88% Fake Saint of the Year: You Wanted the Perfect Saint? Too Bad! / Chapter 88: Extra Story: Another World 2

章 88: Extra Story: Another World 2

Do forgive my blunt opening statement but...damn, the atmosphere is tense around here.

For some reason, I'd managed to sneak a peek at a parallel world that seemed to follow the original plot of Kuon no Sanka. Verner and Marie seemed to be in a pickle, which had prompted me to think that I could easily save them if I were there. Suddenly, I'd been transported!

You don't get how? It's okay, me neither.

Had I teleported myself with magic unconsciously? It didn't make sense, though. I was incredibly good at magic, sure, but even I couldn't jump over to another universe just like that, right? Besides, I was pretty sure anyone but the witch would die if they tried to use teleportation. It was a shit spell, and I'd never even entertained the idea of trying it myself.

Anyway, since I'd ended up there, I'd annihilated the monsters in a jiffy and saved Verner and Marie. They'd asked me if I was a goddess, but when I'd answered that I was just Ellize, the mood had taken a turn for the worst.

I mean, I kinda got it.

Verner's eyes were boring holes into me. He was low-key scaring me, and I couldn't help but wonder if he really was the same guy I knew.

No, but like, for real—who are you? You've got a whole 'nother personality going on here! I feel like I'm standing in front of Mr. Verner, not my usual li'l Verner!

In the game, Verner was always a character that would change somewhat based on which events he went through and which stats you raised. There were ways to turn him into a bit of a brute, but this dude here felt like someone else entirely—kinda like the gritty sort of character you'd see in an apocalypse story!

I took a good look at his face. Sure enough, his features were the same as those of the Verner I knew, but there was something—a dark gleam in his eyes—that I'd never seen before. His eyebrows were also a lot thicker, for some reason.

Add the eye patch, the missing arm, and the height, and you've got yourself a super-duper-scary warrior.

I also had yet to forget how he'd sliced through a minotaur—which wasn't quite an archmonster, but was close in terms of strength—with one slash. How was that even possible?! In my world, a similar minotaur had served as Alexia's bodyguard—that's just how strong those things were! For Verner to slay it in one hit, there was no doubt in my mind—he must've reached the maximum level.

He's maxed out all of his stats for sure!

This Verner would probably overpower Alexia super easily.

On a side note, while I'd healed Verner and Marie's injuries, I hadn't fixed Verner's arm and eye. It was a bit meta, but an eye patch and a missing limb kinda showed a character's strength—like battle scars. If I took those visual cues away from him, I was afraid Verner would become weaker... Nah, I'm obviously joking. I was just worried he'd become hostile now that he knew who I was, so I didn't wanna risk making him stronger.

From what I could tell, this Verner seemed to have gone through Eterna's route. Or...maybe not? Now that I thought about it, with the "witch" eventually joining the fray, most routes probably ended up like that after the main story.

Whatever. The route he's on doesn't really matter.

What actually mattered was that, regardless of the route, the original Ellize had been a pain in the neck, and he hated her guts. That meant there was a pretty good chance I'd get punched in a couple of seconds.

I probably shouldn't have been so honest—I could've even introduced myself as Fudou Niito—but trying to hide my identity was too much of a pain. I figured it'd be better to be upfront than to have them find out the truth later on. I'd learned the hard way that secrets became harder and harder to reveal the longer you waited.

Anyway, back to the point—I was currently freaking out because of Verner's glare.

"Ellize...ya said?" Verner repeated, furrowing his eyebrows.

Boy, his eyes are intense!

Image here:

His pupils had moved upward, and I could barely see them anymore—in fact, I could only make out the whites of his incredibly creepy, bloodshot eyes. Can you even see in front of you like that, Verner?!Veins had popped out all over his face, and he looked like some sort of demon. Do people even have that many blood vessels running through their faces?!

Suddenly, he sighed and relaxed his face. "Nah, there's no way..." he whispered, scratching the back of his head. He seemed to have reached a conclusion all on his own. When he looked at me again, he was much calmer. "Sorry 'bout that. You've got the same name as someone I used to know, so I overreacted. You're nothing like her, though."

Mr. Verner had apparently convinced himself that I just happened to share the same name as Ellize. To be fair, the Ellize of this world should've been long dead, so it would've been way weirder if he'd assumed that I was her.

