50% Changing fates of Karna and Mahabharat / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

章 3: Chapter 3

Sahira had become closer to Karn's family. She helped Radhama in the kitchen and told her of Kaliyug and some new food recipes. The woman treated her like a daughter.

Adhirath was another father figure for her as she helped him with some heavy lifting when it became too much for the man. She still surprised him with her strength, but then remembered that she was in the military in her time.

Sahira was also something of a big sister to Rya, as she is supportive and openly hilarious, and they both had matching personalities.

Their neighbors admired her as she made a Charkha which helped the women of their homes better prepare yarn and clothes.

" What will be the name of the woman Rajkumar Yudhishthir would marry ? " Sahira asked with a smirk as she and Rya walked in stalls, getting food supplies for home " I will give you a hint..... he preaches it every day and never stops talking about it ".

" Veda ? " 

" No..... Dharma ! " Sahira exclaimed and they both started laughing.

" Wait, I have a good one here ..... What will Rajkumar Bheem name his first son ? " Rya smiled.

" Ladoo ! " Sahira said and they both started cackling again and even the vendors along with some people started laughing at their jokes. 

" I have another one ..... who does Rajkumar Nakul love ? "

" that's easy, Sahira..... everyone knows he loves his face " Rya folded her arms.

" yeah, but you're close... he doesn't just love his face " Sahira tried hard not to laugh.

" Then what else does he love ? " another person asked.

Sahira almost laughed as she let the suspense grow "... his mirror ".

A moment of silence spread.... and then...

" HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAA !!!!! " the crowd started laughing and Rya laughed so much that her stomach hurt.

" Making fun of royals, are you ? " one of the many ministers of Hadtinapur court came along with soldiers who had reported to him of 2 girls making jokes and laughing shamelessly.

The Suta people started getting nervous for the girls and Sahira said " we were just leaving..... "

The Minister Rajdutt stared at Rya lustfully and grabbed a piece of her cloth as she looked shocked " you have to be punished according to Dharma, you mongrel !!! ".

" Get your hands off her " Sahira warned him, her bravery shocking his men and then every Sut present.

At that, he sneered and tightened his fist on Rya's cloth, almost ripping it " or what, achhut ?..... I'm going to rip her clothes off right here and make her - AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH !!!! ".

Everyone, even the soldiers stared in surprise as Sahira had pulled out a knife hidden within her clothes and cut off Rajdutt's right hand in fury as he screamed in agony.


Subhadra groaned in annoyance as she saw her chariot wheel broken. She had just come to Hastinapur to watch the upcoming Kala Pradarshan and wanted to see Arjun wield his bow, displaying his incredible rumored archery skills. She had fallen for his portrait itself and wanted to see him in action.

Now in the middle of Hastinapur, her chariot wheel is broken and she groans in anger, standing with her maids and soldiers along with the chariots carrying her clothes and accessories. She wasn't vain, but her mata wanted her to look good. In her opinion, some of these things were dead weight.

" How long will it take ? " she asks her Sarthi.

" With this damage, we will need a replacement wheel, Rajkumari, and there is no shop nearby, except for in the Suta community " the charioteer replied and Subhadra groaned.

Why don't the people stop grouping shops by where the castes of people lived ?. It wasn't like that in Dwarka !. Her brothers never discriminated in people and even treated the lowest maids with love and respect, and Subhadra followed their example.

" Rajkumari " a Hastinapur soldier came near her " I will get another wheel. I know someone ".

After near an hour of waiting, the soldier came back with someone and Subhadra felt her eyes go wide as she stared at the man. Her heart began thudding as she stared at him.

He was tall, and handsome, and too muscular to be a charioteer, but he carried a wheel on his left shoulder like it was nothing.

" Karn, the problem is over there " the soldier pointed at the broken wheel, and Subhadra watched him remove the wheel and fit the new one.

She was surprised at his strength, and so were her personal guards as he single handedly lifted the chariot enough to remove and fit the wheel.

" There, done " Karn said.

" Thank you, Karn " Subhadra said and there were strange butterflies in her stomach as he smiled at her and bowed before leaving.

" He looks more Kshatriya than Suta " Subhadra said as she watched him leave.

" He is a good person, very charitable, but he went away from home as a teenage boy and no one knows what he was doing in that time " the soldier said.

" Jyesht !!! " Subhadra saw a girl run to him, crying as she spoke to him and she couldn't hear them.

She saw Karn get furious and he roared as he stared at Hastinapur palace before sprinting for it.


Ashwatthama watched from the sidelines as the girl who cut off Rajdutt's hand was dragged into the court with her hands chained.

He was also surprised to see that it took 4 soldiers to drag her and all of them sported bruises on their faces.

He saw that the young woman, even in her saree, had some muscle in her arms unlike other girls who are thin. She was also fitter and her eyes gazed around the courtroom like a hawk. It meant she was a Kshatriya, which made no sense, considering she was also a Sutaputri..... which also made no sense because women weren't taught to fight.

But then again, Bhagwan Parshuram was a Brahmin-Kshatriya.

His Shivmani always served to alert him of something and it told him that there was something different about this woman... as if she wasn't meant to be here at all.

Ashwatthama watched as Mahamahim Bhishma spoke " you are the one named Sahira.... who are your parents ? ".

" No idea " she flatly said, and making everyone murmur at her tone in shock.

" Orphan, then, and you're a Suta, and yet you dared to cut off the hand of a minister ! " Bhishma glared at her. 

