55.26% This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Bleeding Heart

章 21: Chapter 21: Bleeding Heart

.... Sam's view of what happened right after she flew off of the balcony....
Agent Red breaks the sound barrier with ease. On her two-minute flight, she tries to keep a leveled head, knowing that jumping to conclusions would benefit no one, least of all herself.
She lands on the scene with a thud sound as her boots hit the pavement, unfazed by the turned heads Not everyone is a fan of the new hero, some want to see more of her, they are rather put off by her elusiveness, others would like her gone completely; it is being speculated by those others that Agent Red is Reign revamped. Some are wary, and she doesn't fault them for that at all.
She turns her ear to tune into her girlfriend's heartbeat, satisfied that it is still beating, a little faster than usual, but whose heart wouldn't be if they were shot out of thin air. Sam speeds where the heart takes her, which is by an ambulance on the far end of the scene.
The redhead is sitting up comfortably as can be in one of the ambulance beds, sitting just outside the doors of the vehicle.
"Hun, are you ok?" Sam tries not to make a scene, knowing that interacting like they are girlfriend while she is in uniform can draw unwanted attention. Nobody but the superfriends know that Sam was Reign and is now Agent Red, more people than Sam would have liked but it would be weird that Sam leaves the same time Supergirl does on occasion.
Sam quickly looks over her girlfriend with her X-ray vision for any broken or fractured bones or injuries that can't be seen with the naked eye.
"I'm fine, peachy, reaaaaally." She punctuates that exaggerated really with a toothy smile. Alex tries to blink away her grogginess, making it apparent that she is high off her ass on pain meds. Her eyes aren't entirely focused, but usually Alex wouldn't take hard drugs like these if they are offered when she gets medically checked out, rather save her badass reputation and take the pain no matter how severe. Sam sets her eyes on Kara, not depending on Alex to answer her questions when she is barely sober and thinking straight.
Kara turns to her sister, "you missy, are not ok." Kara's eyes turn over to Sam, leaving her sister to play with her hands, giving her something to do. "Clearly, she is on some meds for the pain. We are gonna take the ambulance to the DEO to get her stitched up properly. They might want her to stay overnight, she had some type of allergic reaction to somethin the arrow was made out off, besides it being infused with murder level kryptonite." Kara shudders at the thought of having to go through being shot with something so powerful, and also on the other hand, feeling bad that her sister risked dying so Kara wouldn't get hurt, the blondes heart is tugging in all directions, it hurts, and not in a good way. She lets out an exasperated sigh.
"I am def not stayin there, the med wing is such a mood killer. I feel like 'm on top of the world, wait no, the moooooon. Did you know I thought it was made out of cheese, Rao I love cheese, do you got any Sammy, 'm kinda hungry." The moon lights a path to Alex, and she takes this as her cue to summon up her flying powers. She tries to hop up out of bed and flaps her arms as if she has wings to fly herself to the actual top of the moon. She looks more like a baby bird trying to grasp the concept of flying for the first time, it's almost cute, but more funny than cute, blackmail material.
Sam buts in, "Woah there, first you're just high." Sam uses her right hand to guide her girlfriend back into a lying position. "And you won't feel too great once you realize you're human and can't fly. You'll fall flat on that pretty face of yours. Lets not add any more stitches than what's gonna go in your shoulder."
"How do you know I can't fly? Hmmmmm?" Alex crosses her hand petulantly over her chest, with her nose turned up like a child.
"If that face doesn't work for Maggie, what makes you think it'll work for you?" Agent Red crosses her arms the same. Alex seems to forget the reason for her upset and redirects her attention.
"Are Mags and Lee ok?" Alex says wide-eyed, arms now uncrossed and sitting on her own lap fidgeting with her own phalanges.
Sam can sense how Kara blanched at the mention of the two. She can feel the wave of shame that comes over the Kryptonian for seemingly forgetting about those two souls. Sam in turn lays a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"It's ok Kara, you were saving the city from a destructive monster, and then your sister over here decided it was a good day to get shot. She understands, you know she does." She knows it doesn't take away from the self-deprecating thoughts, but hearing someone say it out loud can help break those thoughts down, little by little her brain will think of it as the truth, little by little.
"To answer your question Al, They are fine, told em I'll check in once I see that you two were ok." The tall brunette looks Alex over, not too pleased to see her blood-soaked gauze covering her right shoulder. "I suppose you're decent enough, ima call em, maybe it would be nice for them to hear your voices, even though one of you is higher than a kite." Sam takes her phone from her boot and dials Lena's number, it stalls and then goes straight to voicemail. Samantha tries again, losing her patients when the outcome is the same, she looks at her service and sees that she doesn't even have one bar. She puts her phone back and then reaches for Kara's attention.
