62.54% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 162: Interval Forty-Six: Ryhthm and Blues

章 162: Interval Forty-Six: Ryhthm and Blues

I don't own star wars

The light from the hallway illuminated the apartment as the exhausted red skinned twi'lek woman turned on the lights. It was a tiny little apartment, but it was clean, and the locks were good. Rubbing her sore shoulders, and gently stroking her sore lekku she quietly stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her as she went into her kitchen, retrieve a small bottle of water from the fridge, and gulped it down as if she hadn't had any liquid in days.

Which wasn't entirely true… she had plenty of protein…

She adjusted her working skirt, kicking off her heels and was more than ready to just sit in on her curvy ass and watch the Holo-screen for hours on end to get the last two days out of her pretty head.

…He was just insatiable… she performed in holo-vids and not even the men specifically trained for that were not like him. He spent hours with her, again and again, thoroughly enjoying every last minute of his time, and she had to admit she felt the same. She unconsciously shivered on her couch, a little surprised as her body seemed to have remembered him faster than her mind. She sighed, a little sad that she had to leave. He had to ship out and he simply couldn't justify time with her anymore. That was a day ago and she had finally managed to return to Nar Shaddaa.

As his position in the Empire was high he couldn't exactly declare he spent the last two nights in the arms of a Twi'lek escort. So, his men escorted her return in the utmost secrecy. They were perfect gentlemen surprisingly, for Imperial Troopers. She had even offered to give them a good time on the house for their efforts… but they seemed nervous at that. Even a little terrified. She didn't get why, probably a twi'lek/Imperial thing.

She closed her eyes as news of an Imperial conquest blasted onto the screen, she muted the Holo-screen annoyed and sighed trying to relax…

…Suddenly she was back in his room, his hands on her breasts as he hungrily devoured her lips. Kissing, stroking, touching, her whole body was one big erogenous zone as he played with, and made love to, her body. "More… give me more." She found herself begging, feeling him thrust deep inside her as he pinned her to the bed, dominated her body, fully intent on filling her womb as he released his seed inside her. He kissed her again, this wasn't just some quick fuck, this was hardcore breeding sex that a man had with a woman. Raw and passionate. The sort of sex a man had before he went off to war…

Suddenly her eyes shot open as her door hissed open. An angry, armored weequay suddenly entered followed by a quarren. Dressed slightly nicer. Tugoth TuTo. The squid pimp glared at her. "Bitch, where have you been?" he garbled out as the weequay stood at the open door, fiddling with a blaster pistol at his waist.

She sighed, tired and depressed, she didn't want to have to deal with this asshole right now. She needed, and wanted, rest. "I was working. That big client you rented me out too? Remember?" she said scathingly. She saw it coming but was just too tired to care, his hands smacked across her face as she flinched, it stung. But she had been hit harder by the men he gave her too.

"Bitch that was two days ago! You were supposed to show up at that hutt party yesterday! Now Ubba the Hutt is pissed that he didn't get his twi'lek!"

She rolled her eyes, quickly doing the math in her head. She had been paid a king's ransom for her privacy, secrecy, and time. The hutt just wanted strippers, he probably didn't even give a damn that one twi'lek didn't show up when he paid for a half dozen. But the colonel had paid for TWO DAYS… that was at least three times the amount she would've gotten from that party even with tips.

"Bitch! I am talking to you." He scolded, "Or maybe you'll listen to my weequay?" he gestured to the nameless weequay who smirked at her.

"…My name is Bella'Dune." She said coldly, "Not Bitch. I know names are hard for you." He backhanded her again.

"…Where is my cut then?" he said, ignoring her as she reached into her purse for the credits the lieutenant had given her.

She handed them to him, and he snatched them greedily like a child to candy as his eyes twinkled and his tentacles twitched in what could only be a smile. "…Good." He said, pocketing the money before glaring at her again. "Get up and get to work."

"I'm tired. I just got back." She said dismissively, done with this shit for the day.