" Sorry, I should have cut his balls off " she sneered as he stared at Rajdutt who looked horrified and paled.

The entire court went silent at the thought of castration and even Ashwatthama along with his father Dronacharya, grimaced.

Both the Pandavas and Kauravas along with Mamashree Shakuni blanched, unconsciously folding their legs.

Even King Dhritrashtra was surprised " why would you do such a thing ? ".

" Because Rajdutt over here, threatened to rip my friend's clothes off and insinuate that he would rape her, as he touched so hard that he almost ripped her cloth off " Sahira bluntly said, causing gasps and making some pale in horror.

" This Sutputri is lying !. I just went to arrest her for insulting the royal family ! " Rajdutt raised his bandaged hand at her in nervousness, never thinking that she would have the bravery to just confess the true events of what happened.

" Yeah, right ..... I can't even make jokes without being harassed for it " Sahira rolled her eyes.

" Jokes !, you dare make jokes about us ?!! " Bheem growled.

" You insult your cousins and beat them to near death in your childhood, didn't you ? " she countered.

Ashwatthama saw the Kauravas grimace and shook his head. No one talks about the Pandavas faults, and only their small virtues.

Dhritrashtra looked shocked and Bhishma screamed " How dare you ?!!. I will have your tongue for those false accusations, you bloody untouchable ! ".

" I am untouchable ?.... you are the manifestation of untouchable, Bhishma !. You burn everything you touch. You kidnapped Amba from her Swaymvar and refuse to take responsibility, your shameless brother urinates in Panchal farmlands and you refuse to punish him, you invaded Gandhar and forcefully made Devi Gandhari wed into your clan but then you slaughtered her brothers like Dogs because you couldn't bother to check her Kundali beforehand, YOU IDIOT !!!!. You even went so far as to try to throw your own grandson in the Forest because he was born in between a Storm..... Maharaj Shantanu would be disgusted at what you have become ".

The entire court went silent and Bhishma was shaking in rage and horror.

Duryodhan, Kauravas and Shakuni were shocked that someone defended them and stated the injustice of what happened to them.

Arjun stepped forward with his bow in fury " Aagya dijiye, Pitamah !.... I will seperate her head from her body !!! ".

Dronacharya wanted to stop Arjun from killing an unarmed woman, but Ashwatthama held him back, saying " I have an instinct that something incredible is going to happen, Pitashree ".

" And here comes Rajkumar Arjun, very brave you are for aiming at an unarmed woman, at least save yourself the indignity by untying me..... oh, whatever, I will just untie myself " and with that, Sahira's cuffs dropped to the floor as her arms were free and she put her un-dislocated her finger ".

Everyone was shocked and Dhritrashtra was too after being told by Sanjay of what happened.

" How did she do - she must be a witch !!! " Bheem exclaimed.

Sahira stared at him unimpressed " Is your brain between your legs, or does it not even exist ?.... Do you only live for eating ?..... Bhagwan ne bhale hi Bhense jaisi shakal di hai, par kam se kam baat to achhi kiya karo ".

The Kauravas roared with laughter and Bheem looked infuriated " Dhanush chalao Arjun !! ".

Arjun then summoned and shot Anjalikastra at her and everyone looked horrified.

The Astra never reached its target because it was caught by a hand as the arrow was a few inches away from her neck.

Sahira stared into eyes of Karn and looked at the arrow caught in his hand with a smirk. Damn, that is a mind blowing entrance.


" what an awesome entry, Suryaputra " Krishna smirked from Dwarka, sitting in his seat.


Nearly the entire sabha stared at Karn shocked. The Kshatriya like mysterious man had near the glow of Suryadev and was really handsome. 

Rajdutt gasped in terror as the Anjalikastra was stabbed into his stomach and he was bleeding from his mouth in sheer terror. Karn growled as he looked into his eyes in dark fury " this is for touching my sister ".

It turned into agony as Karn sliced his belly open with the Astra and his innards fell out.

Nearly, the entire sabha was horrified at the savagery and even Pandavas and Kauravas  stared as the man spat on Rajdutt's corpse, kicking him out of the way.

" Who is this madman ?!! " Bhishma screamed in fury.

" This madman is the brother of the girl whose sister's dignity was nearly stripped " Karn growled and then shot the Anjalikastra at Arjun's bow, piercing through it as he dropped it in shock.

" Bloody Sutputra, how dare you raise hands at a Kshatriya ?!! " Bheem roared and rushed at Karn.

To everyone's shock, Bheem was stopped by Karn's one hand, punched in the face and then kicked to the other side of the hall as he crashed through a pillar, losing consciousness.

His Pandava brothers, Dronacharya, Bhishma and even some of the Kauravas rushed to his side

" What was that ?!!. No fighting in the courtroom !! " Dhritarashtra screamed. 

" First my sister's harassed and she is denied justice, then my friend nearly gets killed by a brat, and now a Buffalo attacks me. This day just keeps getting worse and worse " Karn scowled.

" Let's just go " Sahira said " for good this time ".

Karn and Sahira left the hall and the soldiers and other Kshatriyas were too scared of Karn now to even attempt to stop him.

Duryodhan, Ashwatthama and some others stared at them as they left. They weren't gonna make the mistake of getting in their way and get thrashed like Bheem.

Subhadra had seen everything from the entrance and had stared at Karn mesmerized as he acted like a guardian for the girl Sahira and how he shined like Surya Dev himself. Her heart started beating faster as he was coming out with the other girl and she hid away.

She wondered as she stared at his retreating back.

Who was he ?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


