13.37% NM12 / Chapter 42: Chapter 36 - Secrets Revealed

章 42: Chapter 36 - Secrets Revealed

3 AC

Aryslonye (Sunspear)

Druselka Qorgyle

Today was the day the officer cadets of the Aryslonye Military Academy, more commonly known as East Point, would graduate and have their ranks officiated.

Druselka Qorgyle, one of the latest batch of cadets marked for graduation, stared hard at her reflection in the mirror as she adjusted her uniform one last time, inspecting it for any defects and stray mistakes to rectify in preparation for their big day.

"Hey Drus, still looking yourself over in the mirror?"

Druselka looked at her Valyrian counterpart, a young woman named Saenyra Nohgaris from Dragonstone. At the age of eight-and-ten, she was a flower in full bloom, curvaceous and tall, hardly what one would expect from a soldier subject to hard training. Her silver hair was tied in a neat braid and her violet eyes shone like polished amethysts.

She was one of countless Valyrian cadets who came from Pāletillia (The Crownlands) as part of an exchange programme, to determine the effectiveness of East Point's training curriculum and see if it could be applied to officers of the Crownlander army. This was both a means of promoting closer ties between Pāletillia and Dornia (Dorne) and, for some minor houses, a way of turning young boys and girls into real soldiers, upstanding noble scions who would make their families proud.

"Yes, I am," Druselka admitted, fidgeting with her tunic as she adjusted it ever so slightly.

"Come on, Drus, no need to be so fidgety," Saenyra said to her, "Come on, let me help you."

"Thanks," Said Druselka.

As she helped Druselka adjust her uniform, Saenyra commented, "Hard to believe two years just passed like that. Us trudging through the mud, jumping and climbing through that obstacle course, camping out in the woods and sitting through classes… It all feels like a distant dream."

"Don't we know it," Druselka replied, "And now here we are."

"Yes, about to graduate as proud officers," Saenyra smiled, fixing Druselka's collar, "I admit, I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach where I should have excitement."

"Is it because the Grand Duke is coming?" Asked Druselka.

"What else would it be?" Saenyra answered.

The Aryslonye Military Academy was a freshly built academy, built not long after Arin's conquest of Sunspear when House Martell was declared extinct. When it finished construction mere weeks before Aegon's coronation as King of the Seven Kingdoms, the first instructors were taken from the finest veterans of their wars with House Martell and the Reach, with Arin Rada, Huang Xue and Franklyn Doratarn as advisors in drafting the curriculum.

And as the officer course lasted two years for every batch, they were the third batch to graduate this year. For every graduating batch, Arin Rada would always make an appearance to salute and commend the newly minted officers.

"Cadets!" Their officer shouted, "The parade is in ten minutes time, be sure to get ready and form up by then!"

"Yes, Sir!" The cadets shouted.

"Come on, let's go," Saenyra beckoned.


Academy Parade Square

Arin Rada

A large audience had gathered at the parade square as they eagerly awaited the arrival of the graduating cadets, seated at large benches that accommodated entire families. Nobles, smallfolk, merchants, men and women from every walk of life had taken their seats.

While other guards stood watch to ensure nothing went wrong and to keep any disputes from erupting between the audience due to differing social statuses, medical teams were on standby, should any troop fall unconscious from the desert heat. The sun was out in full force, and while the audience were sheltered under a high roof, soldiers mingled among the audience, handing out drinks and collecting used cups.

In the very centre of the audience seating, was the Ducal Family of House Rada along with many persons of import, including Chancellor Huang Xue, Lord High Admiral Elanzo Aresaryn, General Franklyn Doratarn and the Qorgyle family.

"It feels like so long ago when my daughter went to serve in the army," Elia muttered, a wistful look in her eyes, "I really wonder how her experience has shaped her now."

"In my experience, the military does teach you very harsh, but very useful lessons," Arin told her, "Most important of which is teamwork and dealing with highly stressful work conditions."

"I suppose, although I admit I cannot imagine subjecting myself to such rigours in my youth," Elia remarked, "Now I feel so old."

"Come off it, you're still beautiful," Arin smiled, much to the chagrin of his wife Belandra.

