74.28% Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng) / Chapter 26: Chapter 26

章 26: Chapter 26

In the small hidden warehouse at the corner of the Twilight Manor's garden, Shirou and Riveria stood face to face, ready to continue their Magecraft training. The soft morning sun streamed through the cracks in the wood, casting a warm glow over the simple room. Shirou, his expression serious and focused, calmly explained the next technique they would learn.

"Today, I'll teach you about Structural Analysis," Shirou said, looking directly into Riveria's eyes. "It's a basic technique that allows us to understand the structure of an object more deeply—seeing its components, materials, and even hidden weaknesses within it."

Riveria nodded slowly, trying to absorb every word Shirou spoke. Yet, her eyes involuntarily kept focusing on every detail of his face—the sharp line of his jaw, his serious yet soft brown eyes, and the way he spoke with such attentiveness and calm. Over time, Shirou seemed increasingly captivating in her eyes.

"The first step is to feel the energy around you and focus on the object you want to analyze," Shirou continued, his hand moving slowly to demonstrate the technique. "Try to imagine fine threads connecting every part of the object, and let your mind trace those threads to the core."

Riveria nodded again, trying to follow Shirou's instructions. She focused on a small piece of wood she held, trying to sense what Shirou was describing. But the more she tried to concentrate, the more her mind drifted back to Shirou.

"Why do I keep thinking about him...?" she thought, feeling a bit frustrated. Every time she closed her eyes and tried to feel the energy of the object in her hand, the image of Shirou's face appeared unbidden. She felt her cheeks warm, making it even harder to stay focused.

Shirou noticed Riveria's unsettled expression. "Riveria, what's wrong? You seem distracted," he asked with concern.

Riveria started, straightening her posture and forcing a smile. "Ah, nothing… nothing, Shirou. I'm just having a bit of trouble concentrating," she replied, trying to hide her nervousness.

Shirou chuckled softly. "That's alright, it's not an easy technique. It takes time to truly focus," he said kindly. "Maybe we could try some breathing exercises first to help calm your mind."

Riveria nodded, though her heart was still racing. "Y-yes, that might be a good idea," she said, a little awkwardly. "I should be able to focus better…"

Shirou stepped closer, gently placing his hand on Riveria's shoulder. "Try taking a deep breath, and release it slowly. Let every tension flow out with your breath," he said, his eyes soft as they met hers.

Riveria followed his instruction, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Yet, in that moment, she became acutely aware of their closeness. Her heart pounded even faster, and the image of Shirou's face became clearer in her mind. She struggled to calm herself, but every time she felt the gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder, her mind wandered further from focus.

Shirou smiled at Riveria's effort. "You're doing well, Riveria," he said softly, offering encouragement. "There's no need to rush; we have plenty of time."

Riveria slowly opened her eyes, her face slightly flushed. "Thank you, Shirou… I'll try again," she said with a shy smile. But inside, she knew these feelings wouldn't be easy to shake.

In the small warehouse that had become their private training space, Riveria sat with a serious expression, determined to understand the Structural Analysis technique Shirou had just taught her. In front of her was a sword Shirou had projected. At first glance, the sword appeared simple, but it held secrets only deeper techniques could reveal.

Riveria sighed, concentrating hard, trying to use Structural Analysis to trace the sword's structure. "You said I should feel the flow of energy through this sword... but why does it feel so difficult?" she murmured, a little frustrated.

Shirou smiled gently, standing beside her. "Take it easy, Riveria. This is a technique that requires a lot of calm and concentration," he said patiently. "Try to feel the sword like you feel the flow of magic around you. Don't just look at its surface."

Riveria closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath, and tried to follow Shirou's guidance. She could feel the energy around her, but still, it was hard to get a clear sense of the sword's structure. "I still can't see it," she admitted, disappointed.

Shirou nodded, thinking for a moment before coming up with a new idea. "How about we try something different?" he suggested.

Riveria looked at him curiously. "What do you mean, Shirou?"

Shirou walked over to a small table in the corner of the warehouse and picked up a wooden board. Quickly, he etched something onto the board with a small sword, writing invisible words. Once finished, he placed another board over it, hiding the writing. "I want you to try using Structural Analysis to read what I wrote inside this board, without opening it," Shirou explained.

Riveria raised an eyebrow, feeling challenged by the idea. "Interesting… So I have to read through the board using magic?" she asked.