I considered explaining the whole parallel world thing to him, but since science fiction wasn't really a thing here, I'd have to work from the ground up. I didn't know where to begin, and I doubted he'd get it anyway, so I decided against it.

I mean, what if he decided to kill me once he realized I was indeed Ellize, the fake saint? Not that I was scared or anything. He was intimidating, but I wasn't scared at all! Not one bit!

"Someone with the same name? What kind of person was she?" I asked.

"A piece of trash. Ya do have kinda similar features, but that's about it," he said. "Wait, you've never heard of her?"

I paused, then replied, "Only a little."

"Long story short, she got switched with the saint at birth. That bitch took advantage of her role to do awful things. That's why no one trusts the saint anymore."

"And where is she now?"

"In hell."

Instead of telling me she'd died, he'd gone straight for the dramatic answer. That went to show how much he hated her. If I messed up, that hostility would be directed at me. I'm living dangerously today.

"In hell..." I repeated. "I see. So you're certain she's dead."

Verner's face soured. Did I piss him off?

The corners of his mouth turned up into a feral smile. "If she's alive somewhere, I'll have her head. I'll kill her again and again if I have to."


Mr. Verner's face relaxed, but I could feel his rage burning under the surface. I resolved to avoid oversharing—I'd doom myself if I did—and focus on gathering information instead.

This world was most likely home to the first scenario—the one in which I didn't intervene. After Eterna's death, the "witch" had appeared, driving this world to the brink of collapse.

Yamoto-san had never witnessed these events, so they hadn't made it into the game. Instead, the players were encouraged to begin a new game plus after they'd reached the ending. Needless to say, Mr. Verner and Marie here hadn't been able to do that. Their world hadn't magically disappeared after the ending Yamoto-san had seen either.

These were all just assumptions, and I was hoping to probe a little to see if I was right. After I'd talked with Verner a bit more, my suspicions were confirmed. I also learned that our main character was—or rather, had been—on Eterna's route.

Verner would've gotten suspicious of me if I just asked him to tell me everything I wanted to know, so I'd made use of the knowledge I had to ask leading questions. That way, I could confirm my doubts without arousing too much suspicion.

I now had a much clearer idea of the situation, but I was far from having fixed my main issue: I had no clue how to get home, and I didn't exactly like the idea of remaining here forever. Everything was in ruins, so I couldn't picture myself living comfortably.

Besides, I could already picture Scotterbrain's tears if I never came back. I'd recently realized that she was a lot more sensitive than I'd initially thought. She was the kind of person who'd initially resist and pick death after being captured by goblins or brigands, only to break down crying five seconds after.

Anyway, my point was that I wanted to go home but didn't know how. Would I be able to if I defeated the "witch"?

"What d'ya intend to do next?" Mr. Verner asked me.

"I'm going to defeat the 'witch,'" I answered.

I didn't know if that would help me return—in fact, I didn't really see how the two could be linked—but I didn't see any harm in trying.

It's not like it's gonna be hard. I got rid of that thing once, and I already know how to fight it from the get-go now.

Besides, the last time I'd fought that abomination, I'd only just been resurrected, and I'd fought on borrowed time—far from being in top condition. I now had an incredibly long life ahead of me and I wasn't just waking up from literal death.

Heh heh! I've pretty much won already!

"Then I guess our objectives match. Wanna join us?" Verner asked.

The main character had invited me to join his party. To be fair, I had a feeling he wanted to keep an eye on me more than anything else, which...made sense. As far as he was concerned, I was incredibly suspicious. I'd appeared out of nowhere and shared a name with one of his archenemies. I was shadiness personified!

He'd most likely decided that keeping me close until he could figure out whether I was friend or foe was the best course of action. I didn't want him to turn on me if I said no, so I figured I might as well accompany them for the time being. I could fly away at any time and go look for the "witch" on my own if I wanted to.

"It'd be my pleasure," I answered, holding out my hand.

Verner grasped it firmly and shook it. Marie followed suit, but her handshake was a lot weaker. She hadn't said a word since I'd gotten here and seemed hesitant.

She's probably wary of me, I assumed. Well, she was always a woman of a few words, so I guess it's up to me to close the gap between us.

We'd gotten off on the wrong foot because of my name, but I'd make sure to show them I was nothing like the original goods!

"While there is life, there is hope," I said in English.

As always, blurting out my killer move names in English made me seem a lot cooler!

