While Broad Creed Mountain was great and its businesses many, with rearing such a giant fella still possible, and Yan Zhaoge had now also obtained the authority to have foremost priority to the clan's resources, with him very happy and willing to be a rich dude just generously scattering money about, after pondering for a time, Yan Zhaoge thought of an ingredient which, after being refined through a special method, could act as this panda's food.
And this ingredient had a high production rate with a low cost, its effects also being better than the usual ores and fine metals. It was the perfect example of high-quality goods with a low cost.
As for its name, Yan Zhaoge had rather nastily prepared two choices.
One, was Pan-Pan[i].
The other, was Fat Tiger[ii].
As for what would come next, Yan Zhaoge's thoughts were: the next pet, he would call Small Man[iii], the next next, Big Male[iv].