"Oh, you," Elia gushed, blushing a deep magenta.

"And what about me, dear husband?" Asked Belandra.

"You're just as beautiful as the day we wed, my Love. Perhaps more sensual even than our first night," Arin expressed, smiling as he kissed her ring finger.

Belandra sighed, though she blushed deeply as well.

"Look, there's a band marching towards the parade square," Elia pointed towards a group of professionally dressed men and women, carrying drums, trumpets and flutes.

"That's the Academy music band, the Hellvipers [1]," Arin explained, "They're the ones who play symphonies for important occasions including graduation parades."

The Hellvipers in question were dressed in immaculate dress uniforms: black trousers, crimson tunics of silk and cotton embroidered with gold lace, polished jackboots [2] that glowed in the desert sunlight, and peaked service caps [3] with crimson and white rendering. They marched in lockstep formation, the leading commander twirling a walking cane as if it were a performing instrument.

Their boots thumped on the grassy ground of the parade square, the drummers and trumpeters standing at attention in complete silence, never budging, never fidgeting despite the hot weather. Their uniforms reflected elegance and pompous dignity, and their discipline in the face of the overbearing Dornian sun was an exemplary example of how men of status should conduct themselves in life.

Soon, a spokesperson took his place at the podium, and with a loud and clear voice, he began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Hellvipers, a musical band of our proud academy formed since the conquest of Aryslonye (Sunspear) from the now-extinct House Martell. When first formed, they consisted of just one drummer, a trumpeter and flautist. Now, they number at least a platoon's worth, and for this graduation parade, they shall play 'I Left my Home'[4]!"

When the spokesperson finished, the Hellvipers' commander raised his cane and shouted, "Hellvipers, at the ready!"

The Hellvipers complied, readying their instruments, trumpets and flutes raised at attention.


And they began to play a crisp, melodious, upbeat yet emotional symphony, a tune of how men and women left home to fight in a war against tyranny and oppression, of how victory was achieved and the tyrants thrown down after great sacrifice was made. It touched the hearts of many veterans who listened, some taking a handkerchief to wipe their wet eyes.

As the Hellvipers played, companies marched forth from the castle-academy complex of the Military Academy, a hybrid between a castle, military barracks and school. It stood tall and proud, gleaming like a polished monument of marble. The marching cadets were dressed in crisp uniforms, their swords held straight at chest level.

They soon came to a stop once the tune reached its conclusion, and as all stood at attention the spokesperson took his place on the podium once again, facing the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before you stand the proud cadet graduates of this year's batch!" The spokesperson declared, "They endured months of harsh training as recruits, crawling through the mud! They slept in the same barracks, ate the same food, shared the same educational courses and suffered the same discipline together! As one unit! They endured much on their path to becoming proper soldiers any kingdom would be proud of! For two years, we instructed them in the finer points of leadership, what it means to be a proper, competent officer in times of war and peace. And now, here they stand! Tall, proud and eager to serve!"

Taking a deep breath, the spokesperson then said, "And now, Grand Duke Arin Rada would like to say a few words for the cadets! My Liege, please!"

The spokesperson stepped down and saluted, his hand flying to his temple with the palm facing outwards as Arin Rada approached, flanked by his bodyguards. Arin nodded to him, shook his hand, then took his place at the podium. He harrumphed for a brief moment, then spoke.

"Cadets of East Point! You stand before me fine men and women, proud to serve as officers commanding men in the heat of battle! You stand like guardian turtles of Dornia, just as the Gandoye'mas stood guard over the waters of the River Rhoyne in our old home of Essos in days of yore! May you continue to serve, lead and do our Dukedom proud, and instruct the next generation of officers as you were instructed! Make your families, friends and country proud, and they in turn shall support you every step of the way! To victory! To triumph! To everlasting solidarity!"

"Oorah!" The cadets roared, shouting with the fervour of lions.

Arin nodded, then stepped down from the podium and returned to take his place at the seating area.

With that, the cadet-commanders then bellowed orders.

"Cadets! Forward march!"

