97.67% Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja / Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Moving on.

章 42: Chapter 42: Moving on.

I took a moment to think about it. Currently, Frost was an ally of the Leaf, even though they weren't hostile. We left them alone, and they left us alone. If this coup succeeds, the new Frost would be hostile to the Leaf. I was sure of that as, according to Shino, these ninjas were survivors of a conflict with the Leaf's Anbu. So we can't just let him go. And I was not about to execute a prisoner. We had no real time limit on our mission to the Cloud. But the sooner we got there, the better.

My deciding factor was the goodwill we could generate with the Frost. Yes, it could delay our journey to the Cloud, but it wasn't too far out of the way of our current route. However, we would be moving slower with a prisoner.

"I think we should transport him to Frost Village and hand him over to them to do with as they will. None of us died, so we have no cause to extradite him to the Leaf, and he is one of their rogue ninja."

I gave Shino my official opinion on the matter, and he nodded.

"Very well. We will head toward Frost Village tomorrow. It's late, and I don't want to transfer the prisoner in the dark. Sakura, rest up. You don't have watch duty tonight. Naruto and Hinata, get some rest, too. Your watches will be after Kiba and I's."

And with that, Shino closed the tent and left. As soon as he did, Naruto exclaimed, "Wow! Three S ranks. Not gonna lie; I wasn't a fan of that jutsu of yours, even if I'm okay with you sleeping around. I thought it was too much to fuck the enemy in combat, but I worked!"

I sighed.

"It's strong, but I need to work on it. I must make it safer so I don't pass out again."

"I knew you would be fine." Said a smiling Hinata. "You only passed out because it was three S ranks. If you had your mouth free to breathe or they had less stamina, you would have outlasted them."

She had a point. If it were just two, I would have directed them to my lower holes so I could breathe properly, and if it were three weaker enemies, I would have outlasted them. I know how to conserve stamina in a gangbang and how to let my partners do most of the work. Though if it wasn't for my comrades coming to my rescue, I'm sure I would have died. It really was too close.

"***Sigh*** I suppose you guys are right, it was very effective... I'm just disappointed I passed out and let those other ninjas freeze to death. It's my job to care for the injured, even the enemy, as long as it doesn't endanger our troops or mission."

Hinata began to gently rub my back and softly said, "You really are a kind woman, Sakura."

"Thanks..." I replied to her, then looked at Naruto. "And thanks for getting those guys off me. It really was close."

"Don't worry about it. We'll let you rest, " he said with a smile and went to leave, but I called out, "Wait. I thought we didn't have to be on watch tonight?"

"You two don't, but I can't use clones if I'm asleep, and Shino had me send a bunch into the forest to keep a lookout and have some guard our prisoner. If I sleep, they'll pop."

"C-can you just hold me till I sleep... both of you... that was really scary..." I mumbled under my breath. Usually, I'm good at keeping my composure after a near-death experience, but at that moment, Naruto's and Hinata's presence made me want to be vulnerable around them.

Naruto looked surprised for a moment but quickly gave me a reassuring smile and laid down next to me, pulling me against him. My boobs pressed up against his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. He was still wearing his jumpsuit, but even so, I could feel his warmth through it. Hinata hugged me from behind, and I felt her bare breasts against my naked back as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I let out a content sigh, feeling both of them against me. Even a sex-addicted slut like me liked wholesome moments. I felt terrible that Naruto couldn't rest, but as long as he stayed awake, his clones would perform their watch duty, and he could stay with Hinata and me.

"You two sleep; I'll stay here with you; when my watch is over, my clones will pop themselves, and I'll sleep." Said Naruto as he stroked my hair and reached over me to stroke Hinata's.

"Won't you get bored just watching us sleep?" Hinata asked Naruto over my shoulder; after all, he had a rep for being hyperactive and getting bored, especially.

"Yeah," he admitted, "But Sakura asked. I could never say no to her before we were married, and I don't intend to now."

I felt a wave of guilt, remembering me begging him to bring back Sasuke. "Naruto, you believe me when I say I love you, right?" I asked, not really sure why. Perhaps thoughts of Sasuke made me think Naruto still thought I loved him. He said as much when we first had sex.

