One by one, the kingdoms devastated by the World Event fell under Lyrus' control. Using the system's abilities, he restored their lands, empowered their leaders, and tied them to the Amber Kingdom through unbreakable bonds. His actions turned despair into hope, and his name spread like wildfire.
By the time Lyrus returned to Amber Heavens, the kingdom had grown significantly. Its borders expanded, and its influence reached further than ever before. However, the Amber Kingdom was still not known as an empire.
In private, Lyrus reflected on his journey. The system must remain a secret, he reminded himself. Its power is mine to wield, but the world must believe in the strength of the Amber Kingdom, not the unseen force guiding it.
Lucidus approached, his voice calm. "Master, the world speaks of your deeds. You have turned chaos into order. But with such fame comes attention."