The Red Keep 300 AC.
After being introduced to the lords and ladies he was quickly moved to their private quarters, Ser Barristan and Ser Arthur following behind him. He had barely had a chance to even speak with the rest of his family, not that he was looking forward to it anyway. Though he did give Elia a smile before he left, the queen had always tried her best to be kind at least, even despite her families obvious hatred of him. As for Aegon and Rhaenys, his brother looked hatefully at him from the moment he arrived, while Rhaenys as always was far harder to figure out, his sister had fully embraced the viper like countenance of her uncle.
The room they brought him to was large and open and he couldn't resist it so he walked over, sat down on a chair and put his feet up on the table, he smirked at Barristan who shook his head to hide his grin. As for Arthur it had been strange to be back with his old mentor again, many the day he had spent training with him or Barristan and he knew he had them both to thank for making it through his time in Essos.
It was a few minutes later his father walked in and he wasn't alone, Jon Connington walked behind him his face as red as his hair, his brother and sister, uncle and aunt and Elia who was followed by her brother and some of his brood also made their entrance. His father looked questioningly at Ser Barristan before looking to him with his feet on the table, he saw a slight smirk on his face before he looked more serious and when Elia looked to him he sat properly.
"Ser Barristan I had not expected to see you leave my mother's side." his father said.
"No my king I would not have but for her grace ordering me to accompany Prince Daemon and protect him as I would her."
"And why would my brother need protecting Ser?" Rhaenys asked looking at him rather than the knight.
"Apparently I rub the people the wrong way sister, or is it them me, I can never seem to be sure." he said with a smile.
"And you need Ser Barristan to protect you?" Rhaenys said raising her eyebrow.
"No I need Ser Barristan to protect them." he said seriously looking around the room.
"Where have you been Daemon?" Elia said trying to diffuse the rising tension.
"Essos my queen, among other places." he said smiling warmly at her which she returned.
"Why come back now?" Aegon asked his voice accusatory.
"I had not meant to come back at all, I wished to see my grandmother and spend time with her, something I hear is a rarity among her grandchildren and children for that matter." he said looking to Viserys and Daenerys.
"My mother chose to separate herself from us son, not the other way round." his father said.
"Indeed, no matter perhaps we can ask her when she arrives." he said looking to the shocked faces.
"Ser Barristan, Arthur?" his father asked his voice full of surprise.
"I was unaware my king." Arthur said.
"Its true my king, her grace should arrive within the week." Barristan said.
Daemon watched as the whispers spread around the room, Viserys and Daenerys were leaned close together and Aegon turned to say something to Jon Connington while his sister and her uncle were looking at him while talking. Only Elia seemed happy by the news and even his father seemed more disturbed then overjoyed, though given the tales Barristan and Alliser told him, he could understand that.
"We must have a feast to welcome you home son, but tonight I insist on a family dinner." his father said a small smile on his face.
"An excellent idea my love, perhaps Daemon can tell us more of his adventures then." Elia said and he nodded to her.
"Indeed, Aegon, Jon we have a meeting to attend, Arthur see that Daemon is shown to his rooms." his father said standing up before walking out.
A few moments later Elia and Rhaenys along with Oberyn and whichever of his daughters he had brought with him left and finally Daenerys left while Viserys looked him up and down before smirking, 'pompous prick' Daemon thought. Getting up from his own chair he walked to the door Ser Barristan behind him while Ser Arthur led the way. He was surprised he was led to the family quarters as he expected they'd house him in the Maidenvault, had counted on it actually.
"Ser Arthur why here?" Daemon asked as they walked to one of the rooms.
"Your father wished you to be with your family my prince."
"Where would my grandmother be placed?"
"I don't know my prince, since we were not aware of her return." Arthur looked to Barristan who ignored him.
"Could you find out for me Ser, I would like to be close by." Daemon said and Arthur nodded.
Eventually they came to a room and when he entered he immediately saw the potential problems, the room was far too open, not only would he not be safe here, but just as importantly his belongings wouldn't be either. Looking to Ser Barristan he could see the knight noticed his distress but he kept silent and nodded before taking a seat on the bed.
"You still spar first thing Arthur?" Daemon said the first time he'd dropped the title.
"I do my prince, you feel up to it?"
"I shall see you on the morrow then, same place?"
"Yes my prince." Arthur said a smile now on his face.
It was a moment later that a serving girl came and asked Arthur to attend the king and after he'd left Daemon turned to Barristan.
"I need a favor Barristan."
"Anything Daemon."
"My things, my armor, I can't keep them here, can you hold them for me in your quarters?"