"And now you get out. Go. Credits won't earn themselves. Get to work."

She sighed through her nose, trying to keep her temper down… She was completely done with this. "No. I'm tired." She said, "I've had a long. EXHAUSTING two days. I'm going to sit here and take a break."

His eyes narrowed. She knew she had made a poor choice of words, but she didn't care. She was irritated, and tired, and annoyed… and mostly for reasons she didn't quite understand. His hand suddenly lashed out and gripped her lekku tightly, she flinched but didn't cry out, glaring daggers at him.

"…You don't need arms to suck cock." He said, with a dangerous growl. "In fact, your clients might like it more." He smacked her, hard and she fell to the floor. "…Can't have the girls talking back to me. Maybe I'll teach you a lesson before I put you back to work."

"I wouldn't do that." said a very calm voice. The nameless weequay, suddenly realized there was someone else in the room and pulled up his blaster. The impeccably dressed Imperial lieutenant eyed the blaster as if it was moving in slow motion before gripping the weequay by the wrist. His other hand suddenly lunging for the bodyguard's throat in a tightly formed fist. The weequay coughed violently as his throat collapsed under the blow. Then, like a drunk bird he was suddenly in the air, the lieutenant hurling him over his shoulder towards the opposite wall as it cracked under the force and weight of the weequay. The weequay, crashed to the floor as the lieutenant promptly adjusted his vest, his collar, and then his sleeves. Giving TuTo a very polite, but dangerous smile.

She recognized the blonde imperial man immediately, he was the one that hired her in the first place. The one that had taken her to meet Colonel Roland Firemane and was concerned that the colonel might need to see a doctor considering the mess they had made together. "Sorry about that." he said tilting his head towards the, possibly dying, nameless weequay on the floor. "I don't respond well to blaster pistols pointed at me. Good day Ms. Bella'Dune." He said conversationally, ignoring TuTo as he gave Bella a calm smile, frowning as light purple bruises formed on her cheeks from where the quarran had struck her. "…Oh, I hope you didn't do that." he said with a cold warning, turning his attention slowly to TuTo now as the quarren twitched nervously. Noting immediately the dangerous intent in the lieutenant's eyes.

"What… who the hell are you?!" he growled as the lieutenant cleared his throat.

"…I'm the lieutenant." He said, the room suddenly becoming colder. "And I'm here to discuss business with Ms. Bella'Dune."

"2000 credits for the night." The quarren said as the lieutenant suddenly moved across the room, gripping the squid by his tentacles painfully yanking him forward and glaring at him with the fury of a dangerous animal.

"…I'm here to discuss business with MS. BELLA'DUNE." He repeated more firmly, "And you've just seen what I can do with my bare hands. Would you like to know what I can do with one of these?" he asked as the quarren froze, glancing down at the combat vibro-knife pressed against his fancy silk robes. "Be. Silent." He said coolly, tossing the quarren dismissively onto the couch before approaching Bella, holding out his hand politely as she took it. He carefully helped her to her feet and smiled at her.

…It felt weird for her to have an Imperial legitimately smile at her. It wasn't often a good sign.

"Ms. Bella'Dune. I implore you." Suddenly he got on his knees and his casual demeanor broke as he openly began to beg. "PLEASE. Come back to the Colonel."

The room went very quiet as she stared down at him in shock. "…What?" she asked flatly after a moment of uncomfortable silence.

He gestured to the holo-screen still playing the news. "That. That little exclusion? That was him. Us. That was supposed to take several weeks but he did it in a day he was so irritated!" He then dropped to her feet, grabbing her ankles. "Please. For the love of the Emperor. PLEASE! Come back to the Colonel. We will all literally give you our stipends for a year if you do."

"…What?!" she asked a little more nervously as she stepped away, and he got back to his knees.

"…Ma'am. He is so damn GRUMPY." He said, and she froze at his choice of words. She began making words with her talented mouth as she tried to answer but no sounds came out. "You don't understand. He doesn't get grumpy. He… gets dangerous." he cleared his throat, a little ashamed to say the next for words. "…He misses you."

Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to form words again, but she couldn't help the sudden blush and heat her cheeks now felt. "…Why?" she asked breathlessly, but she didn't know why.

"Who cares! That's a fortune! Yes! Deal! When do I get my?-urp!" the lieutenant pulled himself to his feet by the quarren's face tentacles. And he glanced with unnerving calm at Bella'Dune.

"…Miss. I don't have the Colonel's benefit of spending time with you to relieve my stress." She blinked at him, her mind wandering around in a daze at his words. "…Might I please do so with… him?" he hissed the words dangerously, glancing at TuTo in utter contempt. Bella'Dune glanced at TuTo, and with a dismissive wave she turned away, seemingly deep in thought.

She was still in deep thought even through the screaming, the whimpering, the sound of cracking bones and cartilage and, strangely, the shattering of glass followed by a long drawn out scream of terror. When she finally turned back around to face the lieutenant with her answer there was a recently broken window and a lovely breeze from Nar Shaddaa. TuTo was nowhere to be found. The lieutenant was whipping blood from his knuckles with a piece of the now missing TuTo's robe. Sighing contentedly.

"I really needed that." he tossed the bloody rag onto the unconscious, possibly dead, nameless weequay and took on an almost pitiful look. "…Ma'am. The men can't go through that sort of thing again. I don't know what it is between you two but… he really wants to see you again. Please come back." He pulled out the credit chip she had given to TuTo and handed it to her.

"…What are we talking about?" she said, fiddling the chip in her fingers. "…Another night? Another day? What?"

"…The best I can say is until he tires of you ma'am." He said a little apologetically. That didn't exactly make her feel better but… she suddenly realized what had happened to TuTo. She was going to need a little job security after that. "If it makes you feel better. This has never really happened before." He said, rubbing the back of his head a little embarrassed. "…I've known the Colonel for a long time and he hasn't been this way since his wife passed."

Bella'Dune sighed… he was probably just attached to her. She gave it a week, maybe a week and a half. 14 days at most. But that was better than nothing, maybe afterward she could go and sign up for Torga's holo-girl studio. Yeah, it was pretty much a glorified custom video studio but Torga took good care of his girls, unlike his sister Tulba and certainly his brother Tuuba. "Fine. But I want my regular rates." She said firmly, expecting to haggle.

"Done." He said immediately, catching her by surprise. "I'll figure out the payment plan later, but I assure you. Keep the Colonel happy and your account will be full." He held out his hand to shake hers, and she did. Sealing the bargain. "Now. Do you need anything? I'm expected back within the hour." He said, checking the clock on the wall. "Pack whatever you need. My escort is just outside the building." He gave her a polite salute before turning and walking out of her apartment. "If we hurry, we can surprise the Colonel."

She stood there for a moment, sighing slightly before a rather cheerful smirk stretched on her lips as her heartbeat quickened excitedly. Ten minutes later, which notedly was hurrying for her, she left her apartment with an unconscious, possibly dead, nameless weequay collapsed against a broken wall. Riding off with the Lieutenant and six other armed guards. Making her strangely feel like valuable cargo.

…She didn't really know how to feel about that… but, thinking of the Colonel as they boarded a shuttle for an imperial transport. She realized she didn't care.

"I commend you Colonel Firemane. Considering the time we had calculated had been for weeks instead of days."

"MMn." He replied, staring pointedly out the window of the transport as his superior officer continued to talk.

"Moff Kane commends you." He said hesitantly watching as the Colonel continued to watch Dromund Kaas fly by. "…He has even recommended you for the Kashyyyk mission still in the planning… stages. Colonel do I bore you?"

"That's the one my daughter has been planning correct?" he said, surprising the Officer. "I have already been informed." He noted, his mind far away as it continued to think. "And you are not boring me. I am thinking."

