87.91% Superbabes: Special Delivery Service / Chapter 371: Delivery Girl: Wonder Woman II Order #3

章 371: Delivery Girl: Wonder Woman II Order #3

I don't own DC

It was the very early morning in Gotham, so naturally it still felt like the middle of the night. But that did not matter because Superbabes was going to be closed today. It was a holiday… so the girls were locking up and heading home for the day. Orders however was trying to sleep off the massive headache of closing the restaurant for a whole day.

Stupid labor laws.

"You doing good Hon?" Ronnie-Bell stuck her big sexy head into the doorway of her office as Orders lay on her couch in her office. The off-the-clock Giganta was wearing jeans and her black leather biker jacket, ready to head home but she at least thought she'd offer Orders a ride. "Need a lift home?"

"No." Orders replied, rubbing her purple eyes tiredly. "I just need my head to stop ringing."

"Sugar, it's just a holiday. We'll be open tomorrow." She said as Orders flinched. The big sexy girl shook her big head, then slipped back out. "I'm heading home then Hon. See you tomorrow." She said as Orders groaned, she heard the sound of the back door shutting behind the big girl…

"Well Master it's just you and I!" cheered Wonder Woman (II), still in costume now sitting at Orders' desk in a poof of purple smoke. She was allowed to use a little magic when it was just her and Orders, but nothing particularly 'Zatanna in Vegas' big. The Beautiful dark-skinned woman rested her elbows on Orders desk, and her head in her hands as she gazed sweetly at her. "What shall we do now?"

"I'm going to let my head stop ringing. You are going to go home." Orders sighed, "…And don't call me master." She grumbled, not even looking at Wonder Woman.

"Oh poor master." Wonder Woman replied, floating up from the desk on a cloud of purple smoke and floating whimsically over Orders, who finally opened her flickering purple eyes to glare at her. "Maybe what you need is a vacation. Somewhere nice and warm…"

"Demona informs me that the circle of hell that I will be going to will be very warm. I'll have plenty of time to be 'nice and warm' some other time." She snarked but Wonder Woman wasn't listening, rubbing her fingers together, desperate to get Orders to make a wish just so she could grant it.

No particular reason or to get out of any magical bargains, more along the lines that it's a game to Wonder Woman. If she manages to tempt Orders and get her to make a selfish wish, that means she wins… she'd have to find a new game to play. But she'd win…

Even if she was 0 out of 100 on that front, Orders had a will of iron as well as a very deeply hidden heart of gold… greedy as she was. She hasn't made a wish yet that wasn't beneficial to her business or the other girls somehow… that wasn't a selfish wish which was the goal.

"Come on with Sunny Skies! Tropical beaches! blue ocean waters!" Wonder Woman smiled prettily at Orders' scowling face. "We'll be there and back by tomorrow! Nobody will even notice you're gone!"

"You seem to be under the impression that I WANT that." Orders replied as Wonder Woman finally frowned, "What I want, and enjoy doing, is running my business. People love superbabes."

"Whatever you say master." Replied Wonder Woman casually, "You provide a necessary service." She added placatingly. The Purple-eyed boss sat up, glowering silently at her before getting off her couch.

"You say that. But we do." She noted seriously as Wonder Woman drifted on her purple cloud, following Orders out of her office as Orders grabbed her things. "We provide a necessary service."

"While we provide sustenance and meals, we mainly provide companionship and sexual relief. I might be a little out of touch with the times Master, but that doesn't sound very 'necessary'." Orders eyes flashed, and she ignored Wonder Woman, looking out the lounge door to the closed shutters of the front window… she frowned as she briefly saw a pair of eyes trying to peak through the reinforced security shutters… before rushing away as she frowned. Her eyes flickered as she turned to Wonder Woman.

"Believe it or not. We provide an excellent and necessary service." She stood at the door, "Allow me to prove my point." Then there was a desperate knock at the door.

"Ah!" Wonder Woman squeaked as she instantly fell through her purple cloud and slammed onto the floor. "Ouch!" she mumbled, luckily her breasts broke her fall. She pushed off the floor glowering at a smug Orders.

