80% In Naruto World, With Inventory Skill. / Chapter 12: Chapter 12

章 12: Chapter 12

-3rd POV-

As usual, after waking up and having breakfast with her family, Ame would began her explorations.

The abandoned village was peaceful.

Ame the cat, with her boundless curiosity, had grown accustomed to the new faces that filled her days.

Her paws pattered lightly on the wet earth as she weaved through the shadows cast by the clinic's roof.


Ame's eyes sparkled with curiosity, as she watched the humans perform their strange movements.

Sometimes she would try to mimicking the movements they made and when they saw her do that, they would smile, which made Ame happy.

Sometimes Haruto also praises her and strokes her.

So Ame thought, 'mimic their moves, and I will be praised and petted.' And so she did, mimicking their movements. Her playful antics never failed to bring a smile to their faces.


As well as mimicking their movements, Ame often catches fish and gives them to Haruto.

One rainy afternoon, Ame trotted back to the clinic with a fish in her mouth and her tail held high with pride. She had caught it in the small river around the village.

Haruto always accepted her gifts, and not only did Ame receive compliments and caresses, she also received plenty of delicious grilled fish. Sometimes Ame would wonder, thinking 'I only caught one fish, how can I eat so many fish?'

Ame would look at Haruto with curiosity, but then she would lose her focus to the delicious smell of grilled fish.


When Haruto and Konan were busy with their activities, Ame usually accompanied her sister Ranko.

Since Ranko had not recovered and could not fly yet, she was only in the clinic. So Ame told her about the things she found in the village.

Being a good sister, Ranko will listen to Ame carefully. Despite her injuries, she longs to fly and have adventures with her sister Ame.

Ranko's eyes would light up as Ame talked about her explorations and she would picture the village and it's new inhabitants in her mind. Her wings fluttered slightly with excitement, the only movement she could manage.


Ame's days were filled with joy, bringing smiles to those around her and using her instincts to keep the village safe.

Ame will hunt down anything that has malicious intent towards the people around her.

She was able to sense their evil intentions when she helped Konan defeat the bad guys in the forest.

Like this rat, for example, Ame sensed the evil intent of this rat that was trying to get into the clinic.

*The sound of a rat in pain*

Ame stood on the mouse, her claws digging into its head. The rat squealed in pain, its beady eyes filled with fear. She had caught it red-handed, or rather red-pawed, trying to sneak into the clinic.

Ame didn't know what the rat's purpose was, but Ame sensed its evil intent, enough for Ame to act.

'You are the unclean one, the bringer of disaster, the host of evil intentions.' Ame's thoughts were clear as she held the struggling rat firmly, its squeaks piercing the quiet afternoon.

She still remembered what Haruto said to Konan.


Haruto and Konan sat by the fire while Ame still enjoyed her meal.

"So, the rats carry fleas and plague?" Konan asked.

"That's right." Haruto replied.


"So, rats are evil?" Konan asked curiously.


-Flashback end-

That's what Ame remembered; when she tried to remember it again, she couldn't remember exactly what they said after that, because Ame was more focused on her food at the time.

However, it did not shake Ame's conviction that this rat was evil.

Her eyes narrowed, and she gave it a final squeeze, ending the rat's life swiftly. She had learned from her experiences that the world was not just a playground, but a battlefield where she had to protect her family.

With the rat defeated, Ame felt a sense of pride and duty.

"Nyaaon!" Ame roars like a lion.

She dropped the lifeless creature and trotted back into the clinic, her wet fur leaving a trail of dirt and mud. She knew the humans wouldn't be happy with the mess, but she couldn't help the urge to protect them.


"Is there any news from Doryu?" The hidden rock ninja leader's voice was tense as he addressed his team of scouts.

"No, sir, we haven't heard from Doryu yet," one of the scouts replied, visibly nervous under the leader's gaze.

"Has he been captured? Did he fail?" The Hidden Rock ninja leader's voice was a mixture of anger and frustration as he paced around their temporary base.

"I think the chances of Doryu being caught are very small, he is very good at infiltration, even his nickname as the Mole of the Hidden Rock is a testament to his achievements. He's probably just taking his time to gather more information," one of the scouts suggested, trying to ease the tension.

