30 hours, that how long took me to reach to the kidnappers with the help of divine dogs. I was sleepy as hell and was running low on chakra, don't even get me started with how tired I was after all that time. I only took 3 little breaks along the way and that too because I just couldn't go on.
It's already been almost two days since I left Konoha, by now things would have been already troublesome back in the village about my absence. Mainly both uncle and aunt. This was the exact reason I summoned another divine dog and send him to Konoha with a letter.
Just had to deliver the letter to the gatekeepers, and I learned that they got it. The only thing I wrote in the mission was that I needed more time to complete the mission as I was going further north.
Do you know what's the north of Konoha or the land of fire. Guess?
It's the country of Rice…
Now many wouldn't understand the importance of a country of rice by just name, so let me put it this way, the country of Rice has a shinobi village. Hidden Village of Sound.
The very same is established by a certain snake Sanin. I only realised where they were going after seeing the bigger picture on the map.
They kidnap 20 kids and head towards the country of Rice where Orochimaru has set up his own Shinobi village. Yeah, there is no way this is simple human trafficking and slavery.
My best guess would be that they are another one of his unfortunate batch of test subjects.
I can't believe that he is kidnapping people from so close to Konoha. Well, it's certainly not him personally, so there is still hope that I can save those children.
By the time I reached to them, it was already night. I was hiding up in a nearby tree, trying to scout the place around.
"5 common thugs and only one shinobi. I can't say his rank and there is no entry of this person in the Bingo book. But for the time being, anticipating a chunin-level strength from him will be my safest bet." I mutter as I was planning.
Divine Dog did an excellent job, being able to track them at 4-day distance. Even though they were moving slowly as kids can't move that fast but still, count me impressed.
'I might have no idea how other dogs do in this regard, let alone ninja dogs but for the time being, I Shika Nara declare you the strongest.'
They are sleeping out in the open, at least the common thugs are, they have no idea how open they are right now. And the so-called shinobi too haven't instructed them, which kind of makes sense as to why he should care about them, he wouldn't care whether they live or die as long as they don't know them personally and only work together for profit, but it's still a mistake.
While that shinobi was hiding well in the woods and covering his tracks but this thug here gave away his location. Spotting him at night was hard but my dog's nose was insane.
Most likely they are hiding the children deep inside the forest. I have to find them, without doing so I can't initiate an attack against the thugs.
And then there is that Shinobi. I have no idea how strong he is but I have to be careful against him.
The only problem is that I am almost out of Chakra, sleepy and tired.
Sleepiness I can handle, I am just good when it comes to sleep management, consider it a personal talent. I am tired but not enough that I need to rest right now. But the chakra is the biggest problem here.
I never had the biggest chakra pool in the first place, close to Shikamaru, maybe a little better seeing how hard I trained recently. But that is not enough.
Summoning a Divine dog, even one takes quite some chakra, good thing that after summoning maintaining them needs little to no chakra but still, I had been maintaining him for very long at this point.
'Okay let's see, I can either summon another dog and use shadow manipulation or use one clone one time, and then I will mostly be out of chakra. Sigh, I envy Naruto so much right now.'
"Good thing I have you out here." I look at the black dog in front of me, summoning two dogs would have cost me too much chakra but if it's only maintaining him then I can do it easily.
Another good thing that I summon the black one, he has a natural camouflage effect at night.
"Okay boy, it's on you again, I want you to find the exact location of those kids, and make sure that you are silent, we don't want to wake them up," I whispered to him and to this he just nodded.
Slowly take me away from the thugs, finding where they are hiding the children.
A wise man once said that if something can go wrong, there is no doubt that it will go wrong, unfortunately for me, I just can't remember these wise quotes when I need them. Only after the deed has been done.
I stood in front of a man clearly in his twenties, he was the shinobi who I wanted to avoid the most. Apparently, he wasn't in the place where I thought him to be. That was a decoy.
Wearing the most basic shinobi outfit and almost covering his face, he looks kind of menacing. He had his face covered with a cloth and even was wearing glass. No headband on his face to identify his affiliation.
"You shouldn't have come here, Konoha Genin."
"Then you shouldn't have kidnap kids so close from Konoha."
It was dark, but thanks to the quickly approaching morning, there was enough light now that I could see the enemy clearly.
I could see those kids at my sight, the divine dog did his work excellently but only when I was so close to breaking them out, did this guy show up.
"It doesn't matter, you will never go back." Said the man as he formed some hand signs before holding onto his own hand. And then rush at me.
It was strange, but whatever, I took out a kunai, not resorting to use Ninjutsu as I was already running low on Chakra.
With kunai I swung my hand, it was clear by the man's action that he wanted to touch me with that one hand he was holding. I am not sure why but I am not that big of an idiot to let him.
I dodged and swung my kunai again, but it was clear that the man was much more skilled then me. All I had done was practise fighting, but he had real-life fighting experience, it was clear by looking at how he was fighting.
I kept my distance as both of us fought. Making sure that I don't make any noise otherwise, there is a possibility that those thugs will come here.