"If you used your LEGS like a person, that wouldn't happen." She declared as the desperate knocks rapidly banged on the door again. Orders casually answer."


Time: 7:40 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"We Deliver."

"I need… I need help."

"We're closed sir."

"Please… Ma'am… I'm good for it."

"Hold on a moment"

I feel that none of this was necessary.

Orders promptly opened the door and a skinny man in a dark hoodie, a surgical mask, gloves, and long pants desperately groaned. "…Herman. Glad to see you're getting out and about." Orders declared unphased at his appearance as the young man clung to the wall, struggling to stay standing.

One might be concerned if a masked man showed up at her place of business… ESPECIALLY in Gotham. But Orders was never surprised… or at least it was very difficult to surprise her. But the young man, addressed as 'Herman' chose not to wonder how the woman he'd never met before in person knew his name… or who he was on sight. With every inch of his skin covered with clothes.

"How… did you…" he groaned, before suddenly lunging towards her. But Orders casually sidestepped his sudden surprise 'assault'. "I'm sorry!" he managed to whine as Orders then put her hand on the back of his head and SHOVED his face into Wonder Woman's big brown cleavage.

She jumped, "Oh!" in obvious surprise as she raised her hands, unsure whether to pull him out or pull him deeper in. "…Don't we usually deny people doing this in the restaurant?" she teased, as the young man seemed to be… smothered into complacency. Orders ignoring Wonder Woman's snark…

"Breathe. BREATHE… inhale…" Orders ordered, taking to the young man with the air of someone talking someone down during a panic attack. He wrapped his arms around Wonder Woman's shapely waist and just seemed to pass out or go mostly limp against her thick shapely body..

"…I don't think he can breathe master." cooed Wonder Woman playfully, as she felt his hot breath through his surgical mask. Pressed firmly between her cleavage it was probably not helping him 'breathe' at all.

"…It makes sense in context." Orders grumbled, holding the back of 'Herman's' head, as he deeply inhaled Wonder Woman's wonderful scent. "…Are you calm yet?" Orders asked as Wonder Woman laughed.

"He is not calm at all master." she said cheerily, feeling his impressive cock throbbing in his pants against her shapely thigh.

"It's genetic." Orders replied, before pulling Herman's head from Wonder Woman's chest, holding tightly to the back of his head as he instinctively tried to return to Wonder Woman's bosom… that's not so much genetic as the natural reaction to anyone sticking their faces into wonderful tits. "Herman." Orders said sternly as he slowly stopped resisting.

"Sorry. I'm sorry…" he whimpered.

"That's alright." Smiled Wonder Woman as Orders let go of him.

"What are you doing here Herman?" asked the clairvoyant in a bored tone as she probably already knew.

"My Sister played a prank on me." He mumbled dejectedly, but a little more cognitively. An injection of big tits apparently worked wonders. "I woke up in a strip club." He said as Orders finally registered the logo on the back of his hoodie 'Sparkle Hut'. With the image of a woman hanging on the 'P' in Sparkle like it was a stripper pole. "I needed…"

"I know what you need." Orders replied casually, "I also know you need a ride back home." Orders added lazily, "But we're closed."

"I'll pay triple." Herman said as Orders laughed.

"I like you much more than your sister." She replied as Herman completely misinterpreted them.

"Me too." He mumbled, but he began to twitch as Orders turned him around and shoved him back into Wonder Woman's chest. Then he stopped twitching, going mostly catatonic… except for his hands reaching around to squeeze her thick backside.

Orders then eyed Wonder Woman, then lightly tapped her right temple twice. It took her a moment… and Orders tapped her head again, looking angrier. "Oh!" she then tapped the side of Herman's head, and he quickly drifted to sleep. His face still thoroughly in Wonder Woman's pillowy chest. "Why didn't you just say so?" Wonder Woman replied with a smile.

"Take him home." Orders replied as Wonder Woman frowned.

