"I will have the details in two days time, my lady."
When walking down the hallways, she noticed a sign she didn't notice when she first entered, it read "A secret for a secret." The writing was almost eerie, it made her feel physical discomfort...
She quickly turned her head away from it and tried to calm down. The sign glowed, there was no doubt in that. But she was the only one who could see that it was imbued with some kind of magic. Dimitri shook his head, he couldn't see it at all!
It somehow made sense now. No wonder... She was reminded of her secret, that fact that she wasn't the true Adeline... It was because of the intelligence guild!
They must have enchanted it so that people feel compelled to spill their secrets. That must be it... Right? That secret began to haunt her slowly. She took over the life of someone else. What about the real Adeline? How was she? Where was she?
Changing my update timings! Hehe. Vote and comment! Possible up spree at the end of the month? I'm working hard okee!