56.92% My Hero Academia: God / Chapter 37: Tutor

章 37: Tutor

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After class, I wanted to have some fun with Shoko, Mina, and Itsuka, but the girls were already stressed about the exam, so it was better to give them time to prepare. I also thought about going to Midnight's, but unfortunately she wasn't there today, sad...eh, I can't get laid with Kazuho either, she's busy today...well then I'll go to my most enduring lover, Rumi, and then I can continue experimenting with telepathy.

Tomorrow, as we agreed, the girls went to my house to study together with their lessons. I helped the girls, I told them what to do, I had some experience, Kazuho I taught her subjects, so she could go to university.

Ochako and Kyoka listened to me attentively, but Mina was doing nothing but pretending to study.

- Oh, my poor head. It can't hold so much information. - Mina sat on the table and exhaled tiredly.

- Mina, pull yourself together. Stop slacking off. - in a stern tone, I scolded her with my glasses. These glasses had holographic visors in the glasses, through them I was viewing information from drones and spy robots, and at the same time I was studying with the girls.

- I can't, I can't, I'm bored!' she stretched out her words as she lay down on the floor and took tokpoki, Japanese chocolate sticks, from her bag and put one in her mouth.

- You'll eat later, homework first. - I stood up, grabbed Mina by the armpits, forcibly sat her down at the table, and shoved a notebook into her hands. - Ochako, don't get distracted either.

- Pervert! - Mina almost cried, covering her face with her textbook.

- I'll do my best. - She said hesitantly, her nose pecking as she did, Uraraka was not far behind Mina in terms of grades.

- You look so much like a strictly teacher now, especially with those glasses. - Jiro smirked, she was doing much better than the two silly cuties.

Our study session was interrupted by the loud 'ding-dong' of the doorbell.

- Are you expecting someone? - Ochako asked me, for all three of us.

- Hey, Akira. I got out of class early today...and you want to explain to me why that two-faced chicken...girl was crumpling at your door. - Kazuho walked into the room with Shoko and her eyes widened.

- Hi. - Shoko said hello awkwardly, sensing the atmosphere in the room.

- Hi Shoko, I didn't expect you to come. You're not far behind me in terms of grades, are you?

- Akira...is there anything you want to tell me? - Kazuho smiled crookedly, burning every girl in the room with her gaze.

- Shoko sit down with the others, have some tea and biscuits and we'll be back soon. - I took Kazuho's hand and quickly led her away to our bedroom before she started calling them names.

- Care to explain what some skanks are doing in yours? - She said angrily.

- They are my classmates, I promised to help them with their subjects before the end of the trimester. - I said honestly.

- Don't shirk, that horny one is also your classmate, it didn't stop you from sleeping with her. - she clenched her fists.

- You know Mina, we just had a threesome. With Shoko, the two-faced girl, I slept with her too. I haven't slept with the other girls, but they show interest in me, especially Ochako, the one with the round face. - I decided to tell the truth. I'd have to tell them sooner or later anyway. - Oh, I also slept with my teacher, and Miruko, the heroine I interned with...and yes, I recently had sex with another classmate.

- Geez...when I told you to get a mistress, I meant get one, not a herd of prostitutes.

- Don't talk about them, Butt, except for Mina, the others are all innocent girls. And I hate to break it to you, but you and Mina can't satisfy me...frankly, I could have sex for weeks without a break.

- Doggone it! - Kazuho slapped my chest with her fists.

- I know I'm a dog. But you love that poor dog. - I took her hands in mine and kissed them both.

- ...Okay, you can have more girls, I can't satisfy you alone. Just let the others be your mistresses. - She accepted it. - Introduce me to these chickens. I have to show you who your girlfriend is. - She furrowed her eyebrows menacingly and went with me to meet the girls.

Kazuho, as soon as she got back to them, introduced herself and said that she was my girlfriend, and anyone who didn't like it could leave immediately. Kyoka and Ochako reacted instantly, choking on their tea.

While Kyouka was only a little surprised because she thought I was dating Mina, Ochako didn't immediately believe Kazuho's words, but I confirmed it by saying that I was not only dating Kazuho, but also Mina, Shoko, and Itsuka.

- I...I got a call from my mum, I'm afraid I'll be leaving early today. - Ochako packed her things and left, almost crying in front of everyone.

- Yeah, that didn't go well. - I looked at Ochako as she left.

- I knew you were popular with the girls, but I didn't think you'd be dating more than one at a time. - Jiro said with a kind of disapproval.

- Akira, I came here because I wanted to ask you a question. Where were you on the day of the attack on Hosu? - Shoko decided to ask.

- Are you in cahoots with Aizawa? He asked me the same thing the other day. - I said. - I trained with Itsuka and Miruko-sempai at the gym, they can confirm it if necessary.

