88.52% DC: Harbinger Of Death / Chapter 53: Devastating ORION!

章 53: Devastating ORION!

The moon was sitting high in the sky over National City, casting an eerie glow on the streets below. Ever since Forza came onto the streets, they became a-lot more clear at night, with civilians worrying for their safety.

The only sound that echoed was the sound of vehicles speeding across various lanes, trying their hardest to head to their destination before potential danger struck.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of National City, the world seemed to hold its breath as Kayn stood, his eyes focused and determined, while Violet stood poised next to him, her dark suit blending into the shadows.

At the outskirts, three buildings loomed,ORION bases hidden in plain sight. Tonight, Kayn and Spectra would bring those towers down, crippling ORION's operations in National City once and for all.

"Harbinger, Spectra, are you in position?" John Jones' voice crackled through their comms, steady and authoritative as ever.

Kayn tapped the device in his ear. "In position, John. We're ready. We'll hit the first base in less than three minutes."

"Good. DEO agents are positioned at key exits. They'll secure the personnel you flush out and ensure minimal collateral damage. And remember, ORION's been getting desperate—they might have something new up their sleeve," John warned.

"Let them come," Kayn replied coolly. "We're prepared for anything."

Spectra smirked beside him, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Let's make this quick."

With a nod, Kayn raised his hand, shooting a beam of light energy that forged itself into a portal, leading directly to the rooftop of the first building.

In an instant, they stepped through and found themselves on the rooftop of ORION's western base. The building, which was camouflaged as a high-tech research facility, buzzed with magical energy just beneath its sleek facade.

Normal people wouldn't recognize it at all, but to Kayn and Spectra, the buildings were practically beacons once they came close enough to it.

"This place is practically humming with enchantments," Spectra muttered, her eyes narrowing as she sensed the power radiating from below.

"They've definitely reinforced their defenses," Kayn noted, using his magic to scan the entire building. Immediately, he locked onto the intricately layered magical protection system, with runes embedded onto the walls, shielding the interior from detection and attacks.

"Kayle, patch me in to the base's network," Kayn said quietly, knowing his tech specialist was already hard at work.

A second later, Kayle's voice came through the comms, "You're connected, Kayn. I'm disabling their external defenses now. Once you're in, you'll have about five minutes before their backup systems kick in. Make it count."

"That's all we need."

With a flick of his wrist, Kayn activated his Star Blast, sending a pulse of Celestial Star Energy through the roof that shattered the layered protection runes like glass.

The energy rippled through the structure, temporarily disrupting the magical shields and leaving the base exposed to attacks.

"Let's go," he said, dropping down through the opening they'd created.

The duo landed in a corridor lit by the dull glow of red emergency lights. ORION's base was already scrambling, alarms blaring and security forces rushing to intercept the intruders.

Kayn immediately took advantage of the mass confusion, moving with precision as he sensed the approaching guards closing in on him and Violet.

Two armed guards rounded the corner, their rifles trained on Kayn and Violet, but before they had a chance to even fire, Kayn raised his hand, and with a mere though, the guards were yanked into the air with an invisible force, their weapons torn from their hands.

Violet's energy flared, and the guards' consciousnesses flickered out as she hit them with a wave of sleep-inducing energy, before Kayn sent them crashing into a nearby wall.

The duo didn't stick around either, already moving down the corridor toward the heart of the base while effortlessly dispatching any guards who got in their way.

The facility was a maze of sterile hallways and reinforced doors, but with Kayle guiding them through the network, they bypassed most of the obstacles with ease.

Finally, after a while of running and fighting, the duo approached the central laboratory.

"Kayn, you're about to hit a major production center for Forza. Looks like they've ramped up production in this base," Kayle's voice came through the comms, "It's not just the drug, there are Forza-enhanced agents down there."

Kayn raised an eyebrow and inquired, "Enhanced? How enhanced?"

"Enough that they're probably on par with some meta-humans. Be careful," Kayle warned.

"Lets just get this done," Kayn muttered. He extended his hand toward the reinforced door leading to the lab, and with a blast of telekinetic force, it was ripped from its hinges, clattering to the floor. 

