98% American TV series, starting from prison break / Chapter 98: Go to the White House, will be crazy to strike?

章 98: Go to the White House, will be crazy to strike?

The sun shines.Dexter woke up earlier than usual, simply got up, cleaned up, and went out, but instead of going to work directly to the police station, he went to the office of the apartment manager, found a reason, and looked up yesterday's surveillance video.

It didn't take long.

In the video, Dexter saw the person he wanted to see, that is, Ding Ze.

He took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Ding Ze's face. Dexter thanked him and quickly walked to the police station.

He plans to look for Ding Ze and take the initiative to see what Ding Ze wants to do.

Miami Police Department.

It's very lively today.

Betista and others are discussing that Ding Ze and Mickey killed more than a dozen people on the road in the early morning, although this matter was not under the control of the murder team, but was handed over to the anti-black team.

Dexter pretended to listen for a while. It didn't continue to delay, so he got into his studio and was busy with his own business.


Ding Ze slept until nearly noon before he was full and got up lazily.

After washing.

Ding Ze watched the TV news while having lunch.

After watching for a while, I saw the latest progress of Michael's group.

Ding Ze smiled and thought it was very interesting. After that, he didn't see any interesting news. He remembered the reward for killing more than a dozen people on the road at night.

There were so many things to do at that time that he didn't have time to deal with it.

I'm idle now, so I have to do it.

Most of the more than a dozen rewards are all kinds of strange skills, with only four skill upgrade coupons.


[Room surgery (primary) → upgrade → room surgery (intermediate) → upgrade → room surgery (advanced) → upgrade again → room surgery (master) → upgrade again → room surgery (perfect)!]

Ding Ze thought about it fiercely, and finally decided to use four skill upgrade coupons for room skills in one go.

There is no reason for it.

Recent frequent activities have made him realize that in places like the United States, in a way, this skill is really useful, and maybe sometimes it will work wonders...

Janet Martin is a good example!

Thinking of Janet Martin, Ding Ze lit a cigarette and took two sips.

At this moment.

He has successfully reached a cooperation with Janet Martin, and in the future, their large-scale events in Miami will not be as troublesome as the last time they killed Pasco Sloan...

In the short term, what he wants has been achieved.

"It's time to go to Mexico..."

There is nothing special in Miami that he needs to stay, and it's boring to stay.

Ding Ze said to himself, and then smiled, "Go to New Mexico first on the way to see what Lao Bai is doing."

Have a plan.

Ding Ze took out his mobile phone and called Mickey first. He asked Mickey to ask the doctor how long he would be discharged from the hospital. "We're going to stay in New Mexico for a while. Nothing will happen, just go shopping."

"Ask, if you don't do it, when can you be discharged from the hospital and recover?"

Mickey did not hesitate and said bluntly, "I will be discharged from the hospital right away!"

"You uncle, go and ask the doctor. It's not too urgent... Make sure there is no problem and then leave the hospital. Otherwise, if your arm is useless, you will be useless to me, understand?"

Mickey: ". .... Boss, you are really good at talking.

Ding Ze smiled and said, "Of course, okay, that's it."

Hang up the phone.

Ding Ze called Abruch again, who didn't know where he had gone.

This trip, at least a month's walk.

Some things in Miami must be arranged, otherwise it will be too troublesome to run back and forth.

"John, how many veterans are there because of our recruitment?" Ding Ze asked.

Abruch does not know the specific number of people. "Up to now, with those on the high seas, there are about 2,300 people in total."

The words are in my ears.

Ah, oh.

Ding Ze was a little embarrassed and speechless for two seconds...

He forgot the veterans on the high sea.

Well, it's not a big problem.

"Notify the high seas and let people come back, and then inform all the veterans currently in Miami. Let's get together at the base camp in the evening."

Abruch was stunned for a moment and instinctively panicked, "Okay... Boss, who are we going to hit again?

"If you don't hit anyone, your understanding of me is a little wrong. I'm obviously a very peace-loving person," Ding Ze said seriously.

Ha ha.

Abruch smiled silently, followed and agreed decisively, "That's right. What's the purpose of getting together?"

"I'm leaving. I'll take care of this before I leave... We are barely sufficient in funds for the time being. We have collected all those veterans, divided into regular employees and interns..."

"Then, I have to think of a way to transfer a group of suitable people to go to Mexico."

Abruc understands, and his mood can't help but feel a little complicated... I have been working with Ding Ze all the time. Ding Ze is leaving now. I have to deal with so many things in Miami... Abruc was a little flustered.

In panic, Abruch hesitated for a moment and asked, "Boss, how long will you go this time?"

