91.66% Dc: Rise of Gambit / Chapter 11: Chapter 10: “Names Gambit Remember it”

章 11: Chapter 10: “Names Gambit Remember it”

Chapter 10

The night sky of Detroit pulsed with tension as Gambit and Black Manta stared each other down. The moonlight glinted off Black Manta's sleek, black armor, while Gambit's usually dapper trench coat was singed and torn from his earlier encounter with the Rogues. Still, he stood tall, his bo staff twirling expertly in his hands, charged with pink kinetic energy. Both men knew what was coming next. There would be no talking, no exchange of words—just the clashing of steel, and only one of them would be left standing.

The air crackled as both men rushed forward, their weapons poised to strike. Gambit thrust his staff, and Black Manta swung his trident with lethal precision. The instant their weapons met, a shockwave of energy exploded from the point of contact. Blue lightning surged from Black Manta's trident, colliding with Gambit's pink-hued kinetic energy. The force of the impact shattered nearby windows, sending debris flying into the night.

Gambit grinned despite the danger. "Didn't know we were puttin' on a light show, mon ami," he quipped, ducking under another fierce swing of the trident.

Black Manta's eyes, glowing crimson behind his helmet, narrowed with fury. He responded not with words, but with a relentless flurry of strikes. His trident crackled with electricity, each swing aimed to kill. Gambit danced around the strikes, fluid and fast, his Cajun charm never wavering even as the battle intensified.

As Black Manta's trident thrust forward again, Gambit twirled his bo staff, knocking the trident's tip aside. "Ya gotta be quicker than that if ya want to hit ol' gambit," Gambit teased, flicking a kinetically charged card from his coat toward Manta's chest. The explosion sent Black Manta staggering back, sparks flying from his armor.

Gambit pressed the advantage, flipping forward and landing a swift kick to Black Manta's torso. "How's that for a little spice?" Gambit grinned, twirling his staff. But Black Manta was resilient. With a swift motion, Manta activated the boosters on his suit, propelling himself forward with a burst of speed. He rammed into Gambit, sending him crashing into a nearby wall.

Gambit groaned as the impact rattled his bones, but he pushed himself up, wiping blood from his lip. "Ain't nobody told ya, Manta? Cajun boys are hard to kill."

Black Manta advanced, silent as death, his trident sparking with deadly energy. Gambit barely had time to charge his staff again before Manta's weapon came crashing down. This time, the force sent a jolt of pain through Gambit's entire body, the kinetic charge from his bo staff diffusing too quickly. Manta's relentless assault was beginning to take its toll.

But Gambit never lost his grin.

"You know," Gambit panted, dodging another vicious swing, "all this fightin' got me workin' up an appetite. You ever tried gumbo, Manta? No? Well, I'm guessin' ya more of a seafood kinda guy."

Black Manta growled low, clearly growing more and more irritated with Gambit's nonstop taunting. Gambit noticed the slight hesitation in Manta's attacks, the subtle way his rhythm broke every time Gambit opened his mouth.

That's it, Gambit thought. He kept talking, kept the jokes coming, knowing full well that it was distracting Manta from the battle.

Then, as Manta lunged forward once more, Gambit charged a card, timing his movement perfectly. He ducked under the strike and flicked the card right under Black Manta's helmet. The explosion sent Manta flying backward, his trident clattering to the ground. The blue lightning dissipated, leaving the air heavy with smoke and ozone.

Gambit stumbled forward, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His body was battered, his suit shredded. Blood trickled down his face, and his shoulder throbbed in protest from earlier injuries. Black Manta lay unconscious, his armor smoking from the shock of Gambit's attack.

Remy let out a sigh of relief, leaning heavily on his bo staff. "Not so tough now, are ya?" he muttered, wincing as the adrenaline began to wear off. He had won the fight, but the cost was evident. His body ached, and he could feel his energy waning.

And then, he heard it—a deep, menacing voice speaking in Spanish.

