64.09% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 166: What If: Aiden Rises

章 166: What If: Aiden Rises

I don't' own star wars.

He shoved his way into the highly advanced medical center as he quickly looked around followed closely by his guards as he grabbed a nearby doctor, glaring manically at him "Aiden Kane!" he shouted into the terrified doctor's face.


"Where is my son?!" he roared at him his guards bodily removing him from the terrified doctor as he pointed down to the extensive care ward. He knew where Aiden Kane was, everyone in the hospital knew…

Sabiel Kane easily shook off his trooper escort as they tried and failed to restrain him, and he stomped towards the ward as the other staff and patients parted reverently. He froze as he saw what had become of his son… Aiden, oxygen mask on his face, was heavily burned on his left side all the way up to his neck, he had a terrible gash over his left eye, it was unknown if he still had it. And he was missing his right hand and half of his forearm, removed by a lightsaber. Sabiel had only recently heard the report, but from his understanding it took an awful lot to take his son down. If he wasn't so damn concerned for his life, he would be beyond proud.

Aiden's ship: The Fire-Bringer, had been infiltrated mid-engagement by republic forces. At least two Jedi had made it onto the ship along with several squads of republic troopers. Aiden and his grandfather had managed to repel their forces, even kill one of the Jedi in combat. But at a terrible cost to Aiden himself. He had detonated a small explosive point blank against the Jedi, blowing him to pieces but heavily damaging himself.

"Damn you boy." He said leaning against the window as he watched numerous doctors tend to the Son of Kane. They had too, force help them if they didn't do all they could to save the young Kane's life. He cursed his son for making him feel like this. But damn if he wasn't just a tiny bit proud.

"…Lord Kane?" Said a voice and he looked to him, a doctor, a high ranking one, stood beside him. Patiently waiting for a response, holding a portfolio in his hands.

"Yes." Sabiel said, standing straight and forcing down the tears that threatened to come. "What can you tell me?"

The doctor uncomfortably cleared his throat, "…He's lost a lot of blood, heavy second-degree, almost third-degree burns, missing a hand." He added, as if it wasn't obvious. "And his eye's lost most of his vision capabilities as much as we can tell. It might just be better to install a cybernetic one. But the main problem is his blood… sir?"

Sabiel upon hearing Aiden needed blood, immediately began to remove his uniform, abruptly handing his vest to one of his bodyguards, rolling up his sleeve. "How much do you need?" he asked instantly, "Well? Hook me up! Hurry!" he said firmly.

The doctor, admiring the man's determination, deeply regretted that he had to be the one to do this. "…Sir. Might I speak to you privately?"

"After you save my son." he said coldly.

The man sighed and gestured to a nearby office. It wasn't his, but it would have to do. This was an incredibly sensitive matter. "…It concerns your son sir. And I must insist." Sabiel, annoyed and furious, gestured to his guards to wait and stepped inside, followed by the doctor who quietly shut the door behind him.

"Well?!" he hissed, "What is it?"

The doctor took another breath, trying to build his courage and handed him the portfolio. Sabiel snatched it abruptly and opened it. At first glossing over… then actually reading. Going very still… "…What am I looking at Doctor?" he asked, a scary calm taking over him.

"…My Lord." The doctor said slowly, "…It's rare. It's very rare… but your son… I'm sorry sir but Aiden Kane is not your son. He's a hybrid." Sabiel stared at the document. Taking slow, deep breaths as the information processed in his mind. "His parentage sir… it's a natural fit for a natural born hybrid. I'm not sure who the father is sir, but... your son needs a very specific blood type from his parents and unfortunately… that's not you."

Sabiel was very still, then his eyes flicked up to the doctor. And they were so dangerously cold. "Can you save my son? Or not?" he said slowly, the words echoing darkly around the room as the doctor froze in surprise.

"…Sir? I'm sorry but technically…" the document scattered across the room as Sabiel threw it aside in rage, gripping the doctor by the throat and forcing him against the wall as he SQUEEZED tightly, choking the doctor and amazingly lifting him from the ground against the wall.