And as one the cadets marched forward towards the seating area, and the Hellvipers began playing a more upbeat and joyful tune, full of hope for the present and the future. The audience cheered and celebrated with a round of applause and smiles on their faces.

They came to a stop, and the spokesperson took his place at the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He boomed, "I present to you…"

"One, check one!" The cadets shouted, taking their peaked caps and placing them over their shoulders.

"The next generation of East Point officers!" The spokesperson finished with a beaming smile.

The cadets threw their caps up into the air, and proceeded to hug each other, cheering, smiling and weeping with joy. Their family members would come and embrace them in turn, helping them pick up their caps and showering them with love, affection and pride.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes this year's graduation parade," The spokesperson announced, "You may proceed to return home. Thank you all."

Elia and Lewyn Qorgyle quickly embraced Druselka as she parted from her fellow cadets, her uniform proudly sporting two bars on her right sleeve - the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

"I'm so proud of you, my dear daughter," Elia gushed, "How far you've come."

"Mother…" Druselka sighed in exasperation, though she smiled.

"Hard to believe you'd be the soldier woman of our household," Lewyn remarked, "And here I thought you'd be a bureaucrat or married to another man instead."

"I just felt it was my calling," Druselka confidently declared.

Maryse commented, "Sure you do not want a place in the Tian Feng Huang, Druselka?"

Having become intimately familiar with the Qorgyles through her marriage to Lewyn, she was now treated as a beloved family member; in the beginning, she was treated as an amicable, albeit slightly terrifying stranger they felt uncomfortable with.

"It's just not for me, but thanks for the offer, Maryse," Druselka told her.

"Whatever suits you," Maryse shrugged.

"Cousin," Druselka greeted Arin.

"Good to see you're doing well for yourself," Arin smiled, "I admit, I was worried for you in basic training."

"I'm not a frail girl, Arin," Druselka asserted, "Although… I'm glad you're concerned for me."

"I should be. After all, what's family for?" Arin expressed, "Anyway, I've made plans to celebrate your graduation at Rhoyehom; it's going to be a big banquet."

"I always love the banquets you throw, Cousin," Lewyn salivated at the memory, wiping away his drool in embarrassment.

"Then look forward to this one," Arin winked at him.



Arin Rada

It was just three weeks before the planned celebratory banquet, and Arin had invited his closest confidants to a private room for an important discussion, saying that he was going to reveal a big secret to them all.

His parents, his wife Belandra, his eldest two daughters Azella and Ismerei, Huang Xue, Franklyn, Garen, Marei, Elanzo, the Qorgyles, Head Chef Garin and Maryam. All were to attend with absolutely no one else, for this mandated secrecy of the highest order.

In a nondescript room where the windows were closed and only the most trusted guards in place outside and inside the room, Arin sat before the gathered audience, looking extremely solemn and grave.

"Husband, what has happened to you?" Asked Belandra with concern, "You're never like this before."

"Yes, I must wonder what could cause the unflappable Black Fox to be so down," Elanzo remarked, his eyes furrowed deeply.

Arin took a deep breath, bracing himself.

This is now or never. 

"Before we continue, I must tell you all right now that what I'm about to tell you is in the strictest confidence," Arin declared to everyone, "If you feel that you cannot keep this secret, you may leave the room now, and you cannot speak of this to anyone else. Not to family or friends, not anyone."

No one made to leave the room.

"Alright then," Arin nodded, smiling slightly in relief, "This is a secret that I admit, I've been keeping from everyone else, including all of you. And that is because if this ever gets out, I don't know what will happen."

They all remained silent as Arin spoke with such a soft voice filled with grave severity. Never did they hear him talk this way, not even when he was deep in hot water; always did they know him as a man full of certainty and confidence.

Ample evidence to take him at his word.

"Do any of you believe in reincarnation?" Arin said first.

Almost everyone failed to grasp the meaning of Arin's words, save Huang Xue.

"The process where a dead person is then born into another life, thus living a second time?" Huang Xue asked.

"The exact same," Arin nodded, "I'm one such reincarnated person."

One answer was answered and two more took its place.

"That does not explain much, Grand Duke," Garen admitted, "And I find it extremely hard to believe."