They stepped inside to find the lab was alive with activity. Dozens of ORION scientists were rushing around, trying to salvage what they could as massive tanks of glowing Forza lined the walls.

In the center of the room stood several hulking figures, their bodies thrumming with the energy of the drug coursing through their veins.

"Forza soldiers," Spectra whispered, eyes narrowing. "They look strong."

"They are, but I can sense their mental instability telepathically. This enhancement won't last long, they'll eventually become a husk of power. " Kayn confirmed, his voice hardening as he continued to browse their minds telepathically.

He knew the drug would make them dangerous, but also reckless. It was time to take them down before they could pose a real threat.

"DEO's in position. We've got the exits covered," John's voice came through again, calm but commanding. "Take them out quickly."

Kayn's eyes narrowed, "On it."

The first of the Forza-enhanced soldiers charged at them, moving faster than any normal human. But to Kayn, he was still like a snail.

With a quick motion, he summoned his energy and formed a barrier that slammed into the soldier, sending him crashing into the wall with a deafening thud.

Violet moved in tandem, her hands glowing with spectral light as she phased through another soldier's attack, then struck him with a burst of energy that sent him crashing through multiple walls, before being buried under rubble.

The duo continued on, dispatching multiple of the scientists and some of the Forza enhanced soldiers with ease. As the battle raged on, Kayn began to focus on the rest of the lab.

Most importantly, the Forza tanks, which were the real threat in this scenario. If they allowed ORION to continue producing the drug, more of these enhanced soldiers would be unleashed on the city.

Kayn immediately began analyzing the makeup of the Forza tanks, looking for a weakness. Eventually, he found one.

"We need to overload the cooling systems of the Tanks manually. There's a control panel nearby. Once we trigger the sequence, we have around 2 minutes before KABOOM!" Kayn immediately explained to Violet after analyzing.

"Understood." Violet said, and Kayn immediately responded, "Cover me. I'm going to overload the tanks."

Violet didn't need to be told twice. She moved to intercept the remaining soldiers, her energy flaring as she phased through their attacks and struck them down, dispatching soldier after soldier with a precision that made her look like she was dancing through the chaos.

Kayn sprinted toward the control panel at the far end of the lab. The sounds of battle echoed behind him, but he remained focused.

His fingers danced across the interface, his enhanced mind quickly deciphering the complex system. Within seconds, the cooling systems began to whir uncontrollably, the tanks of Forza glowing brighter as they neared critical mass.

"Spectra, let's go!" Kayn shouted, turning back toward the exit as he shot forward and opened a portal for them to hop through.

Violet finished off the last of the soldiers with a blast of energy, then stepped through the portal alongside Kayn without hesitation.

Immediately, they emerged outside the base just as the building behind them began to shake. The ground trembled as the Forza tanks overloaded, sending a massive explosion rippling through the structure.

Flames and smoke billowed into the sky, and within seconds, the entire ORION base was reduced to rubble.

"That's one down," Spectra said, her voice steady despite the destruction they had just caused.

"Two more to go," Kayn replied, already looking ahead to their next target with a smirk on their faces.

ORION and The Grand Marshal thought they could threaten him and he'd just go away. Oh how wrong they were...


The second base fell faster than the first, its defenses weaker after the destruction of the western facility. With how they reacted, Kayn could deduce the information about the various ORION bases around the world being destroyed had somehow passed, but they had no time to fully retreat.

Kayn and Violet moved like shadows through the structure, disabling guards and destroying the Forza production lines with ruthless efficiency. The DEO agents moved in behind them, securing the site and taking down any remaining resistance.

By the time they reached the third base, ORION was in full retreat. The building was practically deserted, its occupants scrambling to flee before Kayn and Violet could reach them. 

Once they finished cleaning up the base, Kayn and Violet stood side by side, watching as the D.E.O agents carried the various arrested ORION members out, moving them to the AEGIS Prison.

"I wonder how the Grand Marshal would react to this?" Kayn said with a chuckle, looking up to the sky.


Had some problems with my MacBook which I write on, which is why there wasn't a chapter yesterday. Might be some more problems for the next few days, but everything should be back to normal in max 4 days.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C53
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