He was bigger than me and much stronger, but I was faster. And honestly, I believe that this guy was having some problem seeing me in the dark, understandable when he wear those glasses in the night.
I pivot as his hand comes close to me and at the same motion throw the kunai I was holding right at his face.
Fully taking advantage of his few blind spots thanks to the glasses he was wearing, I landed a hit. It was a point-blank attack and no one except someone with good experience can dodge that attack. It's strange how shinobi don't throw the kunai at close combat fighting.
The man was able to barely dodge the attack, it left a slash mark on his face, he was taken aback, and I could sense his urge to take out those glasses.
But I didn't let him.
Keeping up the onslaught I kept on attacking. As the fight was happening he suddenly took out a Kunai and instead of throwing it at me, he threw it at one of those sleeping children.
My eyes widened, and though the kunai didn't hit any to my relief but that one distraction cost me. He outright tackled me to the ground and held me down while keeping his right hand on my head.
I immediately try to resist but then something happens. I felt it, my chakra…
'My chakra is getting absorbed.'
Eyes wide I look at the person in front of me, earlier I had no idea who this person was but now I know. There are very limited people who can absorb chakra and this guy was one of them. He originally fought Sasuke in the Chunin exam and surprise surprise he works for Orochimaru.
"You shouldn't have come here alone. What kind of idiot even takes such an underpaid mission? Coming all the way here for just 15,000 Ryo." He said with a little huff, both of us were huffing.
"I didn't …
I didn't see the price money before taking the mission. First C rank you see. Don't want to put a bad record on my books." I said with struggling as my Chakra was getting absorbed.
"And for the record, I am not alone." Suddenly the shadow under me darkened even more and a black dog ambushed the enemy, directly grabbing onto his neck.
Here is the goal for this Week.
500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday
1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter
"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"
If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on
Shikigami's are strong, very strong. Only now that I knew that they were much stronger than any normal dogs of their size after seeing the enemy lying there dead in front of me, my divine dog tore him apart within seconds.
The man lost his life under only a few seconds, even faster than him absorbing my chakra, which surprisingly was very fast, almost emptying out by already 30% chakra to nearly 10%.
"I am glad that you are on my side," I said to the dog who was barely visible thanks to his dark colour in darkness, he was wagging in his tail like usual towards me, I would have called him cute if he didn't just rip apart a man's throat and had his blood dripping from his jaws as he looks at me with those big eyes.
"Sigh, it turns out that we both are idiots." I can't help but turn to the dead man and say.
He was an idiot because he went to absorb my chakra when he had a clear chance to kill me, hell he pinned me down for god sake. And then the obvious mistake on his part to wear those dark glasses at night. It's fine in the day but before entering into a fight at night, he should have taken them off.
Most likely he forgot, this just shows how even a small mistake like this can cost one his life.
I am an idiot because I got distracted in between a fight. That out outright deadly. And even though this man was just a Genin at best, he was still much better than me. I was lucky in this fight.
Good that I hide the dog in my shadow.
I could see myself pulling this move quite often when I think about it, while summoning takes a hand sign, delay in summoning and quite some chakra consumption in fight, hiding them in my shadow takes none of that.
I just hide the dog in my shadow just like how I hide in Naruto's shadow back then. And boom, given the right time the dog attacked.
The attack was almost instant and effortless. I certainly am pulling this move more often in future.
Congratulations on Your First Kill, You kill your first Genin Rank Opponent.
You can choose any of the Opponent's powers or techniques.
I see the notification in front of me and was taken aback for a second.
"Yeah, there is this also right? Knew this guy was Genin. But a confirmation helps. Now I know that I clearly need to improve." I said as I already knew what power I needed from him.
"Give me his Chakra Absorption Powers."
As soon as I said that, I felt information getting sink inside my head, making me dizzy there because of lack of sleep, chakra and all this information overload.
'Hmm, that it, I just learned the charka absorption that easily ?'
I slowly move towards the the death man, wanting to see what he had with him, there is a possibility that I might get something good.
And I am glad that I did.
From his pocket, I found two scrolls.
Besides his weapons and other equipment which I'm gonna take anyway, weapons are expensive after all, these two scrolls were more interesting.
I was suspicious of opening them casually, there is a possibility that they have some sort of trap, but after some checking, I opened it nonetheless.
One scroll was a sealing scroll, inside I found almost 60,000 Ryo. Now that was the money worth to the kind of mission I just did.
The other was an even bigger surprise. No not a surprise but rather a shock.
An order from Orochimaru himself…
'Okay, now this mission is officially out of my pay grade. Just hand the damn thing over to Hokage and be done with this.' That was the only thing my mind was telling me.
I quickly check the money, and after seeing no more traps on them store it on my personal wallet. While I put the man's body in the seal which he had for his money.
While doing so I also found a Konoha headband.
'OH shit, this gonna be troublesome.'
This changed the plan, if this dude was really a Konoha genin then I have to think again about showing his dead body to the Hokage.
Sigh, just my luck.