Shirou nodded. "Yes. Think of it as practice. Focus your energy on sensing what's inside the board, just like you were trying to understand the sword earlier."

Riveria closed her eyes, took a slow breath, and began channeling her magic, trying to sense what was hidden inside the board. Silence filled the warehouse, the only sound being Riveria's steady, calm breathing.

After a while, Riveria opened her eyes with a slight smile. "I can feel it… there's something written in there," she said excitedly.

Shirou smiled. "Great, Riveria. Now, try to read it."

Riveria focused her energy again, trying to see more clearly what was written. But after a few moments, she shook her head. "I still can't read it clearly… this is harder than I thought," she admitted, a little disappointed.

Shirou patted her shoulder gently. "Don't worry, this is a very difficult exercise. You're on the right path. Keep practicing, and you'll become more sensitive to what you're feeling."

Riveria smiled faintly, feeling a little better. "Thank you, Shirou. I'll keep trying," she said with renewed determination.

Shirou looked at her with admiration. "I know you can do it. It's just a matter of time."

With newfound resolve, Riveria continued her practice, while Shirou patiently guided her, making sure that every small step forward felt meaningful.

Riveria walked slowly along the corridor of Twilight Manor, clutching tightly the wooden board Shirou had given her. On that board, Shirou had written instructions and notes to help Riveria in her Structural Analysis training. Though it seemed simple, the board had now become one of Riveria's most treasured possessions.

Her usually calm eyes now glowed softly, and a small smile played at the corner of her lips. Each step she took was filled with thoughts of Shirou and the lessons he had given her. Riveria felt a warmth different from before, and unconsciously, she hugged the board even closer to her chest.

As Riveria walked towards her room, some members of the Loki Familia who happened to see her exchanged puzzled glances. They rarely, if ever, saw Riveria—the usually calm and wise elf—showing such an expression. They began to wonder what exactly was going on.

At the end of the corridor, Finn, who had just finished discussing something with Gareth, noticed Riveria clutching a wooden board tightly. He furrowed his brow, sensing something different about her demeanor.

"Riveria?" Finn called out, curious, stopping Riveria as she was making her way to her room. "What is that you're holding? It seems very important."

Riveria jumped, startled by Finn's sudden voice. She quickly turned, and realizing how tightly she was hugging the board, her face flushed with embarrassment. She knew her expression might have attracted more attention than she had intended.

"Ah, Finn... This... this is just a training board," Riveria replied, her voice a bit shaky, trying to sound casual. But the redness on her cheeks couldn't be hidden.

Finn raised an eyebrow, still intrigued. "A training board? You seem to be guarding it quite closely... Is it something new?"

Riveria nodded quickly, feeling awkward under Finn's sharp gaze. "Yes, it's... something Shirou gave me to help with my training. Nothing special, just... just a tool," she said, attempting to smile, though her embarrassment was obvious.

Finn observed her for a moment before giving a small smile. "Well, if it helps, that's good. But Riveria... you don't usually look like this."

Riveria paused, realizing she had revealed more of her emotions than she intended. "I... maybe I've just been too focused on this training," she quickly said, searching for an excuse.

However, Finn only smiled warmly. "It's alright, Riveria. Everyone deserves to enjoy what they hold dear."

Riveria lowered her head slightly, her embarrassment growing. "Thank you, Finn," she said softly. "I'll head back to my room now."

With that, Riveria quickly hurried to her room, her face still flushed with embarrassment. Once she reached her room, she quickly shut the door behind her, leaning against the wooden door as she took a deep breath.

"Why am I like this...?" Riveria asked herself, still clutching the wooden board tightly. Her face remained red, but a soft smile crept onto her lips. In the quiet of her room, she gazed at the training board again, feeling a warm, unexplainable sensation.

She knew the board was more than just a training tool. It symbolized the growing connection between her and Shirou, something that made her feel special. And with that realization, Riveria understood that Shirou wasn't just another member of the Loki Familia to her.

In her quiet room, Riveria sat cross-legged on the floor, her eyes closed. Her hands gently touched a small board Shirou had given her a few days ago, with a message inscribed that could only be read using Structural Analysis. Shirou had taught her how to use the technique, and tonight, Riveria decided to try it on her own.

Taking a deep breath, Riveria carefully channeled her magic energy, feeling the flow of od within her body. Her elf ears twitched slightly as she tried to focus fully, sensing the hidden writing within the board. Slowly, the letters began to appear in her mind, like a fog gradually clearing. As she concentrated, her thoughts began to wander.