The officer, more than a little annoyed by the Colonel's manner was about to say something. But the transport stilled outside a rather common looking estate. "Where are we?" he asked as Colonel FIremane removed his gear from the storage carrier.

"Home. Good day sir." He said abruptly.

"Colonel Firemane we are not-"

"Take him away." he told driver droid abruptly before matching up the path towards the household.

The Firemane estate had seen better days once upon a time. He had raised his own family here, his father had raised his family here. His grandfather killed the original native owners here. But now his daughter was gone and she had taken the staff, her marriage to Moff Sabiel Kane mere months away. He even had a small suspicion that Altora was already pregnant with his child. It wasn't like she talked to him anymore… He expected her to take over the Moff station in a few years. His daughter was good at manipulation after all.

But the Kane family Manor was far more appealing than the old homestead. Added on through the years with an old barn. Now merely storage to his broken-down old speeder bike, he always thought he'd get around to fixing it up. But his wife worried about him on it, and when she died… Well it didn't feel right to fix it up after that. He opened the door to his home, not bothering to unpack his bag as he tossed it beside the door, making sure it was packed and ready for when he left whenever that was. He made his way to his room, tossing his recently earned medal with the rest; in a box next to a picture of happier times for the family. Back when his daughter wasn't such a bitch.

…Well. She was always a little bitch, but she hid it better.

He had just slid the box back into the drawer and removed the vest of his uniform when there was an audible knock at his door. He frowned, he wasn't expecting anyone. He slid a spare blaster into the waistline of his pants as he approached and opened the door.

"Lieutenant? What are-" he paused, words dying in his throat as Bella'Dune, dressed far more modestly than when he last saw her, in long tight pants and a robe-like top, waved hesitantly to him as he flung the door open. "Bella. Come in." he said immediately. Not even questioning her presence. Staring blankly at her beautiful face, deprived of make-up and natural. He had just said goodbye to her no more than a day ago and it had felt like months. However he then turned his attention to his lieutenant as she walked in, a small rolling bag behind her as she did. "…Lieutenant."

"Well. As it turns out sir." The lieutenant said with a knowing smile, "It seems miss Bella'Dune ran afoul of a quarren pimp. He had beaten her relentlessly sir" Roland's eyes narrowed dangerously as the Lieutenant's smile broadened.

"…Is he still breathing?" Roland said coldly, staring down the lieutenant.

"He is not." The lieutenant said proudly.

"Good work Lieutenant." Roland commended, stepping outside and shutting the door. "…And?"

"And. Miss Bella'Dune has offered her services for… room and board with you. Sir." He said, another knowing smile stretching across his face. "…You may partake in her services for as long as you like. According to her." he added almost as an afterthought.

Roland froze as the meaning of his lieutenants' words echoed in his mind. Suddenly serious, he glared at the lieutenant. "…Leave." He said abruptly as blank look crossed his experienced face. There was no hostility, no malice or rage. It was a sort of calm warning and a command. Calm before the oncoming storm. The lieutenant after all was in the splash zone.

And as the smile on the lieutenant's face turned into a joyous laugh, Roland opened the door and immediately went to tend to his new attractive guest. The lieutenant, already planning several excuses to explain Bella'Dune's presence should it be needed. Promptly remembered to do some 'clever accounting' later to pay her.

She set her bag against the wall as Roland returned, locking the front door behind him as he looked at her, quickly approaching. She smiled at him as he did, "So Colonel, what would you like me to-" his hands however immediately went to her lekku, tilting her head back gently as he kissed her. Her eyes widened in surprise, then quivered in excitement as his firm, wonderful hands slid gently down her lekku. A surge of pleasure jolted through her beautiful body as he began to gently stroke her headtails. Holding her head firmly to his lips as he shoved his tongue into her mouth.

…One kiss and she was all ready for him. She was quivering in excitement as he pulled gently away, panting desperately for more as she thrust forward, kissing him again as he hummed into her mouth happily. Her own hands wrapped around his muscular back, pulling him tightly to her body, tugging wildly at his shirt as he continued to send lekku triggered orgasm through her body.