"I don't know where he lives Master." She replied factually but Orders produced a pencil and handed it to her.

"Take him home. Tire him out, bring me my money later." Orders then stretched, "…You have my permission to use magic to get him there." There was a certain cheerfulness in her tone now as she retrieved her purse. "Come on, I want to lock up."

"You seem happy now. Master." Wonder Woman replied, now that she had permission she magically carried Herman behind her, he floated weightlessly like a string puppet. Only there was no one above him.

"Triple pay is better than no pay." Replied Orders, as Wonder Woman took him to her carpet tucked in an alleyway, laying him down gently upon it. "You really need to learn to drive." She declared, as Wonder Woman sat cross-legged at Herman's head, resting it on her lap as the carpet rose. "Make sure you give him appropriate service." She ordered as Wonder Woman used the pencil as a compass towards Herman's home.

"As you wish Master. I'll be back with your money within the hour!" she cheered flying high over Gotham, Orders watched her for a moment and scoffed.

"That's what you think…"

Time: 8:01 AM. Place: Gotham Heights (Herman's house)

It's a good thing this was Gotham otherwise and attractive dark-skinned woman dressed as Wonder Woman on a flying carpet might be out of place. "Quite the palace you live in Herman." She declared with a chuckle, "Nothing compared to the City of Brass, but nothing much is."

You can take the Genie out of the City but you can't take the City out of the Genie.

"Hmmmn." She eyed the spinning pencil as it pointed not towards the front door of the house, but one of the upper windows. Luckily she had a flying carpet. So she floated up to the window, and easily opened it. It was a surprisingly large window, but she rested her hands on the bottom and slid it upward. "In you go!" she said. Herman's arms and legs suddenly snapped together before being hurled like a magical javelin through the open window. His feet landed on the floor and shot upright like a planted flag.

A purple cloud rushed in after him, soon forming into Wonder Woman as the 'magical carpet' suddenly dropped like a sack of potatoes to the ground below. "MMn…" she stretched, jiggling and wobbling as she approached Herman. She then pulled down his hoodie, showing off a shock of white hair before leaning over his shoulder, pulling down his surgical mask, and blowing sensually at his face. A wisp of purple smoke shot up his nostrils as she jolted away.

"Ha?! Wha… where am I?" he asked nervously.

"You're home little Herman!" she said, pressing her big breasts against his Sparkle Hut hoodie and cooing. "You were very tired." She said, running her hands on his body. "…You agreed to pay triple and my employer had me take you home." She chuckled, resting her hands on the front of his hoodie, "Now Let me tuck you in!" she teased, suddenly removing his hoodie… but then hesitated. Herman youthful, skinny frame fully revealed she noticed he was a familiar shade of blue. "Oh. That is fascinating…" she said, eying his body curiously as he suddenly turned around and grabbed her. "Oh!? Mmgh!"

She had been so taken aback by Herman's blue skin that she was easily taken by surprise when he suddenly rushed her. He shoved his tongue into her mouth and easily tackled her to his large bed. "Mmgh!" Herman lay on top of her, lustfully squeezing her chest through her costume and his tongue swirling around her mouth as he drooled into it. "Mmn.."

…She can't say she wasn't pleasantly surprised… but her hands slid into his evidently borrowed pants, and found his girthy erection. Twitching between her fingers she carefully removed them letting him rub his blue dick directly on her beautiful legs. In fact it felt like it had a mind of its own, sliding towards her crotch and pushing aside her star-spangled bottoms as he dry-humped her. "Mmgh? Mgh…" She pushed him off, a lot harder to do than she expected, throwing him onto the bed as she laughed and got off it, dancing away from him as he groaned loudly.