"Don't say it for a month," Ding Ze replied. "Miami will be left to you, but you can't find that there is nothing when I come back."

Abruc: "!!!!"

Which pot is not open?

"Boss, you are really good at talking," Abruch said helplessly.

Ding Ze: "?????"

Not long ago, Mickey's Kisaid said exactly the same thing...

What's going on? Did the two of them discuss it?

Ding Ze was a little speechless and ignored it. "In addition, you can meet someone with me in the evening and have dinner together. You contact her. In the future, you can manage Miami without her."

Abruc was shocked, "Who?"

"Janet Martin," too many things happened at night. Ding Ze hadn't told Abrutch about the findings during the charity dinner. "Brady Martin is almost a puppet, and it's she who really made the decision."

"..." Abrucchi's reaction was still very fast. "Boss, did you find it when you were on an activity with her last night?"

Ding Ze: "?????"

Well, Comrade Abruc, it seems to be broken.

"It's not suitable for children to know this kind of thing. That's it, six o'clock in the evening," leaving this sentence, Ding Ze hung up the phone and called Janet Martin again.

"Mr. Smith," the phone was connected, and Janet Martin took the initiative to say hello in an enchanting tone.

"I didn't bother you," Ding Ze smiled. He didn't know if Janet was busy and felt it was necessary to ask.

Janet Martin understood in a second, "How come? After you, I'm not interested in others."


Therefore, the skill of Fangshu is really awesome.

You know what you have used.

"Thank you for your praise. Let's get down to business. Do you have time to have dinner together in the evening? I'll introduce John to you. Soon, you can communicate with him on most business," Ding Ze smiled back.

Janet Martin frowned slightly when she heard it, "But I'm working with you, Mr. Smith. You threw it away after you finished using it."

"Haha, am I that bad about what you said?" Ding Ze smiled and said, "It's not like that. The main reason is that I'm leaving Miami in a few days for a business trip."

Janet Martin: ". ..."

You are a wanted criminal and a gangster boss. What a big thing.

"Oh? May I ask where to go? Janet Martin asked in a playful tone.

This tone is very well-stitched and will not make men disgusted.

"Mexico," Ding Ze didn't think it needed to be concealed. "I have to go for a long time. You're welcome to play with me when you have time."

The words are in my ears.

Janet Martin's heart was shocked, and she directly ignored the second half of the sentence, and her thoughts fluttered.

People like Ding Ze have just stood in Miami and have reached a cooperation with themselves. In the future, they will be able to rise up in Miami for a certain period of time...

As a result, you suddenly went to Mexico at this time?

Less than two seconds.

Janet Martin realized a possibility and couldn't help but feel a little treasurable. "Is one-third of Miami still not satisfied? Do you want two-thirds?

Ding Ze smiled.

Women's intelligence is a kind of charm in itself.

Ding Ze found it very interesting. "If I say that Miami and Mexico will all be mine, what will you say?"


Janet Martin was really shocked. She didn't expect Ding Ze to think so exaggerated...

"I will say, I'm waiting for that day," Janet Martin didn't think Ding Ze was bragging, but more and more interested in Ding Ze.

"I won't let you wait for a long time. Let's get back to business. Is it convenient for the coast restaurant at six p.m.?" Ding Ze asked.

Janet Martin was originally inconvenient, but at this moment, I can only say that it is inconvenient and convenient. "Okay, I'll be there on time."

"Okay, bye."


Janet Martin curled her lips slightly and hung up really fast.


The call is over.

Ding Ze lit a cigarette and silently calculated that there was anything missing.

I have been calculating for a while.

After thinking about it, there is only one thing left. It's better to take time to deal with it.

After all, he left for a month or two.

Although they have earned a lot of money recently, they have also spent money like running water.

Immediately, Dongfeng Security has to raise thousands of people, and the base camp is still under construction. It can be said that capital is not a big problem, but it is a problem after all.

Therefore, since you have time, it's better to solve it.

How to solve it?

The golden city in National Treasure 2 is not suitable at present.

Then, let's do the antiques in "Looking for Bones".

The total value of the antiques hidden deep in the underground pipeline in Washington is at least more than two billion US dollars.

More importantly, it doesn't take much manpower to make that batch of antiques, and you don't need to play with anyone. Just go there, take some time to find it, and then you can move away. It's very easy.

In addition.

There is another advantage to going to Washington...

You can go outside the White House on the way... Forget it. The risk is too high, the fingerprints will be exposed, and there is no need.

After all, a few insects are full-level. If you have wings, then fly...

"Let's release a wave of big shots, and the reward will definitely be a crazy attack!"

Ding Ze thought about it and couldn't help getting excited.