"People FEAR my wife. For good reason." He said, shockingly calm as he strangled the doctor easily in an almost otherworldly grip fueled partially by surpressed tranquil rage. "But they sometimes forget that I was a career soldier myself before I was briefly Moff, and I've kept up my regimen since abdicating the position to my wife." The doctor began to hit down on the iron bar that was Sabiel's forearm, struggling for breath. "Now… you said that boy is not my son." he pointed towards the door with his free hand casually and towards the devastated body of Aiden Kane. "But I was there when he was born. I held him in my arms until he was four. Held his hand until he was seven. Taught him to shoot at eight. To kill at ten. I was there when he graduated. I was there when he became an admiral. I taught him to dance with his sisters and watched them do so in front of an audience when they turned 16…" the doctor went dangerously limp before finally Sabiel released him and his gasped desperately for breath, crumpled on the floor. "Aiden Kane is my son, and I love him. And I swear to the Emperor that if you say otherwise, if because of you OTHERS say otherwise. I will finish what I just started, is that understood?"

The doctor waved a hand pitying up at the dangerous man, desperate to stop him before wheezing out a depressing, "Yes…"

"Good. Now. How can my son be fixed?" Sabiel asked conversationally as if he didn't just almost kill a man with his bare hands. The doctor coughed raspily, trying to recover as quickly as possible and crawling back to his feet. Next time, he'll ask an intern to break such news.

"…He needs a donation from his biological father. Or his mother… but we haven't been able to contact her." Sabiel was suddenly furious as the doctor flinched, but luckily for the doctor that rage was focused more on Altora Kane then him. "Ideally, another hybrid would also be preferred but we need one that is off his race. My money is on Zeltron…" he said notedly, "Women go for zeltrons, men go for twi'leks, its quite common on… republic… worlds." He added lamely, noticing Sabiel's quiet rage again. "…We have already arranged for a discrete specialist, she can inform us further."

"…Get to work." Sabiel said softly as the doctor, quite happy to leave, promptly ran out of the room to aid Aiden Kane any way he can. Sabiel, the concern to his son overwhelming him, carefully sat down on the chair behind the desk. Thinking deeply.

"Where is he?!" roared a female voice suddenly from somewhere up the hall, he smiled. Recognizing the voice of one of his daughter's immediately.

"Oh god not another one." Mumbled the doctor outside the office. Sabiel just managed to step outside as… Kavilla? Tolara? One of them. Admittedly only Aiden was able to effectively tell them apart.

She roughly and easily shoved Sabiel's highly trained guards aside as she stared at her little brother's body in horror. "Oh gods…" she hissed desperately covering him mouth in horror as tears pooled in her eyes.

"…He's going to be fine." Sabiel said comfortingly, coming up behind his daughter as she turned into his hug. "He's a Kane. And a Firemane. He's a tough bastard." He grinned, proudly. Ignoring his poor choice of words.

…If he wasn't related to him by blood at least he had the 'never surrender' attitude of the Firemane clan. His grandfather at least…

The old soldier had gone into a rage upon the injury of his grandson, thoroughly smashing the republic forces and bodily ripping apart the remaining Jedi in his mechanized power suit. He then promptly led an assault on the reinforcement fleet. Sabiel had great admiration for his father-in-law, and the fact that he managed to get Aiden to a med center AND utterly put the fear of the Empire into the enemy at the same time only enhanced that admiration. Currently he was checking in on his homestead with his live-in 'nurse', a Miss Bella'Dune.

Sabiel snorted and promptly ignored the obvious. A fondness for alien lovers is something Roland had in common with his daughter apparently… but Sabiel had more important things to do. It was then however… that he noticed another woman. A beautiful blue skinned woman, that almost always seemed to shadow a Kane sister…

"…Cipher 10. Might I speak with you?" he then turned to his guards, "Tend to my daughter I will return shortly." Cipher 10, Newt, nodded politely and stepped aside with Sabiel. But actually, didn't expect his words. "…I want to talk to him. Zero." He said as Cipher 10's eyes widened in legitimate surprise. "Now. I want to see him. TELL HIM." Sabiel added coolly, before putting on a comforting smile for his daughter as she watched her brother's surgery in horror.

It was less than thirty minutes later that Newt gripped his wrist slightly, gesturing off into another office. Sabiel sighed, watching his son as they brought in a cybernetic arm. He stood up, smiled to his daughter. (Tolara as it turned out) and with a "I'm going to get something to drink." He headed towards the office.

An elderly Chiss doctor smiled at him as he shut the door. "…Zero?" he said conversationally as the chiss 'doctor' tilted his head in a subtle, polite nod.