"Actually, I do," Garin spoke, much to the surprise of everyone else.

"Garin?" Asked Maryam.

"I'm also a reincarnated person, Maryam," Garin declared, "And both Arin and I, we used to be from another world."

Garen, Aimelia and Arris furrowed their eyebrows deeply, while the others looked at Garin and Arin as if they had sprouted flowers from their heads.

"Please explain, son," Arris voiced, full of confusion.

Arin nodded, "Garin and I, we came from another world called Earth, a world full of highly advanced technology and home to modern societies, where rule of nobility was long past and the whims of the people decided the day-to-day politics. A world of comfort and peace unlike this world of chaos and bloodshed."

"A world home to philosophers like this 'Machiavelli' you told us so much about?" Elanzo inquired, "It must have been a very interesting world indeed."

"Yes, that's right," Arin nodded, "Mother, you once asked me how I managed to obtain all my knowledge about the different fields like mathematics, geometry, and so on, how I knew which reforms to implement and the reasons behind my motivations and actions."

"How could I forget? I once thought you a madman for purging countless noble houses root and stem," Aimelia admitted, her eyes reflecting guilt at such words, "Of course, I now know better, but I still struggled to understand at times."

"I can't blame you, Mother," Arin shrugged, "As for everything new I introduced? The Rada Numerals, the Arsalm Concrete, the Ifarahoyan Roads, the carrack, caravel and galleon ship models? All of that was from that other world, which discovered these inventions without a religious or a scholarly institution attempting to repress such things. In fact, in that world, increased education and better living standards saw a decline in religious worship among the people, who then proceeded to completely remove their power in secular politics."

"I see now… It all makes perfect sense," Garen muttered, his eyes wide with enlightenment.

"Garen?" Asked Marei.

"Remember that prophecy we had, the one we had a falling out over?" Garen asked the aged Hydromancer.

"How could I forget?" Marei said sadly, "If only I trusted Rhoynamhari's word earlier…"

"Then the answer is exceedingly simple," Elanzo put forth, "The Mother Rhoyne brought forth a reincarnated soul into this world to fulfil her prophecy; one who has no qualms with dirtying his hands or being feared by others, and one armed with the academic knowledge and knowledge on their proper implementation. Then, and only then, could the Rhoynar truly be saved."

"If only you never sounded like a total arrogant prick, you actually make very good arguments and guesses, Elanzo," Arin sighed with exasperation.

"I aim to please, Grand Duke," Elanzo smiled.

"In any case, that's the truth about me and Garin," Arin stated with finality.

Silence reigned supreme in the room, a silence so deep and profound one could hear a pin drop. Arin observed the others carefully, gauging their reactions.

Belandra was the first to break the ice, looping her arm around Arin's shoulders and shifting closer to him.

"Thank you for trusting us, husband," She smiled softly, "I never thought you'd tell us this, and it is really hard to believe, I admit, and yet… you've always been truthful with us on matters of import."

Ismerei hugged her father tightly, "You're our father, no matter what."

Azella hugged Arin tightly as well, and Arin patted their heads affectionately.

"In all honesty, I couldn't believe what you just told us - both you and Garin," Maryam admitted, "And when I was roped into being Deputy Head Chef of the Ducal Kitchen? Me, a simple smallfolk? I could have done without the additional workload."

"Would you have it any other way, Maryam?" Garin questioned with a knowing smile.

"Oh no, it's been so much fun!" Maryam exclaimed happily, "There were ups and down, but I would never have it any other way."

Arris simply said, "As Ismerei said, you are you no matter what. Nothing will change that, Son."

"And Elanzo?" Arin asked cautiously.

"My lips are sealed," Elanzo answered, "Why should I betray a man who so greatly elevated me to my position thanks to my talent?"

"What he said," Franklyn shrugged.

"Thank you, all of you," Arin smiled, a weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Nevertheless, I think we should move on to the next question," Lewyn Qorgyle spoke up, "What are your long-term plans for the future? Maybe it is just a guess of mine, but I do not think you are content simply serving the Targaryens."