"I do. Do you?" He asked with a soft smile.

"...I do... Fuck... I really am shaken up... Forget I said any-" I began to say with panic, but he cut me off by kissing my forehead. "Shush... It's okay; we agreed not to hold anything back and talk about our feelings, right?"

"We did," Hinata agreed from behind me and kissed my neck. "What's on your mind, baby?" She asked and hugged me tighter.

"I- Fuck, I'm not sure. I guess... I feel like I love both of you, but I've been wrong before..."

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked, and I silently nodded.

"So you're afraid you only think you love us and are worried about when you'll realise you don't?" Hinata softly asked from behind; tears began to run down my face.

"I... ***Sniff*** I don't want to hurt you two... I do love you, but I'm so scared I will wake up one day and..." I trailed off.

"And what? Hate us?" Naruto said with a teasing smile. I shook my head. "I could never!" That I knew I could never hate either of them.

"So, you're afraid you'll want to be with someone else?" Hinata asked. I looked back over my shoulder at her. "Well..."

Naruto cut in. "Even if you love someone else, I'll still love you, and I would be open to bringing them into our marriage... even if it's another guy... as long as he genuinely loves you."

"Is that really okay?" I asked, finally realising that I was not worried that I didn't love Naruto and Hinata but might fall in love with other people now that I had opened my heart to feeling love again.

"Is it Sasuke?" Hinata asked hesitantly.

"No... Kakashi..." I whispered.

"What?" Naruto exclaimed in surprise.

"We got close after you left to train three years ago—really close—he was my first," I said, feeling ashamed for the first time in a long while.

"First, what... oh..." Naruto went to ask but quickly realised. Is that legal? When was the last time? Er, Hinata, why do you look mad?"

"Naruto... You're upsetting her..."

"Oh, sorry. I'm not mad, Sakura, just surprised. Honestly, I meant what I said. If he genuinely loves-"

"I'm not sure if he does. I told him I loved him years ago, but he told me I was just young and confused. But he was there for me while you and Sasuke were gone, and I was there for him on the anniversaries of his comrade's and girlfriend's deaths... I haven't been with him since we went to save Gaara, and I miss him... Not just the sex..."

"You miss being close to him and are worried that your marriage to us has ruined your relationship," Hinata finished for me.

"Yes. I'm scared to talk to him... that's why I didn't visit him before we left." I finally admitted why I had been avoiding him. "Until you two, Kakashi-sensei was the closest I had to a romantic partner. I don't regret being with you two, but I don't want to lose him. Is that wrong?"

"No... If I can have two wives, you can have two husbands. I want everything to be fair." Naruto said, looking into my eyes and then looking over to Hinata.

"What?" She asked.

"Well, if I have you and Sakura, and she has me and Kakashi-sensei, then you..." He said, trailing off.

"I don't have anyone else I love." She answered.

"Kiba?" I asked.

"He's cute, and I have enjoyed our recent sessions, but he's more like a brother..."

"Kinky," I said with a laugh.

"You know what I mean. I care for him as a teammate and a friend, but I don't care for him the way I care for you two."

"Pervy-Sage?" Asked Naruto with a somewhat hopeful expression.

"Eh!" Hinata spluttered.

"What? You seemed really into him. I know he can seem like a pervy idiot, but he is really wise and strong and-"

"Naruto... Do you... love him?" I asked slowly.

"Oh!" Hinata gasped.

"Not like that! I... he's the closest I have to a dad... I guess I want him to be a part of my clan... my family..."

"And you see Lady Fifth as a mother..." I added as I gently rubbed his cheek.

"Kinky..." Hinata said with a laugh. That caused Naruto and I to laugh, too.

When we stopped laughing, I leaned forward and kissed Naruto.

"Why don't we discuss this later after we all sort out our feelings?"

Hinata yawned behind me and nuzzed into my hair, "AH! Agreed. Goodnight, my loves."

"Goodnight, Hinata." Naruto and I said in unison.

"Goodnight, Naruto," I said before closing my eyes. I heard him say goodnight to Hinata and me, and I was soon asleep.