"Sabiel Kane. A pleasure. I believe this is our first meeting since I became Zero. What can I do for you?" he asked calmly. But Sabiel had no disillusions of this man. Watcher Zero, especially this Watcher Zero. Knew every dark secret Dormund Kaas had to offer. If a Noble has done it, Watcher Zero knows about it.

"Who is the father of my son?" he asked, his voice demanding and commanding. The voice of a Moff and a Soldier. "Let me be clear. Bring him here to save my boy."

Zero smiled and sighed patiently. Nodding very slowly. "It will be done. In fact, I had already predicted this. But It will still be almost an hour before he arrives."

"See that it's done." Sabiel said firmly and turned away.

"There is a matter of a favor you will owe me, my Lord." He said as Sabiel froze. "I am quite fond of your son, and your daughters. But this is quite a risk for many involved. You're going to owe me. Sir." He added, very clear with his partially cryptic words.

"Save my son and I'll agree to that statement." Zero bowed his head and pulled out a com as Sabiel left the office. He eyed a rather casual looking Newt, frowning slightly at her but quickly dismissed it. It wasn't her fault her father was as manipulative as his wife. Probably even better than she was. Now he was in the Watcher's pocket like so many other nobles…

But his son was worth it.

…Besides. There can be only one Father to Aiden Kane, and it would do well to see what the other prospective candidate looked like.

The Falleen doctor absently examined his son, ordering the rest of the staff like a queen on her throne as they hastened to obey her… Xalbaia he thinks she was called. The daughter of a friend of his wife… How interesting that their lives were all connected. Of course, now that he thought about it, perhaps they were friends because of Aiden. If they were friends at all. Aiden had improved immensely, and his new arm had been attached. In time, they might even be able to graft skin onto his burns and his new metal components. But he still needed blood. His son was tough and resilient, ironically it would kill him to die in a med center surrounded by doctors, dying from his wounds he received in battle instead of from battle.

"…Lord Kane." Newt said softly, catching Sabiel's attention. He had lost track of time; out of the corner of his eye, he saw 'Doctor Zero' smiling out of sight of the others, giving Sabiel a slow deliberate nod. "Perhaps you should take your daughters for something to drink really quickly… get their minds, and their eyes, off Aiden."

…He was here. Sabiel pushed down his fury and his burning desire to see what the man looked like, and carefully took his daughters away. The second daughter, Kavilla, had arrived barely after he had met with Zero. "Come on girls… let's get a drink to steady our nerves." he said, catching just the faintest of glimpses of a man with pink skin, purple hair and a nervous demeanor... A ZELTRON… the doctor was right.

…He will never tell Aiden of him. Aiden was his son. He would take this secret to his grave, and as many others as he have to with it. It wasn't for the Kane family. It certainly wasn't for his deceptive wife's reputation. And it wasn't because he was embarrassed, or ashamed of Aiden.

It's because Aiden Kane is his son.


My vision came back, I blinked curiously around as I realized… I could only see out of my right eye. I hesitantly reached up with my left arm and felt bandages around my head. Then I frowned as the memory of how I got here returned… and my gaze slowly dropped to my right hand.

I froze as I saw the skeletal durasteel replacement, I lifted my arm. They had yet to graft synthskin onto it. leaving a sturdy skeletal hand. I hesitantly willed my fingers to move as it twitched lightly. Closing slowly into a fist… it was a little slower than I expected. The reaction time was off. I sat up, staring curiously at it. gently pressing my other hand to its palm and froze, the grotesque burns covering my arm as dozens of Bacta patches lingered upon the worse parts of it.

…I didn't want to know what I looked like now… I imagine my good looks had been literally shot to hell. I tapped the palm of my new hand, I felt it vibrate, but other than that I felt nothing. I frowned… cybernetics could do wonders these days. I just suppose the process hasn't been implicated yet.

"Lord Kane. You're awake…" the beautiful, shapely, Falleen doctor entered the room, giving me a polite smile as my eyes quickly memorized her hourglass figure framed by her lab coat. "Quite impressive. I expected you to remain unconscious for at least another day considering all the medication we pumped into you." She chuckled amusingly.

My lips wanted to twitch in a smile but everything started to hurt, and I found I had no wish too. "…How long have I been out?" I asked as she began to check the numerous machines on my left side. My now blindside.

