21.75% Another Life In Naruto / Chapter 65: A Day of Fūinjutsu Practice

章 65: A Day of Fūinjutsu Practice

A Day of Fūinjutsu Practice

It had been three and a half months since the start of Haruto's second year at the academy began. Time felt like it was slipping through his fingers, each day bringing him closer to the system's looming deadline. He had exactly a month and a half before he would need to graduate, and he was far from taking that lightly. The thought of losing the system was an ever-present pressure, but rather than being paralyzed by it, Haruto used it to sharpen his focus.

This Sunday, like every Sunday, Haruto completed his light workout in the early morning, just before dawn. He had grown accustomed to the discipline, pushing his body consistently without overexerting himself. His Tier 2 stamina allowed him to recover quickly, but it also meant he had to constantly push his limits to continue improving. After his workout, he spent four hours volunteering at the hospital, performing his usual tasks while absorbing everything he could from the medical ninjutsu and sealing techniques used by the staff.

But today was special. Today, after his shift, he was dedicating the entire afternoon to fūinjutsu—specifically, attempting to create his first explosive tag.

The materials needed to practice fūinjutsu were not cheap, and they weren't exactly the kind of supplies you could casually pick up without raising suspicion. But Haruto had learned to be frugal. The stipend he received as an orphan enrolled in the academy covered the basics, but his rigorous training required more than just basic survival. He needed to eat more, recover faster, and invest in tools for his training. Over the past few months, Haruto had found ways to cut corners and save wherever possible.

Fishing along the river near the village provided him with a steady supply of food, allowing him to spend less on groceries. He also hunted in the outskirts of the Forest of Death, supplementing his diet with game. These efforts allowed him to set aside enough of his stipend to afford the specialty items required for fūinjutsu. Every bit saved was carefully tucked away, and when the time was right, he began quietly searching for the materials he needed.

The first time Haruto visited a ninja supply shop in search of chakra-conducting paper and chakra-infused ink, he made sure to keep a low profile. He had spent weeks researching the basics of fūinjutsu, and though he was still a student, he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself. Fūinjutsu, after all, wasn't something most academy students dabbled in extensively. It was rare for someone his age to take an interest in it, which made him cautious.

He entered the shop one afternoon, a small, unassuming store tucked away in a quieter part of the village. The bell above the door jingled softly as he stepped inside, and the smell of parchment, ink, and metal filled the air. The shopkeeper, an older man with graying hair and a well-worn apron, barely looked up from his counter as Haruto made his way to the back of the shop.

Haruto browsed the shelves, his eyes scanning the various supplies—scrolls, ink pots, sealing brushes, and other tools used by shinobi. Eventually, he found what he was looking for: chakra-conducting paper. The special paper, used for creating fūinjutsu, was infused with natural chakra-conducting minerals, allowing seals to hold and transmit chakra more effectively. Next to it was a small jar of chakra-infused ink, mixed with powdered chakra crystals to make the seals more potent.

The price was steep, enough to take a significant chunk out of his savings, but Haruto knew it was an investment worth making.

The shopkeeper finally looked up as Haruto brought the supplies to the counter. "Practicing seals, eh?" the old man asked, his voice gruff but curious.

Haruto shrugged, trying to appear casual. "I'm still learning. Just thought I'd give it a try."

The shopkeeper grunted, inspecting the items. "Fūinjutsu's tricky business. Not many academy kids spend their time on it."

Haruto offered a small smile. "I like a challenge."

With a raised eyebrow, the shopkeeper rang up the purchase and slid the items into a small bag. "Be careful, kid. You don't want those seals backfiring on you."

Haruto nodded, handing over the money he had saved. "I'll be careful."

He left the shop with a lighter wallet but a heart full of determination. The materials he had purchased were the key to advancing his fūinjutsu training, and he intended to make every bit of them count.

Back in his apartment, Haruto knelt on the floor, his tools spread out neatly before him: the chakra-conducting paper, chakra-infused ink, and his fūinjutsu brush. The room was quiet, the afternoon sun casting long shadows through the window. This was his time, free from distractions, to focus entirely on mastering the next step in his training.

He had been studying fūinjutsu for months, and today's goal was to create his first explosive tag. He wasn't aiming for a powerful explosion—just a small, controlled detonation to test his understanding of the seal. The explosive tag was a common tool used by shinobi in combat, and mastering it would be a key step toward more advanced techniques.

Haruto carefully spread out the chakra-conducting paper in front of him, dipping his brush into the chakra-infused ink. His hand moved with steady precision, tracing the intricate lines of the containment seal. The containment seal was designed to hold the chakra safely within the paper until it was triggered, and Haruto had practiced similar seals extensively.

Once the containment seal was complete, he moved on to the trigger mechanism. This part of the seal was far more delicate, requiring precise chakra control to ensure that the chakra remained dormant until activated. Haruto's brow furrowed in concentration as he carefully drew the final lines, his chakra flowing into the seal with each stroke of the brush.

When he finished, Haruto leaned back, exhaling slowly. The explosive tag lay in front of him, the ink glowing faintly with stored chakra.

Haruto placed the completed tag on a small, makeshift training dummy he had set up earlier. He stepped back to a safe distance, forming the hand seal necessary to activate the tag. He sent a small pulse of chakra toward it.

For a moment, nothing happened.

Then, with a sharp crack, the tag detonated. The explosion was small, controlled, and exactly what Haruto had intended. Smoke rose from the dummy, but the tag had done its job—his first successful explosive tag.

A sense of pride welled up in him as the smoke cleared. The path of fūinjutsu wasn't easy, but he had taken his first step. He still had a long way to go, but today marked a significant milestone in his journey.

With a month and a half left before he 2nd years first break, Haruto knew every moment counted. The clock was ticking, but today, he had proven that he could push his limits and succeed.

And tomorrow, he would continue.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C65
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