"Of course you fear them in danger of being stolen?"
"You've seen the armor Barristan, the swords and daggers I can carry with me, the armor I can't wear all the time."
"Of course." Barristan said and helped him remove it.
Once they'd done that, Daemon packed it and allowed Barristan go and store it, he knew the knight tired though he was would be back soon and so he began to move things around the room. He began by checking the walls for the hollow parts, finding two immediately and moving a table and chair against them both. He then began to block the vents one with a painting he moved and the other lower one he leaned the chest against.
Though nowhere near secure it would at least divert the spider's little birds away which was the best he could do for now. Once done he waited for Ser Barristan to return, he could of course walk around the keep alone, but he knew his grandmother wished the knight to shadow him and so he would allow it for now. When he did return Daemon and he left the room, there was nothing in it of value other than his change of clothes anyway, though he still suspected it would be checked over.
" The Red Keep is full of spies Daemon, you must be careful always."
" I will grandmother."
" Beware the spider and his little birds my sweet boy."
He had been a boy of seven name days when his grandmother explained the ways of court to him, some he'd already learned, such as no one was trustworthy unless you could offer them more than they had. As he and Barristan walked, he for a moment thought about entering the small councils chambers but he laughed it off, perhaps tomorrow he'd give them that surprise. Instead he headed for the outdoor sparring area, he could do with a stretch and working out his muscles in a spar was always calming.
Once they made it back to their rooms she knew her mother would be all over her uncle for details on the dark prince, she was as eager to know about him herself though she kept her curiosity in check, she was a lioness not a cat. Her mother sent for wine and refreshments and she saw her uncle smile, her uncle was obviously keen to let them know what he knew, which she doubted was much but still it was more than she.
Details of Daemon's disappearance were scarce, rumors had abounded that he'd been killed by the Martell's or the Tyrell's. All anyone knew for certain was he was gone and Queen Rhaella had slapped her son before leaving the keep not to return in over eight years. She looked on as her mother poured the wine and handed her uncle some before Myrcella took a glass of sweet peach juice, she waited with baited breath.
"Well?" her mother said raising her eyebrow.
"Well what, I know as much as you sister."
"You knew the boy did you not?" her mother said and Myrcella looked on with intrigue.
"I did, he was a bright lad, a little shy." her uncle said.
"He's not anymore." Myrcella said and her mother chuckled.
"Indeed he's not, handsome too." her mother said looking at her.
"What do you think happened uncle?"
"I don't know niece, it was strange, I really did think he'd been killed, the Martell's hated him so, given how Oberyn looked at him that still seems to be true."
"His brother doesn't seem to like him either." her mother said.
"No none of them did, Viserys hated him as did Aegon, Rhaenys blamed him for the insult to her mother while Daenerys cares about nothing." Tyrion said.
"He's going to shake things up, perhaps we should arrange a meeting?" her mother said and she sighed.
"Mother." she said shaking her head.
"What, my daughter is good enough for a prince, she's good enough for a king, as long as he's worthy."
They spoke in circles for a few moments before her mother got up and left to send a raven to her grandfather, she looked to her uncle who smiled fondly at her before finishing his wine and nodding for her to follow him. As they walked out of the Maidenvault and down the steps she saw him in the distance, his clothing had changed, no longer did he wear his incredible armor and she found herself greatly enjoying the view. He was tall and muscular but not overly so, his hair tied behind his head but still flowing loosely, his eyes that deep shade of indigo she only had ever seen on the king or his mother.
When he saw her uncle and her he walked over a full smile on his face which made him look even more handsome, she noticed the scar over his eye and felt the urge to rub it with her fingers but it was his full lips she ended up concentrating on. As she was wondering what it would be like to be kissed by those lips he and Ser Barristan had crossed the distance and were standing in front of them.
"The Bastard of Dragonstone." her uncle said and she gasped as Barristan made a move forward.
"The Dwarf of Casterly Rock." the prince said and both he and her uncle began to laugh, before he knelt down and embraced him.
"It's good to see you hale and hearty my prince."
"You too my lord." Daemon said before both laughed again as he stood back up "Now enough with the damn formalities Tyrion." he said as her uncle nodded.
"Just one more, my prince may I present my niece Lady Myrcella Lannister."
"My lady, truly a pleasure." Daemon said as he took her hand and placed a kiss upon it.
"My… your grace." she said making a small curtsy.
"So Daemon, I'd ask where you've been and what you've been up to, but no doubt you'd not tell me, so instead, what's your plans for the day."