"…A little over a week." She said politely, walking back into my view as my burns started to twinge. "…If it's any conciliation you have recovered much faster than anticipated. With enough time and effort, and money, we can have you looking back to your old self within the year." I opened and clenched my new hand as she eyed it thoughtfully. "How does that feel?"

"Sluggish." I replied immediately, flexing my fingers as my burns twinged again.

"That's a normal thing. You just need to exercise it." she said, approaching my right side and taking my mechanical hand. "We'll do more work on your nerves so that you can actually feel what this hand feels. I assure you Lord Kane that what had happened to you can be repaired in time." I sighed as she flexed my mechanical fingers in turn, testing the flexibility. "I must admit I've seen my fair share of cybernetic limbs and this one is impressive."

"Still feels sluggish." I said as she nodded slowly.

"As I said… that's normal. You need physical therapy. Your body must adjust… your recovery will be very long Lord Kane."

"…Aiden. Lord Kane is my father…" I said disappointedly, lying back down on the bed.

"Which reminds me. Would you like to see your family? They have spent a considerable time in the med center this week and I imagine they would be more than happy to see you awake."

"…Very well." I replied as she nodded her green head and left. I sat in silence for a moment… then a humming hover chair entered, and my grandfather, a bandage wrapped around his own forehead, smirked at me. Followed closely by Bella'Dune; dressed uncomfortably in white nurse uniform. She shut the door for privacy as my grandfather slapped my right leg gently.

"Good to see you're awake." He said proudly, as Bella'Dune strolled behind him. Hands behind her back and keeping the short nurse skirt straight. "…How do you feel?" he asked. Admittedly, he would know what it would be like to lose bits of himself.

"…Sluggish… half blind… previously on fire…" I noted as he sighed with a humored smirk.

"So… shitty?" he said, absently reaching around Bella'Dune's waist and pulling her roughly onto his lap as she frowned indignantly at him.

"Really? Right here?!" she said, "That's in very poor…taste…" she mumbled as he kissed her lekku, she fidgeted as she eyed me. "…Sorry." She mumbled apologetically.

"I feel that when you two are together and he's NOT touching you, its awkward…" I mumbled. "…I honestly wished I had what you too had." I added mournfully as they watched me hesitantly. Taking a quick glance at each other as my grandfather cleared his throat.

"…Not to stir the pot… but don't you have a handful of partners?" he noted as Bella'Dune elbowed him in the chest. He flinched slightly but kept his eyes determinedly on me.

"I pay two of them, another is a Cipher Agent and the last one is a SITH LORD." I eyed my grandfather. "…Does that sound like a collection of significant others to you?"

"Well…" Bella'Dune noted, "You do understand that I was originally PAID to sleep with your grandfather, right?" she said, he grumbled at that; apparently annoyed at the origin of their relationship. But once she wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed his cheek he smirked proudly. "So… I guess it's just a matter of opinion." I eyed my new arm. Suddenly more annoyed with it than previously… it seems that my future prospective relationships didn't seem so bright… Force I hope I wasn't forced into one of my mother's marriage meetings.

I sighed, taking a deep breath in silence as they watched me. "…Now what do I do?"

"Well you rest, recover… rebound." Roland said firmly as I smirked. "…Do you want to rest?"

"Do you want to bang your nurse?" I replied abruptly.

My eyes were shut and I wasn't looking at him, but I could feel the heat of Bella'Dune's blush and my Grandfather's smirk. "Well the answer to that is 'yes' so… We'll let you rest. You tell the nurse if you want to see anyone. I'll tell your father you've woken up." He said, hovering to the door with Bella'Dune daintily stepping off his lap to follow him. "He wanted to be here, we've been watching over you in shifts."

"…Take your time." I replied, flexing my new mechanical fingers, trying to get used to the feeling…

However, it was barely an hour and I was hardly dozing as my father stormed into my room. Smiling in relief as he approached me. "Aiden." He said proudly, looking me over and flinching slightly. "…Well… if you were going to burn half of yourself away. Let's hope it was your mother's half."

I stared at him blankly in shock, and that goofy smile he wore on his face… did he just blatantly joke about mother? He's NEVER done that. But not about to waste an opportunity. "Let's hope." I said, giving him a smirk.

