/ Fantasy / Titan Beneath the Heavens

Titan Beneath the Heavens

Titan Beneath the Heavens

Fantasy -- 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは6章/週です。 255 章 1.5M ビュー
作者: Crescent

2.38 (137 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


O'Neil Andrew Morisette was born into the Divine Empire of Titan with a silver, no, golden spoon in his mouth. Having been sent to prison at the young age of 5 for being the perpetrator of the biggest scandal of Titan Imperialty, he launched his political career after his release. He could be the Emperor's favorite minister, the Princess's husband, a Prince of the Divine Empire of Titan, or a marshal with tens of thousands of soldiers, but which persona will he choose to identify with?

This is a story of choices, of intrigue, of love. Will O'Neil Andrew Morisette bow to his fate, or will he entangle himself in romance? Where does his destiny lead, and what changes will he bring to the strongest empire in Westland?

  1. Shadespike
    Shadespike 貢献した 10
  2. mcloud6
    mcloud6 貢献した 6
  3. nose
    nose 貢献した 1


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景


    LV 15 Badge

    Really poorly translated. The speech sounds really unnatural. The characters start to wax poetic about how great the mc is to set up the mc greatness instead of the author actually writing the character do anything special. The main character goes on a stupid power trip first thing. It's just a pathetic high word count story. There s so much needless description and useless over worded junk you can skim read the story and not miss anything. I'll label it a cash grab word count trash story. Poorly translated it seriously needs an editor. Junk world building. Trash character design. World background is just more word padding.

    47 の返信を表示する

    Editors! We need to summon bunch of editors! It's still not too late, we can definitely improve this in the early stage! Hurry hurry.. get all the magicians ready!

    18 の返信を表示する

    About Plotting, Emipre building , Romance, Erotica, there are better books to read than this one . I won't recommend you to read this book, that's for sure. Massive amount of info dump since the first chapter. And the writings ticked me off. (i don't know the original writing is bad or tl is bad) It first introduce a minor character in detail (or his cursing) and then jumped into introducing his superior and then the top prisoners he is going to free one by one in detail( they are sidekicks of Oscar i guess). And jumped to a conversation between Oscar and his lackey Domingo. and then they talked about some random guy who suicide for his child to be on Amnesty Order and this Oscar dude interrogated the prison doctor like a boss. and he ate red trout like a boss which his maid prepared. And it became an introduction for Oscar's awesome bg family. he is nephew of emperor etc and vidvidly introduced his sister . And then Oscar remembeing his sister, he and his maid love scene. I was like wow wth. and chapter ended with warden getting trouble with Amnesty Order of Oscar. and cursing this: "O Neil! You damn fatty! Fat pig! You devilish dude. You son of a ***** that eats ****. Do you want to fill the world of the God of Light with sin? You are the most shameless, the dirtiest and the most disgusting trash I have ever seen! You... You... You…... What you really want is my life! Oh god! Do I have to turn my back on you now?" Wow I have no idea who the f is this o neil dude and chapter ended. Thank God it ended. I don't even want to know who the f o neil is after reading one chapter. I am so tired of reading this kind of writing. Now I am thinking Oscar is MC. But Synopsis clearly claimed that O neil dude who is mentioned twice in chapter one is MC. What to do? The lines are endless. Painfully endless. Reading them feel like I am at marathon. I dont even binge read, just read them leisurely but the conversion are so awkward. Info dump after info dump. I casually read other chapters and think their character development is awkward. and story development too, lol (Actually the characters have awesome backgrounds settings, like 90& of characters.) And the author like to write conversation among people and then bam, he explain for a 2/3 of a chapter why this is happening. If I have to nitpick, chapter names are lazy (First Episode: Chapter 1 First Episode: Chapter 6 etc) May be it is just not my kind of book. May be one man's trash is another man's treasure. :)

    60 の返信を表示する

    First of all the novel is bad but what makes it even worse is the machine level translation.... There are so many good novels out there why translate this kind of garbage....?

    10 の返信を表示する

    Honestly the translation is so bad its almost unreadable. Story also seems to be a bore. Can easily tell editor isn't a native English speaker or is just horrendous at English.

    11 の返信を表示する

    Can barely understand anything, I was thrust into a story I know nothing about. Read a few chapters but they explain nothing, no idea what's going on in this novel.

    9 の返信を表示する

    Author randomly gave out a spoiler about the novel's conclusion. Appears to be a novel about politics in the middle ages. Dunno whether or not there are any fantasy elements. It's probably good? But if you're gonna read a novel full of political schemes and criminal masterminds why read this? That's all I'm saying.

    14 の返信を表示する

    Ok, I try to read this novel until chap 27, and you know what? It's such a mess, the author clearly try to make this novel like more grandeur and mysterious but what I see only a many dump unnecesarry information. The transition of scene always abrupt and really weird especially when the MC try to reminiscing his past and then suddenly change to present again. And the TL is so-so, the scructure of sentence is really weird for me who even isn't native speaker. So the conclusion of the review is : If you want to read many dump unnecesarry info then just don't read this. Ps. the author clearly try using word count business to make a lenghty chapter so his/her can make more money.