"None Tyrion, except for a quick spar, why what are yours?"
"None, though I'm sure my niece and I would be most pleased if you'd join us for lunch."
"Sounds good, with my ladies permission of course." he said staring directly into her eyes.
"I would be honored your grace." she said stuttering and feeling foolish.
"I think it's me who's being honored, your uncle always throws the best lunches." Daemon said laughing again.
They walked down through the courtyard and she looked once again at the two swords on his back, the hilts shined and she found it strange to see them being carried this way. Her uncle Jaime carried his own at his hip as did Ser Barristan and the only ones who carried them on their shoulder that she knew of were people who were of a smaller stature. Prince Daemon was tall enough not to need to so do which made it curious to her why he did.
She heard her uncle take a breath when they reached the sparring yard, it was full of most of the young ladies and lords of the court which meant no doubt that Prince Aegon and his group including her brother would be here soon. She looked to Tyrion to find him searching in the distance with his eyes and then he turned and she saw them, prince Daemon did too as did Ser Barristan and she swore she saw a grin appear on the prince's face.
The small council was just about ready to begin and he already knew two of the topics would annoy him today. Ever since he'd heard of Daemon returning to Dragonstone it had been the same, when he'd sent the ravens and received no reply he had almost expected it, his council wanting him to punish his disrespectful son. Instead he had sent Arthur his most loyal friend to bring him back to him and when he saw him he could barely believe it.
While everyone said he looked like him, to Rhaegar's eyes it was only Lyanna he saw, as it had been from the day the babe had been brought back from Dorne. For nine years he hadn't been able to look at his son without thinking on his lost love and yet today when he looked more like her than ever, he'd seen his boy for the first time. Daemon had filled out and when he saw the scar over his eye he had wanted to order those responsible to be found and brought before him, for them to cower in front of a dragon's wrath.
Though given the armor and swords his son wore and carried, he believed that had already been taken care of. When he heard Daemon laugh and jape, answer back in kind he smiled, his boy had grown fangs it seemed, though a small part of him mourned that shy little boy he'd denied his time. He watched as Marwyn sat down, the Grand Maester one of his closet allies. Around him his Hand Jon Connington sat with his heir and Lucerys looked at him his Master of Ships not one for small talk.
"My lords, my son has returned, send letters throughout the realm and invite them to a tourney to mark this occasion, Lord Tyrell the royal coffers can accommodate I dare say?"
"They can indeed your grace," his Master of Coin said, his fat chest puffed out at being singled out.
"Your grace perhaps we need to discuss the succession?" Prince Oberyn his Master of Laws said.
"Why? I've made my feelings clear have I not, Aegon is heir and Daemon as my second son is next in line."
"In Dorne.." Oberyn began.
"We are not in Dorne, here primogeniture is sacrosanct is it not?" he said looking around the table "Good then that is settled, the line of succession stands."
"My king, perhaps we need to discuss the North?" Varys said his Master of Whispers always knowing when to change the subject."
"We need to discuss Prince Daemon, my king, his future, his marriage prospects." Jon Connington said and he looked to see Aegon looking directly at him along with his Hand.
"No Jon we do not, my son has returned, let me enjoy this damn piece of good news for a while longer will you." he said his anger clear.
It was then there was a knock on the door and Arthur entered, his Lord Commander smiled as he took his place at his side, his seat moved out by Rhaegar himself. Once he had sat and Rhaegar looked at him to see him nod, he turned back to Varys
"Lord Varys, the North?"
"Your grace, my little birds have sung of Iron Born ships reaving the coasts, of a fleet being prepared in secret on Pyke with plans to invade."
"Lord Stark?" he asked.
"Has strengthened his defenses and has sent a rider to come to court for aid, his younger brother Lord Benjen I believe."
"When will this rider arrive?"
"On the morrow my lord, he arrived in Maidenpool a week past and should be at Rosby or beyond." Varys said and Rhaegar sighed.
"We should send him back to his traitor brother." Aegon said loudly.
"Indeed your grace, Lord Stark has made it clear he's no friend of the crown." Mace said full of bluster.
"ENOUGH." he said as he hit his hand on the table "We know why Lord Stark has been so distant these past years, he was well within his rights to be so, has he once spoken out or committed an act against us."
"He rose against our house." Aegon said angrily.
"For valid reasons my prince." Arthur said beside him and he heard Oberyn mutter under his breath.
"We will afford Lord Stark every courtesy and speak with him on the morrow." he said "Now my lords if that is all you may leave." he said as they all got up "Not you Aegon."
