While the serpent became disoriented and its eyes rolled back because of the hallucinating dust Faris became dazed. So many colours flashed in front of his eyes as he jumped off and began to stare into the air.
Taking the opportunity, Razial swung his heavy sword and cleanly cut the snarling creature's head off. A geyser of crimson-yellow liquid gushed out splashing and flooding the area around them. Its head rolled to a side and its enormous body heaped amidst the rotting foliage.
Aiko and Lotus stuck their hands together in triumph. Everyone eased seeing the snake dead.
Razial took out his handkerchief and began to smugly wipe the sword clean. Lotus took a step closer to the commander and whispered.
"I am impressed, that was a clean shot."
"Anything for my lady." Razial took a bow. "You weren't bad yourself."
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