    0 の返信を表示する

    The world setting is supposely 18-19 century Great Britain like country (Holy Titan Empire). They have places like Dublin(Dulin) Buckingham Palace (Hamilton Palace) Dartmoor(Darmoga). The novel aimed at young Chinese audience and I think the author only loosely adopt western customs when convenient. Many differences from western customs. Naming were sh*t. MC name is O' Neil Andrew Morisette. Name like O' Neill , O' Shere, O' Hara are basically surnames meaning "of Neill (descendant of Neill)" etc. For example Jack O' Hara = Jack who is a descendant of Hara (Eaghra). So the MC first name is "Of Neil" but actually he is not a descendant of Neil or something! He is from Morissette family so why use that name? And his nickname is Oscar which is a farcry from O' Neill in western culture. ( In Chinese name O Neil and Oscar are similar but this is a western style novel, so author should mind the details.) Similar is the case of Antonia. Author made her nickname Annie. But the short forms of Antonia which people use are Nia, Toni, Tonia, Tonya. Antonia meaning flower. Annie is known to be derived from Hebrew name Hannah meaning gracious. In short this is a story which author pretend to be high class with some flowery words but he didn't even know the meanings of his own work. It is sad to read. The story is ******, People love MC, worship even MC sleep with a random character Haters try to kill or frame or oppress MC MC win over them And then the author explain for 1 chapter, why is this happening, why MC is winning every time, why every haters lose and why people worship MC. Author said MC is in prison since he is 5 years old. And I don't understand why ruthless,coldblooded and scheming inmates fear and worship him . May be I will read more of this when I am extra bore again.

    2 の返信を表示する

    I have to go to sleep, because tomorrow I have to get up early ... and just you put a new novel, an unexpected day e.e Now I will have to stay several hours to read it, bad there webnovel u.u

    0 の返信を表示する

    Impossible! Absolutely Impossible! How could this even exist here! The Great Heavenly Dao allowed another one in? Nonono! The Dao must have been breached secretly. Yes It could be but how and why? Yes! Yes! I figured it out. The Great Heavenly Dao must have been breached by the Dao of Fate and Money.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Forced myself to read it hoping it would get better, but definitely not my cup of tea. I find it really irritating that qidian forces us to write at least 140 words in our review. I get where the are coming from, but some novels don't deserve that many words.

    3 の返信を表示する

    The greatest novel so far The translation is really good and smooth, i could read it with my eyes closed. And for the story? just imagine you are a 8 grade medicine master, but trapped in level 7 soul eater illusion array. And you killed by it. The end

    4 の返信を表示する

    I’m gonna list a few points right off the bat: Translation is horrendous coming from a site that pushes these kind of novels. Speeches are sentences that doesn’t even read smoothly. As if one just translated purely from the rates with little to minor editing done on this part. Characters are not that memorable since I’ve read ahead and i must say, really disappointing personas. I would only read this if god and hell says so.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    I'll be downvoting this for the sole purpose of breaching the moral conduct of respecting the What's Next queue. While I'm unsure of what allowed this to happen, we as users have the power to review it based on our point of view and in mine this was and still is a huge mistake, which is why I won't support this novel.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    After reading the first couple of paragraphs I can tell that the content of the original novel in Chinese uses imagery to great effect in the style of high fantasy. However from reading in English I can see that the person who is translating doesn't not do the subject matter justice. Writing in third person omniscient and using complex imagery is very difficult. We can see how the translator fell short, his is just doing the literal meaning translation instead without considering how the prose flows together in English. Instead we have a disjointed prose that jumps around presumably keeping up with the Chinese meaning but fails to live to the quality of the imagery or how the narrative flows. Please choose a translator that is a better writer

    0 の返信を表示する

    Ugh I wanna nukes this novel Uncle Kim is not happy, why this kind of unqualified novel appears out of nowhere without passing the vote? And without editors

    3 の返信を表示する

    This is trash beyond trash iredeemable trash unrecyclable trash this proves the author too is nothing but trash. There are tons of Web novels which have a western style to them which are really good eg book eating magician ( Chinese harry potter) if you are really that brainless and retarded that you cannot even follow their example just stick to your cultivation novel style and stop disgracing western style writing you piece of trash author. Because of you qidian should give a -negative star rating system that would be the true rating of this piece of trash produced by you a piece of trash author.

    6 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    What the f*ck even is this novel? What rotting novel hellhole did they fish this out of? You can find much better world building in twilight fan fiction, so I suggest you go there.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is insane ... first:- where did this novel pop up from? Secondly:- what's up with the writing.... well either the writing or translation.... I can't follow.... Plz put this back where u found it... and learn to work the cue, how else am I supposed to get points,so that I won't have to wait for ads....lol.

    1 の返信を表示する

    卷 19

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    作者 Crescent