"Yes, that's what I thought, it's impossible for two ninjas from the Hidden Leaf to catch Doryu, Doryu's own ability is below jonin and above average chunin. Even if he were caught, it would be easy for him to escape," the other ninja said.

The leader looked at the ninja beside him. "If only we had followed my plan, we wouldn't be wasting time here. We should have attacked the village right away."

The ninja beside him spoke, "We didn't touch or even kill any civilians, how can you say that so easily! We are shinobi, not savages!"

The leader sneered, "You, a ninja of the hidden rock, don't even have the will of stone. We must stand firm, raindrops will not destroy us". The leader added, "Killing a few civilians is no problem, if no one finds out it was us, that's fine, but it would be much better if we spread the rumour that Hidden Leaf Ninjas are taking hostages and killing civilians. That would make our job a lot easier."

"I agree." The other ninja said.

The ninja beside the leader narrowed his eyes, "You are shameless! How could you defile the Will of Stone with your cruel thoughts? The Hidden Rock is known for its bravery and honour, not for slaughtering innocents!"


The leader Hitting the earthen table.

"We are Ninja! We do what needs to be done, even if it's dirty and cruel. We are not luminous knights, we are shadows! protecting our land! our village! Our way of life!" The leader shouted, slamming his fist again on the crumbling earthen table.

The ninjas looked at each other, it was tense.

"If that's the case, then I'm leaving, I'm resigning. I can't be part of such an inhuman plan," the ninja declared, his voice firm despite the tremor in his hand.

"You want to be a renegade ninja? Fine, go," the leader sneered, his eyes cold as he watched the ninja storm out of the tent.

But before the ninja left, he said, "I'm not a Rogue ninja, because I stopped being a ninja." After that, he threw his forehead protector.

He turned to the rest of the scouts. "Keep an eye on the village. Find any sign of Doryu and report to me immediately."

"Yes, sir." The scouts bowed their heads in unison, acknowledging their leader's order.

-3rd POV end-

Another storm hit the village and its surroundings. Lightning pierced the sky and lit up the night. I and the others were in the clinic, gathered around the warmth of the fireplace.

"It's getting cold outside," Fuso said, placing a blanket over Ame and Ranko, who were snuggled up together.

"Yes, it seems like the storm is getting stronger," Ise added, peering out the window.

"It's storm after all," I murmured, stroking Ame's fur as she curled up closer to the warmth. The fire crackled comfortingly.

Konan looked up from her paper shurikens, the glow of the fire reflecting in her eyes. "Haruto, Do explosive tags work in this weather?"

"It can," I said, stroking Ame's head.

"That's good to know," she said, setting her paper shurikens aside.

The doctor's gaze turned to me, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Your bond with Ame is quite something. It's as if she understands what you're saying."

"I guess she's more than just a pet," I said with a smile, watching Ame yawn and stretch lazily. "She's like a little guardian angel for us."

Fuso chuckled, handing me a cup of warm tea. "It seems so. And she's quite the helper with the village's pests and with the food too."

The warmth of the tea spread through me, soothing my nerves. "Maybe it's her way of enjoying life?" I suggested, watching as Ame took a sip from a small bowl of milk Fuso had set out for her.

Fuso nodded thoughtfully. "It's true, animals can sense things we can't. Perhaps she feels the tension in the air, and she's just trying to bring us joy to keep our spirits up."

*Caw!* *Caw!*

The sudden sound of a crow pierced the quietness of the clinic. We all looked up to see Ranko, the injured crow we had taken in, fluttering her wings with excitement. She had made a full recovery, thanks to Fuso's tender care and the peaceful environment.

"Looks like Ranko's found something," Ise said, setting aside his medical scrolls and moving towards the window.

I looked at Konan, and she nodded in agreement. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

A moment later, she opened her eyes, "There is a person, no three people, approaching the village." she said, her expression serious.

Ise's face grew grim. "Could it be more refugees?"

"No, From their chakra, they are ninjas," Konan said.

The doctor and Fuso shared a concerned look, but Ame, unfazed by the news, continued to purr contentedly.

"Let's get ready," I said, rising to my feet and placing Ame gently on the floor. She looked up at me, sensing the shift in the atmosphere.

"Could they be from hidden rock?" Ise asked, his eyes scanning the horizon as he tightened his grip on the window frame.