"Now now!" she teased, as he crawled on the bed like a hungry animal. Lustfully gazing at her body as she hummed to herself and slowly peeled the costume from her sensuous body. She first freed her large round and brown breasts, before shimmying the costume down with a bellydancer shake that would drive men wild-

So naturally she was unprepared for a Half-Sluutavan youth. She giggled teasingly, about two yards away from the bed as he watched her, then fully of lust he LEAPED at her. "Ah!?" he buried his face into her breasts and tackled her to the floor. "AH! Oowwooooh…" she moaned as he took her wonderful mounds in his hands and stuck her nipples into his mouth. "Mmgh!" moaning erotically as he began to lick and harden them, his cock poking against her again. His hips humped away like a horny dog. "Ahhh…AHH!" she gasped, as he finally managed to penetrate her, pushing into her body and humping away, moaning longingly as he slurped on her nipples. "Oh! Oh! Ohoo…"

Bucking away at her body, her beautiful breasts bouncing and wobbling as he sucked her nipples. His hands slid from her breasts to her waist, "Mmgh!" he suckled loudly on her nipples, pulling himself upright and letting her tits spring from his mouth as he lifted her lower body up from the floor and rapidly thrust into her.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! AH!" she gasped, feeling his thick blue dick ramming against her womb. "Ha-ha-ha!" she laughed, her breasts springing up and down on her chest before she sat up, "Hee-hee!" giggling as he flopped backward, losing balance as she sat on top of him. Pushing down on his chest and rolling her hips sensuously up and down on his lap. "Mmgh! Mmmn do you like this?" she purred enticingly, licking her lips as he bucked up into her body on instinct, reaching up to grab at her breasts and squeezing. "Oh!"

He pulled her down onto his face as she kept riding him, moaning as he buried his face into her chest again and inhaled. "Mmn…" moaning happily and contentedly in her cleavage as she felt his cock throbbing inside her, sliding her silky genie pussy up and down his cock as he kept bucking faster and faster inside her. "Haah…"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" she gasped as he pulled out of her chest and pulled her lips down to meet his. "Mmmn!" moaning sensually as he pumped a hot load of semen from his blue balls directly into her body. "Mmn-hmmn…" she cooed playfully into his lips as his hands stopped squeezing her chest to squeezing her big round ass cheeks. "Mwah…" she pulled away, "All better." She declared.

…But she was wrong.

"Oh!" she gasped as his cock rigidly stood inside her once more. She had half a second to register that he was hard again. "Well, that's-" before he was furiously gripping her ass cheeks, easily getting up from the floor despite his slender and thin frame.

"More. I want more…" he moaned, sounding desperate and needy as he carried her back to the bed. "More!" he threw her down onto the bed, clambering onto her as she gasped, pinning his hips to hers and furiously pounding down into her body.

"HA! Ah! AH…" she gasped erotically as he 'mating pressed' her. "Ooooh!" he slammed balls deep into her body as she cooed, caressing his shocking white hair. "It's always the young ones…" she purred, "So eager to spill their seed!" she temptingly whispered into his ear. "Come now. I will grant your heart's desire." She encouraged. "OH!" then shuddered as he began to RAM into her body, forcefully, deeply. "OH MY-OOOHO!!" howling erotically as he ravaged her like a desert bandit. "Oh! Ooooh!!"

Harder, faster, Herman threw himself at her body with abandon, leaning down and forcefully kissing her again as he jackhammered away at her beautiful body, squeezing her breasts excitedly as her legs hooked around his waist and pulled him in deeper. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmmn…" moaning and slobbering into each other's mouths as he roared… or perhaps yowled is a better fit, his release. Slamming into her and unloading once again deep into her silky folds as she caressed him. "Mmn… mmn-hmmn…" pulling him into her lips as she soothingly rubbed his hair and back. "Mmmn…"

Hungrily he sucked on her lips, slurping her tongue into his mouth as he squeezed her breasts and ground on her body, bucking his hips against her and making her tremble with excitement as he slowly buried himself into her body, then steadily extracted himself from her pussy with a slippery wet squelch. "Mmmn…" she smirked at his cock slowly retreating from her body, reaching down and gently caressing it with her hands. "There… all better." She replied only for it to shoot up in her grip, like a fish that was suddenly very much alive. "What the-"

"More. More MORE…" he demanded, taking her by the head and pulling her up. Before he flopped back, dragging her with him as he buried her face into his crotch, getting a strong whiff of their sexual connection as he slapped his throbbing member against her cheek and lips.