He grabbed my right ankle, basically the only part of me that didn't hurt, and he had a mournful look on his face. "…Effective immediately Aiden, you are relieved of duty."

"…Pardon?" I asked, sitting up slightly but he rested his hand on my basically uninjured shoulder and pushed me down gently. Not breaking eye contact, showing me silently how serious he was.

"You are to enter recovery." He said coolly, "I'll not have you patched up and on the front lines until you're ready. And that's an order from your father. If you wish, I can make it an order from the Moff." He said firmly as I frowned.

"Mother is not going to let me rest." I said softly knowing what she was like as his eyes suddenly became distinctly cold.

"She will if she intends to stay Moff." He said darkly as I watched him, amazed. I might not have the best relationship with mother, but father was essentially the only person in the galaxy that loved her unconditionally… I've never seen him this angry with her.

"…Par-don?" I said hesitantly as he gave me a cruel smile.

"The title of Moff has been passed down through the Kane family for generations. Your mother married into it… technically am supposed to be Moff but I abdicated to her, I retired… do you have any idea how easy it would be to reclaim my right?" there was a certain smugness to his words that I'd never heard before… it was unnerving.

…Dad was pretty fucking scary when he wanted to be.

"What the hell am I supposed to do until I recover?" I said, trying to get as far away from their marriage as possible. "Just… lie around in my home?"

"Indeed." He said abruptly as I blinked, I didn't expect that. "…I suppose nurses and physical therapists will be arranged as well…"

"…Can they at least be attractive?" I asked hopefully as he openly laughed, a jolly happy laugh as he rubbed my arm affectionately.

"Obviously." He replied giving me a grin. "…Rest. I'll have you back home within the week." He added, "I'll make arrangements with the medcenter. They… like me around here…" he said ominously, striding out with an air of command that I've never seen him wield before. It was like he was a Moff already.'

Less than three days later. I was pushed into my home on my recently acquired hoverchair by my sisters. Tolara and Kavilla frowned as they looked around my noticeably empty home.

"Force, brother." Tolara sniffed indignantly as a squad of her soldiers began to haul in the new equipment necessary for my recovery. "… It's emptier than I imagine."

"I've spent about a month here total so far this year." I mumbled sourly, "...Not a lot of time to fill it with the pitter-patter of little Kanes." I said as she eyed me a little pityingly.

"…That's not what I meant Aiden." She said softly as I shrugged. I knew it wasn't… but she could sound like such a bitch sometimes without meaning too.

"Welcome home sir." Lala greeted us professionally, bowing slightly as we entered. "And the Kane sisters as well. Welcome."

Kavilla sniffed as she eyed Lala's cleavage, she wasn't wearing her usual… 'uniform'. Apparently expecting us she dressed much more modestly instead of her usual fuck me heels and short skirt. "…Well…" she pushed me further in towards the stairs, "Let's get you to bed, brother." Tolara snapped her fingers as a collection of troopers hauled several pieces of equipment and a new holo-screen up the stairs with us. Most of it was for medical reasons. The holo-screen was just for me.

They lay me in bed as the troopers hooked up the holo-screen. "Is there anything you need Aiden?" Tolara asked as she kept a close eye on the troopers. "Perhaps we could arrange for your dinner?"

"No. Thanks Tolara, I'll be fine." I said as she watched me unsurely.

"…I still think one of us should be with you at all times in case you need something." She said sternly, trying to pull rank from the sound of it.

"You would." Kavilla noted knowingly as Tolara's face went as red as our hair. Kavilla gave our embarrassed sister a smirk before winking at me, looping her arm around Tolara's. "Brother if you need anything you contact us. I highly doubt one maid can tend to everything with you injured."

"I'll keep it in mind." I noted as Kavilla dragged Tolara toward my door.

"Boys! Finish up! let's go!" Kavilla ordered as the troopers saluted to me and joined them. I was left alone with my thoughts, turning the holo-screen on to find something to watch…

Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda… I will give the republic one thing going for it. It actually had shit to watch… wrestling? Not really in the moo- female wrestling? Alright, I can go with that…"

Soon enough after a rather fit looking Zabrak woman power slammed a twi'lek to the mat Lala entered wearing her usual 'uniform'. Her ridiculously short skit, her deep cleavage revealing top, and long fishnet stockings that went all the way up her pink legs. Her purple hair was tied back in a 'pull me' ponytail and it waved majestically as she strutted towards me. She carried what looked like chips and dip on a foldout tray, resting it on my lap as I sat up and plucked on with my new, recently skinned covered, hand. It had to practice with it somehow.