I extended my arms and blasted healing magic all around me.

Today marked the end of my first month traveling with Mr. Verner. We were currently passing through a village, and I'd taken the occasion to heal the wounded to lighten up the atmosphere a little.

Every time we stopped in a village for the night, it was the same thing: wounded, gloomy people everywhere! That left me with no choice but to do something about it—I didn't want to spend my evenings surrounded by negativity.

"Thank you... Thank you..."

"I can't believe I'm standing again... I must be dreaming!"

The people I'd just healed thanked me as they shed tears of happiness. I couldn't even laugh at them because I'd found them on the verge of death.

There'd been plenty of suffering in my world too, especially around the time I'd just started out as the saint, but things had never been this bad. In all seriousness, every single person I ran into looked like they were on death's door. Some were so weak that they could barely stand, while others were so wounded that they looked like mummies. Even worse, abandoned corpses littered the streets.

Am I in hell?

Food was incredibly scarce. I could tell that if we started eating inside a village, the residents would pounce on us at once to steal whatever meager rations we had. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they attacked us anyway just to check if we had something or not. The situation was just that dire.

I wasn't being overly paranoid either. According to Verner, that had happened to them once. They'd been passing through a village when its citizens had attacked them. They'd been forced to slay them to defend themselves. Scary, I know.

And so, to avoid getting swarmed by angry mobs—and to make sure I also got to enjoy some decent food—I'd started distributing rations. I grew vegetables extra fast using magic and boiled them along with whatever birds Verner managed to hunt.

What is it, what is it? Villagers will try to kill me to steal my food? Ha ha! They won't if I give it to them first! Smart, I know.

By the way, I didn't have much, so I only used salt as seasoning. It was crude, but I couldn't really help it. I could get as much salt as I wanted in the sea, but the same couldn't be said for other spices and condiments. Sadly, I couldn't make soy sauce and miso appear out of nowhere.

In a way, you could say that we got to appreciate the true flavor of the ingredients—or rather, that we only got to appreciate that, I supposed... Seriously, though, not even having ponzu sauce on hand was a crime! This stuff could've been edible with some rice and eggs, but... What do you mean I can't whine about not having eggs because I cooked the bird?! Whatever, it's not like we have rice anyway!

Image here:

"Thank you... Thank you..."

"This is so good..."

"I don't even know when I last had a meal like this..."

For some reason, my half-assed stew had moved these people to tears.

Um... I feel kinda bad for serving y'all something so sloppy now...

Leaving the jokes aside, this world was truly in a scary state. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before humanity disappeared altogether.

According to Verner, the situation was roughly the same everywhere. I'd only been there for a month, but I'd also witnessed desolation and suffering everywhere we'd gone.

I'd grown some fruit trees and vegetables around the village so that they'd have something to eat for the time being.

When we left, the villagers gathered to see us off. They all came up to me, one by one, to offer their thanks.

I answered with platitudes like, "I know things are hard now, but please don't give up," "No matter how dark the night, the sun will rise," or "Thou art wheat, and thou shalt grow strong and straight even if thou are trampled upon." Sorry, that last one was a lie. I didn't have the nerve to say that kind of bullshit out loud.

"Thank you... Thank you..."

Dude, can you say anything else? I thought to myself. Still, I had a feeling that guy kept repeating those lines the whole time.

"We will never forget you!"

"Please stay safe!"

We walked away to the sound of the villagers wishing us well and headed toward the "witch" once more. They continued to wave until we'd disappeared over the horizon. Nope, actually, they're still waving—just checked.

"Incredible as always, El. People treat ya like a saint wherever ya go," Verner said with a chuckle.

Do I hear a hint of irony in your voice, Mr. Verner?

He probably thought it was funny that someone who shared a name with the infamous fake saint was treated like a saint. By the way, Verner always called me El, never Ellize. He probably hated the original too much to bring himself to say that name. I get you, bro.

"He's right... You're really amazing, El," Marie said, looking at me with her bright eyes.

Just like Verner, she'd taken to calling me El. While she'd been wary of me at first, we'd gotten a lot closer recently.

Well, I'd been here for a month already, and I'd been nothing but nice in an attempt to show them that I was nothing like the Ellize they knew. Still, I wasn't sure they liked me enough for me to drop a bomb like, "Oh, by the way, I'm the Ellize you know—just from another timeline!" without them trying to sucker punch me.

