65.21% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 60: Ch. 11-Adept and Joker

章 60: Ch. 11-Adept and Joker

Its tempting to fly straight to Olivine City but Aurora has a lot to get used to so walking it is. I'm not planning to follow the game either and challenge the steel gym after the trip to Cianwood either. I mean. I guess if the ampharos is sick in the light house we'll have to but that won't happen. Right?

Whatever. So Aurora actually needed a bit of recovery. The Joy in Ecruteak was pretty fun to chat with though we had to call Professor Oak to make sure we did everything correctly. As he technically the Professor in charge of my team if I ever rotate them he got all the info from Devon Corp about my amaura, now aurorus.I of course already know how to treat her just fine but best to get the knowledge out there for future trainers. Wonder if Pryce will drool at my gal? The Professor was giving me the eye so I just smirked and asked to use a private booth as Joy was treating Aurora. Sunny tagged along. She makes it a point to carefully greet every Joy she sees and tell them all about our Joy back in Blackthorn. They don't understand her but that's never stopped Sunny from immediately requesting Tru translate.Thank Arceus my lucario mellowed so much. She was pretty fine with her loss. If anything she's a bit more fired up. Which is odd because even when we didn't get along when she was a riolu she always trained more as habit than a deep desire to get stronger. Rather, her passion is to help and seek out ways she can make the world better. But no. This one she absolutely felt like she was about to get to kicking ass. Which given much of my team is the same way, I'm just going to be more tired. But a good tired.Back to Oaky."I thought you'd like to know a bit about my guest. First off thanks for convincing her to come along. Even if you were a bit mean in how you did it." Samuel isn't all that upset. In fact his eyes are gleaming with all the information he's certainly getting from Latias. "I'll keep the data a secret until she gives me the go ahead to publish it but even having it for my own uses tells me so much -""This is all fascinating but I do want to hear about her more than what she means to your research Professor. I'm afraid I only have so long. I have to get Sunny to leave Joy alone so she can concentrate on Aurora. No offense." I blush a little. Much as I like to mess with him, that came off a bit rude.The Professor laughs it off however and nods, knowing his habit to ramble and my intense love of my family "No need. I understand your passion. She's been amazing in learning how to speak to me from Alakazam. She's absorbing knowledge almost as fast as if she were still in an egg."Eggs pick up everything from moves to language. Pokémon who aren't around humans depend on body language and instinct to follow commands. Those who stick around places that humans are are almost always willing to be caught. That's why wild dragons, gyarados and tyranitar are so tough to train. They are proud and unwilling to bend sure, but also haven't learned from birth to understand humans easier due to their relative isolation.I've found on the nights that wild pokémon come to visit my camp that its easier to simply use aura to provide emotions or mental images to communicate. Then again my aura makes it easier to teach as well."Beyond that she's explored everything in the ranch at least once. She's got a band of friends as well. Every week or so I she and her brother visit physically even if their other way of communicating its remarkable. Her brother hasn't yet visited here but she tells me he's quite interested in learning how to talk to others as she has. Its fascinating seeing how she learns compared to other."There is a pause as I'm reminded this man was the Champion. There is an expectation in the way his demeanor changes."Have you heard from the people I've sent along?"I really do have to thank Samuel. While no famous trainers have come forward he has a lot of connections in what I realize I will need perhaps even more than field agents. Support staff. How else would his giant ranch run itself? I asked for mostly former military/competent people who will work hard and have passion in droves. I've got some money, sure, but until I can get Mars' plan for funding set I am paying out of pocket.The few that I've approved through voice calls or Mom's recommendation are headed to the Charicific Valley to begin construction. Mom won't let me dip into the money set aside for me from our wealth to fund my journey but she let me use it to set up my first base on a plot of land just outside of the Valley.Its temporary as once Liza (And I have full confidence she can do this) gets us a fair amount of partners we're going to dig deep underground in the Valley proper. Twenty or so is a good start and all are interested in charizard in general. That's the only way I got them to commit right away. Not just the pay. I want people invested. Those who are or want to be pokémon trainers of ability and strength. We might have our first charizard riders in a year or so.Haven't heard from Bruno yet but I'm not worried. I can't imagine he would break his word. Professor Redwood's list is a bit more interesting. If anything he understands my needs more than I do. Who am I kidding? Of course he does. I'm a very good trainer, but I'll need to grow into being a Guardian."Yes Professor. They're all raring to go. I mean this quite seriously. Thank you for people a bit crazy. Its what I need." He smiles warmly at my expression moves on, maybe a bit red at how earnest I'm being? Hah! Softy. You were just all Champion scary too Oaky."Well then. I won't keep you. Expect any and all reports about our friend to be forwarded. Once your place is set up in the Valley I'd like to visit. Charizard is getting antsy anyway and would enjoy the challenge. I'll be able set up a descent research area there for your Joy to work at along with any more scientifically minded recruits. Good luck in Olivine."I lean back as his picture fades, my wave catching him before he hung up. I'm smiling so hard. Lance might be my hero but the good Professor gives me such hope. That good men can be put in such important positions and want nothing but to see a brighter world. Shaking off my contemplation I go to rescue Tru and Joy from Sunny's continuing life story. Admittedly, Joy looks fascinated, but Tru's translated it quite a few times by now.Aurora stays a night just in case and we're off. For shits and giggles I release her nearly ten foot form just as I'm leaving the city to see people freak. She's gotten over being skittish and lets out a low croon I recognize as scolding me without words. Laughing we start along our journey to the sounds of curious voices and clear skies. Okay. Overcast skies. It just sounds better if you say clear ones.The walk is good and lets her figure out how she moves differently, focusing on her spatial awareness. She's a big girl now. The issue of heat doesn't matter anymore. Even passively the temperature around her drops enough that she's fine with any weather I'd imagine. Long days of focusing on her Snow Warning to keep herself cool have paid off. But what is really fantastic is my sister and her reaction. Oh so much."Alright Aurora. I went easy on you for a long time. Now that you're all big and beefy lets throw down for real." Zaela is, terrifyingly, still growing but its mostly mass in muscles and her natural weapons. Her height is dramatically slowing down but she'll probably end up being fifteen feet tall when she hits her peak in a few years. Right now