As Meng Hao uttered the words, his left hand flickered in an incantation gesture. He pressed a finger onto his solar plexus, and some blood from his Cultivation base seeped out of his mouth. This blood was very precious; Cultivators could only produce so much of it. But Meng Hao didn't hesitate. He wiped the Cultivation blood off of his lips with a finger, then pressed the finger onto the mask.
According to the Spirit Devouring Scripture branded onto his mind, this was a simple method to take control of the mask.
His finger sank inside, deep into the mask's recesses. It pushed very far back, into a distant corner. There, face gloomy and uncooperative, was the Li Clan Patriarch.
"Your will is weak!" cried the Li Clan Patriarch shrilly. "Therefore, the mask tried to bewitch you!"