- Alright... - She nodded, believing my words immediately and not doubting me one bit. What a gullible little thing. - ...And I also came because I missed you. Without you, I'm very sad and lonely. - Shoko answered my previous question by sitting on my lap and hugging me. Shoko, unlike the other girls, didn't react negatively to Kazuho's statement. I guess it's because she herself has a hard time understanding the relationship between a man and a woman, and her parents are not the best example.

- Our threesome with Ochako is over. - Mina sighed sadly, and decided to comfort me by kissing me on the lips, followed by Shoko, who kissed me.

- Damn it. I told you he's my boyfriend! - Shoko squeezed Kazuho, sitting on my left knee and joining in the kissing.

- You're like an Arab sheik with a harem, headman. - Jiro blushed a little, watching us. - I mean, Ashido and Todoroki, but Kendo's so right. How did she even agree to...

- Oh, you should have seen her riding my big cock...ahem, you know. - I told her in detail, making Kyoka even more red in the face. - Okay, I'll talk to Ochako later, but for now, let's keep studying. You're a Kazuho too, I saw your recent grades. You could use some studying. - I switched back into strict teacher mode, shaking the girls buttocks so that the embarrassed Kyouka could see.

- I-perverts! - Kyoka covered her face, looking through the slits in her palms.

- I don't want to learn. - Kazuho made a sad face.

- Ooh, me neither. - Mina was upset, getting ready for the debauchery.

- I don't mind. - She took off my glasses, which already had their visors switched off, and put them on Shoko. Hmm, they look good on her.

The next weekdays were somewhat uneventful. At the academy, I wanted to talk to Ochako first, but then I changed my mind. After all, I shouldn't force her to date me, if she wants to start a relationship with me, I'll be happy, no means no...that's a lie, Ochako will be mine and only mine, but now she's not ready for this kind of relationship, it would be best to wait for the right opportunity. I can't say I like seeing a sad Ochako, since that day, she hasn't come to study with the girls anymore, at times like this, you feel like a complete arsehole.

Jiro, surprisingly enough, didn't blurt out that...um, that I was a womaniser.Instead, Kyouka quickly bonded with Mina, Shoko and Itsuka and often talked about me, Jiro was often embarrassed and glanced at me at school, like almost all the girls in the class. Yeah, and all you have to be is a nice, kind, strong and sympathetic guy.

Iida was in the same mood as Ochako, and since that day in Hosu, he hadn't smiled once, always had a frown on his face, and didn't even speak in his boyish manner. I decided to help his brother, not now of course, I can't heal his wounds directly, but I have a couple of ideas that I can implement later.

On the bright side, there was the announcement of Midnight. During the lesson in our class, Nemuri was quite nervous, mainly because of my predatory smile, and the look that undressed the teacher from head to toe.

- Mizuiro-kun, could you hold on for a moment, please? - Midnight addressed me as everyone left the classroom and I was the last to leave.

- Of course, sensei. - I closed the classroom door after breaking into the classroom cameras and approached Nemuri. - Did you want something Kayama-sensei? - I said innocently, putting my arm around her.

- I wanted to talk about that day...It was wrong, I'm your teacher and I shouldn't have done it with you. - With guilt in her voice, she said, pulling away. - Please, let's just pretend it never happened.

- No. No way, not ever. - I answered emphatically and forcibly sat her down at the table. - You didn't have to go on a date, and you didn't have to argue with me about wanting to. It's your own, fault for falling into my net, Nemuri.

- Why? Why do you need me? There are many beautiful girls among your classmates, why would you want a woman who is old enough to be your mother? - she said grudgingly, as she's very self-conscious about her age.

- Among my classmates, I already have lovers, and about age, I don't argue, you are twice my age, but that's what turns me on. - I leaned my face to her neck and kissed her, not forgetting to mark her, biting the smooth skin, eliciting a long and lingering moan from her lips.

- You're my apprentice...h-ha, you can't do that.

- Why not? I don't see anything wrong with loving you sensei. - he kissed her again, but with his tongue and lips. Nemuri softened in my arms, even though she was tense before. - I want to fuck you right here on this table. - I whispered in her ear, making Nemuri shudder.

Nemuri, again, did not resist at all when I put her back on the table, and her legs on my shoulders, and on the contrary, became very turned on, looking at me with cloudy, excited eyes.

As I reached for my belt, intending to remove my trousers, Nemuri swallowed loudly.

- What is it? You're not going to resist? Again? - I asked, but got no answer.

- I-I...want to. - uttered the diametrically opposite of what she'd said earlier.

- Really? Can't you decide whether you want to or not? - I rubbed the bridge of my nose. - I'm not in the mood. - I lowered the confused woman's legs and stepped back. - Come to me when you tell me what you really want. - I left the classroom, leaving an unsatisfied Nemuri.