she's just over thirteen, growing steadily. Its nice for her now to see Aurora at almost ten feet to give her some company up high.I really wonder what my only five foot form looks like on my dragon. Might need to get a picture. As it is, Zae is used to leaning down for me to scratch her favorite spot."Yes yes. Calm down. Let me just finish this up for Wattson." Aurora has taken up whatever cooking she can. As she doesn't have any real fine control she settles for having Wattson, Tru, myself or Sunny help her. We're her hands but she's got a knack for making sure we get portions right. The real amusing part involved is that all of her dishes used to be cold. Given her new control, she finally gets to give us a hot meal. Even if she'll still probably take hers cold. Today is a pasta that she's carefully adding tomatoes with Wattson's help. Its gonna be a big hit. I can tell. Also totally not biased cause I love pasta. Shut up."Fine fine. I'll go set up a battlefield." We make messes of any landscape daily so Zaela has gotten even better at cleaning up. Aurora just makes certain Wattson is careful with the clean up (the dreaded water fight of last week was a disaster that had us being booted by the local populace) and moves off to stand away from Zaela. Query takes over mixing with his fine psychic control and Sunny hops over to drag Tru off to go get berries for desert. Mars is asleep in his ball again. Another night training to master his ghost moves in new ways has him a bit nocturnal until he feels he's perfected them before trying under the sun. The fight against Mega Gengar has him churning deviousness in his aura."Alright dear Zaela. Do be nice and start just a bit slow." Aurora may have been tricking my starter. Over a year of losing to my dragon actually has got her wanting payback. I know Zaela considers this their first true fight. All that was before was merely raising a worthy opponent.Aurora makes an eerie bellow of power and stomps the floor. Her voice has always been musical, but now its almost mystical, even without the moon above her. The whole of the area that Zaela set up for them (and she set up a lot) flash freezes almost in a second. Thick whipping winds of powdered snow steals the breath away from my garchomp. She shockingly can barely move at speed to try and close the distance. My dragon is already breathing fire at the alarming rate that ice is crawling its way up her legs, very much trying to set herself on fire to get the chill away. She attempts to dive underground but an ice beam hits her on the shoulder and she tips over. Zaela has never been so easily felled since she reached her last form. Even if only for a moment.More and more she flamethrowers herself in near desperation. The powdered snow continues to sap her speed as the terrain around Zaela becomes below zero, ripping away my sister's attempt to set up her are of control.. Aurora has no mercy. Much like Mars' first fight with her in Mega, Zaela would never forgive her friend if she went easy on her. A sandstorm still tries to cover the auroros but Aurora uses hail that is beyond boosted by her ability. Before she'd refrigerate her hail to make it harsher than normal. It was impressive then. Now?Zaela staggers to her knees and snarls in rage. No one but Aurora has hit her with what is her greatest weakness in true power. Spars against Mom's team can't match the power of ice my aurorus can now command. Aurora doesn't want Zaela to suffer but also knows my dragon's pride won't accept anything but the bitter end. Aurora hasn't even used many moves. Its pure cryokinesis basically. Leaning heavy on what we've all practiced. Making anywhere you go into an advantage.An ice-hyper beam takes out my starter. Its a tough few weeks for her. From Mars' handing her first true loss to this crushing defeat. We're in for a lot of counters to be workshopped. I knew this would come. I'm just glad its before we fight Pryce. I'm barely able to start thinking of applications for Aurora. What must his team be like?We wait till Zaela comes around before eating. Mars even came out and curled around my starter to heat her up after Tru and I healed her as best we could. Ice does not agree with her system at all. We're listening to Query's latest abomination of a combined games rules when Zae finally wakes up."Well that was humiliating. Thank you Aurora. I'm glad you didn't go easy on me." I can hear the shame in her voice that she was beaten but there's no bite to her words. She knows that this was a weakness but she couldn't comprehend how bad until it happened."Zae. Love you." That snaps her eye to me and she snorts in amusement as Sunny runs over to add her love by way of snuggles and bringing her a massive bowl of food. She has to drag it but she gets there."Don't worry Zaela! I still think you're the scariest thing I've ever seen!" She means it. But her love of Zaela overrides any hint of fear. That actually makes my dragon purr almost while she dips into the earth so only her head is above. It lets Sunny feed her easier. She's not lazy but Sunny enjoys chucking food into the massive maw of my starter."Oy. Tru. Pass the salt? By the way. You were super impressive today. I used to get beat up a lot. Had a chansey on my team and she couldn't heal me up as fast as you do. Nevermind the scary shark over there."Tru's emotions scream bashfulness at my electivire. "Oh. Uhm. Yes well. I was just following Ell-Mistress! Mistress' example. Yes. I didn't do anything really. Thank you though! Yes...yes."Wattson just laughs and pats her softly. He's remarkably gentle for all his great strength and speed. "Don't be like that. Be proud you can do something I only wish that I could. That most every mon couldn't. Plus you can kick my ass up close still. Its pretty hot."Wattson isn't flirting really. Its just his way. No filter and such."!...It was not hot. It was..Ah. Cold! Very cold. You musn't say such things like that! I was a prin-I mean very important in my Kingdom.""Wait. Were you going to say princess? You were a princess?!"Hey. Don't look at me that way Tru. You got yourself into this. I'm a cruel Mistress today. Ah. I can feel your embarrassment. Mmm. So tasty."Yes. I mean no! I mean. Uhm. Sunny! Its story time! What would you like to hear?""IT IS?! Here have the rest!" The whole bowl is shoved in Zae's mouth. She licks around it in a truly disgusting sound and spits it out, ignoring Aurora making a huff at the slowly rolling slobber dish. Then my poor 'ass got kicked dragon' sleeps, still snuggled up with Mars. That ice really took a lot out of her. I really wish I had a camera."