50% 4000: Ruins of Yesterday / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Rezuma's City

章 5: Chapter 5: Rezuma's City

The whole process of entering the destination made Vier know how to listen for the first time when he just got out from the pod. He saw a city tag 'Rezuma City' , the surroundings was made up of charcoal like buildings with a water like windows as far as he understand with some materials in his useful Britura. Vier saw the same kind of specie's that threw debris then break it using their grizzly claws they also jump in the mid-air using their hooves. Vier does not feel any thing that actually makes him think that they are doing weird stuff since he is just new in Vernura. Yet being brought by a species that he does not know yet constructed his fears.

Vier moved away from the specie's arm that named Sarika. Using his 'C' shaped heel in his feet , he kicked the arm for him to jump out--Not worrying what will happen next to him and the one who brought him to Rezuma. Vier Yorgin stop in the middle of a busy crowd for he was stunned by the suspended air that was being smeared with pastel rainbow like glitters.

"That is called Iotallion." Says a random specie in Rezuma.

Vier looked at the new arrivals that were holding a little one like species in the same kind. Vier jumped gently in the little species, the adult one's reacted angrily. Then again Vier , does not know any of the Rezuma's rules nor what species are they.

Sarika inserted to rescue her Reica which was Vier. A loud roaring storm tone has brought a great impact in the crowd , every one ran back to their corresponding homestead. The busy crowd before change into a place where it is un-habitant. Hertzaf dragged Sarika into a place that is safe to hide as for Vier he was forgotten by Hertzaf which made Sarika forcibly shooed her shoulders being touched by Hertzaf.

"Stay here!" Hertzaf demanded with his commanding tone.

"I can not afford to lose another Reica!" Sarika yelled in a desperate voice.

"He is not a Reica nor one of us! Wake up!" After Hertzaf released the words Sarika closed her eyes and calmed herself.

Vier is all alone in the center of where he last seen the unknown species including the one named Sarika. Not having knowledge about what is going to happen next , Viers hearthillia glowed. It is not some one releated to him , it was his fear reacting. The loud roaring storm tone was the creature who catched Vier in the mid air.

Then a mists surrounded Vier. Unexpectedly, a flock of miniature like size creature with magma wings surrounding the mists appeared. Guiding Viers stretchable hands until the mists faded out, Vier had his palm touch by the creature who catch him using also its huge palm. It ignited with a majestic aura. They are finally connected.

The species from Rezuma unhurriedly get out from their houses to witness what just happened to Vier and the Creature.

Sarika also showed up with wariness from her eyes, she also just got out from Hertzafs protective instincts. Hertzaf looked at Vier from a distant -- plainly unhappy with his existence.

"Little one!" Vier looked at the unknown specie. Yet the creature blocked Sarika. The creature was smelling Sarika when the creature sense no danger , it moved aside and let Sarika go near to Vier.

Since Sarika does not know how to communicate back with a Yorgin. She decided to explain to Vier what they are. While the creature is still on guard behind Sarika's back. Hertzaf was also guarding the creature from behind. As for the other side of the crowd they looked at Vier like a trespasser, some part also from the crowd did not bother looking at Vier nor talk about it.

After Sarika explained what they were , Vier finally has some few knowledge of where he was and what kind of species he met.

They were Rewaza born with long hairs : Male or Female. In addition with grizzly claws pired with hooves. They also are living away from the yorgins and avoiding being involved with the other wild species that wanted to hunt one of the Rewaza. They are called 'Stonies' a enemy of all species in Ventura. Stonies were hoping that they can and will kill the present Maragi Czar so that the Erotechs will lose balance of its life in Vernura, before they rule the entire Vernura.

Sarika tried to made Vier understand every thing she said , but Vier was still clueless in the explanation she gave. Sarika sighed in defeat. One day Vier will finally understand the Erotechs that they are born ill-fated.

As Sarika was about to grab Vier again to put him back to her arms , the creature moved in a shielding way to Vier. Hertzaf on the other hand , pull Sarika back to avoid being scratched by the creature.

It was Hertzaf versus the Creature now. Vier looked around again at the Rezuma's City. Before he willingly step forth for the female Rewaza that named Sarika to take him into her arms back. Gladly, no one dared to asked questions about Vier in Rezuma City since Vier is not yet actually a registered Rewaza Izen. He is new every where accompanied by every thing.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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