These women, first they say one thing and then another, and it's hard to know what they really want, and Midnight is also a fan of S&M, it's harder to understand her. I tried using telepathy on her, and I got a shocking mess of want-don't-want.

If Nemuri wants to continue to be in a relationship with me, let her decide whether she wants to or not. It's better to leave her now, I doubt she'll last long unsatisfied, after all, in our last intimacy, I tried my best to make her feel good so she'd want more.

On the weekend, I arrived at my grandfather's dojo where Momo and Itsuka were already waiting for me.

- Good afternoon, lovely ladies. Welcome to my grandfather's dojo, this is where I've learnt to swing my fists since I was a kid, and this is where we'll be training.

- I look forward to it! - Itsuka said belligerently.

- I'm looking forward to it too...' Momo said uncertainly, and the three of us entered the dojo through the main entrance.

Meanwhile, in the dojo, Grandpa was teaching the younger generation in practice...they had the old man in a tight ring, but that didn't stop Grandpa from taking the bolts by the scruff of the neck and throwing them at the rest of the crowd. Naturally, everyone scattered away from the live and loudly shrieking projectiles.

- Grandad! You haven't lost your touch! - I shouted loudly, drawing everyone's attention to myself.

- Hmm, I'm surprised, grandson. You haven't been to the dojo since you went to school. - Grandpa didn't expect to see me, raising his eyebrows a little, and to see such an occasion like grandpa being surprised is a once in a hundred years event.

- This is your grandfather?! - Momo rounded her eyes, seeing a huge old, mountain of muscles in front of her, and Itsuka was not far behind, also rounding her eyes.

- And the point, you've already taught me everything you know. - I replied lightly...and dodged a very quick punch from Saburo, which the girls next to me didn't even notice. - Grandfather, don't worry, my fighting skills are still as good as ever. - I said, to a sort of test from Grandpa.

- Shall we?

- Not now, I'm busy training my classmates today. Meet Momo Yaoyorozu and Itsuka Kendo, my good friends. - I introduced them. - Girls, this is my grandfather, Mizuiro Saburo, a master of budujutsu, a retired karate master, and just a kind old man with a fancy hairdo. - I introduced him, under my grandfather's frowning eyebrows and folded arms.

- Nice to meet you. - They said hello synchronously and bowed.

- Likewise. - He replied, and he was kind to the girls, and the wrinkles on his face smoothed out. - How long do I have to wait for great-grandchildren, Akira? - he asked me, embarrassing Momo and Itsuka.

- Don't rush things, grandfather. Better help me with the girls' education. Momo, Itsuka, over there is the locker room, change your clothes and let's train. - pointed his finger at the locker room, where the embarrassed girls left, and after about five minutes, came back. The girls decided not to bother, wearing Yuei's sports uniform.

- Well, are you ready? - I said.

- Yeah, let's get started. - I tied Momo's hair into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way.

- Hold on Akira, now you'll get for all I've been through! - She enlarged her right hand and clenched it into a fist, and with her left hand, she waved her finger at me.

- ... - grandfather raised one eyebrow questioningly, and looked at me.

- It was taken out of context. - I excused myself in a flash.

The training began when I told the girls to attack me simultaneously, which they immediately did. Itsuka was aiming a huge fist at my face with a straight punch, while Momo was about to knock me down with her whimsical pole. While I was dodging, I was making remarks to the girls on how to move better, and occasionally shifting their attacks to the side with open palms. I already knew that Kendo had some experience in martial arts, especially karate, but Momo was worse at it. She relies heavily on weapons in close combat, and lacks combat reactions.

Afterwards, when the girls got a little tired, I promptly got Grandpa involved in the training, and while I was sparring with Kendo, Grandpa was teaching Momo the techniques of Jodo, fighting with a staff, since that's her main weapon, and practicing self-defence techniques, trying to develop the girl's reflexes.

- This training isn't effective. - said the grandfather after an hour. - When I trained you, you learnt things very quickly.

- Grandpa...are you kidding me? - I was interrupted from sparring with Itsuka. - You threw me off a cliff the first time I trained. - I recalled my first flying experience, and the girls didn't just round up, their eyes popped out of their orbits at what they heard.

- It was harmless to you.

- ...And then I threw a boulder in pursuit. - I added, and Itsuka and Momo immediately lost their fighting spirit.

We continued to train, but the girls were now very afraid of grandfather, and that he decided to give them an extreme training with maximum efficiency. At the dojo, I helped the girls with their training all weekend, and when they came to the end, I gave them instructions with exercises. By the end of our classes, Momo didn't look depressed, and was even smiling, in our company...despite my intimidating Terminator grandfather.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