...well played Tru. You know I wouldn't deny Sunny. Don't you worry though Princess. I shall not be deterred! Hey. If I rescue you does that mean I become a prince? Cause I could totally get that to work. Wattson! Prince of the North! Wait. East? Where are we?""I want a story about a prince now. And dragons. And ice! Basically about today."Sighing I get ready to bring out one I've been saving. Its a pity that my two dragons are asleep but I'm sure that Sunny will want to hear it again. Thus I talk about How to Train a Dragon. (Well. Not my dragons. Zaela would kill Hiccup for what he did.)"So. Then when you yell 'Uno!' we all point out who we think is the were-poochyena. Then we switch boulder seats to the music….Wait. Why is no one listening to the rules?"Query was very put out he had to start over the next night. Metaphorical tables may have been flipped.ForestIts been fun traveling with the whole group again. I'd forgotten how fun it is to scare the shit out of random trainers. Its a little sad but no one really challenges us. Even Sunny is a bit intimidating in the way she dances around my monsters with zero fear. Wattson is the only one who asks for battles to get a handle on some of his skills. Restraint is something we have but he's been working heavily with Tru on his hand to hand since they have similar builds. Fast and heavy strikes.The few battles we get he doesn't use one electric attack. Frankly its the nights that are the most interesting. Just relaxing and company. Lots of talks about what we want after the Conference. While its been fun seeing Johto we're all ready to find a place to call our own again in one spot. Aurora in particular is eager to find a way to have a massive kitchen. Sunny wants a place to dance. Tru and myself too. Mars simply wants his old video game system and a way for him to draw diagrams easier.Query is easy to tell. More board games. Though I might have an idea for him to create things like he desired in his first evolution. He's easy to please but that doesn't mean I shouldn't seek to overachieve for him. Zaela just wants to battle more in the Valley. Wattson is the most fun. He's planning to start a sports league of sorts once he figures out what type would be fair with so many fliers in the Valley. Or to create a band. Or to start stand up. Its a different idea each night and they're all something he'd be great at. Who could have let him go?None of us think we can't convince the charizard we'll belong in the Valley. Strength means a lot and hopefully Liza will have the groundwork done before we are ready to make our mark.Its on one of these nights that we meet number eight. And that innocence is truly lost.Zaela is more or less challenging Aurora every other night. We couldn't have her be taking that much damage all the time. It wasn't healthy with how dangerous it is to her. Tonight was, thankfully, one of the other days so we were all sprawled out watching the stars after a big meal of salad and berries. Note. Salad for Mars and Zaela was just a bunch of meat of herd animals we hunted the day before. No greens. Wattson had to keep a straight face when he laughed at their 'meat salad'. Cause Sunny asked him why he was laughing and Tru, myself, Aurora and even Mars were staring -hard- at him. Daring to be dirty.Most of my family slept soon after dinner but I was leaning against Query and just enjoying how he was projecting images of all the things he wants to sculpt into wherever we settle in the Valley. While aura is something that will forever show me the world at large in a way that I could never let go, there is an intimacy I can't let go of when Query shares my mind and me his."I'm especially excited to try to capture the image of Zaela and Mars in the air about to hit the earth. Stuck between two of the realms they share. Someday when Zaela has hatchlings I would enjoy showing them the first time she was truly challenged." I've said it before. Zaela and Query don't exactly get along in personality but they have quite a lot of respect. And Query loves the idea of preserving moments forever. Those with obvious weight."Mm. That's a good one. I'd enjoy you taking my memory of you over Steven's metagross. For me as a favor. I know you don't particularly care about yourself in your works but I'd adore it.""Of course heart-voice. Seeing myself from your perspective actually sounds int-""Guardian. Help." I'm shocked. Aura enhancement ended a little while ago. I'm roughly as tough as an adult human with a fair amount of fitness. When I mature fully I'll be in the lower level of pokémon in terms of durability and grow from there. Thus I've finally gotten to let my senses go back to scanning. I could not feel the owner of the voice sneak up on us.Query turns, even as I spring off of him and we spot the pokémon. The voice was raspy, dry and utterly serious. Like. Beats Tru in droves at the direct tone of it. Shaggy black and red fur cover a lanky form with a long, wicked snout. Wiry arms with powerful claws are down at his side to show he isn't about to attack. Query activates miracle eye as we watch the zoroark with quite a lot of surprise. He's here. Finally.Joker the Zoroark (Male)Ability: IllusionNature: SeriousMoves: Fake Tears, Fury Swipes. Night Slash, Night Daze, Detect, U-Turn, Imprison, Pursuit, Hone Claws, Flamethrower, Scary Face, Feint Attack, Taunt, Foul Play, Torment, Double Team, Embargo, Punishment, Dark Pulse, Copycat, Sucker Punch, Shadow Ball, Bounce, Grass Knot, Psych Up, Shadow Claw, SnarlI'm very, very scared. Not of him. But of what happened to him. After Wattson I was most afraid of my future zoroark in terms of what could occur to have him learn all the moves I wanted of him. And how he got to Johto. Fate at the time didn't blink at my choices. But zoroark work best by using moves that fake what they look like. I wanted that more or less done when he came to the team….But how did he get this far? What could he have suffered? Query's mental echo in my head keeps me from despairing in fear.Must stay calm."Help how? And I'm not quite a guardian. Are you injured?" Fuck how he knows I'm a chibi Aura Guardian? How did I fuck up his life?"No harm. Evil. This way. Protected were taken. My fault. Not strong enough. Come. Men. Pain. Please Guardian. Bring them. Yours to save mine." He's obviously not been around humans. The language he uses is piecemeal. Probably picked up from other pokémon who might have met humans. Of course its not an actual language as it is the understanding of my words that I can feel in aura. Whatever. The ache in his tone burns even through the dryness of it. Not snarky. Like the world is a straight path with no variation. Even if I can't feel his emotions at the moment.Query pulses out emergency as I confirm that the zoroark finally lets down whatever he was using to block me. Probably his ability works in some way to do so. We're all used to danger. When it was training with Momma she delighted in attacking us at random points in the night to make sure we could always be ready. Sunny is up first, already twitching in a way that says she's about to send out light screens or reflects. Surprisingly, Sunny is the quietest waking up until I realized that she was used to watching after Joy and Becca's twins. My sylveon hated anytime they got scared from loud noises.The barest hint of weather moves starts as Mars, Zaela and Aurora snap to, all shifting to stare at the zoroark, ready to fight until Tru raises her hand, not even ruffled as she starts looking of the dirty, almost matted fur of the pokémon. Wattson isn't quite yet used to our awareness but he's already spinning his arms a bit to warm up his electric reserves."This guy says evil men have taken some pokémon. We're going to go interfere." My voice is cold. I look over at the zoroark, all sorts of signs its bad. His urgency isn't just in the way his now present aura screams of need. His limbs twitch with nervousness and worry. "Keep it so I can sense you. How fast can you run?"At that he shifts into the shape of a tauros and speeds off faster than Tru can reach except at extremespeed. I return everyone but Zaela and ignoring how it hurts without the saddle, hop on her back. Even black as his scales might be Mars' tail flame will show up for miles. Zaela springs into the air and keeps us low. I can feel zoroark easily and direct Zaela with almost punches into her hide when she loses sight of him. My dragon flies closer to the ground so she can rip up more of her element from the earth so she's better at this than Mars would be anyway.The flight is fast and dangerous. Zaela cuts straight through some trees sometimes (using