8.19% GOT: The Young Stag[Discontinued] / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

章 5: Chapter 5

I should mention before I continue, that there are event from canon in this story that won't be altered for plot reasons. I'm sorry, there are just too many important things to avert. Some will be good, some will be bad, and some will be firmly planted in the middle. Most of them will be the final one, as one of GRRM's recurring themes is "glory wrapped in tragedy", something that I will attempt to highlight as the story progresses. 

I should also mention something else. If you think that Arya and Steffon's relationship is moving too quickly for it to be believable, I think I should explain myself. Arya always struck me as the sort of person who'd try to make the best of a situation she wasn't comfortable with, plus she also thoroughly rejected Edric Dayne's idea in the book that Ned Stark fell in love with Ashara Dayne at the Tourney of Harrenhal. Due to this, it seems to me that she'd take comfort in the fact that her parents had grown to love each other.

So without further ado, let us progress the story!

Winterfell became a hive of activity after Bran's fall from the tower. Steffon had found him and immediately sent for Maester Luwin, who had set to work almost straight away fixing Bran's injuries.

"He's lucky there was a cart of hay underneath him; cushioned the fall. He still hit his head fairly hard and will have no memory of the day, but he will at least be able to walk." Luwin had said. The Starks, Steffon, Robert, Tommen and especially Myrcella were all relieved at hearing this, Joffrey was his usual self and Cersei . . . well she hadn't taken a liking to the Northerners, to put things mildly.

Arya had taken Bran's fall exceptionally hard, and Steffon had done his best to console her. Arya was fully aware that he was unpracticed in consoling people, yet she appreciated his efforts. The two had undoubtedly grown closer, something that had made Robert and the Starks' (save for Sansa) moods better, while making Cersei and Sansa's moods worse. Since he had given Arya Needle, the two had resolved to try and make a go of their arranged marriage. They weren't quite all the way to loving each other, but Arya had talked with her mother and felt reassured by the fact that her parents had come to love each other despite them barely even knowing each other to begin with.

The two were deep in conversation in the courtyard the morning after Bran's fall. It was mostly about what life in their respective home regions was like.

"King's Landing raises such a stink that I even tried to escape to the Free Cities once". He said.

"I thought you did that to test how good a soldier you were." Arya responded.

"Partly yes, but the point of the story is that King's Landing stinks to the Seventh Hell." Steffon said with a deadpan expression, eliciting a giggle from Arya.

"Good to see you two getting along." The two turned around to see Gendry en route to another one of training sessions with Jory.

"Yes well, we decided to try and do what we could to make this thing work." Said Steffon, smiling.

"Yeah. Thanks for making Needle by the way." She said to Gendry, who in turn looked at Steffon quizzically.

"It's what she named the smallsword you made." Steffon said. Gendry nodded in recognition before heading off to his training with Jory. As the two wandered off to have breakfast with Steffon's family, they ended up seeing a rather amusing sight near the dog kennels. Tyrion was in the middle of scolding Joffrey, who turned momentarily to the Hound, Sandor Clegane, then, THWACK! Tyrion had slapped Joffrey across the face with a surprising amount a force for a man of his size. He then proceeded to slap Joffrey twice more while the Hound simply stood and watched, the barest hint of amusement on his own face.

After a moment, neither of the couple-to-be could contain themselves no longer, and burst out laughing.

"Ahh. Time for breakfast! Nephew, you will be joining me, I hope? I do not wish to be left to suffer at my sister's hands." He said to Steffon.

"Of course not uncle. Arya will be joining us too. She is to be my wife soon, after all." Said Steffon, looking tenderly at Arya. For her part, Arya couldn't help the hint of a blush creeping up onto her cheeks.

"Oh the look on Cersei's face will be priceless." Said Tyrion, smirking. The three walked over to the hall where Cersei and her children had set themselves up, along with Jaime.

"Little brother, nephew, Lady Arya" Said Jamie, greeting them all in turn.

"Beloved siblings" Said Tyrion, before taking a seat next to Tommen.