I was about to move on and release those kids they had tired up on the side but before that, I heard something.
Looking back I saw some from those thugs.
The black dog who had blood on his face grew as more of the thugs came up. Only then did I realize that I have been sitting here for quite some time now? Due to my chakra so low, I wasn't able to move at all.
Only after a little rest that I was able to now move.
"What do you think you are doing you brat."
"Get him."
I heard them saying as my dog kept on growling at them and guarding me.
I was worried a little but then suddenly I noticed the sun rise behind them. And a smile appears on my face.
Shadow Manipulation jutsu unlike what others believe is pretty useless in darkness. The more shadows around a user the more easier for the user to use this technique. Shadows need light to form.
Meaning it's the hardest to perform Shadow manipulation in darkness.
It's not like the technique won't work but there is nothing to grab onto, everywhere is dark so who's shadow you gonna catch, while the easiest is when the light is there and the shadows are long.
Just like right now, I saw the long shadows of those thugs forming in front of me all thanks to the rising sun.
I saw the thugs running at me and then when they were just right in front of me they paused, more like they couldn't move.
"Shadow Possession Jutsu Complete," I said with a smile. Their shadow was literally at my feats. It would have been a crime not to do it.
"WOFF." My divine dog jumped around like he was cheering.
"Okay okay, I am still low on chakra. I can't stop them for long. Please take care of them." I said as beats of sweat rolled down from my head.
I took 2 days after that to bring all those kids back. And that was when I was making it quick.
But ultimately it was all worth it when I saw the happiness in the faces of those kids and their parents.
"Thank you, I can't express how much this meant to us young man." The head of the little village bowed down and thanked me.
"Don't worry about that. It's fine."
"Here, I …I know that this is not enough but please take this money. For bringing our children back."
I looked at the money he was holding, the mission money surely.
"No this is enough. Thank you." I replied nonchalantly as I accepted the money. I sympathise with them but till I have to get the money for my own survival.
With that said now it was the time to move back to the village.
Again it was an 3-hour walk from there.
As I reach Konoha gate, I sigh with relief, clearly the feeling of returning home after hard work was the best.
But I can't directly go back home, has to talk with Hokage about this entire mission and much more.
So I tiredly make my way towards the Hokage office. But they didn't let me in.
"You need permission to meet Hokage Sama." Said the genin who stopped me in front of Hokage's office.
"Hmm, sorry but I have something really important to talk about with Hokage sama," I reply but the Chunin doesn't look convinced.
After making some fuss, I finally got a chance to see the man. It's just that because I was only a Genin, they took me lightly.
"So you wanted to meet me, Shika." Said the old man with Hokage robes on him and puffing on his pipes.
"Yes, Hokage sama." This was my first time seeing him after I came to this world. And though he honestly didn't look anything impressive, I knew better.
"Good, then I am all ears my boy." Asked Hiruzen Sarutobi as he still wasn't giving much attention to me. More like he just wanted to be done with this. By his face, it felt like this happened a lot to him.
Well, we'll see if that face remains like that after I am done.
So I explain everything to him. From taking the first C rank mission to the kidnap of children.
From following the criminals to catching them.
"I have to say that I am impressed my boy. Being able to track the kidnappers from this long distance and taking down all those Genin and the thugs. You surely have grown." Said the Hokage as he smiled at me.
Was he thinking that I was here for praises?
"Well that's what happens, but the real reason why I am here is before that Genin happens to be a Konoha Genin."
This finally brought a serious look to his face. "Are you sure?" He asked.
"I got this on him." I saw the headband to him.
"But even more importantly, I found this on him," I said as I took out two scrolls and the money I got from the Genin from my pocket and showed it to the Hokage.
I decided to give the money back, knowing that the man was Konoha shinobi, there was a possibility that those Yamanaka who could get the memories even from dead bodies, I just didn't want any trouble.
Hokage didn't even give two glance at the money and saw the two scrolls in my hand.
"This one contains the body of the person while this is the one why I directly reported to you, Hokage Sama," I said and handed over the scroll to him.
As he opens the scroll after checking it, his eyes widen.
He read it again, and after making sure that the scroll wasn't a fake he close the scroll and look at me.
"I assume you read the scroll." He asked.
I just nodded.
" I see, then I would like you to keep the matters secret here." Hokage said with serious look on his face.
"I understand." I just reply without delay.
" Good, and you did good my boy. I will count this as a C rank mission on books but this is easily a B rank mission. And with the information you have brought here, its can be considered as A rank. To keep the matter a secret I have to put a C rank mission on your records. This is also to protect you. Do you understand." Said Hokage.
"Yes, Hokage Sama." I reply, honestly not caring much.
"Good." Reply Hokage again a smile on his face.
"Though officially it's a C rank mission but the village will reward you. Here, you get this from the the enemy shinobi right. Its yours." Hokage said as he push the money back to me. A smile appearing on my face.
"Thank you Hokage Sama." I can't help but smile and say.
Here is the goal for this Week.
500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday
1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter
"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"
If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on