"Oh my… what an eager young master you are…" she purred, feeling him throbbing as his cock slapped on her face, making her flinch. She caressed his blue balls and cock with her hands as he lay back, shuddering in pleasure as her lips brushed against his meat, sliding up and down slowly as she gazed at him, her shapely belly dancer booty raised in the air behind her. "Mmn-mmhwah…" running her tongue slowly over his wet member tasting the mixture of her arousal and his seed before making her tongue dance up to his tip and taking him into her mouth. "Mmgh. Mmn! Mmn!-hmmn!"

She sucked his cock and she sucked it well. Slurping up and down his shaft, taking all of him into her throat as her skilled tongue licked and slurped him clean, her beautiful brown eyes gazing at him unblinkingly as he bucked towards her face. Her loud, sloppy slurps echoed around them as her raised ass wiggled behind her.

"I'm going to cum in your mouth!" Herman declared happily, groaning as he repeated it like a mantra. " I'm going to cum in your mouth!" resting one hand around the base of his cock and the other on his inner right thigh she lovingly slurped louder and louder, rapidly bobbing her head as he moaned one last time. "I'm going to cum in your mouth!"

And he did. "Mmmn! Mmn-hmmn…" she cooed sensually, running her tongue over his spurting urethra as he filled her mouth with his thick gooey seed. "Mmmn…" She sucked out every drop, slowly stroking his member, encouraging out his thick load as she gazed unblinkingly up at him. "Mmmn…" milking his cock of sperm before cleaning his tip with her tongue and popping loudly off his shaft. "POP! Mmn…" she smiled lecherously at him, her lips tightly sealed before she opened them. Showing off all the thick dick-juice he pumped between her lips before wordlessly she closed her mouth and swallowed. "Ah…" licking her lips with a flash of her tongue, she kissed his tip. "There… that was so delicious master." She kissed him again as he shuddered and trembled… She turned her body to crawl away, shifting towards the edge of the bed. "Now then I can-OH!?"

He was behind her! His cock rigidly throbbed between her thick brown buttocks as he grabbed her waist. "AAAH!!" she howled as he not only pieced into her womanhood from behind he immediately began to slam away at her. Her thick backside echoed as his hips 'clapped' against her.


Where did all this energy come from!? She had barely slowed him down. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! OOoh! MASTER! You're so rough!! Oooh! Ooooh!" he grabbed her long black hair, "AH!" yanking it HARD as she tensed up under his thrusts, his other hand pushing her down, his hips slamming loudly against her ass as he ravaged her pussy. "Ah! HA! AH! AHHh!!"

"Get pregnant! Get pregnant! Get pregnant you whore!" ramming deeply into her and unloading again as he pinned her down. "UUgh! Get pregnant!" he ordered as Wonder Woman squealed in pleasure.

"YES!!" howling in orgasm, her tongue lolling as he yanked back her hair and filled her once more. "Oh Master! AH!!!" she gasped as he stared all over again! "Ah! AH! AH! Master! Master! Ooooh!!"

"I want to cum I want to cum! I want to cum!"

"AH! Ahhh! Master! I want you to cum!!" she squealed, shaking on Herman's member as his hips became a blur, "AH! AH! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER!!" she shrieked, clenching her teeth in orgasm as he rammed into her again and came inside her again.

"UUGH!!" he slammed his hand on her quivering ass meat, watching it ripple as she moaned, feeling his fingers sinking into her ass as he lost interest in her hair, spanking and clapping her rear as he squeezed her body.

"Oooh. Oooh." She moaned softly. Using his distraction to ride through her orgasm as he played with her buttocks like his was mixing bread dough. She whimsically glanced over her shoulder at Herman who stared at her buttocks in a daze, and she wiggled it invitingly behind her. "OH!"

Annnnd that was a mistake.

