/ Book&Literature / Deus Nos Ducit Ad Astra Per Aspera
Anastasia Alena Romanova
She who wasn't supposed to be yet came to be, defying Fate and Destiny by just existing. Now she sets course as the future Empress of Russia.
What she does not know that Dark Storms are laying in wait to see her fall.
[Has little bits of fanfic elements sprinkled on it, any and all characters used or mentioned in this Book belongs to its respective owners. Additionally this Book is for Entertainment purposes and no money is earned in its creation.]
[This Book is mine and solely belongs to me, you may not copy it or take credit for my work and redistribute it in other websites without my explicit permission]
レビューを書くI have not yet read your story but anything related about the Russian Empire deserves a 5 star rating.
Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom. Muito bom.
作者 Lumine007
Hihihi yes I'm shameless please if you have any feedback tell in comments 🙏