"What did Shirou actually write here?" she mused. A strange feeling arose within her. "Could it be... something romantic?" Her cheeks gradually reddened as she imagined Shirou writing, "I like you."

Riveria smiled softly, her blush deepening as she imagined the scenario. However, she shook her head, trying to push away her drifting thoughts. "Focus, Riveria," she told herself, bringing her concentration back to the Structural Analysis technique she was attempting.

After a while, Riveria finally succeeded in reading the hidden writing. The letters became clear in her mind. The message read:

"Don't give up, Riveria."

Riveria's eyes widened, and immediately a warm smile spread across her face. She felt a warmth in her chest, filled with a happiness that was hard to explain. "Shirou..." she whispered softly, as if just saying his name was enough to make her feel stronger.

Her heart soared with happiness. Though the words were simple, the support she felt from Shirou was profound. Shirou hadn't written something romantic as she had imagined, but this message... was so sincere, so meaningful. It was something more than just words.

Riveria held back a bigger smile, her heart feeling so light. "He's such a kind person," she thought. "Always knowing how to give encouragement at the right moment."

That night, Riveria lay in bed with an uncontainable smile. Shirou's words echoed in her mind, offering her comfort and motivation. Slowly, her eyes closed, and she drifted off to sleep in happiness, thinking about tomorrow's training—and about the person who had given her new strength to keep moving forward.

The next morning, Riveria walked lightly towards her friend Aina's house, located in the northern part of Orario. The small house was surrounded by a neat garden, with blooming flowers, giving a peaceful contrast to the city's hustle and bustle. As Riveria knocked on the door, she felt a bit nervous, remembering what she wanted to share today.

Shortly after, the door opened, and Aina appeared with a wide smile on her face. "Riveria! It's been so long since you last visited," Aina greeted cheerfully, inviting Riveria inside.

Riveria returned the smile. "Yes, Aina. I'm sorry, I've been busy with Familia duties," she replied as she entered the warm living room. She looked around and smiled, noticing signs of a cozy family life and the aroma of freshly cooked food wafting from the kitchen.

"Come, sit down. I'll make us some tea," Aina said as she quickly moved to the kitchen. Riveria followed her, sitting at the wooden table surrounded by simple chairs.

"How's the family? The children must be growing up fast," Riveria asked with a smile, trying to calm her racing heartbeat a little.

Aina chuckled softly, "Oh, the little one is growing up so fast, just like Eina!" she replied while pouring warm tea into two cups. "And my husband, well… as usual, he's busy in the workshop," she added, her eyes shining with happiness.

Riveria nodded, feeling comfortable with the light conversation. However, she knew there was something else she wanted to talk about. After a few sips of tea and shared laughter about past memories, Aina suddenly noticed something in her friend's expression. "Riveria," Aina said gently, "You look… a bit different today. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Riveria felt her face flush slightly. She knew that Aina could read her better than anyone else. "Well… actually, there is something," she said softly, her voice sounding a bit shy.

Aina leaned forward, looking at Riveria with curious eyes. "What is it? Don't beat around the bush, you know I don't like waiting!"

Riveria took a slow breath and lowered her face, biting her lower lip before speaking. "I… I think… I think I have feelings for someone," she said in a near whisper.

Aina was silent for a moment, looking surprised before finally letting out a small laugh. "Oh, really? Riveria, are you kidding me?" she said with a grin. "I never imagined hearing this from you!"

Riveria blushed, feeling embarrassed by her confession. "I didn't expect it either… but… he's different," she continued softly, still not daring to look directly into Aina's eyes.

Aina stopped laughing and looked at her friend seriously. "Who is he, Riveria? An elf? Or… someone from the Loki Familia?"

Riveria nodded slightly, her face turning even redder. "He's… he's from the Loki Familia, but not an elf," she replied briefly.

Aina smiled widely, warmer this time. "Tell me more. What makes him so special to you?"

Riveria bit her lip again, trying to find the right words. "He… he's patient, considerate, and he never treats me differently because of my status. He treats me with respect, but also like… a friend."

Aina nodded, listening attentively. "So, he makes you feel special?"

Riveria nodded, feeling a bit relieved after saying that. "Yes, he makes me feel… like an ordinary person, not just a High Elf or the leader of Loki Familia."