They both seemed pretty much convinced that I was a different person who only happened to share a name with her, and...well, technically I was another person. While we did share a body, we had different souls!

After we left that last village, we had to sleep outside for several days. Finally, the next village on our path came into view.

We traveled on foot, but since walking for days on end was exhausting, I often cheated with a bit of floating magic. I usually cast it on Marie too, which she seemed to appreciate very much. Mr. Verner, on the other hand, had insisted that he wasn't so weak with a cool, dependable smile on his face.

I respected his wishes when it came to walking, but I hadn't even asked for his opinion before I'd cast my cleaning spell. As a Japanese person, cleanliness was super important to me, and I couldn't stand any funk.

"This is a large village," I remarked as we approached.

As I'd mentioned before, the other villages we'd passed had all been in a terrible state. To be honest, they hadn't even truly been villages anymore—they'd been more like ruins that people still inhabited. That was just how bad things were.

This village, however, wasn't damaged at all. The buildings were neat and numerous. To be honest, I was even tempted to call it a town instead of a village. The streets were fairly animated, and there wasn't a single corpse to be seen on them.

"It is. I'm pretty shocked, actually. Never woulda thought a place like this would be left nowadays," Verner said.

He seemed excited and started walking a little faster. Even in this world, there were still places where people lived normally. That must've made him happy.

A gatekeeper stood in front of the village, and as soon as he saw Verner, his eyes widened. He looked him up and down a couple of times before exclaiming, "Mr. Verner...is that you?!"

"Have we met?" Verner asked. "Sorry, but I don't remember ya."

"That's all good. You wouldn't remember a regular knight like me. I'll never forget you, though. I was there when we fought Alexia and when we tried to defend the royal capital against the 'witch.' Well, I guess I only fought Alexia's sidekicks, and...I spent most of the battle against the 'witch' passed out under the rubble, so..."

As it turned out, the gatekeeper was a knight. I'd heard that the saint's guard had been annihilated, save for Verner and Marie, but it looked like some regular knights had survived. As for the fact that Verner didn't remember him... Well, I couldn't say it was all that surprising. He couldn't commit every knight he'd ever encountered to memory, especially not those he hadn't even talked to. It was only natural that others remembered the head of Eterna's guard, though.

"The brave heroes who fought the hardest died, but weaklings like me survived. Ironic, right?" the gatekeeper said, his voice trembling with frustration.

Verner tapped his shoulder. He didn't say anything, but apparently the gesture was enough. The man nodded and looked Verner in the eyes. I could tell that the two of them had understood each other and shared something strong.

Oh my! Is that guy falling for our dear protagonist already? No? All right, it was just a joke!

"The mayor of Elbatch nursed me back to health, and I've decided to protect this place to thank him. I lead the vigilante group around here. What brings you here?" the gatekeeper asked.

"I'm on a quest to slay the 'witch.' We're following its trail."

"Slay the... But that's—"

"I know, ya don't need to say it. I'm not giving up—it's the only thing keepin' me alive."

"I see..."

I was pretty sure the man wanted to say that killing the "witch" was impossible, but Verner wouldn't hear it. He wasn't wrong, though. If you fought that monster normally, you'd never win. The game was rigged from the start, and Verner knew that too.

I mean, that thing managed to come back even after I hurled it all the way to outer space!

"Do we have visitors, Enpy Cee?"

"M-Mayor! Deputy mayor, you're also here!"

And here came the rumored mayor. Visitors must've been quite rare considering the circumstances, so they'd probably come out to check us out. The villagers were also looking at us from a distance. Oh, and when I said "looking at us," I really meant that most of them were only staring at me. I was used to it after years of being admired so I didn't really mind.

The mayor was a gaunt man with neat features. His black hair was tied back in a low ponytail, and a lone strand framed his face. He was wearing a pair of cracked glasses, and— Wait! That's Four-Eyed Pervert!"Supple?!" Verner shouted at the same time I realized who was standing in front of us.

"V-Verner?!" Four-Eyed Pervert exclaimed, surprised.

He immediately took a few steps back.

In this world, Four-Eyed Pervert had abducted Eterna before being wrecked by Mr. Verner and fired from the academy—as you could probably guess, the two of them were far from having a good relationship. Unlike Ellize, the game never mentioned what had happened to Four-Eyed Pervert after the event. He just disappeared, never to be brought up again. Well, apparently, he'd survived.