"Your sisters are pretty hot." She noted fondly plucking a chip herself and crunching it loudly. "So… how do you feel?"

I shrugged, scratching my new eye scar as I opened my robe. Revealing to her the vicious burn scar. "Pretty shit."

She watched me for a second, blinking curiously at the scar. "…At least you look pretty badass now… if I wasn't already jumping your bones, this would've cinched it."

"Seriously?" I asked actually laughing as she continued to eat my chips.

"Oh year. Scars are fucking HOT." She hissed, licking her lips slowly. "…So… do you still have all of your important bits?" she asked absently as I chuckled.

"…Yes." I said casually, leaning back against the bed. "Why?" I asked, possibly knowing the answer already.

"Because I feel like giving you a- 'I hope you feel better' blowjob." She said, placing a finger against her soft pouting lips, licking it absently as my familiar friend began to bulge against the lower part of my robe.

I chuckled, reaching around and groping that shapely rear of hers as she leaned her breasts against my cheek. "And how exactly, does a 'I hope you feel better' blowjob differ from a regular one?" I asked as her hand slipped beneath the tray and gently stroked my old friend through my robe.

"…Well. First things first." She said, lifting away the tray and turning around. Bending over she placed it on the floor and flash me a beautiful pink moon. Standing straight up again she clawed onto the bed, taking my free hand and wrapping it around her 'pull me' ponytail. "Now. you push my face against your cock…" she said, as I raised an eyebrow at that. "Come on." She teased, shaking her ass against my face as I hesitated.

I rolled my eyes and 'forced' her down against my bulge, she opened my robe. My thick friend shooting up to greet her face as it slapped wetly against her lips as she smiled at me. "Now…" she said, rubbing her lips against it sultrily. "You push my tight throat all the way down as hard as you want…" she moaned softly, her breath and voice making my cock harden against her face. I took a deep breath through my nose, inhaling her pheromones and letting it warm my body and drown my brain…

"MMMMPH!!!" she moaned as I shoved her down my length with my new hand, holding her in place as I thrust my hips up. She slurped noisily, sucking my cock hard as she ran her tongue along my length in her mouth. I tugged her head up, then pushed it back down. Listening to her gag erotically on my length as I fucked her throat, thrusting rhythmically up to meet her. She moaned contentedly, slapping her bouncy rear against my cheek and giggling undeterred. I should've known, a zeltron getting a skull fuck was just another day in the life.

I switched hands, my real one gripping her hair and letting my new one grip that firm shapely ass. Slipping a new mechanical finger beneath her panties as I found that lovely wet pussy, I felt her warmth on my new nerves. It was a very expensive procedure. But with the beautiful and brilliant doctor Xalbaia's presence it went off without a hitch.

Beautiful, brilliant, busty, and bouncy… that woman is all sorts of B words, wasn't she…

"Mmmn?" Lala moaned, curious as to why my cock pulsed suddenly between her rapidly bobbing head. The memory of the attractive doctor sending all sorts of feelings through me. I'll deal with them accordingly.

"…Suck it." I ordered, my cock pulsing as she slurped noisily, grunting and gagging as I rammed it into her mouth. "Suck it like the zeltron whore you are." Her pussy tightened around my probing finger as I jammed her head down on my cock. "Here it cums." I declared, her lips becoming a vacuum tight seal around my length as her tongue worked overtime. I pushed her head down, her nose inhaling the scent of my nutsack as I released into her throat. Lifting her ass up in the air as I kept her pinned to my waist, "…That's it…" I praised as she hummed, gulping down my seed as she inhaled my scent. I had long finished cumming as I held her down, using her throat as a cock warmer as I continued to play with her pussy. She began to struggle, her body reacting to the lack of air as her pussy spasmed… she was close… almost.

She squirted as an orgasm surged through her, her pussy twitching on my new fingers erotically as I ripped her head off my length. She gasped for air desperately but panted erotically. "Oh fuck…" she breathed softly, rubbing my spent length against her face. she gazed up at me with her purple eyes, giving my length a loving lick. "MMmn…" she moaned, tenderly kissing and massaging it, worshiping it like a pagan zeltron god of pleasure. "…Did I make you feel better?" she cooed, still licking and brushing her lips against it.