"It's possible," I said, my eyes narrowing. "But we must be prepared for anything."

Konan stood up, her paper shuriken floated and spun on both sides. She looked at me with determination.

"Kashiki-san and I are going out, so please take care of yourselves. And be prepared for anything," I said, as Kashiki and I prepared to leave the clinic.

"We'll be fine, Haruto," Fuso said, her voice firm despite the worry etched on her face.

"Yes, please be careful," Ise added, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I believe in you Haruto," Konan said.

Nagato didn't say anything, but he nodded his head.

As we stepped out into the storm, the wind whipped around us, and the rain stung our faces. The village was eerily quiet, the only sound being the occasional thunder echoing through the village.

"Cover my back," I instructed Kashiki as we approached the entrance of the village.

"Understood," Kashiki said, He then went into hiding.


As I moved through the storm, I couldn't help but feel the weight of our decision to take in the Hidden Leaf ninjas.

Do I regret it? Not really.

Without them, I might still not know basic hand seals and jutsu.

So, it's still worth it for me, And don't forget about Ise and Fuso, they even helped them without anything in return.

After I reached the entrance of the village, I saw three people walking towards me through the storm. They were not from the Hidden Leaf. Their attire was unfamiliar, without symbols or forehead protectors.

"Who are you, and what is your business here?" I called out, my voice barely audible over the storm.

The three figures stopped, looking surprised to see someone standing in the middle of the storm. They exchanged glances before one of them stepped forward.

"We're just passing through," the figure said, their voice strained by the wind. "We've heard rumors of a village that takes in a ninjas."

I narrowed my eyes, assessing them. Their faces were obscured by their hoods. "What do you want?"

"Can you let those two ninjas leave the village?" the figure said.

"And why would I do that?" I questioned.

The figure paused before speaking again. "We have information about the Hidden Rock's movement. They are planning something... something big. If those two ninjas leave, you'll be safe. Otherwise, their presence will bring destruction to your village."

I remained still. "How do I know I can trust you?"

The figure took a step closer, "You don't have to trust us, but you should trust your instincts. The storm isn't the only thing brewing tonight."

"Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately they are my patients, and their condition doesn't allow for long journeys." I said, my voice calm but firm.

The figure in the lead sighed, "Very well, I wish you all the best. But know this, the storm we're in is nothing compared to what's coming."

"Thank you, do you want to rest here, in this village? It's not much, but we can provide shelter from the storm," I offered, watching their reaction closely.

The figure in the lead spoke, "No, thanks for the offer, but we need to move on." With that, they turned and disappeared into the night.

I watched them leave, my mind racing with questions. Who were they? What did they know about the Hidden Rock?


Well, Whoever they are, it doesn't matter, the important thing is, that I get valuable information, whether this information can be trusted or not, being vigilant doesn't hurt.

But if that's true, in addition to be a doctor, I also want to be a chef, so if they came here, then I'll cook for them.


Shortly after that, Kashiki and I returned to the clinic.

"Did something happen? You both look troubled," Fuso said as we walked into the clinic, her eyes searching our faces.

"We encountered some travelers," I replied. "They claimed to have information about the Hidden Rock's plans."

Ise's eyes widened, and he set down his medical instruments. "What kind of information?"

"They warned us that the Hidden Rock is planning something big, and that if we don't send Gentoku-san and Kashiki-san away, it will bring destruction to our village," I said.

Fuso's hand flew to her mouth, and Ise's eyes darkened. "What do you think we should do?" Fuso asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"We can't just send them away," Ise said firmly. "They're in no condition to travel, and we've given them our word."

Konan nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the fire's flickering light. "We've made a promise to protect them."

"Are you all fools?! They might came to attack this village if we're still here. We're putting everyone in danger!" Gentoku voice was filled with urgency and fear as he spoke up from his bed.

Konan and Ise looked at each other, weighing the gravity of his words. The tension in the room grew thick as we all knew the stakes were high.

"In that case, we should really prepare. We don't know when they will come, but we can't take the risk," I said, looking around at the worried faces.

"This is madness! What are you dealing with is the ninjas of Hidden rock." Gentoku protested, "This doesn't make sense, you're doing all of this just for a strangers you don't know."

