Everyone in the Arctic North knew that Alpha Xavier NorthSteed was a fervent believer. Perhaps it was his ardent belief in the way of the moon goddess and the way of the old that led him to successfully keeping the unity of the four high ranking packs in the Arctic North under a united banner. A feat that was certainly not an easy one.
"The DireWolf pack shall of course not allow such monstrosity to happen. Your mother's side stands fervently behind you and has sent me to support you."
Daemon scoffed, "And what does this support my beloved uncle sends me entail?"
"These are your uncle's words; It is true that The Alpha King of the North has ruled supreme for such a long time, but you Daemon are his one true son born by the one true Luna Queen. No one is fit to take the mantle of Alpha King than you. Claim your rightful birthright, and I, the Alpha of the Direwolf pack shall stand steadfastly behind you'."
Honestly, Daemon had lost interest in the words that Shadow uttered the moment he got to the part where he said, 'the one true Luna Queen'. But still, the audaciousness of the intended meaning of his uncle's words had stunned him. "Does my uncle ask me to rebel?" He asked sarcastically, already knowing the answer.
Yaren's face was etched with glee. Finally, something was going right that night. "Daemon, if you must then you have to. If you're unwilling, know that I shall stand steadfastly behind you!" Yaren cried out like a devoted soldier at a battlefront.
Daemon levelled him with a stern glare. Turning to Shadow, he gravely inquired; "What has my uncle done this time around?"
"He has secretly sent a hundred elite Epsilons of the Direwolf pack to guide your cause."
Daemon quickly shut his eyes as a feeling of wretched despair took over him. "Did you just say that my uncle has sent a hundred foreign Epsilons to the land of my father? A hundred Epsilons that if caught, can be easily traced back to me for treason?!"
Yaren's glee fell in the face of Daemon's outrage and logic. But then he quickly shook off his disappointment, reasoning that it wouldn't matter as long as their rebellion became a success. A success that he would ensure with everything in him. Even if such success would cost Yaren his life.
"It wouldn't matter as long as our cause is a success!" Yaren said steadfastly, "and it shall be a success for I shall stand behind you!"
"Yaren!" Daemon screamed, finding his brother's usual blind devotion to him very disturbing at that point. "The Arising Rouges has been growing even more wildly of late, so do you think a rebellion at the moment does any good for us or our people?!"
Yaren frowned. He had never had such grand aspirations nor grand thoughts. Ever since he was little, he had been harshly taught the way of the lone wolf. That was until he encountered Daemon when he was just five, and his worldview shifted a little.
He was still a lone wolf alright, but one who basked in the light that Daemon casted. A light that Yaren once longed for from their father but was never at sight. Ambitions like thinking about the well-being of the common being and whatnot was simply not his strong suit.
His only strong suit was to protect his half-brother Daemon with everything in him. That was all he cared for.
"Shadow," Daemon gritted the shadowed man's name, enunciating every single syllable, "you served my mother, correct?"
Shadow bowed to Daemon, "indeed."
"So, between my uncle and I, who do you serve?"
"Alpha DireWolf is my Lord and Alpha. But I serve you the blood of the Luna Queen. Whatever you command of me I shall naturally carry out."
"In that case, bundle out those hundred Epsilons before we have something graver than some pesky seers in our hands."
"I shall do as you've commanded. However, those Seers must not be underestimated as it seems to be a well-conceived plan of your father's advisor."
Daemon scoffed, highly offended. "The fact that you think some lowly seers from gods knows where are enough to bring me down pains me." He said, hardly sounding pained.
"Still, you must be careful." Shadow said, and like that, he slithered out of the room like the wind.
Daemon wasn't stupid, the information had indeed concerned him. However, no matter how hard he thought about it, he didn't see how possible the seers could bring him dire harm. Even if they did tell some false vision, it would definitely raise eyebrows and suspicions.
Despite his reservations as to the news, he also knew that if Moorim was determined to cast him out, then he wouldn't have come up with some half-baked plan. It made him wonder what his game plan was. He didn't have enough time to figure it out as the banquet was already on them.
As if to confirm his thoughts, Eldric, his younger half-brother and the fifth legitimate son of the king knocked on his door, and entered without even waiting for Daemon to usher him in.
Yaren frowned at the other man who was the same age as him. Eldric was jumping on his feet, his face breaking into a wide smile as per usual. He dramatically turned, displaying the luxurious gold cloth he wore while ignoring Yaren like he was vermin that didn't exist.
"Brother," he said to Daemon, "don't I look fantastic?"
Normally, Daemon would have entertained him with flattery, but he was in no mood. "You do look fine." He muttered distractedly.
Eldric frowned despondently. "I believe you're more capable of giving a more sincere appraisal, but I shall take what you've."
Yaren scoffed, but not even that elicited Eldric's attention on him.
"The ball will be starting soon," Daemon said, standing abruptly. "Brothers, lest the Alpha King arrives before us, let's get going."
Eldric squeezed his face at that, like being called brother along with the bastard, Yaren, highly offended him. But he immediately shook off the act with a characteristic smile of his. "Of course, let's get going." he said in an uncharacteristic high-pitched voice.
And as they left, Daemon could not shake off the uneasiness that the barrage of abrupt news that night had brought him.
For the first time in his carefully planned life, he was walking into the unknown. Join discord for more info.