"Good morning mother, uncle, Tommen and Myrcella." Greeted Steffon with a pleasant smile on his face. Arya waved a shy greeting to the two younger Baratheons, as well as the Queen and Jaime. She was clearly out of her depth, so Steffon resolved not to stay long. He and Arya then sat down next to each other, prompting Cersei to shoot Steffon a look of disapproval.

"Is Bran going to die?" Asked Myrcella, suddenly. She was very worried about Bran, though she couldn't exactly put her finger on why.

"Apparently not." Tyrion replied, causing Myrcella's face to split into a wide grin. Cersei on the other hand, looked somewhat troubled.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Maester Luwin says Bran will live. He was lucky that cart of hay was beneath him; cushioned the impact. If it was otherwise, we may be preparing for a funeral now instead of eating breakfast. As it is, he'll probably have no memory of the day." Steffon responded. He and Arya didn't fail to notice the looks that Cersei and Jaime shared.

"That's no mercy; letting a child linger in such pain." Cersei said. Arya's hands balled into fists at that, something which both Tyrion and Steffon noticed.

"Only the Gods know for certain. All the rest of us can do is pray." Tyrion said, attempting to defuse the situation. "The charms of the North seem entirely lost on you." Tyrion said to his sister.

"I still can't believe you're going. It's ridiculous, even for you." She responded. It was common knowledge among the royal party no that Tyrion intended intended to visit the Wall when Benjen Stark left with his new batch of recruits, including Gendry.

"Where's your sense of wonder? The greatest structure ever built; the intrepid men of the Night's Watch; the wintry abode of the White Walkers." He said, leaning forward to tickle Tommen for a bare second.

"Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black, uncle." Steffon said, taking some food.

"And go celibate, nephew? The whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock. I just want to stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world." Tyrion said, causing everyone but Cersei to chuckle in amusement. The halfman, as they called Tyrion, was already starting to grown on Arya. He seemed to have a sense of humour that the Queen seemed to lack. She wasn't sure about Jaime though.

"Children don't need to hear your filth. Come." Cersei then said to Myrcella and Tommen, as if confirming Arya's thoughts. Steffon and Arya left soon after, with Steffon about to spring yet another surprise on her.

"So, now that you have a sword, I though you'd best learn how to use it. So I've arranged for a Braavosi swordmaster to train you in the Braavosi style of fighting. You'll meet him a while after we arrive in King's Landing." He said. He was prepared for Arya to thank him, but yet again, she hugged him tightly. They broke apart for a short moment, and became lost in each other. The two began to lean in towards each other. This is it, I'm going to kiss her thought Steffon.

This is it, he's going to kiss me thought Arya. They leaned in further and their lips were almost touching-

"Oh look at the little lovebirds." Came a cocky voice. They broke away and angrily turned to see not only a smirking Theon, but also a smirking Robb and Jon. The two began blushing fiercely as they stammered out good byes to each other. After Robb and Theon had left, only Steffon and Jon remained.

"My Prince, I've considered your offer, and I'd like to accept." Said Jon, drawing his sword. "I swear you my sword, Prince Steffon of the House Baratheon. I swear to defend you against those who would do you harm, and-"

"Oh stand up, will you Jon? Seven Hells man, you know I'm not one for pomp." Said Steffon, motioning for Jon to stand up. Flushed, Jon stood up and sheathed his sword

The large party left Winterfell mere hours later. Gendry and Steffon said their final goodbyes, promising to see each other again, before finally parting ways. Arya as well had come to thank Gendry one last time for making Needle before the former apprentice smith departed with the Night's Watch group, with Tyrion Lannister in tow.

Arya had insisted on riding a horse for at least part of the way, and one had been provided for her at Steffon's behest. The two rode in a companionable for a time, at least until Septa Mordane insisted that Arya dismount and ride in a wheelhouse, which she did reluctantly.

There would be trouble on the Kingsroad later on, but neither of them knew that.

And there we have it! So the Royal Party and the Starks have left Winterfell for King's Landing. Things'll properly start up next chapter, I promise. Auf wiedersehen!

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