After meeting Haylia they turned their attention to the little girls in Lotus and Lana's arms. Both the women were grinning in elation seeing Siroos and Cassandra return.
Cassandra's heart fully melted seeing the tiny heads, one with midnight black hair and other with light golden. The small paws seemed so sticking out from the woollen blankets they had been wrapped in.
"Come see these dolls of happiness," Lotus ushered them close. Although the girls were twins they had different features.
Cassandra rushed to embrace a very tired but delighted Lana while Siroos accepted one of the baby girl's from Lotus.
"So proud of you girl. How are you doing?" Cassandra rubbed Lana's back, filling her heart with joy.
"Congratulations Lana," Siroos offered while gently cradling the little bundle in his arms.