"What are you doing with that scroll, Shika Kun." Asked Hinata as she looked at me while I was working on a scroll since we left those demon brothers back there.
"I learn Fuinjutsu in my free time, it's very interesting honestly. Do you want to learn?" I reply as I show the scroll to Hinata.
Seeing it she just smiled though I am sure that she didn't understand anything. "Maybe later." She just said and returned to her scout duty.
Good thing becuase I can't teach her right now anyway. The thing is that I am not exactly learning sealing right now. Rather making a seal which can help me with the fight with Zabuza.
This is why Fuinjustu is so good, it is single-handedly the most versatile shinobi art, but unfortunately, it's very hard to use this in a fight and thus it's not that popular.
After all, something which can't directly add to one's power in a fight is not worth spending time on by most shinobi in this world.
The journey to the Land of Waves had been relatively calm after that, but there was always a sense of tension in the air, especially after those demon brothers first attacked the team. Tazuna, our client, walked in the centre of our formation, flanked by Kurenai-sensei, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, and me. We all knew that protecting him was our top priority.
We were on high alert, especially me becuase I knew what was going to happen. I was already making a plan to tackle the situation. And lastly, the time I was preparing for came.
A huge sword came flying at us, Kurenai was the first one to act as she grabbed and crouched with the nearby Genin around him. I was closer to Hinata and I did the same as I grabbed her and pushed her down.
That sword would have cut all of us in two if we hadn't done that. I knowing who this person was, got ready. It was finally time to start my plan.
A figure appeared on top of the giant sword which was stuck to a tree trunk. He was tall, wearing a mask that covered his lower face.
Kurenai-sensei immediately stepped forward, positioning herself between Zabuza and us. "Stay back," she ordered us. "I'll handle this."
Being a Jonin she of course knows about Zabuza. Maybe not as much as Kakashi did but she knew enough to know that he was very dangerous.
Zabuza laughed, a menacing sound that sent chills down my spine. "You think you can stop me, kunoichi?"
Kurenai took out a kunai and stood between both Zabuza and us. "Zabuza of the Mist. Why you are here?" She asked though even she knew why exactly.
"I don't seem to recall anyone with your description in the Bingo book. Anyways give me the bridge builder and I will let all of you go." Zabuza hmm and then said while sizing up Kurenai and us.
Zabuza's killing lust was insane. I could see Shino getting affected, as did Kiba and Hinata. Especially Hinata.
I move close to her and grab her by the hand.
"Hinata, snap out of it, don't worry, Kurenai sensei is there. Nothing gonna happen okay." I said but the girl's shaking body wasn't stopping.
Sigh, I just then grab hold of her face with both my hands, making her look directly at me.
"LOOK AT ME, WE ARE FINE...okay...
I will not let my comrades die." I said pulling a Kakashi on her while looking directly into her eyes. Her unfocused eyes finally looked at me and she slowly nodded.
After that, I went back to doing my own preparations.
Without another word, Kurenai launched into action. She moved swiftly, forming hand seals and casting her genjutsu. Zabuza's eyes widened for a moment as he was caught in the illusion, but he quickly broke free, swinging his massive sword at Kurenai-sensei.
That is a problem honestly, experience shinobi can see through a Genjutsu in seconds. Even someone like Kurenai can't capture them for long.
But again fights at this level only need a few seconds to determine the winner. Kurenai in those few seconds was already close to Zabuza ready to attack him. If it wasn't Zabuza and just any other Jonin then he would have already died by now.
Unfortunately, it was Zabuza as he acted almost instantly and swung his sword.
She dodged gracefully, countering with another genjutsu. This time, she created multiple copies of herself inside a Genjutsu, confusing Zabuza. He swung his sword wildly, trying to dispel the illusions, but Kurenai-sensei kept him on his toes.
Despite her skill, it was clear that Zabuza was a formidable opponent. He shrugged off her genjutsu with sheer force and kept pressing forward. Kurenai-sensei was doing everything she could to hold him back, but she was slowly being pushed back.
Kiba growled beside me. "We need to help her!"
"No," I said firmly. "She told us to stay back. We need to protect Tazuna." Can't let my plan fail at this point.
As the battle raged on, Kurenai-sensei managed to catch Zabuza in another genjutsu, this time making it appear as if he was surrounded by a forest of deadly thorns. He paused for a moment, giving us a glimmer of hope, but then he laughed and dispelled the illusion with a powerful surge of chakra.
"You're good," Zabuza admitted, "But is Genjutsu all you are good at ?"
