89.75% One Piece: Starting by Refusing Shanks / Chapter 149: Chapter 149: Water 7 – Even Thunder Gods Get Moody

章 149: Chapter 149: Water 7 – Even Thunder Gods Get Moody

The man with the long mustache was named Jabra, a member of CP9 with the ability to transform into a wolf using the Dog-Dog Fruit.

In terms of power, he was ranked right behind Lucci and Kaku in CP9.

Takumi hadn't expected this guy to be here in Water 7, tagging along with Spandam.

But, honestly, it didn't matter.

Takumi didn't see him as much of a threat.

Jabra had this twisted, bloodthirsty grin on his face, clearly planning to tear Takumi apart.

But just as he was about to make his move, a lazy voice came from the wall above the alley. "Anyone who has my approval doesn't get pushed around by small fry like you."

Yep, it was none other than Enel.

Jabra, however, didn't seem to care. He kept charging toward Takumi.

Enel casually picked at his ear with one hand while raising his other hand, his index finger sparking with electricity. "You brought this on yourself, so don't say the Thunder God didn't give you a chance."

With that, a bolt of one million volts shot from Enel's fingertip, aimed directly at Jabra.

Jabra, sensing danger, quickly dodged to the side.

The lightning struck the ground next to him, leaving a smoking black mark on the stone.

Spandam blinked in confusion. "Who the hell is this guy?"

Jabra finally stopped and looked up at Enel, who was still standing on the wall. His eyes flicked around, trying to figure out a plan to deal with him.

Before Jabra could act, though, Enel transformed into pure electricity, appearing right in front of him in an instant. Jabra didn't even have time to dodge before Enel reached out and tapped him on the forehead.

"Your Blue Sea bodies are crazy tough. A few hundred volts won't hurt you," Enel said calmly. "So here's two million volts. Enjoy."

Jabra's eyes widened in panic as he tried to use Rokushiki to escape, but it was too late.

A blinding flash of light filled the alley, followed by Jabra's agonized screams.

When it was over, all that remained was his charred body lying flat on the ground.

The scent of roasted meat filled the air.

Enel grumbled, clearly unimpressed. "Tch, overestimated you…"

Takumi wasn't the type to seek out trouble. He didn't kill unless it was necessary or he was in a good mood. He wasn't a fan of blood or violence, after all.

Enel, on the other hand, saw killing as no big deal. To him, it was just another part of life.

Spandam and the group of Navy soldiers behind him were all frozen in shock, their faces pale with disbelief.

"Impossible…" Spandam muttered, sweat pouring down his face. "Is Jabra...dead?"

Enel glanced at Spandam, then flashed him a smile that sent a shiver down his spine.

Spandam stumbled backward in fear, retreating a few steps without even realizing it.

"You in charge of this guy?" Enel asked, nodding toward the smoking remains of Jabra.

Spandam swallowed nervously, shaking his head furiously. He then shoved the soldiers in front of him. "You guys, uh...you take care of this. I'll...I'll be leaving now!"

"Wait! Sir, you can't just leave us here!" one of the soldiers protested.

"Spandam! Don't run! Wait for us!" another cried.

"Ugh, what a guy. How does someone like that become an officer?"

"Less talking, more running! Let's get out of here."

The soldiers were just as scared as Spandam after watching Jabra get fried. None of them dared to move closer.

They weren't even part of CP9. They were only there because they'd been ordered to protect Spandam, and frankly, none of them liked the guy. They knew he only had his position because of his father, and he wasn't someone they respected.

So when Spandam ordered them to kill Takumi, most of them were hesitant. Now that one of CP9's own had been killed by someone clearly on Takumi's side, they were ready to wash their hands of the whole thing.

If Spandam wanted to get himself killed, that was his problem.

As Spandam took off running, the soldiers didn't hesitate to follow.

"What about Jabra, sir?" one of them asked, struggling to keep up.

"He's your subordinate, right? Shouldn't we at least bring his body back?"

Spandam scowled. "I don't need weaklings in my squad! Let him rot!"

He was a cruel, heartless man, only caring about people if they were useful to him. If Jabra had been killed, that was Jabra's fault. They could always recruit someone else to fill his spot in CP9.

"That guy's a real piece of work, huh?" one soldier muttered.

"Shh, keep your voice down. If he hears you, we're all dead."

Spandam suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The soldiers following him also froze, their faces full of fear. They wondered if he had heard them badmouthing him.

But Spandam turned and looked at them with a strange expression. "Isn't Aokiji in Water 7 right now?"

The soldiers blinked in confusion but nodded.

Spandam's lips curled into a sneer. "Perfect. That brat and his friend are finished today."

Back in the alley, Takumi was trying to relax on his lounge chair, but the smell of roasted meat from Jabra's cooked body was starting to get to him.

Annoyed, he found himself craving barbecue.

Enel noticed him getting up and quickly said, "Hey, don't blame me. I didn't mean to ruin your nap."

Takumi glanced at Jabra's corpse and sighed. "Whatever. Let's go."

He folded up his lounge chair, preparing to leave.

Enel was still standing there, watching him.

Takumi briefly considered putting the chair back in his system storage, but then he thought better of it. Might as well let Enel carry it—no sense in wasting a perfectly good lackey.

Enel's eyebrow twitched when Takumi handed him the chair. "What's this for?"

"Carry it," Takumi replied flatly.

Enel's eyes narrowed. "I'm the Thunder God and you're treating me like some errand boy?"

Takumi: "..."

Despite his complaints, Enel took the chair, grumbling the whole time. "Hmph, of all the captains in the world, I had to end up with one who doesn't appreciate greatness."

Takumi: "..."

Enel, still sulking, followed Takumi down the street. "So where are we going next? Another bar? Maybe find a nice quiet spot for you to nap again? Or...oh! You gonna go fishing?"

"Barbecue," Takumi said without missing a beat.

Enel blinked. "Wait, what? Barbecue?"


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C149
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


