"We met your progeny and my mate cast a protection spell around their village. They will be safe from vampires and once we return, I plan to relocate them. So we understand your pain," Siroos addressed the goddess of oath while Cassandra untangled herself from his arms and moved towards Sahli. There was so much anguish the goddess of oath was hiding inside her.
Cassandra extended both her hands towards her, palms up.
Sahli shuffled, her clothes rustled as her saddened Erinyeses wailed behind her. That was one life they never wished to claim.
Sahli finally placed her hands on Cassandra's and let her love and warmth calm the storms that had been raging in her heart. Her hands were warm while Cassandra's were reassuring.
"I am sorry for what happened."
Sahli momentarily closed her eyes and snatched in a deep breath.