He waited until they'd all gone Oberyn looking back while Jon walked slowly before they both left, he Arthur and Aegon the only ones in the room.
"You are the crown prince, begin to act like one." he said angrily to his son.
"Or what, you'll replace me with your bastard." the slap was quick and precise and his son's head snapped back from the impact.
"Speak like that about your brother in my presence once again and I swear I'll draw blood."
"I'm sorry." his son said though he could tell it was halfhearted at best.
"Your brother is back Aegon, try to be friendly with him, we have enough enemies without fighting among ourselves."
"Yes father, if that is all."
"No, do not speak of the Starks like that in public or with others in the room should you have something to say of them you speak to me and me alone, you understand?"
"I do father."
He nodded and gave his son permission to leave, before he turned to Arthur once they were alone.
"I should not have struck him." he said softly.
"No you shouldn't, though he deserved it."
"How is he Arthur?"
"He's good my king, though far more wary and careful than even I."
"Where was he? Did he tell you?"
"No, but he asked to spar tomorrow, perhaps then."
"Find out for me my friend, I need to know."
"As you command my king." Arthur said with a nod.
He looked on as Aegon approached, a group of men following behind, he noticed a knight with a white cloak he didn't recognize the man obviously a Dornishman though given his tanned skin. He looked to the rest of Aegon's companions, a blond green eyed man obviously a Lannister. A tall sandy haired blue eyed man, a brown haired man with soft brown eyes, a Tyrell he thought and the last who walked with a swagger was a silver haired purple eyed man with a dark streak of black through the middle of his hair.
"Brother I did not think to find you here?" Aegon said with a laugh.
"Yet here I am." he replied as he turned his back to talk to Barristan.
"Perhaps we can find you a worthy opponent for a spar, brother." Aegon said a little bite in his voice.
Daemon turned looked at the group, then held his hand over his eyes.
"I don't see any brother, oh wait." he said turning to Ser Barristan and removing his hands "It seems I've found the only one, Ser Barristan shall we." he said and he heard a chuckle from Tyrion while Myrcella kept hers silent.
"Perhaps you'd like to try your luck against me your grace." the silver haired man said moving forward, Daemon looked to see the people on the balcony move closer to the edge as whispers hushed in the background.
"And you would be?"
"The Darkstar." the man said with a cocky grin.
"The what now?"
"The Darkstar is one of the greatest swordsmen in Westeros brother his reputation is well deserved." Aegon said looking him up and down.
"He's also got one of the stupidest names I've ever heard." Daemon said to giggles from the balcony.
"The Darkstar is of the night." the silver haired man said now his face grimacing at him.
"You know Lord Tyrion, I ate dinner with the Sealord in Bravos one night, a nice meal, nothing too fancy, but the entertainment well, there was this fool dressed in motley who would come out and say the silliest of things. I swore I'd never heard the likes of it but I did laugh so."
"Indeed your grace." Tyrion said smirking.
"I heard later on during my travels that the Sealord had managed to lose the fool in a game of cyvasse, I never would have imagined it was to my brother of all people." Daemon said and people began to laugh.
He watched as the Darkstar took an angry step forward before Ser Barristan moved closer, he turned to leave his fun over with, but his brother wasn't about to let him go that easily.
"Fierce words brother but it seems they're to cover your retreat." Aegon said and his friends laughed.
"No brother, just fetching the tourney sword I'm going to use to teach a fool some manners." he said as he moved towards the sword rack.
"Afraid to use those fancy blades your grace." the Darkstar said looking at him.
"I only draw my blade to kill and as the Sealord found out to his cost, good fools are damn near impossible to replace."
Daemon unhooked his swords and handed them to Barristan and watched the Darkstar do the same, he picked out a tourney sword and walked to the middle of the yard, above him on the balcony men and women lined up eagerly looking on.
"All of you just to see a fool fall, surely this has happened before." he said to laughs.
"No your grace, they come to see a prince fall to someone who shines at night." the Darkstar said twirling his blade cockily.
Quick like a shadow from a fading sun
Fierce like a Dothraki charge
Sharp like a scorpions tail
Resolute like an unsullied spear.
He whispered the words, closed his eyes and when he opened them he moved, he ducked under the strike and was behind the man and his backhanded blow caught him on the back of the neck, he heard the man stumble, fall and roll before he took back to his feet shakily.
"It seems I owe you apology, you really must shine at night, you certainly don't in the light of day." Daemon said and this time the laughter was loud.