I sighed contentedly, "…Yeah." I groaned, letting her continue to worship it. Popping the tip loudly between her lips as she licked rapidly around it, sliding her tongue up and down my shaft. I distracted myself briefly with her round ass and slick pussy, still sliding my new fingers in and out of her as I watched the pink body shake with pleasure. "…I want to watch this ass bounce." I said suddenly as she glanced at me, my cock still firmly planted between her soft lips. I pulled my fingers from her wet and ready pussy before giving her ass a playful squeeze, she cooed, shaking her hips for more. "Come on. Get on." I ordered as she pulled her lips from my length, and gave my tip a surprisingly chaste kiss, before sliding off her underwear tossing them away and facing the holo-screen, straddling my hips as my cock slid easily inside her.

She hissed softly, shaking her hips from side to side as I grabbed her ass, molding it in my hands as she giggled. Leaning forward on her hands she raised her ass slowly upwards, stroking me with her tight pink pussy as she and began to slap it up and down my length. I watched it ripple before my eye as her shapely ass clapped onto my lap, much better than Holo-tv. She panted and moaned happily as her ass sped up, her perfectly toned body working its magic on my cock as I enjoyed the wonderful view.

"I could watch you do this all day…" I praised, gripping her hips as she shifted upright, grinding and gyrating as she tossed her hair with her hands, her hips seemingly doing all the work as her upper body remained stationary. She had a dancer's grace and a stripper's form. And I fucking loved dancers. My hands clapped loudly onto her soft pink cheeks as she cooed.

"Ooh! More…" she growled seductively. CLAP! "More!" CLAP! "Own that pink ass!" SMACK!!" OH YEAH!" her head tilted back as she screamed, declaring her orgasm to the ceiling as I reached up and yanked her hair, thrusting up into her tightening body as her pussy spasmed on my length. Bouncing on my cock rhythmically as her body tugged out my approaching orgasm.

"Ugh Ugh! MMmn! UUUUHHH!!!!" she fell backwards on me as I pumped up my release into her tight pink warmth. Hungrily sucking a hickey on her sweaty pink neck as she shivered, stroking my head soothingly as her fingers gently traced my new, still slightly sensitive, scar. "…Scars are hot…" she whined as her warm body soothed my own. The last drops of my seed flooding into her womb as I kept my cock firmly planted inside her.

…It twitched between her folds, I gripped her hips tightly and bodily moved her shapely hips on my lap as she moaned, my returning erection rubbing up against her inner walls as she relaxed on me, giving me her full weight onto my body, it wasn't much she was a light girl. "…You're not done yet." I cooed softly, a bright cheerful smile stretched onto her beautiful features as her pussy tightened subtly around my exploring cock. Her body worming erotically on top of me, her movements were gentle, soft. But her pussy was a tight clamp, eager for me to pop just one more time inside her.

"Mmmnn" she moaned as I shifted up to her breasts, squeezing the pink orbs of fun as she giggled, "I love this about you… you're always ready to go…" she licked my cheek, letting me look down her body as I thrust slowly up into her writhing frame. Her pheromones surging into me as I sped up, ever so slightly, eager to cum. To Breed. "Ah. Ah. Ah…" she panted gently, watching me eagerly as she began to twitch, "Give me your cum." She whined like a holo-girl, more for my benefit than hers, she was obviously at this point, with her pheromones and her manner, trying to get me to release. "Feed my pussy your fucking load… AH!" she sucked in air happily, gazing up at the ceiling as she spasmed a tiny orgasm. "You're so good…" she praised, licking her lips hungrily as she went limp… and I filled her. "Mmmn… Master…" she purred a little sarcastically, writhing her pleasured body against mine like a full body massage. I was always impressed when she did that. I gripped her chin and showed her my appreciation, burying my tongue into her mouth as I kissed her. Her eyes widened slightly and her body went rigid, her pussy squeezing my length as another tiny surge went through her… then she moaned into the kiss, a lazy hand stroking my bright red hair. She often told me how she loved the color after all.

I let my attention shift slightly to the Holo-Screen as I continued to groped and caressed her exotic body, her breasts, her waist, her clit. She whimpered gently as I did, I didn't really feel like going again but if I managed to warm her up into it I also wouldn't say no. She giggled slightly at my toying, licking me cheek as she hummed softly in my ear.