"You're so loud! What's going on?" a feminine voice called out from behind Supple.

She—the deputy mayor, I assumed—stepped forward, and I took in her features. She was also emaciated, and her skin didn't look so good, but I could tell that she used to be a beautiful woman. What a waste, I thought. She had brown hair and a sizable chest that I couldn't help but study in detai— Hang on! I know those boobs! That's Farah!

"Miss Farah?!" Verner once again exclaimed at the same time.

"Crap! Verner!"

I remember now! Farah does survive on Eterna's route.

The tension was palpable. One wrong move, and this would turn into a brawl. Verner's hand flew to the pommel of his sword, and Supple and Farah panicked.

"W-Wait!" Four-Eyed Pervert exclaimed. "We have no reason to fight anymore!"

"He's right! Besides, you know the witch was controlling me!"

Verner's expression had yet to relax.

He'd reached for his sword on reflex, letting his feelings get the better of him, but I didn't think that he actually intended to fight them—he wasn't that stupid. He probably understood that killing these two would only hurt the villagers who relied on them. Still, these two had hurt his beloved Eterna in the past, so I could see why he might've been reluctant to let bygones be bygones. He probably didn't know how to react without forgiving them or escalating the situation.

In such cases, an unrelated bystander could be a lot of help.

"Please calm down, Mr. Verner," I said. "There's no point in fighting them."

"If ya say so, El..."

See? He just needed someone to talk him out of it.

I was going to speak to Farah and Supple next, when suddenly—

"Mayor! Th-The sky... Look at the sky! Black clouds!"

I'd just barely managed to calm everyone down, but people were already screaming again!

What's up with the sky, huh? Is a pretty girl about to fall on us? I'd happily welcome her if that's the case. Yeah, no, doesn't look that way.

Armed men came running to us from the other side of the village. They were screaming orders, their faces white as a sheet. That was probably the vigilante group the gatekeeper had brought up. Considering their reaction, this wasn't some routine training. They were shaking like the end of the world was near.

Fear spread at an unbelievable speed. Soon, all of the villagers looked terrified.

Four-Eyed Pervert and Farah were also frozen in place, and even Marie shivered. Verner, on the other hand, let out a ferocious laugh.

A dark cloud loomed close to the village. Needless to say, it wasn't simply a regular rain cloud. Horrendous faces appeared here and there, mocking those who dared look at them. Their shrill laughter echoed from afar.

"HA HA HA HA!!!"

Sup! It's been a while, "witch." Glad to see y'all are doing well and still laughing.

"Why is the 'witch' here?! It shifted from the path the mayor predicted?!" the gatekeeper cried, his voice trembling.

From the sound of it, Four-Eyed Pervert had found a way to estimate its path, so he'd deemed this place safe for the time being. Well, the "witch" had apparently changed its mind and was heading straight toward the village.

Four-Eyed Pervert couldn't have imagined that a being seemingly devoid of intelligence could suddenly adjust its trajectory to pinpoint a village. Unfortunately, this was bound to happen. The "witch" was an aggregate of negative energy, and its most basic instinct was to destroy hope and other such noble emotions. At this point, this village—which had remained relatively unscathed until now—probably had the biggest concentration of hope in the whole world. It was only a matter of time before the witch came to bulldoze it.

"Talk about convenient! No need to waste any more time lookin' for it!" Verner shouted, an unhinged smile on his face. "It's been a while, ya bastard! Been dying to see ya!"

He grabbed his sword as veins popped out all over his face.

Seriously, dude, you're scaring me.

I still couldn't believe the dating sim protagonist had changed this much. He was a whole other person at this point.

Dark energy poured out of Verner's body and gathered in his sword. He seemed to have completely mastered the witch's powers inside of him.

The "witch" didn't pay him any attention, though—it simply kept marching toward the village.

Verner charged at it with a battle cry. He raised his blade, and a flash of dark mana shot forth. He swung it once, twice, thrice, but to no avail. The "witch" was pure mana. Neither magic nor swords could hurt it. In fact, nothing but drowning it in a torrent of noble emotions worked, so Verner's little show of swordsmanship was completely useless.

Besides, Verner was brimming with hatred. He couldn't win like that.

Now that I thought about it, the way the whole thing worked was truly horrendous. If you were trampled upon like Verner had been, you'd obviously either fall into despair or feel anger—two negative emotions. Once that happened, you were doomed.