"AH! AH! AH!!" Herman grabbed her wrists and lifted her up from the bed. "AH! AH!!" She shrieked in pleasure, tongue flopping about from her mouth as he rammed into her over and over from behind her big breasts bouncing wildly beneath her, swinging back and forth as he buried himself into her again and again.

"I need to cum I need to cum I need to cum!" Herman begged, as if it physically pained him to NOT inform her of such things.

"Cum! Master! Use! Me!" she squeaked, shaking in pleasure as the young blue man ravaged her once again. "Use my body for your every wish! OOoh!!" howling in pleasure as he rammed into her hard, feeling her trembling and shaking as another orgasm ripped through her. "YEEES!!" her eyes rolling up into her head as she grinned, "AH! Ah! Ah! Ah!!" he rammed away at her, her body going limp as her brain melted slightly, soaking in her own endorphins as Herman drove into her on instinct alone… little more than an animal mating. "Aaaah!!" she howled as he let go of her wrists she flopped forward as he dropped onto her from behind, pounding into her over and over as she bit into the mattress, feeling his tongue sliding on her back as he pushed into her again and again.

"Cumming! I'm cumming!" he declared brokenly, slamming into her tight but sore womanhood and leaving another thick deposit inside her as it oozed back out, her insides to stuffed with his seed.

"Hah… Haaa…" she panted, shaking slightly beneath him as she reached around and rested a trembling hand on his skinny waist and pushed him off her body. With a wet pop, he flopped beside her, breathing sleepily as she slowly pushed herself upright, then slid her feet off the bed. "Oooh…" she sighed, rubbing her beautiful head… he now had a slight headache…

All that hard rough fucking was… exciting. But murder on her hair. She tried to get off the bed but Herman feebly wrapped his arms around her waist, she hesitated, watching him curiously as he crawled towards her like a man dying of thirst in the desert… then he tried to satiate that thirst by wrapping his lips around her right nipple and suckle it lovingly. But his eyes were unfocused and dazed, he was moving solely on instinct.

"Hmmn…" she sighed, resting her hand on his head and letting him nurse off her nipples for a moment. "Shall we bathe master?" she cooed, her body sweaty and shaking in orgasm she stood from the bed as he gazed at her wobbling brown backside. She strutted across the room and he crawled after her like a dog… she quickly noticed his side bathroom and walked towards it, entering the shower as he crawled in behind her… still reverently gazing, now squeezing her behind. "Oooh…" she crooned, letting her voice echo around the acoustic bathroom as she reached towards the water knob- "OOOhh…" shuddering as he stuck his fingers into her semen-filled womanhood, his sperm oozing down her inner thigh like he popped a balloon. "Master so naughty-OOOH!!" he had stood up, and without words rammed into her body once again. "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

It was rough, it was deep, and it was mindless… his hands cupping her breasts, pulling her body towards his instinctual thrusts as water sprayed down onto their bodies as he pressed her to the wall. "Nngh! Ah! Aooooh." Moaning like a proper whore as she came on his spirited member. His hips smacked loudly and longingly against her ass cheeks. "Naughty! Master!" she gasped sultrily, "Ooooh you're so naughty!" she licked her lips seductively, looking over her shoulder at his blank expression as he mindlessly fucked away at her body. "You're a naughty master you don't want to stop! Do I make you feel that good? MMn?" she cooed as he trembled, "Does it feel good to ram into my sore holes like that? You won't get tired of my body? OOOH!!"

He answered her with an increasingly forceful thrust into her, "AH! Ah! Ah!!" roaring in pleasure as e mumbled incoherently, squeezing her tighter, practically clinging to her body like a spider her wrapping his legs around hers, rapidly thrusting into her as she struggled to stay balanced with the sudden extra weight and the loss of strength in her legs. "Ah! Ah! Aahhh!!"

"UUUUGH!!" Herman buried his blue dick into her dark body, unloading once again without care before he slipped off of her, stumbled, and crashed against the glass of the shower wall, barely remaining standing as she shimmied her spasming hips.

