ran through the bloodline of the Dragonics.
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Need motivation!