"It's not just for strangers," Ise said calmly, "We're doing this because it's the right thing to do. And we're not alone in this."

"But why risk everything?" Gentoku's voice was filled with desperation.

"Well, They say kindness and ignorance know no bounds. But here we are, about to face the consequences," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

Fuso nodded in silent agreement, her eyes never leaving her son's worried face.

"We've made our choice, and we stand by it," Ise said firmly.

Gentoku sighed heavily, his eyes dropping to the floor. "I understand, but if something happens to you all because of us..."

"Don't worry," I interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We're not just going to sit here and wait," I said, with determination in my voice.

After that I gave thousands of explosive tags to Konan, just in case. She looked at them with wide eyes.

"Use it well, I believe in you." I told her.

Konan nodded solemnly, tucking the explosive tags into her pouch.

I approached Nagato, "While Konan is protecting you, Can you also protect her?" I asked him with a serious expression.

"I-I don't know if... I'm strong enough for that. I've never fought before," Nagato stammered, his gaze drifting to the floor.

"If you say so, then I believe you. I believe you can do it." I said to Nagato, giving him a reassuring smile.

Nagato looked up at me and nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll do my best."

"Good." I gave him a fist bump.

"Kashiki-san, Can you guard the back of the village? I'll take the front." I said, handing him a few explosive tags as well.

"But that means, you'll be alone" Kashiki asked, he narrowed his eyes, He seemed confused by the explosive tags I gave him.

"Don't worry about it, with Kashiki-san guarding the back, I don't have to worry about anything other than what's in front of me. Besides, I have Ame and Ranko with me," I said, giving them a nod.

Ame looked up at me, her eyes gleaming with understanding. While Ranko flew up and landed on my head.

"Not that I mean to underestimate you, but what can you do against them?" Kashiki said, his eyes filled with doubt.

"Just trust me, I have a plan," I assured him. "Now, let's get into position."

We split up, Kashiki heading towards the back of the village, and I went to the front with Ame and Ranko by my side.


The storm was still raging, but my mind was clear as I stood at the entrance. The village was quiet, except for the sound of the wind and the occasional thunderclap.

"Ame, please cover my back. I'll need you to keep an eye out for any trouble," I whispered to the cat, who nodded and went to hide.

"Ranko, keep an eye on the skies. You're the fastest among us. If you spot anything, fly back and alert us," I told the crow, who flapped her wings in affirmation.

I walked quite a distance from the village entrance, Then I looked at my inventory, Precisely on the marked items.


I could trap them by storing the soil that I marked into my Inventory, to make them fall into the abyss I've created. But I'm not sure about that, considering they're experts with earth release. Sure, I could bury them, but would they still survive with their earth release?


I can shower them with billions of explosions.


If it's not enough, I just need to add more.


-3rd POV-

"What did you say?" The leader of the Hidden Rock ninjas, stared at his subordinate in disbelief.

"The scout reported that, there were no signs of life from Doryu in the village. It's as if he disappeared into thin air," one of the Hidden Rock ninjas spoke up, a hint of unease in his voice.

The leader, leaned back in his chair, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "We lost one of the ninjas, who played a big role in our victory against Konoha before," he murmured.

"Gather all the ninjas, we'll attack the village, leave no one behind." the leader of the Hidden Rock ninjas said, his eyes flashing with anger.

"What about the ninja from Hidden Leaf, sir?" Asked the ninja.

"If they're still alive when it's all over that's great, but if they're dead, it doesn't matter." the leader of the Hidden Rock ninjas Giving the order.

The Hidden Rock ninjas nodded in unison, their faces a mix of excitement.

The leader's eyes gleamed in the dim light of the tent. "We're leaving tonight. No more delays. We've lost enough time and men." His voice was a cold whisper, carrying the weight of his impending decision. The Hidden Rock ninjas around him nodded solemnly. They knew the risks, but they were ready to follow their leader into the storm.

The ninjas of hidden rock prepare to leave.

The storm's ferocity has yet to subside, but the leader of the Hidden Rock ninjas had made his decision. His subordinates moved with a sense of urgency, checking their weapons and gear. They had been waiting for this moment, eager to prove themselves and bring glory to their village. The leader's order was clear: attack the village and leave no one behind.

-3rd POV end-

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