iron head to make it even a tiny bit quieter but zoroark hasn't admonished us nor is he being particularly quiet) to keep up and I worry quite a lot about what this could be. Thirty or so minutes of painful flight later and I'm glad that I have leather gear. Instead of shredded skin I'm going to be a giant bruise the next day. More healing practice I suppose.The tauros pants hard and shifts into a murkrow that appears to flit up into a tree. Likely just an actual jump. Zoroark can't actually fly if I recall."Underground. Evil. Smells of death and fake things. Aide. Please. Not my kind. But protect still." There is pleading in his voice and my heart breaks. I release everyone but Sunny and move to Tru. She already knows what I want and pulls in her aura to join with mine.Oh no. The zoroark is right. There is death, pain and sickening evil down there. Its...Cold. Clinical. But evil. Tru hisses with disgust and my team snaps to attention. Query is already shifting into field commander and giving mental directions."Query here can connect us mind to mind. Will you let him in so we can go silently inside?" The zoroark gives it no thought."Yes. Guardian. Trust. Save protected. Help and anything yours." Shit. If this guy is my eight...And no way there is another wild zoroark in Johto then he's going to fit right in. His kind protect viciously.I take a moment, thumbing Sunny's ball and release her."Love. This is going to be bad. Very, very bad. I wish we had more time but I won't take the choice from you." My Sunshine might be older than Mars. Might be a very tough and durable pokémon but no one here besides the zoroark would think her ready for what is to come. But she's not simple minded. Is able to realize the situation."I'm afraid Mom. But more of not helping. I'm not hiding."Sighing in resignation for what will be future Ella's problem, I give the nod to Query, ignoring zoroark's eerie patience. Coiled and ready to strike.Connecting us all mentally, my metagross sends my voice to my family. I include zoroark in that designation. If only in my own head.Alright. We're ready. There are a lot of humans, free pokémon who are tainted with evil along with many, many innocents. Tru and I are sending you the direction of the innocents. Other than our friend here none of us are really built for stealth. So we're going in hard and fast. Not the front door either. Zaela will be digging us down almost to the bottom floor where Tru and I can feel people asleep. We'll come in hard and work our way to the ones in pain. Query is in charge now.Wattson, Zaela, front. No restraints pushing forward. Everyone Ella has felt would enjoy killing. Mars, you and Tru are behind us. Both of you have the most awareness of multiple directions. Aurora in the middle and focus on direct attacks with ice beam. Friend? I'd ask you stay with Tru. Take her form and help guard our rear. Trust. You don't want to be in front of Zaela. We do not move forward until each room we pass is clear or Tru says it is empty. Sunny, reinforce us constantly. Do not worry about enemies.Ella, stay next to aurora. Spot return us as needed.I shall pull on your senses to adapt. Defend as needed but if I call out an attack remember to do so immediately.That bit right there is mostly for zoroark. Most of it is actually. This is literally what our team has trained years to achieve. Years of pain. Aches and brutal effort. We are a team. Sunny especially excels in such exercises. We don't need to mention Tru is to heal as needed. Or that Aurora is to snipe as much as possible. We all know what to do.Don't kill if you can avoid it. We'll need answers.Query has gotten very strong. There is no strain in his mental signature projecting to us all. Zoroark is very stoic but his emotions read wonder at how quickly we're prepared then the overriding need to save what is his. Query is already formulating tactics and sending the most likely to the group. The first is that the corridors are quite unlikely to be big enough for Zaela and Aurora so Zae, Mars and Aurora are to use ancient power or stone edge to crack the ceiling and floor where he points out to give us room.Wattson mentally poses a few questions, not intimidated by how obvious it is that the rest of the team is quite used to this method of being commanded. I could care less about one on one battles compared to being prepared for this.Zaela is silent as she starts to tunnel wide for us. Its almost entirely earth power with a bit of sand tomb. It would be incredibly exhausting but my King's endless training has it be a chore at most. An easy slope flows downward as Tru keeps her hand on Zaela's back and directs her. Zaela herself can feel mostly anything in her attack range but Tru is making sure that Zaela isn't close to anyone aware enough to notice something off. It takes the better part of an hour for Zaela to keep it quiet and also make sure the exit is secure behind us. Not for ourselves. We could wreck a hole open easily. Rather its for possible casualties. Query uses that time to build a mental map of the underground facility and we all memorize it with his help pushing the thought to the forefront of our minds.Zoroark says nothing and is still patient. A predator respects such a virtue.Ideas to keep our exit secure are applied and each rock user will raise up multiple walls behind us to keep our backs clear but that can easily be cleared in retreat. The lowest level is marked as the most dangerous from a particularly vile aura signature. Zoroark follows every command without any hesitation. His own aura screams in desire to aid those he cares for. A dichotomy to the lower level that would strike me if I wasn't so focused.Finally we're outside the wall. Tru reaches out and the mental hum of a command has the wall down in a moment. Three men and one women sleep here in a dark room. Bunks for roughly thirty people are here. The giant 'R' on some of their chests fill me with fury that staggers Tru for a moment. Team Rocket. They aren't overly active in Johto yet but Kanto has problems with them already. The team's return the subject of much speculation. Not everyone willing to believe they were back.At Query's command both Tru and zoroark move to smash fists into the sleeping Rockets. We note how well zoroark mimics Tru's form and style, our thoughts close together. The rest of us move to the next door, Zaela pushing up a wall of stone to cover our exit. It stands out but they'd still have to break their way through to even more after. Query shows each of the major support areas in the base in case we have to bring it down though for now we make sure to keep from damaging them.Two hundred feet to the north and up to the life signatures in pain. Subtle actions are done once we exit the room. Both Zaela and Aurora are crouching uncomfortably and Tru counts down in our heads until two Rockets are just outside the hallway with a third in another room nearby. Stealth is over.Five.Four.Three.Two.One.Zaela smashes through the wall with a roar that echoes down the hall with such force the two Rockets in front of her clutch their ears in pain before they can even register the massive dragon. Tru and zoroark move the opposite direction and hit the other Rocket turning from the door he was about to enter with an attack each. He crumples from the aura sphere and feint attack. Aurora and Mars shatter the ground, Aurora flash freezing the ground with a freeze-dry then Mars turning it into shrapnel with a metal claw and wings. It buries exits on the floor below, Query aiming for my charizard and aurors. Zaela has smashed each of the two Rockets into heaps, not needing a