"Ooooh…" shaking her ass for him like a proper slave girl, her wet ass cheeks clapping loudly and seductively as she spasmed danced. "Ooooh…" she glanced over her shoulder, his cock rising again as she pushed unsteadily off the wall. "Ooh Master you're to much!" she teased, kneeling down as the water cascaded on her back, wrapping one hand on the base of his cock she wrapped the rest of it between her breasts, squeezing them together with her arms she gently stroked his slippery dick. Gently rubbing him with her tit flesh as she slicked her lips and worshiped his cock.

"Come on master…" she cooed, fapping him stealthily as she lightly rubbed his dick with her bosoms. "Come on…" whispering slowly, seductively, gazing up at him innocently as she continued to caress him. Stimulating his member with her hands and breasts as she pouted. "Come on master. Shoot your seed upon me… you'll like how I look covered in your sperm. Release it all over my face… my breasts… my lips. I want to smell your man-love all over me…" feel him throbbing in her grip, his moans rising out of his throat as her seed threatened to burst out of his cock. "I want it master. I want your seed all over me. I want to be covered with your love! OOOOH!!!" she moaned as he finally granted her 'wish' shooting his hot musky seed onto her chest and face as she laughed. "Ooh!" continuing to stroke him until the last drop oozed out of his tip.

She finally stopped stroking him with her hand and massaged his member with her large soft breasts, cooing lovingly at him as she lifted them up and down. "MMmn…" covered in his thick seed. "You were wonderful master…" she praised, licking her lips and kissing his tip again… slowly standing up as he slid down to the floor, closing his eyes and taking a short rest as she turned and rinsed her beautiful body down.

Doing the Superbabe shower thing, despite nobody being awake to enjoy it. Wonder Woman stepped out of the shower, leaving Herman on the floor to wake up at his leisure as she dried off and wrapped the towel around her body. "Phew…" she chuckled, frowning slightly at the young blue male.

…That blue isn't coming off. Was he part Genie? Then again Lori is also a lovely blue color… ooooh. Her brain finally made the connection, but she chose not to speak of it. Instead turning around to go get her clothes back on. Seeing as Herman was still showering.

…She took three steps out of the bathroom before she was abruptly tackled to the floor from behind. "AH!? Master!" WHAP! "EEP!" she gasped as he spanked her backside before abruptly ramming into her. "AH! Ah! AH! What are-!? OOOOH!!"

The repeating claps of their copulation echoed around them as he roughly slammed his wet body against hers. "OH! oOooh!!" howling degradingly as her towel slid down her back, exposing her backside to him as he rammed away into her body… and it didn't stop even when he released into her another three times before getting tired of her in that position

"Master! MASTER!!" he just threw her onto the bed, furiously mating with her once again, squeezing her breasts and sucking on her face as he jackhammered harder and faster. "Mmgh! Mmngh! Mmgh!!!!" another three times, non-stop, constant FUCKING as he savaged her, filling her over and over with his seed until he was once again tired of her in that position…

But even he apparently had limits, his body seemed thinner, he was rasping and wheezing all of his fluids were going to his cock and his cock was going into her mouth. "MMGh! mgh! Mhg! Guck!" only one of his hands seemed to work now, the other hanging limp at his side as he stood on his bed. His other hand wrapped tightly in her thick black hair, yanking her face up and down as her eyes rolled and her tongue danced. "Mmgh! Mmgh! GUCK!!!" he buried his cock into her mouth and directly deposited his sperm into her stomach as her hands clawed at his skinny backside, pulling him in deeper as she sucked louder…

…Until finally the last of his strength left him and contentedly, he fell backward onto the bed, popping out of her mouth and leaving a rope of sperm streaking out of his phallus towards her but it just plopped down onto the space between them. "Haah… haaaaah…" she breathed heavily, utterly sore and oddly tired… her mouth hanging open for some time she finally closed it and glanced around.

"What-…" she blinked, "…What is the time?" she mumbled, before sliding off the bed, leaving Herman alone. She picked up the costume from the floor, and wobbled back to the bathroom, dripping his seed from her silky but sore womanhood.