Gambit turned slowly, his heart sinking as he saw a massive figure emerge from the shadows. Bane. The man towered over him, muscles bulging as he cracked his knuckles. His face was obscured by a mask, but his cold, calculating eyes were visible through the slits. With a slow, deliberate motion, Bane twisted a knob on his wrist, and Gambit watched as the villain's muscles swelled even larger, his already enormous frame becoming monstrous.

"Mierda," Gambit cursed under his breath.

Bane smirked beneath his mask. "You fought well, but now you face a real challenge," he growled, his voice laced with an accent and oozing confidence.

"Fuck my life," Gambit muttered as he adjusted his grip on his staff. There was no way he could take Bane in his current state, but he wasn't the type to give up. With a final flick of his wrist, his bo staff crackled with kinetic energy once more, and Gambit squared his shoulders.

"I ain't backin' down from a fight, big man," Gambit spat, charging at Bane with all the speed he could muster.

Bane was ready. With frightening speed, he caught Gambit mid-strike, gripping his staff in one massive hand and throwing him aside like a ragdoll. Gambit crashed into a parked car, denting the metal on impact. He groaned, struggling to rise, but Bane was already on him, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him off the ground.

"You are weak," Bane sneered. "And this is where your story ends."

Gambit gasped for air, his vision blurring as Bane's grip tightened. With a final grunt of effort, he charged the bo staff still in his hand and slammed it against Bane's chest. The explosion sent them both sprawling, and Gambit landed hard on the pavement, his body barely able to move.

Bane, however, recovered quickly. With a snarl of rage, he stalked toward Gambit, lifting him once more. This time, he hoisted the battered hero into the air and brought him down over his knee with brutal force. The sound of cracking bone echoed in the night as Gambit let out a cry of pain.

Bane laughed, towering over the broken form of Gambit. "It was that easy," he mocked, kicking Gambit's bo staff aside. "You were nothing. A weakling."

As Bane turned to leave, he felt a hand clutch his leg.

"I'm not a weaklin'," Gambit wheezed, his voice barely above a whisper. Bane looked down in disbelief to see Gambit's bloodied face smirking up at him.

"The name's Gambit. Remember it."

With a final burst of energy, Gambit charged the ground beneath them, sending a violent explosion of kinetic force through Bane's legs. The villain roared in pain as he was hurled through the air, crashing into the side of a nearby building. Smoke and debris filled the street as Bane lay unconscious, his body covered in burns from the explosion.

Gambit collapsed, his body completely spent. His vision swam, and every muscle in his body screamed in agony. He could barely move his arms, let alone stand. His back was on fire with pain from Bane's brutal attack, and he knew he was in no shape to keep fighting.

With trembling hands, Gambit reached into his tattered coat and pulled out the communicator Batman had given him earlier. He pressed the button, barely able to hold it up to his mouth.

"B-Batman… I think I could use that help now," he muttered weakly, before his eyes rolled back, and darkness swallowed him.

The night was silent once more, save for the faint hum of the Batmobile speeding through the streets of Detroit. Batman had been monitoring Gambit's location since they parted ways earlier in the night. When the communicator went live and Gambit's voice cracked through, it took the Dark Knight mere moments to respond.

The Batmobile roared down the streets, its engine growling as it skidded around corners. Batman's jaw was set in a grim line as he approached the scene. When he arrived, he saw the aftermath of Gambit's fight: broken cars, shattered glass, and a collapsed building where Bane lay unconscious.

And in the middle of it all, the crumpled form of Remy LeBeau.

Batman moved swiftly, assessing the scene with cold precision. He knelt beside Gambit, checking his pulse. It was weak, but steady. The fight had nearly cost the Cajun his life, but he had survived.

"Impressive," Batman muttered under his breath.

With a calculated motion, Batman injected Gambit with a mild stimulant, just enough to wake him. Gambit groaned, his eyes fluttering open as he looked up into the dark cowl of the Bat.

"Ya gotta… teach me how to get me one of those cars," Gambit rasped with a weak grin.

Batman didn't respond, but a slight smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. He lifted Gambit onto his shoulders with ease and carried him back to the Batmobile.

As they sped off into the night, Gambit's eyes closed once more, the weight of exhaustion finally pulling him under.

Detroit was safe for now. But the war was far from over.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