With a swift motion, Zabuza formed hand seals and suddenly, a thick mist began to roll in, enveloping the entire area. It was his Hidden Mist Jutsu. The visibility dropped to almost zero, and I could barely see a few feet in front of me. The mist was so thick it felt like it was seeping into my lungs.
And this was exactly what I was waiting for. I took out the scroll which I had been working on for all this time and got ready.
While the visibility was down, I started to act on my plan.
Kurenai-sensei's voice came through the fog, strained but determined. "Stay alert, everyone. He's using the mist to cover his movements."
She tightened her grip on her kunai, trying to stay calm. Knowing that her Genjutsu won't work in this mist, even she was getting nervous now.
She might be a jonin but she was recently promoted. Even someone like Kakashi might have a hard time against Zabuza, let alone her.
As I was working on my plan, I heard it—a clash of steel, a grunt of pain. Kurenai-sensei was fighting, but she was at a disadvantage. The mist was Zabuza's territory, and he was using it to his full advantage.
"Kurenai-sensei!" Hinata called out, her voice tinged with worry.
But before a reply could come I activated my plan. I opened the scroll and put my hand on it, the marking immediately came to life while the power flared up.
"Sealing Fuinjutsu, Air Vacuum," I shouted.
For a second, nothing happened until the air started to shift. And then to even Zabuza's Surprise, all his mist started to get drawn inside the scroll I created like a vacuum sucking up on dusk.
My clothes and the clothes of the people around me flutter as powerful gusts of wind pass by, carrying all the mist. The sealing scroll ended up turning a sink which was eating away all the mist.
And under just a few seconds all the mist was sucked up by the scroll.
Here is the goal for this Week.
500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday
1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter
"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"
If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on
With visibility restored, Zabuza looked annoyed. His eyes locked onto me with a murderous look before shifting back to Kurenai, who was breathing heavily, injured on her side. Blood oozed from the wound, staining her clothes. Zabuza's lips twisted into a cruel smile. He moved swiftly, delivering a powerful kick that sent Kurenai-sensei flying. She landed on the water, struggling to stay afloat.
"Kurenai Sensei." Shouted others.
Before any of us could react, Zabuza trapped her in a Water Prison Jutsu just like he did in the anime to Kakashi. A sphere of water enveloped her, immobilizing her completely.
Zabuza turned his cold gaze toward us. "Now, let's deal with the rest of you."
He created a water clone, and it started advancing toward us and Tazuna. Fear gripped us all. Hinata, Kiba, and Shino looked terrified, unsure of how to handle the situation.
"All of you, AH...Run away. Leave me behind now..." Kurenai shouted.
And finally, this was my time to shine. "Sorry Kurenai Sensei. But I can't do that. I still have much to learn about Genjutsu from you.
And I Shika Nara don't leave my comrades behind." I shouted bringing all of the attention to me.
I knew I had to act quickly. "Everyone, stay back!" I shouted. "I have a plan," I said as I took out a Kunai.
"Shika Kun."
Both Kiba and Hinata said, not knowing what to do. I just smiled back and said. "I got it, don't worry."
Zabuza snorted, clearly unimpressed. "Do you really think a kunai can stop me?"
I hurled the kunai with all my strength, aiming directly at Zabuza. He swung his massive sword to deflect it, but at the last moment, the kunai transformed into a scroll—the same one I used to seal the mist.
As the scroll made contact with Zabuza, the seal activated, releasing all the stored mist in a powerful blast. The area around Zabuza and Kurenai-sensei was engulfed in the dense fog once again.
Both Kurenai and Zabuza's eyes widen at this. Zabuza realized that this was his own mist.
'That kid is a Fuinjutsu master ?' Zabuza can't help but mutter. He was pondering how the kid was able to remove his mist, earlier he thought it was wind style but now he knew.
Kurenai too knew that Shika was learning Fuinjutsu. But never knew that he was this good at this. Her wound hurt but right now she was more concerned about her team. Seeing Shika's declaration, she was happy but she didn't want them to fight back, but rather run. There is no way that they can stop Zabuza.
I on the other hand moved on, I knew that this was my chance. I dashed forward with blinding speed, using the cover of the mist to avoid Zabuza's clones.
But even before I entered the mist, my plan was activated. As soon as the mist covers Zabuza.
Zabuza at first didn't notice anything, maybe becuase he was continuously fighting with Kurenai and didn't give too much attention to other genins. A mistake which will now take his life.