move to take care of them then lowers her head right before a psychic blast from Query crunches doors, cutting off routes to escape for anyone further in the facility. Aurora finishes up blocking off the corridor behind us as Zaela and Wattson charge down towards the life we feel.Zaela is too wide for the hallway. It doesn't stop her. Rooms crumple and snap inwards, walls breaking as the building cracks before she does. Query is constantly slamming meteor mashes in precise strikes to continue wedging doors to become obstructions. Sunny stands on his head, her reflects angling so that Zaela's wake doesn't impede us coming after. Rockets spill from rooms to see the commotion and see a massive jaw splitting the concrete headed right for them. They have no time to scream as Wattson shoots thunderbolts from both arms and his tails over Zaela to slam them back into the rooms they came from. I'm constantly tossing out heal spheres, not letting even small bruises go, wanting to spare Tru's possible heavier healing for something big.The rest of us follow in the massive destruction. Query constantly pings us with the direction of signatures that he scoops from Tru along with areas to destroy, playing 3-D chess to deny ways of reaching an escape or to intercept us. Tru barely does anything but move, her eyes closed and constantly sensing around her. Zoroark flits from form to form of my team, clawing, slashing and hammering at Rockets who come into range as Mars and Aurora continue to destroy downwards, fighting enemies that Query spots through Tru and my senses.My boy devotes three of his brains to light screens and reflects. While Sunny has the strongest shields of us all, his are more subtle. They enter grates, stopping gas from flooding the halls we pass through, though with how fast we are going its likely they wouldn't have time to affect us anyway. It has been barely a minute and the alarms only now sound. A harsh voice screams about intruders. Like the screams stone breaking aren't enough. Aurora starts to ice the makeshift barricades at zoroark's suggestion, rightly thinking that multiple different elements would keep the Rockets from getting through quicker. Zaela finds the first of the Rocket's pokémon. All Rockets before were rendered unconscious before they could react. Any pokéball was lifted by Query, stuffed in my emptied out expanded bag. All our supplies in a dug up hole half a mile from the base.Koffing. Wheezing, Ekans, Arbok, Rattatta, Raticate, Zubat and Golbat all flood the hallway. Quantity over quality. Rocket scum.Wattson yells out in the most angry voice I've heard since I met him and a thunder lights up the whole of the corridor. Sunny's shields visibly strain to contain the backdrop. We'll have to work on that with Wattson later but Query's call for it was a good one. Half the pokémon fall with the single attack. Zaela's building wrecking charge takes out the rest, her head and arms shaking side to side in a horror movie of an image. All teeth and anger. Query psychically pushes enemies to the side as we near the first goal. He directs Mars and zoroark to the left and my charizard turns a corner to slam into a room. Zoroark flits about him and slices into two hiding Rockets about to ambush us. He is not kind. They live but bleed heavily.We do not care all that much as Query directs them to three other rooms with similar occupants. Aurora shifts to the hallway they clear and sends a massive ice-hyper beam down just as the rhydon I detect turns the corner. Its pushed through another room and into the one beyond, crashing through all sorts of medical devices, shattering the wall further. Aurora was turning before the rhydon even landed, raising another stone wall and concentrating a blizzard down to flash freeze the entire area. The small corridor lets accuracy matter not at all, the rooms adjacent trapped with steel strength ice.Drawn out strategies are not needed. Brutal efficiency is our key. Shock and Awe on a scale that none are prepared for.Mars and zoroark rejoin us, Query having set them to take out a few mechanical defenses. Teleport pads no longer work, the few that Tru and I found from how aura signatures vanished without the pulse of a pokémon move. Zoroark starts shooting out dark pulses and night dazes to disrupt any actual teleports.Zaela pauses to change direction and a massive stone edge slams up into the ceiling, smashing two electrode on the next floor about to roll down the stairs to our right. Query's contemptuous psychic lifts them to explode on their trainers. We ignore the screams.My starter winds up again and more rooms are pushed to the side by her unstoppable fury. Mars hits the stairs with a fire blast so hot it starts to melt the metal, preventing any other descents for now. Aurora raises more ancient power to block it further as we continue, the stone heating and molding to create a plug. My sister scorns the now shut and sealed doors to the pen that the in pain pokémon are kept. She goes through it. The door is tissue to her.This room is large enough for all of us. Query has Aurora and Zaela reinforce the room with raised rock, denying any tunnelers. The floor below us is in shambles from Mars, Zae and Aurora drawing rock through it to power their attacks. The room is a place of death.Cages line the large room in rows. Various species, most typical Rocket fare but with some rarer are filled too close together. Some bash their heads against the cages in reckless need to attack us. The smell of drugs transfers from zoroark's nose to our mental bond. Rage fills all of us and Query goes through a hundred plans in moments as each of his four brains process.Decisions settle and Aurora, Tru and Wattson join zoroark off to the side to stay here. There are a lot of wounded. Pained. Unable to be moved quickly. The gestalt is broken for a moment as Sunny plants herself down, unwilling to move. Sunny denies my brief thought to keep her close. Or even return her, so bad are some of the pokémon. Missing limbs. Lifeless eyes on still living creatures. And bodies. I don't even want to think about what appears to be a walk in freezer."Mom. I have to stay. I can heal them." Her voice sounds like crying even if there are no tears yet. I can't. She's so innocent. Joy and light. Why mar it?"No. Mom. I trained for this just as much as the others. I know you love me and want to protect me but this is what I want. Let me help. I can take it. I'm your daughter." Her lovely voice is firm as she reads my face. Without a word she walks away to a young oddish that shivers in fear from the crashes we ignored. That we caused. The blaring alarm we just now notice. The building is collapsing just as Query wanted. Trapping Rockets. If any die we don't mind.My beautiful girl starts her Wish. To save those in front of her. Wattson puts his hand on my shoulder."She's strong. This is gonna give us all nightmares but you have to let her help. I'll keep our girls safe. Love you boss. Go make them pay." He moves to stand with Tru and gives her a warm look as he steps to the side of the only entrance. Aurora is already freezing the edges to make them more durable and I take one last look at Sunshine. Tears are running down her face constantly as she helps a zubat with a wrongly healed wing sit up so she can more easily get her ribbons around him, the oddish next to her already curled up, my sylveon getting her trust in moments.I watch her whimper as Tru comes over to break the wing to reset it. My lucario's presence takes down the tension among those pokémon who seem to have their wits intact. Those that we can save. Already Tru's heart sings