"MMMn…" she cooed as my fingers lightly pinched her clit, "… It's nice to know that getting fucked up doesn't stop you from getting fucked." I glared at her, but she grinned, "…That was funny." She said smugly.

"And a little insensitive." I noted. Pinching her harder as she flinched in pain, and just a little pleasure. But she quickly composed herself. Hard to do with me balls deep in her shapely body.

"Pfff!" she replied with an eye roll and a hip shimmy, rubbing my cock against the sides of her tight warm tunnel. "I'm a Zeltron Maid. Even I saw the stereotyping of my employment you know." she rubbed her legs against mine and grinned sultrily at me. "Zeltron maids are paid to do one of two things and this is the one we usually get employed for." She gave me another kiss, licking my lips as she pulled away. "Now. Would you like me to continue your massage or make you lunch?" she asked her inner walls actually massaging my length to try and get me to do the former… but strangely I felt like the later.

"…I actually could use something to eat." I said as she sighed reluctantly, rolling her purple eyes as she slid off me, strutting towards the door as she leaked down her thigh and her wonderfully firm ass wobbled tantalizingly before my eyes.

"Fine I'll fix you something up. But I expect a big tip when I get back!" she said, I groaned at her pun but… I still wouldn't say no.

I sighed closing my eyes as I listened to the holo-screen played out another match.

"-And Basher Baleen puts Pummeling Palma onto the mat! And One! Two! Three!" I opened my eyes and frown, deciding to just turn off the holo-screen… it saved my life. The black mirror like screen reflected me lying on my bed. And the masked man above it as I quickly looked up and rolled off the bed as a bright red lightsaber hissed into my mattress. Burning feathers and stuffing flashed into the air as I yanked out my bedside drawer and hurled at it the man.

He was mounted on my wall like some sort of grotesque gecko. He leaped from the wall and landed deftly on the side of my bed as he slashed through it with his lightsaber, but I reached into my vacated drawer. Grabbing a hidden blaster (thanks Tolara) and pointing it at him. I caught him by surprise as I fired at him, he dodged the first shot, and redirected the second as I scrambled to my feet. But he leapt over the bed, swinging the lightsaber wildly down at me as I rolled dodging the burning rod of death. I slid to my feet, firing my blaster as I made my way to the door.

I got his shoulder, not bad for a half blind injured man, but I frowned. I didn't expect to hit him. He has a lightsaber after all. Then my mind made several rapid deductions. This wasn't a Jedi, or a Sith. Just an assassin with a lightsaber… someone wanted me dead and to plant evidence. He might not have the skill of a force user but his reflexes were on point, and I was already heavily injured.

…But then, like an ironic godsend. A black robed figure crashed abruptly through my window like a descending angel. Shocking us both as glass scattered everywhere. The assassin and I stared at the newcomer as she waved her hand. The glass shards abruptly replaced themselves into the window perfectly as if the figure hadn't just made a dynamic entrance.

The beautiful scarred features of Kaath-Tyi appeared as she lowered her dark hood. The assassin had just enough time to release a battle cry and charge her only to skid to a stop. His top half dropping away as his legs stumbled forwards. Kaath-Tyi had abruptly and coolly, tossed her lightsaber like a flying buzzsaw, cutting him in half.

She glared at me, frowning slightly with her glasglow lips. As her blood colored eyes moved up and down my partially naked and heavily wounded body, her gaze lingering on my burn scars and my new hand. "…Are you alright?" I blinked in surprise. If I didn't know her better, I'd say she was concerned.

"No more so than recently…" I replied, my wounds screaming angrily at me at being disturbed from their restful state. "Why are you here?"

The door suddenly opened, and I raised my blaster to it as Lala entered, casually dragging a body behind her in one hand by the hair and covered in what I can only assume was the blood of many different alien species. She sniffed a little annoyed "…So…" she began, tossing the apparently unconscious body of a human male onto the floor. "…We had some pretty nasty guests." She said dismissively, absently kicking the man on the floor hard in his side as he whimpered, "I took care of them and let this one keep breathing… that being said." She added lazily as I stared at her in surprise. "…I might have some explaining to do."

I frowned thoughtfully, "…Well… you're not wrong."

End of Chapter.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C166
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