Well, that's it.

Ding Ze thought for a moment and felt that there was no problem, so he called Abruzzi again, "John, I just thought of another thing."

"Boss, you say," the intuition told Abruc that this is definitely not a good thing.

"It suddenly occurred to me that there is still a batch of treasures worth more than ten or two billion dollars in Washington, waiting for me to get it. I plan to go there tomorrow, and you pick fifteen people with no record to follow me," Ding Ze said.

Abruch was surprised.

It's a good thing!

And the money came again.

"Oin!" Abruch immediately answered happily.

"Well, that's it."

The phone hung up again.

It's really okay.

Ding Ze got up and went out with a cigarette in his mouth to take a round.

Turn around.

Ding Ze transferred to Comrade Dexter's girlfriend, at the door of the seaside hotel where Rita worked, and got out of the car.

In his opinion, Rita is a very interesting woman.

Don't get me wrong.

He is not interested in Rita.

He just thought Rita was a little interesting, and in addition, he shouldn't end up being killed by the Trinity killer.

At the front desk.

Rita said with a warm smile, "Welcome to the Lijing Waterfront Hotel, sir, would you like to check in?"

Ding Ze smiled and shook his head. "No, I'm a friend of Dexter. You're Rita, right?"

Rita was a little surprised and nervous. She was worried that Ding Ze was here to make trouble, and that something happened to Dexter. "I am. Are you looking for me?"

"Don't panic. I'm not here to see you. I'm here to find the owner of this hotel. I happened to see you and say hello to you."

After listening, Rita breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again, "So that's it."

Ding Ze nodded with a smile, "Is the hotel owner there?"

Rita was not sure, "It doesn't seem to be there..."

"Can you help me get the manager to come over? I have something to talk to her," Ding Ze said.

Rita hesitated for a moment. "Okay, then you sit on the sofa next to you for a while, and I'll go to the manager."


Ding Ze sat on the sofa in the hall and waited quietly.

Before long, a middle-aged black woman came over and said, "Hello, sir, are you looking for me?"

Ding Ze nodded, "Well, are you the manager here?"

"Well, I am. Do you have any questions?" The black woman asked.

"I'm going to buy this hotel. Can you tell me the contact information of the owner of this hotel?" Ding Ze didn't talk nonsense.

The black woman was shocked and immediately shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I can't tell you the contact information of your boss."

"It doesn't matter. Can you call him for me and ask?" Ding Ze said.

The black woman hesitated a little, "Sir, are you serious? This hotel is worth seven or eight digits.

Ding Ze smiled.


Pocket money?

"Of course."

"Okay, please wait a moment. I'll contact the boss. What's your name?" The black woman asked politely.

"My surname is Ding," Ding Ze replied. "Mr. Ding, just tell your boss like this."

The black woman was a little confused, but she didn't ask again, "Okay, please wait a moment."

The black woman returned to the office and made a phone call.

It took a long time for the phone to be connected.

On the other side of the phone, the owner of the hotel was enjoying life and was a little impatient. "What's the matter?"

"Boss, I'm sorry to bother you. A gentleman came to the Lijing Seaside Hotel and asked me to contact you and said that he wanted to buy this hotel," the black woman reported concisely.

The owner of the hotel is not interested at all.

The business of Lijing Seaside Hotel is very good. It is a chicken that lays golden eggs, and only fools sell it.

However, there are only two kinds of people who can come to buy a hotel, either fools or rich people.

Considering this floor, the hotel owner did not say no, but asked, "What kind of gentleman? What's the name?

"He said his name was Mr. Ding, but he didn't say the full name," the black woman replied.

As soon as this comes out.


In the past period of time, Miami was not peaceful.

The root cause of this kind of injustice is a person, Ding Ze!

Although the hotel owner did not see Ding Ze with his own eyes, he had heard of Ding Ze's name. Therefore, he subconsciously suspected that Mr. Ding might be Ding Ze. After all, there is no big man surnamed Ding in Miami...

"Mr. Ding????" The hotel owner was a little panicked. "Didn't you say the full name?"

"No, he said just let me tell you that," the black woman was surprised by the boss's reaction and frowned slightly, not clear why.

The hotel owner heard: "..."

Damn it.

Ninety-nine is Ding Ze!

Who else in Miami dares to say that he can let others know who he is with Mr. Ding?

The hotel owner was a little nervous.

'Why did this killer come to buy my hotel?'

'What should I do about this?'

You should know.

The hotel owner knew Reese Gabriel, and he knew this morning that Reese Gabriel was lost by Dinze...