"Especially since they called you an errand boy," Maryse remarked with distaste, "How dare they…"

"Let them call me an errand boy if it suits them," Arin waved off, "They will be eating their words when I eventually rebel."

"Wait, rebel?" Maryam asked.

Maryam noted that other than Garin, no one else was truly surprised by Arin's words. Noticing their confusion, Huang Xue then spoke, "Grand Duke, might I explain to them?"

"You may," Arin nodded.

Nodding to him, Huang Xue then turned to face Garin and Maryse.

"The truth is that we have plans to eventually rebel and take down House Targaryen," Huang Xue explained, much to Maryse's shock, "Before then, we will spend our time cultivating our power and growing stronger, introducing new reforms and fine-tuning the ones we currently have in place. Once the time is right, we will throw off the shackles of Targaryen rule and usurp Aegon's position as ruler of all Westeros."

"Wait, wasn't it thanks to the Targaryens that we're able to stand here as masters of Dornia?" Maryam questioned, "Wouldn't this be biting the hand that fed us?"

"It does look that way, yes," Elanzo admitted, though he maintained his air of arrogant nonchalance, "However, we are of the opinion that so long as House Targaryen rules, Westeros will never be truly united, and Dornia will never be at peace. And that is because they foolishly permit the old houses and institutions to remain in power."

"The Faith of the Seven and the Conclave of Maesters," Huang Xue answered.

"The Faith I understand," Maryam noted, "But why the Conclave?"

"Because the Conclave is known to hoard knowledge for itself, and stubbornly refuses to lend its services to the commonfolk as we have," Garen answered, "In fact, over the course of several years, they have tirelessly worked through intermediaries to attempt to steal our knowledge or destroy our prototypes in progress. Their latest attempt was targeted at the printing press [5] which we plan to mass produce later this year, once we have adjusted the production process."

"Printing press?" Maryam questioned.

"Basically, a machine that allows for the rapid printing of books as compared to manually writing them or using block printing. It is a highly complex machine, but the base principle is using a single press with multiple clay blocks on which letters are carved," Garin explained to a confused Maryam, "The advantage is that you could easily replace blocks depending on what contents to print, making it highly flexible and cost-effective to print on paper. As a result, it directly threatens their monopoly of knowledge through the mass production of books, which would render their services far less valuable than before."

"And they want to destroy such a helpful thing? Monsters, all of them," Maryam cursed.

"And these two institutions will pose a great problem to both us and the Valyrians down the road," Franklyn put forth, "Which is why it is better to preempt them once we have the opportunity."

"How long will it be before that opportunity presents itself?" Asked Garin.

"Give or take, maybe two to three decades," Arin answered, "A very long time, I know, but we cannot hope to contest all of Westeros with just a decade of preparation."

"We will win, I'm certain," Druselka declared.

"And what better way to win than to enact our final and total vengeance against the Andals?" Lewyn suggested.

With the secret out, now came the time to rest and prepare. When the storm comes, it will strike with the power of the Gods, and Westeros would once again be thrown into turmoil, facing a wave of carnage and change unlike any other.

[1] Hellvipers - They would continue to perform countless symphonies for countless graduation parades every year at East Point, and came to be known as a symbolic and cultural icon of the entire Ducal Army.

[2] Jackboots - Large leather boots reaching above the knee, made for marching.

[3] Peaked Service Cap - A form of headgear worn as part of the military dress uniform for both the Army and Navy, as well as the Gendarmerie for ceremonial occassions. Derives its name from the short visor or peak made of polished leather.

This also applies to IRL militaries, law enforcement agencies and fire departments across the world.

[4] I Left My Home - A very popular and well-known army cadence song sung by recruits in the US military.

[5] Printing Press - A revolutionary invention that allowed for the widespread proliferation of all manner of books, and a tool that threatened the Maesters' monopoly of knowledge. This tool, while crucial in improving overall literacy throughout Dornia, proved to be the cause of no small amount of contention between the Conclave and House Rada, the former regularly petitioning House Targaryen and demanding that the invention be handed to them, much to the chagrin of Arin.

Though they have ceased their efforts after a show of intimidation by the Targaryens, that is not to say they have truly let the issue be.

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