The moment the mist spread, he found himself frozen. His eyes widen as he looks down only to see that shadows are binding him.
'What ?'
Before Zabuza even came here, I took a little break and formed a clone, making him hide in my shadow.
Then when Zabuza appeared, the clone ended up hiding in Kurenai's shadow, I waited to transfer the shadow until Zabuza came for just in case Kurenai saw through it.
And then when both Kurenai and Zabuza were fighting, the clone again shifted from her shadow to Zabuza's.
And ultimately now when Zabuza was in the position, he grabbed him. Of course, to hold back Zabuza, for a single clone was almost impossible. All he had to do was stop Zabuza for a few seconds.
Those seconds were enough for me to enter the shadow and make a hand sign. And in just a few seconds a giant serpent came out, biting down on the frozen Zabuza and pulling him underwater.
And that wasn't all, I sent my clone with him, just to make sure that he couldn't get away. I had to plan this because only underwater his mobility will be reduce to the point that he might not be able to run. Not to mention, Zabuza used water clones too much so only when Zabuza captured Kurenai that I say that he was the real one.
With a swift motion, I entered the mist and grabbed Kurenai who got released the moment Zabuza was dragged into the water by the great serpent.
"Kurenai Sensei," I announced that this was me before approaching her. I knew that she was already on alert and confused at why Zabuza let her go.
She was bleeding badly but was conscious, I lifted her into my arms, holding her in a princess carry, a little blush came to my face when I touched her body, which was hot. Like really hot, good thing the mist covered that little blush and then I immediately sprinted back toward our team.
Upon seeing me coming out with Kurenai on my arms bleeding, others were stunned.
"Kurenai-sensei!" Hinata cried, rushing forward to help.
"Let's get her to safety," I said, my voice firm despite my pounding heart.
We moved quickly, retreating to a safer distance. I laid Kurenai-sensei on the ground, checking her wound. It was bad, but not fatal. She needed medical attention, but first, we had to ensure our safety.
I knew that Zabuza would be too much for her but this...I didn't want this to happen. I closed my eyes, this was a little outsight on my part.
"Does anyone know healing jutsu," I asked. Mostly look at Hinata. If there is anyone who might know it in the genin team then it has to be her right?
But unfortunately, she just shook her head. None of them knew.
I purse my lips at this. I can summon the round deer to heal her but that will expose me.
'Sigh, I can just try to harness the Round Deer Reverse Curse Technique. If it didn't work then I will have no other choice.'
"Where is Zabuza." Kurenai on the other hand was more worried about Zabuza. Though Shika saved her, but still none of them were safe until Zabuza was there. She was hurt and can't protect her genin team right now.
"I don't know, I was about to attack him the moment I entered the mist but he wasn't there anymore. He most likely hiding somewhere." I reply, with enough voice that even Haku who most likely is hiding around somewhere could hear me. Making sure that he hears me.
But right now I can't worry about that boy, I need to help Kurenai.
"Move, I have to find..." Kurenai was about to stand back up but I grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her back.
"No, you need healing. Hinata and Shino can scout around. Until then just sit still and let me heal you." I said in a commanding tone, she might be my superior but I ain't no pushover.
Hearing this commanding tone, Kurenai was about to refuse immediately but before that, both Hinata and Shino moved.
"Yes, please leave the scouting to us. I will leave Kurenai sensei to you." Shino said as he was already releasing insects out to find Zabuza. And Hinata who was worrying all around Kurenai also nodded and activated her Bayakugan.
Kiba too stands on guard, ready to intercept any attack that comes our way.
"See they are worried about you. So be a good Jonin and let your Genin take care of you." I said with a teasing tone. Knowing that this was irritating her. Even added the same Genjutsu that she used to scare all of us before. As when I said those words, the light dimmed down and the pressure around us increased.
She looked like she wanted to say but I acted first.
"Shush, I am not very good at this so let me concentrate," I said as I put my finger on her lips forcefully. Making her close her mouth on reflex.
I slowly touch the wound and earn a wince from her.
Then I close my eyes, I never have used Round Dear Reverse Healing before like this. So even I wasn't sure whether I could do it but I gotta try.
I thought about the serene deer in my mind and commanded his energy to draw out from my body.
Nothing happened for a second, but I didn't give up until I finally felt something, a little tinkering on my finger, a very faint white aura was seen on my hand, it wasn't stable at all but I was doing it.
"Alright, show me the wound," I said as I tried to channel my power towards her wounds.
Here is the goal for this Week.
500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday
1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter
"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"
If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on