Aina smiled wider, happy to see the change in Riveria's expression. "That's wonderful, Riveria! You deserve someone who makes you feel like that," she said, her eyes shining with affection. "But… does he know how you feel?"

Riveria quickly shook her head, blushing again. "No, I… I don't know how to tell him."

Aina chuckled softly. "You have to find a way, Riveria. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear it. And remember, you're not just a wise and strong High Elf—you're also a woman who deserves to feel love."

Riveria smiled shyly, feeling lighter after talking with Aina. "Thank you, Aina… maybe I will try," she said with more confidence.

Aina hugged Riveria tightly. "Always, my friend. I'm here for you," she said warmly, while Riveria felt the warmth of her friend's support, and her heart beat with exciting new feelings.

The days passed quickly, and during that time, Riveria became more proficient in using Structural Analysis, a skill taught to her by Shirou. Every night, after finishing her duties and training with Loki Familia, Riveria took time to return to her room, sit quietly, and touch the training board Shirou had given her.

The board had become something very meaningful to Riveria, not just as a training tool, but also as a bridge between herself and Shirou. Every night, she used Structural Analysis to read the hidden messages within the board, messages that Shirou had carefully written.

Tonight, like the previous nights, Riveria sat cross-legged on the floor of her quiet room. With steady breaths and closed eyes, she channeled her magic into the wooden board in her hands, feeling the energy connected to the writing within it. Slowly, the letters began to form in her mind, a new message from Shirou appearing clearly.

"Keep believing in yourself, Riveria. You're stronger than you think."

Riveria smiled softly as she read the message. As always, Shirou's words touched her heart. There was something sincere in every message she found, something that made her feel valued and supported.

She placed the board beside her and reflected for a moment. Even though Shirou was not near her at that moment, she could feel his presence and support through these simple messages. It gave her strength, not only in magic but also in facing her days as a member of Loki Familia.

"It's never easy, is it?" Riveria spoke to herself, still smiling. "But with this encouragement… it all feels more possible."

Her smile grew wider as she pondered Shirou's words. She knew that the feelings growing in her heart were not something she could ignore. Every message she read made her more certain that there was something more than just a teacher-student relationship between them.

"Shirou… I hope you know how much this means to me," she murmured softly, still looking at the wooden board in front of her.

After a while, Riveria carefully set the board aside and decided to lie down. The night was late, and she knew that tomorrow would be another busy day. However, unlike usual, she felt her heart was lighter and more at peace. A warm feeling flowed through her, making her feel comfortable and calm.

With thoughts filled with Shirou's words, Riveria closed her eyes, letting the day's fatigue slowly fade away. Every night, as she drifted off to sleep, the same smile always graced her face—a smile filled with gratitude, happiness, and growing feelings for someone who had begun to hold a special place in her heart.

Riveria knew that tomorrow, and every night thereafter, she would continue to look forward to those messages and the warmth that came with them. And with that feeling, she finally fell asleep peacefully, holding on to the hope and emotions that had just begun to grow within her.

The next day, in a small warehouse at the corner of Twilight Manor, Shirou and Riveria met again to continue their training. However, this time, Shirou had prepared something different. In his hand, he held a black ribbon, and there was a mischievous glint in his usually serious eyes.

"Riveria, today I want to test how far you've come with Structural Analysis," Shirou said with a slight smile.

Riveria nodded, feeling confident in her steadily improving abilities. "Alright, Shirou. I'm ready for any challenge," she replied calmly, though a hint of curiosity lingered in her heart.

Shirou lifted the black ribbon and stepped closer to Riveria. "I'm going to blindfold you with this. You'll use Structural Analysis without the aid of your sight," Shirou explained.

Riveria's eyes widened slightly, and her heart started to beat faster as Shirou began tying the ribbon around her head, covering her eyes. The gentle touch of Shirou's hand on the back of her head made her face warm up a bit, but she tried to remain calm.

"Is it too tight?" Shirou asked with a concerned tone, ensuring Riveria was comfortable.

Riveria swallowed and shook her head slightly. "No, it's just right," she answered, her voice trembling a little.

After making sure Riveria couldn't see anything, Shirou stepped back a few paces and began projecting various types of metals and gemstones in front of them. Around Riveria, objects of different textures and compositions began to appear, each emitting a unique energy that could only be sensed by someone with a high magical sensitivity.