with anguish, recognizing that some cannot possibly leave alive.Then Sunny starts to sing in the hope of her Wish. Bright pink power fills the room as her misty terrain begins to comfort just as much as Tru's silent promise to help. My little girl looks back at me with firm eyes covered in her sorrow and I turn. Zoroark's steel-willed promise to kill all that would attempt to harm my family comforts me as Zaela, Mars, Query and I head out of the room. A giant slab of stone seals off the lab of horrors and I can hear the crack of Aurora's ice beam to provide another layer of protection. Anyone who gets in will face a hyper beam down the only entrance. Tru will tell of any digging far ahead of things and Wattson will take care of the rest.Zaela simply stomps her massive foot and the floor crumples like paper. Query immediately turns the opposite direction and gravity reverses on the two rhydon and single magmar that are behind us, crashing through the ancient power plug Aurora left. Mars is already moving down, Query more than enough against the three behind us, and sears anything that moves with dragon breath. Its as powerful as a flamethrower and wrecks the wheezing and houndoom that are his first victims. The room is big enough that he can fly. Air slashes toss decks like projectiles, smacking grunts and scientists with surprising precision. Or not. Its Mars.Zaela dragon rushes straight into the rhyperior that stands in front of a man I recognize. Petrel. He opens his mouth to scream something but then his eyes widen as Zaela's massive form crushes down a dual chop that cracks rhyperior's armor with each strike. Her height means that her head is digging furrows in the ceiling. Or what remains that we hadn't broken. Lights flicker and vanish, bringing red emergency hues to replace them. Sparks don't fade from torn power cords and broken equipment.The rock monster howls in pain and attempts to bring hits head down in what might be a head smash attack but Zaela's mouth opens and a blinding dragon breath cooks her opponent.Ever since Mars outdid her with the attack she's been using it daily as much as possible. Rhyperior falls and Petrel runs to flee. Query's mental barriers keep him in the room. It wouldn't matter anyway. All exits from this floor are smashed save the hole above us. He does this even as he keeps himself levitated and two of his limbs savagely bring down the two rhydon he was facing on the level above us. Bullet punch sped meteor mashes are one of his favorite combos and he doesn't let up until they are unconscious.All this occurs as I light myself with aura, jumping down to walk calmly towards Petrel. Shadows and light flash across my single eye. Purple and alight with aura as my gaze is just for him.Mars slams into the magmar that my boy tosses down to him with a psychic trip, simultaneously finishing his own foes. Mars begins to show off his training. Shadow claws hiss out sinister energy as he mauls the flaming creature, every ghostly slash dripping with toxic and ominous wind soaking further into the wounds, corrupting them. . The magmar howls in pain and the heat of its flamethrower is felt from my position. Mars blocks most of it with a wing and the two focus blasts he was preparing behind the magmar hit right at the base of the spitfire pokémon's neck. Mars steps aside as it crumples and starts heating the door nearest him with flame to keep the various cowering grunts from attempting to escape.One grunt near me tires to grab me, thinking to use me against my family. Query lets him approach, feeling my rage. A quick step to his forward foot has my kick pushing his body down into my palm thrust straight to his jaw. It cracks as I shift and rotate to drive my elbow into his side and ribs crack so sweetly to my ear. The spin continues and my other hand manages to punch him straight in the temple before his broken face hits the floor, cutting off the start of his scream of agony.Zaela stands over Petrel, anger radiating in the pressure of her barely restrained power. One massive foot pinning him. King is never more appropriate. Blue flames pour down out of her mouth as she barely controls the urge to kill this man. The one Tru and I felt the most vile. While my garchomp is fairly ambivalent to death of others, she can't stand cruelty for cruelty's sake. To perverting the natural order of things. She shifts just enough so I stand over him, my face hard. Coldly calm to my sister's fire."I don't know who the fuck you are but you don't know wha-""Take that tone again and you lose an arm.""Yeah right you're just a fuckin-"Zaela, my soul and bonded, reads me well and a dragon claw follows up on my promise. We watch impassively as Petrel writhes on the floor, screaming in agony. Zaela's massive foot presses him down even further to keep him still and she gives into her urge to burn him. That it is to cauterize his wound makes it no less satisfying."Take that tone again and you lose an arm."Now there is fear. His eyes widen at the cold voice I give him and someone near Mars faints. Another pisses themselves from the patter of liquid I hear. Zaela keeps her foot on him. Query finally descends, his mind still ping ponging back and forth. Even now when it seems everything is contained he never ceases his job. To protect us all."Are there any more of these bases in Johto?"Petrel whimpers at the pain. Query keeps him from passing out with a bit off strain. He can communicate and coordinate well but forcing a mind to do something is for more specialized minds."N-no.""Lie." Didn't know he could speak with that much loathing. Maybe Query is a bit mad."Leg then Zaela." Zaela raises her arm."No no! No! Wait! Two. Two more! I can write it on a map."My lip curls. Why am I bothering?"Think of them." There is a groan of pain as Query pulls the locations out with some difficulty. Both are backups. Both geared to explode if not given proper codes that Petrel doesn't have. He's also not even an Admin yet. Just as vile though. Interesting. Query plunders as best he can. He is not kind."I'd say send your boss a message but I didn't start this all to be completely clean.""...what are you tal-" Zaela presses down and Petrel is gone. Broken. I nod in acceptance at what this means and cracks are heard as Query takes care of the witnesses. Sadly, even the pokémon. They were loyal to their masters. There are all sorts of pokémon just as there are all sorts of humans. We're going to have to bury this whole place. The rest of the grunts will be spared who didn't see this execution. I couldn't allow Petrel to live. And Giovanni is already starting. I don't think I can defeat him yet.Attacking an off the books site like this? A bit different than the Viridian Gym. Someday. Someday I'll have the clout. Lets see if my reputation will help. Olivine is not far.The next few hours suck. I wish for number nine to be here right now so much. Zaela tunnels constantly with Wattson behind her. They reach every living Rocket and put them in a pit save one. Any that resist are put down but not killed. Their pokémon too. All are ignored when they attempt to plead.I seriously consider destroying the whole base. I don't. Only the higher members at the bottom are hidden away. My sister dug deep and away to bury them. I will have enough excuse to explain attacking the base alone and likely those that died incidentally. But Petrel and the men and women with him was a step past that. One I'll make again. I'm not some hero. I may be making a mistake. But I can't look at what was done and let it go. If I didn't need news of this getting to officials I would have had the entire place