He showed immense precision and control at such a young age, he was a prodigy indeed. As much as Adeline would love for him to stay with them forever, he is destined to become the Arch Mage. Until then, she would cherish the moments they had together.
Holding hands they started sprinting towards the manor. However, the ground was a bit slippery, but that didn't stop them. They giggled all the way back.
"You seem to be getting along well with everyone, well almost everyone."
The Goddess finally popped by! Adeline was pleasantly surprised, her voice sounded a bit raspy but she was glad she was here.
'Where have you been? I missed you.' She did, she really did. Adeline was often faced with stressful situations, and this Goddess friend was her only form of relief.
"Aww, Linny missed me! Such a momentous occasion *sniffle*."
Adeline rolled her eyes and shook her head.
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