I woke up around dawn, lying between my sleeping spouses. I gently worked my way out, stood up, and conjured some clothes with my chakra. I wore lingerie and a fur coat to match Hinata, but I made mine black instead of white. I put on my ninja belt and walked out of the tent.

Shino was sitting on a log by the fire, staring intently at our prisoner, who was bound, gagged, and tied to a tree. I didn't see Kiba or Akamaru, so they must have been sleeping in the other tent behind Shino.

"Good morning. I take it last night was uneventful?" I asked as I sat down on the log next to Shino.

"Yeah, only Naruto and I stayed up, and I let Naruto's clones disappear a few hours ago, so he got some sleep too."

"You didn't sleep at all?" I asked with concern.

"Couldn't. I didn't want to let that guy out of my sight." He gestured to the prisoner, Ichiro, the Ice Man. He didn't look like anything extraordinary, a shinobi with an average build, short blue hair, and a Hidden Frost headband. He glared at me through his gag when I looked at him.

"What is his kekkei genkai?" I asked Shino as I thought about how best to sedate him for transport.

"I'm not sure. All it says in the Binjo Book is that he can transform his body into ice and can breathe a high-power frost attack. That's why he's is gaged."

"Damn, it will be hard to sedate him without killing him; people with body transformation kekkei genkai are hard to correctly dose." I stroked my chin as I thought, and then I took my medical supplies out of my ninja belt.

Shino didn't ask me what I was planning, as this was my speciality, and Ichiro would hear what I said, possibly giving him a chance to resist.

"Blindfold him," I spoke as I finished getting the right mixture of drugs and equipment. Shino did what I asked without question. Ichiro struggled but couldn't fight back as Shino put a hood over his face. "Leave his nose uncovered." Shino complied, and once Ichrio's upper face was covered, I approached with my equipment.

I stapped a mask attached to a tube and canister of gas to his gagged mouth and nose, then opened the valve. It took a few minutes as Ichiro held his breath, but eventually, he was forced to breathe it in and appeared to get knocked out.

"Is he out?" Shino asked me, but I shrugged, "Who knows? He could be faking. Like I said, I have no idea what dosage to use. Well, it's time to operate. I'll remove his arms and legs." As I said that, Ichiro began to struggle again, and I upped the dosage.

"We'll just have to keep dosing him and hope he survives long enough to get him to Frost Village. I'll keep an eye on his vitals; if it looks like he's overdosed, I'll add an antidote to his mask; if he seems to stir, I'll up the sedative." I spoke as I increased the dosage, and Ichrio's moments began to slow, and he once again appeared to be unconscious.

"Are you actually going to cut his limbs off?" Shino asked, and though I couldn't see his face due to his collar, he sounded slightly disgusted.

"No, I was just bluffing to see if he was really under. I think you should have one of Naruto's clones carry him on his back while I stay by his side and monitor him," I suggested. Shino nodded, "Can you set up a trigger for a lethal dose, just in case?"

"Already done. All someone has to do is fully open the valve, and no matter how his body is structured, he'll be fucked. I'll show Naruto so his clone knows how to finish him off if he wakes up and tries to escape."


Not long after Naruto and Hinata woke up, I showed them the gas mask I strapped to Ichiro and how to fully open the valve to kill him. Then Naruto made some clones to carry and escort Ichiro as we made our way to Frost Village.

I stayed next to Naruto's clones to monitor Ichiro's vitals. If he looked like he was crashing, I gave him some antidote and lowered the sedative; if it looked like he was becoming responsive, I upped the sedative. It was a difficult balance to keep him in a medical coma.

Hinata, Shino, Kiba, Akamaru, and the real Naruto focused on watching out for any more attackers, be they Ichiro's allies or anyone else, while I devoted all my attention to our prisoners with the help of Naruto's clones.

Luckily, we weren't attacked by anyone else for the remainder of our travel to the Frost and apart from one time when Ichiro almost died due to an overdose, we didn't have any trouble. Not wanting to camp out another night with Ichiro, Shino had us push through the night till we arrived at the Forst Village at around 4 AM.

Now, it was my turn to speak, as I had been put in charge of diplomacy for this mission. I went in front as we approached the village gate.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C42
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