be a tomb for the Rockets.What is worse is leaving the bodies of the pokémon we can't save in a line. All the bodies. Ready to be possibly identified as stolen. Many that likely are just taken from their homes in the wild. Some that Tru put out of their misery. Sunny is in agony but the few pokémon that can stand huddle around her, wrapped in her ribbons. Waiting in line for a hug. Zoroark stands watch over them all. His personal protected are mostly alright. We got to them before much happened.I take all of the unregistered pokéballs that the Rockets have and use them to capture the pokémon that have to go to a center. After asking Tru I capture a few more who have been in Rocket hands for too long and need help from league workers who deal with abuse. Its a very big bag I fill with them. My heart despairs. Zaela and Wattson stay behind to guard the Rockets. Query and Sunny stay as well to help the pokémon who do not want to leave the forest. Tru I need to help with my talk with the police. I walk up to Mars. Zoroark stops me before I climb on."Guardian. This? Do often? In future?" My lone eye stares at him. Any potential guilt is lost in the horrors of tonight. Of the loss of life and the twisted forms of those we couldn't save. Later I'll be upset. I'm very, very tired of crying."I can tell you that my dream is to end anything like this and crush all who would dare stop me." Awful as this all was, I know more than ever what my goal in life here is."Must find new protector. Then I come. Join you. Did much. More than ever do alone. Let me." My eye trails over his small band of pokémon. Teddiursa. Oddish. A few pidgey and an ekans of all things."I know a good man. The best. He loves pokémon more than anyone on the planet. Talk to them about letting me capture them and they will want for nothing for the rest of their lives. When I return we'll talk more." Zoroark makes a pleased sound and goes to his makeshift family. Probably going to be sending him to the Ranch with Sunny as well to visit often.Mars and I shoot into the sky as I contemplate killing Petrel. Someone will take his place until Giovanni is stopped. Then there is Magma and Aqua. Galactic. Plasma. So much to do. But I've never been so sure of my path. Despite the pit of evil we just went into. Hardship and dragons.Mars circles around and he drags the lone Rocket not in the pit into the air with us. Giving savage comfort to the pokémon below. We need proof. His screams don't bore me the entire way to Olivine.OlivineMy shiny charizard is a sight on the least of days. Him carrying a full grown man with a Rocket uniform and myself on his back? Well. We make a scene at the police station needless to say. The Rocket has yelled himself hoarse and I just glare him down. Mars is probably what makes him cringe as Jenny and two other nameless officers come up with their hands on their guns. I wordlessly pass them my pokédex and make no other movement as they stare at the Rocket."What the hell? Kid. Mind returning your charizard?" I do but immediately release Tru. The sight of my lucario calms them quite a bit and anger tinges as they realize that yep, this might really be a Rocket. The first in Johto since before they likely were born. At least actual case."You've got a lot to tell us I imagine. Get this guy into a cell until we figure this out." The Jenny barks the order to her two fellow officers. The Rocket tries to talk but they just march him away as Jenny peers me up and down. I've got stains all over my leathers, my hair is barely in its bun and scratches and cuts I don't remember getting cover me."Yes. But if you could run these to the Pokémon Center with a note that they have all been abused ore are heavily ingured?" Her eyes widen at the massive bag that she hadn't noticed Mars standing in front of as I open it to show her the pokéballs. "The Rockets were not kind."I won't repeat the long hours of clean up. I have a feeling I should get used to this. Apparently all the Gym Leaders I've faced, even Mr I don't want to remember your name Bug Guy put down how strong I am in a database that reaches every police station. Its a way to call me up for help if there is a disaster going on. All trainers have to aide if able but anyone with a pseudo-legendary or equivalent are priorities. Part of the cost of being able to control monsters of mass destruction and not be heavily watched. I was listed at Ace level. If the day weren't today I'd be quite pleased.Ultimately after I show them the base and its relative proximity to the city as well as the Rockets I've captured, they let me go for the most part. They do a bit of 'you should have called us' and 'don't do this again' but they also see my team and their emotions tell me that they don't think they could have done it better. They might change their tune when the investigate the base fully. I made them aware that once Tru and I felt how bad it was that we didn't care if people died. The world is beyond odd at times. Standing laws dealing with Rockets are to flee if possible and defend as needed if confronted, up to killing. I'm abusing the spirit of it by seeking them out but being Ace level technically makes it clear that I can handle the situation. That and Tru. Never am I more thankful that lucario are so very famous for being just. The only reason I go free is because of her, the terror of the previous Rocket conflicts and the note from the Jenny in Goldenrod about my run in with the thugs in what feels like ages ago.Tru radiates sadness but also satisfaction. Our first step into the Order we seek to form. Zaela helps the officer transport the Rockets to a holding facility they set up some ways away. She's only gone a few hours.Almost seven years of training for exactly this. And we obliterated a base in less than fifteen minutes. What would teams of trained like us do? Trained by Bruno. Carried by charizard. Ruling the air. Resolve hit me. I would find ground pokémon. Aron perhaps. Steven knows where they dwell. Sea pokémon. The Lake of Rage. I know how to deal with dragons.We'd hunt them all down anywhere they might hide.Before I led Jenny to the Rockets she let me know that the pokémon we had saved would all pull through (physically at least) and be taken to a program that deal with such cases. Many would be released if they wished but many more would find work in gyms or projects that involved their type. After all, pokémon thrive on hard work.I called the Professor and let him know about ten or so pokémon I might be sending him and why. He didn't disappoint and promised to help them settle in. As well as introduce them to Latias for me. She'd cheer them up. She and Sunny became fast friends for good reason.After all the clean up was done it was time for my team. To heal and be proud of what we had done.Before zoroark can come to me I hold up my hand. First is this."Sunny. Come here." My voice loses the emotionless feeling I've had in my gut since we came into that room of horrors. My little girl jumps into my arms and, finally, weeps harshly into my neck. She cries for us both this time. Wattson joins us, wrapping his massive arms around us both. Aurora, too big to do so just gives us shade with her long neck, protecting her family.Zaela slides under the ground and pops her head up for me to lean against, rough skin and all. Mars puts a wing around Wattson's embrace. Tru just stands nearby, silent but the ever present north of our conviction and sense of justice.Query is present in our minds, showing his love in the way he knows best. By always watching over us."I'm so proud of you. Everyone. We fought to make the world better. Just a