He gently gripped her lekku again, she had had many clients who simply tugged away at her headtails like human hair. That wasn't pleasurable most of the time, but he was so gentle with them, she loved the way he touched them. She wanted him to stroke them more.

"I want you." He said, his voice reverberating in her head as she shivered excitedly.

…She wanted him too. But the sudden surprising orgasm from his words kept her silent. Her pussy was wet and ready to take him as she reached for her top, pulling it open and revealing her naked red breasts as he lifted her easily into a bridal carry. He was a good deal older than her but his body was like iron, he was a soldier after all, a good one. He kissed her as he carried her to his room, she moaned lovingly into the kiss as she tugged at her pants, desperate to remove them as he lied her down on the large mattress.

He loomed over her, kissing her as his fingers slid underneath her pants, smirking as he found she wore no underwear, slipping his fingers into her damp warmth. "…I'm going to worship you like a goddess." He said, she smiled up at him. "…Then I'm going to breed you like my wife."

She suddenly became so tight it was hard for him to move his fingers… it was clear, that even unconsciously, she approved of the idea. Her hands went above her head, clutching at the sheets of the bed as he continued to pleasure her with his fingers, kissing her, stroking her lekku. He soon went lower, her neck, her collar bone, her big red breasts and stiff nipples, her toned stomach and slender hips… she wormed beneath his kiss as she finally shifted out of his pants, he crawled down between her legs as her pussy instinctively thrust up towards him. Desperate for him to put anything inside her…

She was pleasantly surprised to feel his tongue splitting her apart.

"Yes!" she cried happily as he hummed between her thighs, "Yes Colonel!"

"Roland." He said firmly, looking coldly at her. She shivered, her pussy drooling at his words, his voice. His COMMAND.

"…Yes Roland…" she moaned, caressing her breasts as she patiently watched him return to her warm tunnel. "Oh God." He licked away at her fluids, slurping her honey noisily as if it were nectar of the gods. Holding her by the hips firmly in place as he worked like a machine, constant and determined as inevitably, she shivered. "Roland!!" she came, drooling from both her mouths as she spasmed before his eyes. He was suddenly on top of her, pinning her down as he kissed her and stroked her lekku again, prolonging the maddening pleasure as she struggled beneath him. Then went still, but still orgasming as he pinned her lovingly in place.

There was nothing she could do but accept that she was his… there was no question. She had been with dozens of men, many at the same time, but no one made her cum like that. She wouldn't be able to enjoy herself with anyone anymore other than the Colonel... Roland.

He continued to kiss her even as the orgasm subsided, he really was worshiping her like a goddess… but now. Now it was her turn. He sat up and got off her removing his shirt and his pants and was about to return to her when she rolled towards him, caressing his testicles and his shaft with her hands.

"You don't have to-" he began as he felt her lips on his tip.

But she wanted to.

"Urrgh…" he groaned in satisfaction, his hand stroking her lekku as she happily slid up and down his cock with her lips, easily taking him down her throat as she bobbed her head almost in a lustful daze. Her eyes happily rolled in her head at his taste. "Bella… that feels good." He praised, simply stating a fact. But it filled her with happiness as she sped up, sucked harder, caressed more. She was determined to get him off with her mouth, to swallow his load. To make him happy.

"Bella!" he warmed, his cock pulsing between her wonderfully tight lips. He tried to be a gentleman, warning her and even trying to pull her off but she wrapped her arms around his waist, to his surprise. And pulled him balls deep into her mouth, staring wide eyed up at him. Silently begging him.

'Give it to me. I want it.'

Not a drop filled her mouth. He released straight into her stomach as her throat happily accepted the salty, warm liquid inside her. Not for the first time, and certainly not for the last. She hummed happily at the feeling of warmth inside her, smiling around his cock as she gazed lovingly up at him. Telling him without words that she would happily do this whenever he wanted. Making sure he was drained completely as he caught his breath, she slid up his shaft slowly, pulling away with a pop. Kissing the tip like a lover and carefully stroking him back to full strength, throbbing in her grip.

"…Are you still going to breed me?" she asked, her voice soft and sultry, stroking and rubbing his cock with her hands and cheek, holding it to her like a newborn babe.

"Yes." He said abruptly as she smiled. Letting go of his cock she turned around, sticking her rear towards him. But he gripped her hips and flipped her over, to her surprise. He spread her legs, not looking away from her beautiful red eyes as he climbed between her legs stroking on lekku. "I want to be looking at you." She shivered, her arousal building rapidly as she felt his cock push against her wet folds.

There was a brief moment of stillness… then an animal was let loose.

He pinned her to the bed with his body, stroking her lekku with one hand and pulling her down his cock with the other, thrusting wildly, primally, inside her. His balls slapped roughly against her flesh as he buried the entirety of his cock inside her, over and over relentlessly as she screamed in lust. Already cumming on his cock as he clutched tightly to her, forcing her to ride the pleasure high as he claimed her lips once more. Silencing the scream but prolonging it with her ravaging cock. She climbed further over her, spreading her legs apart fully as he rammed down into her. He was mating her, he WAS going to breed her. He was going to claim her womb, her body, her heart, her mind. It was all going to be claimed by Roland.

And she loved every fucking second of it.

"Bella." He growled, "Bella, Bella, Bella!" he chanted like a mantra with each thrust, her body orgasming her mind drunk on pleasure. Her hands clutched to his shirt and her legs cramping up as her pussy firmly clamped down on his cock, there was no other choice now. "BELLA!"

Her mind went blank… and the world went quiet. Her eyes stared up at the opposite wall as she felt her body warm up, her back rubbing the sheets with his finishing thrusts. Thick, plentiful seed rushed deep into her body as she stared at the blank wall. She felt it was odd that there we no pictures. No semblance of memories there… but then… her mind came rushing back and exploded in pleasure. She SCREAMED like never before as Roland breed her like a cheap whore. He pulled her to his lips again and she seemed to cool… like ice water was poured onto her body as he calmed her lips again with a kiss…

…Not a cheap whore. Like a wife… As long as it was Roland, she found that she didn't care which one he wanted.

She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly to her body. She never wanted to let go.

Her eyes flicked open, and suddenly noticing the darkness she realized that it must have been hours later. Oh, fuck did he make her pass out? Her pussy was so sore, wet... and full. She tried to sit up and froze. Meeting some resistance as she looked down and blushed. Roland's muscular arm was wrapped tightly around her, holding her in place as she sighed and lay back down. Wondering briefly why she didn't just get up. She'd had younger men who had gotten 'attached' to her before. She didn't hesitate to shut down their affections… even as she thought this, she felt herself snuggling tightly to Roland. He wrapped his arms even tighter around her and, she sighed contentedly, feeling like an academy girl again.

She blushed, shook those thoughts from her mind. And closed her eyes again… having the best sleep of her life. When she awoke again, he was kissing her, she hummed blearily into his mouth and then suddenly slapped his shoulder.

"Ow." He grunted softly, before wrapping her up in another kiss as she slapped him once more, harder. "…Ow." He repeated, more annoyed than anything.

"No!" she said, pointing at him like a scolding mother as he frowned. "For fucks sake Roland. At LEAST breakfast." She said scornfully as he chuckled, taking her chin gently in his hand and kissing her again.

"Fine." He said as she shivered from the touch of his lips on hers while he got off the bed naked. "Breakfast first. Then you." She blushed as he took her hand, leading her into his kitchen. "But we're skipping lunch." He said, gripping her rear firmly in his other hand as she shivered again. "Well… you are. I know what I'm eating…" Her pussy drooled in anticipation. …Oh god he was going to ruin her.

…She was unsurprisingly okay with that…

End of Chapter.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C162
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


