"Are you sure it's her?" Jun was very skeptical about the girl dressed in white.
Trevor thought for a moment; he couldn't really remember what the women of the Shiyuu Clan looked like, which is why he couldn't provide a confident answer to this important question.
"You have no idea, do you?" Jun understood the long, uncomfortable silence.
"What I think will happen is that both of you will fight to the death if you expose her in front of all the soldiers, and that's not convenient right now, am I right?" For the first time in his life, Trevor seemed intelligent.
Jun was right that the twins became idiots when they were together, but now that they were separated as much as possible, each revealed certain strengths that weren't apparent when they acted foolishly together.
"Then I'll join the infantry. I don't want to put Starfish in danger."
"Should I change?"
"I don't want to scare her off. The last thing I want is for her to escape and not speak with me again."
Trevor nodded slightly and then asked, "Why do you want to talk to her if not to kill her for the crimes she committed against her clan, which is, in fact, our ally?"
"I don't know. Maybe I don't want to spend the next twenty years of my life in the Qin Kingdom, so if she's looking for something that could give me another purpose, maybe we could travel together." Jun was bored. Perhaps part of him thought the rebellious girl from the most feared clan of female assassins in the world was just like him.
He hadn't found anyone who recalled fragments of information about another life; the only person who came to mind was the creator of Asura Village, with all those strange names.
He was the only man who didn't use oriental characters for all his members' names.
Jun was also afraid of not being able to adapt; he always felt somewhat alone, misunderstood, and yearning for something he couldn't yet define.
That's why he would experiment.
"Tell the commander of this army that I'll be in charge of the infantry. I don't care about leading the cavalry; I'll just be emotional support for those who are about to die." Jun was realistic about what would happen next.
So, after the meeting with that general close to the King of Qin, Jun went to the soldiers' quarters and saw that there was movement.
"Is everything about to start?"
Trevor nodded with little enthusiasm and said, "I'm going with the general; you must understand I don't need to be here."
"You're protecting me."
"You're not making it easy."
Once again, Jun conceded that Trevor was right. After this brief discussion, he left his donkey in a safe place and headed toward the infantry, where he would meet the assassin girl.
He couldn't lie; he felt excited.
Would she kill him, or would they talk?
He didn't know her yet, but Jun was already her fan. She had done what he had never dared to do for the sake of survival.
"I must be cautious." Jun's eyes became serious.
War was a place where joy was a fleeting emotion, only found when they achieved victory. But here, nothing was the same because the current general of Qin's army was a lunatic who cared nothing about the deaths of his infantry.
He would use whatever methods he deemed necessary to win this battle; after all, his instinct was his greatest weapon.
Jun might appear indifferent, but he cared more than he seemed to. That's why he volunteered to lead the garrison, a task that even his general wouldn't consider at the moment.
Shin was watching the battlefield, seeing everyone getting killed, and knowing that his group was next to enter the fray; he couldn't help but feel nervous.
There were no orders; no one spoke.
All of them, new to this battlefield, were tormented.
But at that moment, a rather striking figure entered the line of sight of the nervous soldiers.
"Attention, everyone!"
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