"Now, Riveria," Shirou said, his voice calm yet firm, "use Structural Analysis to identify these objects. Focus on the energy they emit and tell me what you sense."

Riveria took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Although her eyes were covered, she could feel Shirou's presence nearby, which gave her additional strength. She began to focus her energy, sensing the flow of magic around her, then channeled that magic into the objects Shirou had projected.

The first object she touched had a hard, cold texture. Riveria focused her mind, trying to sense what was hidden within it. After a moment, she began to recognize the characteristics of its energy.

"This is… iron," Riveria said, her voice full of confidence.

Shirou nodded, though he knew Riveria couldn't see him. "Good, continue."

Riveria moved on to the next object, feeling a smoother yet heavier texture. The energy it emitted was different, denser, and glittered in her mind.

"This is… gold," Riveria answered again, her confidence growing.

Shirou smiled, impressed with Riveria's ability. He didn't give her time to relax and quickly moved on to a more challenging object, a gemstone that emitted a very different energy.

Riveria felt the object in her hand, its energy so pure and delicate, almost like light dancing at her fingertips. She thought for a moment, then smiled slightly.

"This is… a sapphire," she finally said, her voice soft but full of certainty.

Shirou, silently proud, nodded again and finally decided to end the test. "You're right, Riveria. You've identified them all perfectly."

Riveria sighed in relief as Shirou approached and removed the ribbon covering her eyes. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw the smile on Shirou's face, a smile that made her heart beat faster again.

"Congratulations, Riveria," Shirou said with an appreciative tone. "You've mastered Structural Analysis very well. I know it's not an easy technique, but you've shown remarkable progress."

Riveria bowed her head slightly, feeling flattered by Shirou's praise. "Thank you, Shirou… I couldn't have done it without your guidance," she said with a gentle smile.

Shirou shook his head, still with a warm smile on his face. "This is all because of your hard work, Riveria. I just helped you find the way."

They both stood there for a moment, letting a comfortable silence fill the space between them. In that moment, Riveria felt something more than just pride in her progress in training. There was a warm feeling growing in her heart, a feeling she knew was getting stronger each day.

"Thank you, Shirou," Riveria said again, this time more sincerely. "I'll keep striving to get better."

Shirou nodded, sensing that her words were not just about their training but also about something deeper. "I'm sure you'll continue to grow, Riveria. And I'll be here to support you."

With that warm feeling enveloping them, Shirou and Riveria continued their day with renewed energy, bringing their relationship to a deeper level, filled with hope and trust growing between them.

The next day, Shirou and Riveria gathered once again in the small warehouse at Twilight Manor. The morning sun softly illuminated the room, creating a calm and focused atmosphere. Today, Shirou had prepared a new lesson for Riveria—a technique that required precision and high control: Reinforcement.

Shirou stood in front of a small table, holding a glass cup in his hand. He looked at Riveria seriously, making sure she understood the importance of this technique.

"Riveria, today I'm going to teach you about Reinforcement," Shirou said as he carefully held the glass. "This technique allows us to strengthen objects by channeling magical energy into them. It's a very useful skill, but it can also be dangerous if not done correctly."

Riveria nodded, listening intently. "I understand. What should I do first?" she asked, her eyes full of enthusiasm.

Shirou gave a slight smile, pleased by Riveria's eagerness. "First, I'll show you how Reinforcement works. Watch closely."

He held the glass with one hand and began focusing his magical energy. Slowly, Shirou channeled energy into the glass, concentrating his power to reinforce the structure of the glass without damaging it. A faint light began to glow from the glass, indicating that the Reinforcement was in progress.

Shirou then released the glass, letting it fall onto the table. However, instead of shattering, the glass landed gently and remained intact.

"As you can see, proper Reinforcement allows an object to become much stronger without changing its appearance," Shirou said as he lifted the glass again, showing it to Riveria.

Riveria looked at the glass in awe. "That's amazing, Shirou. So, our magical energy can really strengthen objects like this?"

Shirou nodded. "That's right. But there's something you need to remember." He shifted his gaze back to the glass in his hand, his expression growing more serious. "If you channel too much magical energy into an object, the results can be very dangerous."

Riveria listened carefully, sensing the change in Shirou's tone. "What happens if there's too much energy?"

Shirou sighed, then focused his energy back into the glass. This time, he increased the flow of magic, putting more energy into the glass. The previously faint light now grew brighter, showing that the glass was under great pressure.