He watched as the man came at him, his sword moving as fast as he could manage it, yet to Daemon it was like watching the slow movements of a fool, he easily avoided the strikes and then he began. The first caught the man on the arm, then the shoulder, the next on the side of the face and he saw the blood he spit out of his mouth. The fourth came as he moved behind the Darkstar, thigh, then knee, then thigh again.
As he maneuvered around the back of the man and came back around the front, he caught the man hard on the front of the face and the noise as he felt the bone break was one he'd heard for more years than he cared to remember. He watched the man fall to his knees the sword falling from his hand, he held his sword up, pushed it softly in his chest and the Darkstar crumpled to the ground.
"Somebody call the Daynes, it seems another star has fallen, though I doubt this one can produce anything to rival Dawn." he said as he walked back to the rack and hung his sword up.
He took a bow to stilted applause, looked over to see his brother looking shocked and turned to walk to Tyrion who was looking at him oddly. Barristan's expression seemed torn between disapproval and respect which he could accept, the knight always thought far too much of honor, Daemon though had learned to win, at all costs. He looked to Myrcella who was looking at him with a mix of curiosity and he thought desire, or was that what he hoped.
"I believe lunch was mentioned was it not, my lady?" he said holding out his arm which she took.
"It was my prince." Myrcella said a small smile on her face.
The Trident
283 AC. Facing defeat on the Trident the royal forces are boosted when Prince Oberyn arrives with 10,000 Reach men under the command of Randyl Tarly and Mathis Rowan. With the tide turned Robert Baratheon tries a last desperate act and turns to attack the left flank catching the royals by surprise. With Ser Barristan Selmy and Jonathor Darrry by his side Prince Rhaegar fights his way to face Robert and with a missed swing from his war hammer and the thrust of Dark Sister the rebellion is ended.
Ned Stark and Jon Arryn, bend the knee and are told the truth of the rebellion. Ned Stark along with Prince Leweyn Martell and a handpicked company of northern lords sets off for Dorne to find Lyanna Stark.
The Red Keep.
283 AC. With news from the Trident of Rhaegar's victory and with the capital surrounded by Tywin Lannister's forces, King Aerys fears his own removal from the throne, with one last insane action he orders Rossart his loyal hand to set the caches of Wildfire alight. After telling Ser Jaime Lannister to bring him his father's head and with cries of "BURN EM ALL." resounding around the Throne Room the king is slain when Ser Jaime rejects the order and kills the pyromancers saving the city.
Despite Grand Maester Pycelle's counsel, princess Elia refuses to open the gates to allow the Lannister forces in and a siege is broken two weeks later when Prince Rhaegar arrives with his forces. Within a week Rhaegar is pronounced king and anointed by the High Septon.
Dorne /Red Keep.
283 AC.
Arriving at the Tower of Joy, Ned Stark is devastated to find his sister dying, her newborn son crying in the nearby crib. After she passes away he and the three Kingsguard knights along with Prince Lewyn and his own men take the child and the bones of his sister and return to the Red Keep. Presenting the babe Ser Arthur Dayne is shocked by his friends apathy and outright rejection of his son and after having his request to take the babe denied, Ned Stark storms out of the Red Keep refusing to stay a moment longer in the city.
Red Keep 286 AC.
Disgusted with her grandson's neglect Rhaella demands to take the child to Dragonstone, Rhaegar allows her on the condition that his sister is brought up in the Red Keep. Despite her protests Rhaella feels she has no choice as her daughter will be treated like a princess while her grandson's mistreatment will continue, Naming Ser Barristan Selmy as her sword shield and appointed Kingsguard she leaves the capital and returns only when recalled over the next few years, each time storming out over the treatment of her grandson.
Red Keep 292/293 AC.
Returning from a pointless diplomatic mission to Dorne, Rhaella is horrified to find her grandson missing, she's disgusted by the efforts of her son to find the child and in front of stunned court she slaps her son in the face and vows never to return unless Daemon is found. Over the next eight years she keeps her promise faithfully, despite numerous requests to rethink.
One year after Daemon's disappearance, Rhaegar orders children to be fostered with his own, for prince Aegon he takes Harrold Hardyng from the Vale, Joffrey Lannister from the Westerlands and Loras Tyrell from the Reach. Prince Quentyn Martell from Dorne also arrives while he is refused any Riverlands, Stormlands or Northern heir and only accepts Theon Greyjoy at the last moment.
For Rhaenys he gets only Prince Oberyn's daughters as per his daughters own request.
Red Keep 300 AC one moon ago,
Rhaegar receives a raven from the Maester of Dragonstone informing him of Prince Daemon's return.
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