little bit. This is only the start. The worst and the best all in one. I love you all."I pull back a bit and Sunny looks up at me. "I love you Mom. I hate this. So much. But I hate what could have happened more...I..don't think I'll ever be as strong as everyone else...But you can't hold me back anymore. Put me through what Zaela goes through. What Mars does. All of the rest. No more little girl."My heart breaks. But I know its time. She won't be parted from us. Letting go of the bright, joyous innocence, I nod my agreement. Sunny will always be our heart. She just will bear more for us now. Willingly and with determination. I let her go so Wattson can kneel down to take my place, gathering up Sunny in warmth.Zoroark awaits."Guardian. Protected agree. Seek out tree human. I with you. Find evil. Kill evil. Cleanse." My smile is watery but he doesn't make note of it as I go to his friends and speak of Professor Oak. The tree human that he is. About the ranch. My heart heals some when I see my wonder of the place infect zoroark's little family. He's pleased at the joy I have talking of their future home.None resist capture and we've camped within range of a Center. They are on their way just a bit later. I walk silently back with zoroark. My hand offers him a premier ball."Different color? Why?"He's right. Each of my team are premier balls. His family got regular pokéballs. Funny. None of mine have asked why I use premier balls."These balls are special. Not because they are different in function. They are just recolored regular balls. But they denote something you care about. For me? All of my family are first in my mind. Before me. Premier. If you touch this and join me I will love you and care for you until I die. And beyond. That is my vow. My name is Ella Mita. I will become a Guardian of Aura. Of life. Will you join me?"Zoroark for once smiles. Its dangerous and hopeful all at once. His paw moves forward and another of my family is home.With all that happened the addition of him is what we needed. Joyous and new to forget the evil of the past few days.Sunny is first in our minds as she deals with growing up faster than I think she expected. Than we all did. Her spirit wasn't made for battle as the rest of us. That doesn't mean she can't find her place though.Aurora doesn't change much. There is a satisfied hum in her emotions but ultimately she focuses on us instead of herself. The mother of our group goes from pokémon to pokémon to make sure they are fine. Never pushing, just present.Mars and Zaela start sparring in earnest. My son is lazy no more save for when he needs to truly rest. He borrows my pokédex and pours over maps. Zaela helps him. I think he's trying to figure out where bases might be built based on resources. Or perhaps even planning some for us. They bond a bit over it and I get over my emotions about Zaela's interest in him. They were silly anyway.Wattson cheers us all up more than I thought possible. We might find purpose in what we accomplished but its hard to just forget what we saw. Wattson's attitude makes the memories fade just a bit faster as he laughs in joy at being alive and with persons he can adore.Tru is silent and contemplative. Not in any negative way. Just focusing on the job well done. For her it is easy to balance things. She's sorrowful for all that we couldn't do to help but takes the perspective that if we weren't there then it would have been the death of all that we saved. Or worse. Slavery to evil that consumes all.I let my guilt fade at her calm acceptance and the resolve to continue the path. I didn't know this would happen when I picked my team. I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Right?Its Query who gives zoroark his name and its the bright spot that truly gets us out of the deserved funk and into celebration."Not understand. Why two games? Pull from both boxes.""Its to have more fun. And be a bit silly. If I do this I am more likely to defeat Mars as well. He runs on logic and instincts. If I do my best to confuse him I can get the upper hand.""But. You? Not confused? How?""Oh I am. But I was named for my curiosity. Query. Seeing new things, even if I create them myself carries deep satisfaction.""Makes no sense? About own thoughts? No. No sense.""Hmm. How do I put this? Laughter. You understand it right?""Yes. No. Don't laugh. Fun. Hazard for protected. Distraction from protecting.""What? No joy? Its what changed my life. Gave me the strength to defend. Joy makes you fight better. Go further. To deny despair and find compassion. Even lack of it can lead to strength. I learned to hate and it made me gain perspective. To see myself better. Because I thought my joy was hurting so very much.""Odd. Consideration. Will seek this joy. Maybe Query right. Maybe wrong. Find own truth.""...you're a real joker aren't you? Lighten up. Just enjoy things.""Try. Warm. All of you. Worth understanding. Promise try.""That's all I can ask. Now. Let me go over this one more time. This is a twister mat and this is charades. We're going to do both….Joker. Yes. It fits.""If say so. Trust Query. You protect family above all….Like Joker does."JokerGuardian. Remember when I could not speak? Well. Its still preferable to be quick.I am worried. The family is confused. Things are hard after death but this harder...This is harder.I still fall back on old ways...When emotion hits. Before this family I was colder. No. Empty except for purpose. To protect. It was what I knew. Query taught me that it was what I liked. Felt like duty but also was warm to know I was strong for others. I liked protecting. Still do. Now it is pleasure. Not just duty.My old family is safe because of you. I..not...Didn't tell you how I knew you. What you were. I saw a Tru. A Lucario before. With a man. They talked to me long ago. Before I was big and worthy to protect.You have the same warmth they did. Felt it from miles away. You had a Tru, lucario, too. You would save my friends.I'm not sure where I came from. My...parents are only faces. No memory of their selves. A long trip in something metal and noises I know are a city now. A crash and fear. Then I was working on instinct. Image to image. Fooling all that scared me. That lasted until I found a way. Out of city.Years? Went by. I grew and fought. Life was life. Hard, but good. I became zoroark and my instincts pulled me to find a pack. None of my kind lived in the forest. Still I felt the need for others. In time I found them. Small. Needed to be protected.I grew stronger. Just on instinct. Not realization or thought. Because I was needed.Then stolen. My pack. I could not do it alone. I ran to find food. Not long. Despair greeted my return. I came back and they were gone. My life wasn't life without my pack. Warmth came then. You. Tru. Query.The three that I am closest to. Future friends. I snuck and hid. To make sure. Humans lie more than my kind. Without illusion. With true face. Your aura touched me. Brought me hope.That night told me much. That I was not strong enough. I watched. Saw. Your family. My family now. You destroyed to save. Killed for life. Raged against evil. I knew what I wanted. But I had responsibility. Pack.Guardian. You offered them a home. For me. They are safe. Forever. I didn't know what to do. I already gave myself. To be yours. Fight for you.Now I know. Query taught me. Love. Love this family. Love old family. But you loved me from the start. Promised. I felt hope then. Didn't know love but hoped. Now I know. Love makes family strong.You love. Continue. Brings peace.Done Query. Thank you. Love you too.

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