Whatever time it was, it was 20 minutes later when she walked out of the bathroom once more, fresh and clean. Wearing her costume again, Herman hadn't moved. He seemed to truly be asleep. She was hesitant to wake him, but she had a solution.

SNAP. A long cord of rope appeared around the right bedpost at the head of the bed… like a serpent one end slunk across the bed and made a loose noose around his ankle. She then smiled, finding her work satisfactory she then picked up a nearby floor lamp that looked sturdy enough to be a stripper pole and absently prodded him with the end of it.

"Hah-ah…" he gasped, blinking dazedly around.

"…Hello Herman." She said, putting the lamp down.

He blinked, then noticed the rope around his ankle. "…Did I… go wild?"

"Very." Wonder Woman replied as Herman frowned.

"…That's what happens when I'm trapped in a club where I can only look and not touch." He mumbled more to himself than anything, and slowly untied the rope. "…I don't know how but I'll get my sister back for this." He swore, before apologetically adding to Wonder Woman. "…I'm sorry."

Wonder Woman, however, just chuckled good-naturedly and waved it off. "It is my job." She said dismissively. "Speaking of-" she began but Herman kicked off the rope, and slipped off the bed, approaching a far dresser and putting some loose-fitting clothes on.

"Right. I'll go get it for you." He said meekly, rushing out of his room she frowned but then leaned her head out the window to find her carpet right where she left it… but the sun had significantly moved in the sky…

…Well what little she could see of it in Gotham.

Judging by its position she'd been at Herman's house for… about three hours. Wow. She shook it off, then BLEW, a wisp of purple smoke drifting down to the carpet and it straightened itself out and zoomed up to meet her at window level. She smiled and slipped right back in just in time for Herman to return with two very thick stacks of hundred-dollar bills.

"Here." He said, "And extra as thanks." He said as she absently ran her fingers through the amount. No wonder Orders wanted her to take him home.

"Order again Herman…" she ruffled his head as he nodded, but then watched her confusedly as she shuffled toward the window.

"Wha? WAIT!" he gasped as she slipped right out. But he froze as she stuck her head back in the window.

"…Yes?" she asked sweetly as he stared at her.

"…What?" he only managed to say, staring at her… floating. But she smiled, winked, and blew him a kiss. A smokey purple heart rushing towards his face, POOF. Herman blinked dazedly and stumbled towards his bed. WHOMP… out like a light. He'll wake up in a little while…

She sat down on her carpet, and stretched… then groaned. She was STILL sore… flying off back into Gotham.

Time: 12:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Orders' house)

Wonder Woman's flying carpet flopped down into Orders' backyard… well 'yard' is something of an understatement. Small patch of actual dirt is a better one. But it was just big enough for her carpet as she got up, walked towards the back door and, briefly, knocked…

It opened, revealing Darcy.

"…Hello Arwa." Darcy declared as she let herself in.

"Hello Darcy. I just came to drop off something for Orders." She dropped the fat stacks of cash on the table, right next to Darcy's pre-painted Warmechs.

"Yes. Mother informed me that you would be." Darcy replied factually. Arwa stared at Darcy and just sighed, rolling her beautiful brown eyes.

"Of course she did. Well. I'm off. I'm going to head home and try to enjoy the rest of my day." She said. But she stopped herself, about to walk out the back door to her carpet. "…Did you know that Lori might have a brother?"

"I was aware of it. Mother says not to tell her. You'll spoil the surprise." She replied cryptically, going back to work. Arwa frowned, but chose not to question it. Shutting the door and heading back to her carpet. Sitting upon it, and slowly floating up over the buildings and off to her shared home…

Were she intended to have a nice long soak and an even longer nap. 'Herman' did a number on her ancient magic bones she did not expect…

But that's Sluutavan genes for you.


ANNNNND did it! Took me a lot longer then I wanted, I had a big commission then I did some stuff sunday. But I persevered! And delivered Herman! Remember Herman? Lori's half brother. One of her half-brothers...

Anyway, next up is White Rabbit. 

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット







レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C371
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント

