49.8% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 129: The Canon Chronicles IV: Intermission

章 129: The Canon Chronicles IV: Intermission

I don't own Star wars

I was inspired. This chapter takes place during Star Wars Rebels Season2 episode 10 The Future of the Force… with some… differences. And Spoilers, I guess. maybe.

On the planet Takobo, in a grungy, scum and villainy-invested bar. Was a lopsided man with a robe, and he had a long red beard: uncared for and scraggly. His hood covered his eyes as he drank like a fish… suddenly he felt a… twinge. He looked up and around, his green eyes flickering under the darkened hood as his fingers twitched on the bottle…

He felt a strong disturbance in the force… One. Two… at least three Jedi… or at least those with the potential for being Jedi… but then he felt something else. He smirked, disgusted as he felt those tainted by the darkside… One two… three… he sighed as his hand slowly moved to his right arm… or at least… the stump where his right arm used to be. He rolled his eyes, Scowling as he returned to his drink, even ordering another one…

"Hey. Hey!" he looked up, his eyes a little watery as the twi'lek woman behind the bar scowled at him. "Closing time. Head off."

He snorted, tossed a handful of low-priced credits onto the counter, and hesitantly stumbled out of the bar…

Right as a young blue-haired man crashed into him. The man hit the ground as a baby began to cry loudly, "Sorry!" the blue-haired man, no. Boy. Quickly ran off… darting around corners into alleyways as a large…

…Fuck… he recognized the uniform: it was an inquisitor. He stayed on the ground like a drunkard as the grey-skinned warrior chased after the boy. He crawled up the wall with his hand, frowning angrily as he looked down the alley. He could feel the dark and light sides of the force… two light, one dark… the boy and the baby. He detected another lightside user, and two more darkside users off in a completely different direction…

He had no love or patience for either and was about to simply go back to his hovel. But something made him pause for a moment… One… two… felt… familiar… very familiar.

He tapped the wall with his finger in thought, standing up a little straighter. Looking completely different from the drunken hunched man who had stumbled out of the bar mere moments ago. And coming to a decision he darted down the alleyway after the boy.

The trail was easy to follow. Especially after he started to find the bisected bodies…

"Give me the child!" the inquisitor roared, "And your death will be swift!"

"No way!" shouted the boy, as the sound of a lightsaber activated, "…Come and take him if you want him so badly!!" the man looked around the corner to find that the boy was cornered by the inquisitor, red glowing lightsaber ready to carve the boy up… he sighed…

Just before the inquisitor struck, he used the force. Pulling the back swinging arm and throwing the inquisitor off balance, the boy took the opportunity to fire some sort of blaster into the inquisitor and made a run for it as he threw the inquisitor into the wall. "Run boy!" he shouted, the boy paused to look at him only for the man to hurl a dumpster at the recovering inquisitor. "Run!" he repeated with a low angry growl, grabbing the boy and the screaming babe and pushing them along.

However, the boy turned, and the heated blade of a lightsaber timed his unshaven beard as the boy held it at his throat. "Who are you." The boy said, more like a statement than a question.

The boy however started to cringe, his wrist was twisted slowly to the side as he used the force to turn the blade away. The boy resisted, but he was obviously having trouble. "For now. I am an Ally… I am… Roland." he said firmly, "Now. Do you want to ask questions? Or protect the babe?" he asked, looking at the child who was carefully whimpering, but not quite crying. "Boy?"

"...Ezra." he said, "Ezra Bridger."

"I don't care." Roland replied and, feeling the inquisitor's rage as he began to wake up, he noted abruptly. "Move it boy."

"…Come on." He said, running on towards the other force users. "We need to regroup." Roland snorted, keeping his opinion as he followed. Dodging patrols and keeping away from the inquisitor… Roland felt the other lightside user approaching as together they ducked into a hanger bay.

"Ezra!" came a familiar but older-sounding female voice, a beautiful togruta appeared from the shadows. "I'm glad you are okay." He recognized her immediately… even if he hadn't seen her in years… Ashoka Tano. She noticed him, but apparently didn't recognize him at first. She drew a lightsaber, white… no… grey. "Who are you?" she asked coldly.

Roland stepped away from Ezra, giving him space. "…You filled out." He said, oddly calm and completely casually. "…You were a bit young for me back then."

Her blue eyes widened, then narrowed in fury. "You. I heard you died."

"…A little… on the inside…" he said, mockingly, but a little charming as he covered his heart. "I heard you got kicked out of the order."

"I left." she said flatly, "You lost weight." She noted with a familiar snark at his missing arm. that actually made him smile.

"Yes… but I'll catch back up if I'm not careful." He said, covering the stump under his robe.

"Uh…" Ezra began, standing next to Ashoka. "Who is he?"

"He is a Darth…. Last time I checked." She replied, "…Why are you here?"

"…Nowhere else to go." He said flatly. Completely honest. "I was minding my own business when half a dozen force users dropped on my planet. I was curious."

Ashoka stared at him for a moment, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "…You were a sort of mercenary last time we met. How about now?"

His eyebrow rose curiously under the hooded robe. Did she have an offer? He chuckled at the mere thought. "I don't take credits or rebel promises." He said, waving his hand.

"Maybe I have something you want?" she said, knowingly. An odd… hint in her voice. He stood a little straighter and opened his mouth to speak as the door to the hanger suddenly glowed as bright red lightsabers began to carve holes in the door. "Ezra! Fall back and protect Pypey." She looked at Roland. "…I DO have something you want." She said firmly, a second grey lightsaber appearing in her hand as the doors opened…

Three walked through the gaping melted hole… the first was the inquisitor from before: the tall grey bulky humanoid. A thin mirialan female… and another mirialan female. Tall, elegent, and curvy she strutted in like a queen as her long ponytail hung down her back, the sides of her head shaved as his eyes widened. He recognized her too…

Barriss Offee.

He glared at her in utter fury as she smirked smugly at Ashoka, ignoring him completely. "…Her." he snarled animalistically, glaring at Ashoka as he gripped the stump on his right arm pushing hard against it in as a piece of it sunk in with a click. "I want HER. Alive and unspoiled." He snarled, "…We will discuss my further payment later…" he added, tossing away the robe as the metallic stump of his right arm gleamed in the dark.

Ashoka stared angrily at him, "Wait, where's your lightsaber?"

"Ashoka…" Bariss cooed disgustingly and disruptively sweet, "Make it easy on yourself and surrender… I promise it will only hurt for a little while." Her eyes turned onto him and she rolled her eyes, "And who's the tramp?"

"…Last time I saw you Offee…" he said, and her eyes widened as she recognized him immediately, "...You were crying my name... for MORE." he noted, snarling suddenly as the fury consumed him.

"Fifth Brother. Seventh Sister. Kill him." She ordered flatly.

"Yes First Sister." They said together, but bitterly. As they approached. He held up a finger as if to say. Wait.

Then he listened… and smiled as a high-pitched whistling pierced the air… and his arm stump began to beep. The wall of the hanger exploded as his signature metallic limb slammed onto the stump, in its fist was a lightsaber that he took into his left hand. The dark red glow of his blade lighting up his left side as he stretched his neck, "…Come on then." He said as they looked distinctly more nervous. Then he rushed, force-pushing Seventh Sister away as he engaged with Fifth brother, Ashoka confronting her old friend.

"Holy crap…" Ezra breathed, impressed at the man's arm's entrance, but at the fact he was easily fending off the inquisitors, catching Seventh Sister's saber in his right hand and holding her in place as he fought off the Fifth brother. Looking bored. He bodily threw Seventh sister into wall, and force pushed Fifth brother after her. pinning them both in place with the force with one hand… and then pushing the THROUGH the door to the outside.

Then… his attention… and mood changed drastically.

"OFFEE!!!!" he roared angrily. Hurling equipment left and right with the force and approaching the increasingly nervous Mirialan woman, "I'm going to make you my BITCH!!" he roared with unrivaled sith fury, charging into the fight and swinging away as she tried to fend both of them off.

He swung again, and again into her saber, harder and harder the sparks flew. Soon he was fighting her on his own, Ashoka pulling back as he was becoming more dangerous to those around him. He swatted away her saber attacks with his arm easily pushing her back and outside… but then. He flew backward as the other two recovered, all three using the force to send him flying away.

"Fall back!" She shouted in sudden fear and anger. "…Fall back he's too dangerous!"

"OFFEE!" roared Roland as they quickly retreated. He roared after them, anger clear on his face. Then… he was out. Ashoka cracked him on the back of the head with her lightsaber hilt.

…When he awoke… his head hurt. And he was in a cell of some sort… an energy field keeping him in. he could potentially open a hole in the door with his arm… if it wasn't on the other side of and his hand was bound to the wall by a metallic bracer… meaning he couldn't activate the homing beacon in his arm stump.

Soon however, Ashoka walked in front of the containment field and looked at him.

"Roland Firemane… aka Darth Salacious." She stared at him, "…They would've made me into a Jedi Master if I had caught you during the clone wars…"

He rolled his eyes, "Is this really necessary?" he asked, gesturing to the bracer with his head.

"Yes." She replied, "Mercenary. Darth. Murderer." He frowned, becoming annoyed. "You caught and raped female jedi masters…"

He shrugged, "Would've done the same for you if you paid my price." Then added with a smug smile, "Besides. They weren't complaining when I was done… especially if what I heard from some of the clone troopers was true."

"You're disgusting." She said flatly.

"And you were hit with the beautiful stick." He noted, she frowned at the backhanded compliment. "If you looked like that back then you and I would've had a fun evening."

"…Did you have a fun evening with Bariss?" she asked smugly, and he scowled furiously.

"…You know…" he began calmly, taking a deep, cleansing breath. "…Sith do have friends…" he said, a little distantly. "Relatives. We weren't so different from the Jedi. We just take our passions to the extreme instead of locking them away in emotional vaults…"

"Emotions are dangerous."

"So am I." he said coldly. "To my enemies… are you my enemy Ashoka?"

"…Why are you so insistent on Bariss?" she asked, "…She tried to frame me. Kick me out of the order, she killed people… but I don't hold that against her. She was… broken. Scared."

He looked at the metallic stump on his arm, drawing her attention to it. "…The only man I would call my friend… perhaps even so far as to say my best friend. Gave me my arm… He made it. Turned it into a weapon and a strength. I thought I was crippled for life under my training with my grandmother and he turned me into a legend…" he smiled faintly. "My grandmother had plans you see… plans to upstage the Sith Emperor and install herself as an Empress. But then…" he snarled, "Then she found OFFEE." He spat, "Broken. And SCARED." He hissed bitterly, "Locked in a cell. She sent me to get her out… and I did." He spat. "Then she twisted her. changed her. Molded her into her little sith apprentice…" he sat up a lot straighter.

"Bariss changed everything with my grandmother… and Palpatine… Sidious. He got to her. and he changed her plans… all she had to do was kill me." Ashoka suddenly seemed interested. "So. My grandmother sent her little apprentice to distract me. Seduce me… then she killed my best friend. Blew up my ship. All of my girls and left me broken and alone on a nameless death world to die. Slowly." He took a deep breath as Ashoka stared at him almost pityingly. It disgusted him. "So… I swear to you. That if you let me out. If you GIVE me Bariss Offee and a chance to KILL my grandmother…" he said trying to contain his rage. "I will be a weapon unmatched by anything Palpatine can put on the ground."

"I'm not going to just give you somebody." Ashoka said, concerned. "I'm not a slave trader."

"Yet you don't stop them from operating…" she scowled at him but then, he carefully added. "I am a man of my word. Are you a woman of yours? Or do Jedi make as many empty promises as my kin?"

She watched him carefully… and deactivated the field. "…Deal. But you follow my orders."

"…I'm good at that." he said honestly, slapping his arm stump as it shot from the wall to his shoulder with a clank and a snap. Flexing the fingers, satisfied at the result. "Let's find us some sith." He said, following her out of the room. Then rubbing his bearded face added, "…You wouldn't happen to have a razor, would you?" he asked, as she stared dumbfounded at him. "Oh right. Togruta…" he said, a little knowingly. "You're all pretty smooth aren't you?"

"…Just… be silent." She said, making sure his lightsaber was securely locked up. "…Don't make me regret this."

"I'm regretting this beard…" he mumbled sourly, then suddenly having an idea. His fingers began to vibrate rapidly as she stared.

"What are you…" she began but then the vibrating fingers smoothed across his face like a razor. They were vibrating so rapidly it was like a small electric razor. "What?!"

"What do you mean what?" he asked, "Why do you think cyborgs tend to have vibrating fingers?" she visibly blushed as he smiled. "Oh… you're a dirty girl…" She rolled her eyes and shook her head, her white and blue lekku shaking with her as he continued to shave his face. His red beard disappeared before her eyes as it pilled on the floor. "Don't worry, I'll clean that up later."

"…I regret everything…" she mumbled, heading to her pilot's seat and taking off.

Unbeknownst to her… someone was sharing the sentiment.

"I regret EVERYTHING!" cried the blue twi'lek in the fancy matronly robe as the three inquisitorial failures reported to her.

"Sorry. Mother Malisis." They said together like spoiled children before she dismiss fifth brother and seventh sister with a wave of her elegant hand.

"Bariss. Sweaty what did I teach you?" she cooed, approaching the mirialan and cupping her face in her hands. "KILL THEM WHEN THEY'RE DOWN." She said firmly, painfully squeezing Bariss face. "How is my grandson still alive when YOU said YOU killed him after he fucked an imprint of you into his SHIP WALL!" she shrieked.

"I dropped him on an irradiated death world!" Bariss said, "He should've died there!"

"Are you sure he didn't bang your brain out when he was pounding that tight little green pussy of yours?!" she hissed degradingly as Bariss flinched like Malisis' tongue was a cat-o-nine tails.

"Mother… I."

But Malisis silenced her with a finger-zipping motion on her lips. "No. No excuses… I should've been thorough. If there's one thing about Roland, its his tenacity. Uses it to survive, uses it to fight, uses it to pound stupid little sluts into orgasmic bliss…" Bariss flinched again, the memory of that night with Darth Salacious still bright in her mind, there were moments that she enjoyed immensely. Somewhat from the taboo and almost foreign act of sex itself. But mostly, it was all Salacious. Now, however, there was no doubt in her mind whatsoever that Salacious would not be as... gentle.

"…Take second sister and fourth brother… find him. Kill him." She said dismissively, "And put a bounty on his head, subtly, make sure it isn't traced back to us."

"Is that… really wise?" Bariss asked nervously. "Second brother and fourth sister?"

"Well it's either that or I send YOU after him alone." Malisis replied coolly, "…He's going to do awful things to you if he gets his hands on you… well… most of them will be awful. How exactly do you feel about being a sex slave?" She asked as her mood went from angry to whimsical.

Bariss scowled, and looked down, away from Malisis' gaze as if bowing. "…I'll see that it's done." She said bitterly.

"See that you do Bariss." She noted. And as Bariss left Malisis chuckled. "I'm glad he's madder at you than he is at me…"

End Chapter

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C129
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