Thinking of the ending of Reese Gabriel, the hotel owner was even more panicked and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Boss?" The black woman waited for a while and couldn't help asking.

The hotel owner heard it and came to his senses, "Uh-huh... Is Mr. Ding still in the hotel?

"Are, I asked him to wait in the hall," the black woman replied.

The hotel owner raised his hand and wiped his face.

What can I do?

Ding Ze came to the door.

Don't sell?

You have to see God like Reese Gabriel?

"I'm going there now. Hurry up and treat him. Tea, coffee, fruit plates, and all the best ones will be sent to him!"

The hotel owner said that he didn't give the black woman a chance to say anything more. He hung up the phone directly, and then got up, quickly found out the relevant documents of the Lijing Seaside Hotel, and hurried out.

Black women were even more confused: "?????"

This side of the hall.

Because Ding Ze said that he was a friend of Dexter, Rita had been paying attention to it quietly, so she heard Ding Ze tell black women about buying this hotel...

Rita was very surprised.

Surprised and hesitated for a while, Rita decided to send a message to ask Dexter.

[Dexter, guess what just happened. A friend of yours came to the hotel where I work and told the manager that he wanted to buy the hotel... When did you have such a good friend?]

Miami Police Department.

Dexter was distressed and couldn't find Ding Ze. Suddenly, the mobile phone vibrated and took it out to see, "????"

[I don't have such a friend,] Dexter immediately replied to the message.

[Ah? But he said he was your friend, Rita was puzzled.

Dexter frowned and felt something was wrong. [Did he say what his name was?]

[I didn't say anything. I only heard him tell the manager that his surname was Ding,] Rita replied.

Dexter saw it.



Surname Ding???

Ding Ze!!!

I actually found Rita's place!!!

Not good!

Dexter's heart tightened, without any ink. He got up decisively, picked up the bag and rushed out. At the same time, he sent a message to Rita, [Is he still there?]

[I'm in,] Rita returned.

[I remember that he is a very old friend of mine. I haven't seen him for many years. I happen to be free now. I'm going to meet him.] Dyxter sent a message.

[So that's it,] Rita smiled.

[See you later.]

[See you later.]

At this time, Dexter had arrived in front of the elevator and was anxiously waiting for the elevator to come up.

Debra saw it and was a little puzzled. "Dexter, where are you going?"

Dexter heard it. He turned around and opened his mouth to lie. "Rita is in a hurry. I'll take a look. I'll be right back."

Debra heard this and said worriedly, "What's the emergency? Do you need me to go with you?"


The elevator arrived and the door opened.

Dex stepped in, "No, I can handle it. You work hard."


Lijing Lakeside Hotel, lobby.

The boss ordered, but the black woman did not dare to comply. Although she was very confused, Ma Liu followed the boss's instructions and ordered the waiter to bring all kinds of things for Ding Ze.

"Mr. Ding, the boss said he would come over now, so please wait a moment," the black woman said politely.

Ding Ze nodded, "Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Rita was behind the front desk and was shocked again when she saw this scene. She realized that Ding Ze's identity was probably very powerful, and then she thought, was this hotel really going to change its boss? She couldn't help worrying about her job...

Because of concern, Rita thought of Dyctor, and then thought that if the hotel owner really became Mr. Ding, and then he was fired, should ask Dexter to help talk about it...

Rita was very hesitant and didn't want to do it, but she needed this job to support her two children...

'Don't be expelled,' Rita prayed silently.

Time is in a hurry.

The hotel owner took a step before Dexter and rushed to the Lijing Seaside Hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, the hotel owner immediately looked for Ding Ze.

In a blink of an eye.

Sitting on the side sofa with his legs on his legs, Ding Ze, with coffee, tea and fruit plates in front of him, entered the hotel owner's vision.

At a glance...

The hotel owner was shocked.

The reason is very simple.

Last night, on the yacht [Romance Supremacy], the hotel owner met Ding Ze.

The next second.

At the charity dinner last night, Ding Ze's performance, later, Ding Ze and Janet Martin disappeared, and later, Reese Gabriel took action against Dinze, but it was gone...

Everything is suddenly enlightened.

' Reese, you died at all,' the hotel owner said to his heart.

After that, he panicked further. In an instant, he panicked in a mess.


It's over! I now know that he is Ding Ze...'

'I will be silenced...'

Thinking about it, the hotel owner really wanted to run away in an instant, ran to the airport and escaped from Miami...

What a pity.

It's too late.

Because Ding Ze has already looked over.

Look at it.

Hotel owner: "!!!!!"

I can't run away.

No choice.

The hotel owner had no choice but to smile bitterly, and then raised his feet and walked towards Ding Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C98
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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