Several tentacles came out of the dark being's body and assaulted Verner. Marie used ice magic to flick a couple of them away, while Verner cut down others. However, they didn't manage to block all of them in time, and Verner was pushed back. He contracted the muscles of his powerful thighs to avoid toppling over as he coughed out a mouthful of blood. As soon as the tentacles relented, he immediately struck back.

That's Verner at max level for you! He's a beast!

The witches all opened their mouths at once and released countless black beams. I remembered hearing that Four-Eyed Pervert's golem had been destroyed in mere seconds by this attack. The destructive beams hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of smoke. I lost sight of Verner.

"Verner!" Marie screamed, panicked.

The next moment, Verner tore through the smoke and drove his blade into the "witch." He was covered in blood. Despite the fact that he'd likely sustained life-threatening injuries, he was still surprisingly lively.

The bulging veins on his face told me that he was even angrier than before.

"That all ya got, 'witch'?! I'm not gonna die so easily—come at me for real!"

Still, Mr. Verner was pretty damn cool! He'd pretty much transcended the limitations of humanity! He was made of flesh and blood, yet he was sturdier than a golem. LMAO.

Oops. I was so engrossed in watching Verner fight like some sort of superman that I'd forgotten to help out.

The "witch" had masterfully turned this place into a despair party, but I was about to turn the tables on it. This should've ended with an overwhelming victory for the "witch." Unfortunately for it, I was here. While I felt kinda bad for stealing Verner's thunder, sometimes you had to do what you had to do.

First, I blasted a large beam of light at the snickering "witch" to introduce myself. Half of the monster's body disappeared on the spot, while the rest flew several dozen meters away and exploded with a loud BANG.

"E-El? How...?" Verner asked, flabbergasted.

I supposed I'd had yet to do anything showy in front of him. I'd even held back a lot on the "Aurea Libertas" I'd used when I'd met them, because I hadn't wanted them to get hurt.

A few seconds was all it took for the monster to regenerate itself, and the witches' faces all turned to me. It looked like I'd done a pretty good job getting it to register me as its main enemy.

Just as they'd done with Verner, the witches all opened their mouths at once and fired. Needless to say, that stuff wouldn't work on me. Instead of dodging, I let the dark beams crash into my barrier to show everyone the gap in power.

Then, I fired a blast of light upward and scattered the dark cloud looming over us, allowing the blue sky to greet us. I completed this nice picture by making plants grow in the blink of an eye all around us.

How's this, guys? What do you think about me turning this dark, desolate wasteland into a luxurious meadow?

"This is...a miracle!" the gatekeeper whispered.

"I-I knew it! I knew I wasn't mistaken! The real deal did exist all along!" Four-Eyed Pervert muttered.

You'd probably guessed this already, but I hadn't bothered doing all that for nothing. I needed noble feelings to fire at the "witch," and the people's hearts weren't going to light up in the middle of a pity party. I'd put on a show to rekindle the flame of hope inside their hearts.

My preparations were complete, and I was all ready to end things!

People of Elbatch! Lend me your energy!

"The sun shines upon all alike," I chanted in English as I raised one hand toward the sky.

I used mana circulation to take in the mana around me, but I was more careful this time. If I absorbed positive emotions without being careful, I'd become even weirder. I just gathered it all in my hand instead—you wouldn't catch me making the same mistake twice!

The positive energy I gathered formed a sphere of light that shone like a small sun.

Say your prayers, "witch"! This one hit will... Umm, it will... Yeah, no—it won't kill the "witch," will it?

Right when I'd thought I'd won, I realized my mistake—there just wasn't enough positivity in there. I'd probably be able to deal some damage to the "witch," but I wouldn't kill it.

I wasn't sure how I hadn't thought of it before, but the reason was kinda obvious: there weren't enough people around.

Back then, a good chunk of the Bilberrian population had gathered in the capital, and they'd been more excited than ever because I'd miraculously (lol) come back to life. On the other hand, I currently had only one village at hand. Besides, no one knew me here. They knew Ellize (and hated her guts) but I wasn't sure that counted...

I should've known that I could never gather enough noble feelings to defeat the "witch." My little sun was...subpar, to say the least. At best, it would erase a couple of the successive witches' grudges from existence.

I'm doomed, aren't I?

(5.4k word count)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C88
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