Within seconds, the glass began to tremble and...


The glass shattered with a loud noise, sending shards flying in all directions. Shirou quickly moved his hand, shielding Riveria from the flying debris.

"This is what happens when you don't control Reinforcement properly," Shirou said firmly. "Too much energy will cause the object's structure to be unable to withstand the pressure, and it will eventually break."

Riveria remained silent for a moment, contemplating what had just happened. "So, control is the key to using Reinforcement," she murmured softly, more to herself.

Shirou nodded, his expression softening again. "Exactly. It's not just about how much energy you can channel, but also about how well you can adjust it to the needs of the object you're reinforcing. Too little, and it won't be effective. Too much, and the object could break."

Riveria looked at the shattered glass on the table intently, feeling that this lesson was very valuable. "I understand, Shirou. I'll practice to make sure I can control my magic precisely."

Shirou smiled, satisfied with Riveria's response. "That's what I hoped to hear from you, Riveria. With practice and patience, you'll be able to master Reinforcement like the other techniques."

Riveria nodded resolutely, feeling more motivated to learn. "I'll give it my best."

They continued the training that day with renewed determination. Riveria began trying Reinforcement on various simple objects, with Shirou guiding her to ensure she understood the limits of the technique. Every time she succeeded, Shirou encouraged her, and whenever she failed, Shirou patiently explained where she went wrong.

By the end of the training, Riveria felt that she had learned something very valuable, not just about the Reinforcement technique, but also about the importance of control and balance in using magic. With Shirou's guidance, she was confident that she could continue to grow, becoming stronger and wiser in using her power.

After that day's Reinforcement training was over, Riveria felt satisfied with her progress. Shirou had taught her with great patience, and she felt that she had grown stronger, not only in her magical abilities but also in her understanding of how to control her power.

However, as they were about to part ways, something tugged at Riveria's heart. Every night after training, Shirou always left a message on her training board, simple yet meaningful messages that always made her smile before going to bed. Although Riveria didn't show it, she eagerly looked forward to those messages.

As Shirou prepared to leave, Riveria glanced at her training board with quiet anticipation. But this time, Shirou showed no signs of writing anything. He simply smiled, as if today's training had been enough.

Riveria felt her heart beat a little faster, and before she realized it, the words had already left her mouth. "Shirou… Are you… Are you going to write a message on my training board today?" she asked, slightly embarrassed, her face flushing as she realized how much she wanted that message.

Shirou looked at her with warmth in his eyes. He understood how important those messages were to Riveria, even though he never intended for her to become dependent on them. With a gentle smile, he drew a small sword from his waist and approached the table where the wooden board was placed.

"Alright, Riveria. This will be the last message I write on your training board," Shirou said softly.

Riveria felt a mix of emotions in her heart—happiness, nervousness, and a bit of sadness hearing Shirou's words. She watched closely as Shirou began to engrave something into the board, his careful movements suggesting that each word held deep meaning. Shirou worked calmly, ensuring every letter was written perfectly.

When he finished, Shirou looked at Riveria and smiled warmly. "I hope you'll like this message, Riveria."

Riveria could only nod, too nervous to say anything. She held the board carefully, as if it were the most precious treasure she owned. In silence, she felt the overwhelming warmth of Shirou's newly inscribed words.

That night, Riveria couldn't contain her excitement. Once she was in her room, she quickly sat cross-legged on the floor, holding the training board in her lap. Her heart was pounding, eager to know what Shirou had written.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and began channeling her magic, using Structural Analysis to read the hidden message within the board. The letters began to form in her mind, one by one, creating a sentence that made her heart skip a beat.

"I'm very grateful to have met you."

Riveria felt her heart swell with joy, a soft smile slowly spreading across her face. That simple sentence, filled with warmth and sincerity, made all the days she spent with Shirou feel so special. That warm feeling spread throughout her body, making her feel more alive than ever before.

Unconsciously, tears of happiness welled up in the corners of her eyes. In a voice barely above a whisper, Riveria responded to the message, as if Shirou could hear her even though they weren't together.

"Me too, Shirou," she whispered with deep emotion. "I'm also grateful to have met you."

That night, Riveria slept with an uncontainable smile, her heart full of warmth and happiness. Shirou's final message became something she would keep in her heart, as a beautiful memory and as a motivation to keep moving forward. And she knew, no matter how far she went, Shirou's words would always be with her.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C26
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