"Do you have your phone with you? I don't seem to have any service here, which is weird." The reporter in blue checks her phone and she also has no service. "This is weird." She then flags down J'onn. "Can you check if you have service?" He checks and then shakes his head in a negative.
Before she can voice her concerns, Alex buts in. "Muh arm huuurts." She whines, not caring about her street cred. "Damn, how did your body eat through the meds like that." It's said as more of a rhetorical question than one that she wants answered.
The medic must have heard Alex's complaint, "ok the roads are clearer so we can move out now." J'onn nods his head in answer and moves on to monitor the clean-up crew.
"Kara, do you want me to fly while you stay with her, you should rest up a bit." The blonde smiles at that, happy that the taller hero has given her a choice.
"Thanks Sam, I would really like to rest if you don't mind."
"Of course."
Sam floats over to her in pain girlfriends, she drops a kiss on her forehead, and lingers for a bit. "You scared me." She whispers, frightened that if she opens her eyes, Alex's body will disappear and she will wake up to funeral documents and casket photos.
"I'm sorry." Is all the agent can muster. Sam looks her in the eyes and brings her into a chaste but deep kiss, putting as much love into it as three seconds can allow. She leaves Alex to rest and floats back out. Sam gently, but firmly, hits Kara in the arm.
"You scared me too, you know. I froze, I just stood at the house, "I didn't fly out to help, I knew I should have, but everything happened so fast and I wasn't really paying attention much until, I- 'm sorry I should-" Supergirl brings Agent Red into a human crushing hug, cutting off her rambling.
"We had it handled, you wouldn't have known, I know you only do this when it's something I can't handle by myself or with Kal, it's fine. I would have called for you if I thought we needed your help, the Flash was there, I thought we were good. I guess the blame is on me."
"Now don't turn this on yourself, if it's your fault it's also mine, and I know you, you won't let me think that, so it's no one's fault, ok? Things happen, everyone is alive, that's all that matters, no lives lost, I call that a win hm?" Kara shakes her head in affirmative. The blonde breathes out a sigh, pushing as much of the anxiety out with each molecule of carbon dioxide as possible. The tension in her shoulders releases and she sinks into the hug even more.
Sam steps back and gets a very tired Supergirl in the truck and taps the butt of the truck after closing the doors to signal to the driver the passengers are ready to drive off. Sam takes off above the clouds, following the vehicle to DEO.
It takes a while for the doctors to thoroughly flush out the wound and stitch it up. Time goes slower than the agent would like. Most of the medical staff are fearful of her. Intimidated by her special agent reputation that goes around, rumors of broken bones during routine sparring with recruits. They are exceptionally fearful of her medical skills, afraid that they might do something wrong and have to leave work with one less finger intact. They really don't want her to critique their work, Alex would usually have a field day but today is not the day for fun.
They try to figure out the service situation, getting news that power lines were down, and satellites were malfunctioning so the whole city was facing the same problems as Kara and Sam. The DEO has special satellites that are separate from the state and other covert government operations, but they are down for maintenance, convenient, so the phone calls were unable to happen. They worry about the girls but have hope that they aren't panicking too much. Kara rather not fly out, feeling a bit sick herself, and Sam tuned into their hearts a little after taking off to follow the truck, they were in resting mode so she never thought much of it.
One of the staff members who were tasked to stitch her up, was shaking the majority of the time. Alex is no longer on any of the stock pain meds that was supplied to her, opting to take some of L-Corps supply of the 'High Free' drug Lena opted to take when she was there about a month ago.
Alex's frustration runs thick and she snatches the needle from the poor staffer's hands and snarls at them, in warning to go away. They readily take this moment to run for the hills. She sews herself up, much to Sam and Kara's horror but none dare to stop her. She's on her last loop and she sees something shiny and metallic shimmer from her wound. "Hand me those tweezers please." One staff member is left here just to keep up with her stats and blood work, analyzing the reaction Alex had on scene. Alex lets the needles dangle. She picks at the object just beneath the dermis layer.
Kara buts in, "What are you-'' Alex holds the object up to her face, "Got it!" Using just her eyes to observe its qualities. It's a silver metal, jagged with specks of shimmery blue specks embedded into it. "Hand me the petri dish, grunt." The agent carefully places the object in the dish, trying to get as little of her blood in the dish as possible. "Hand that to the lab for Winn to analyze tomorrow, only him, got it?" Sam stops the grunt from leaving, she looks at the dish, squinting her eyes as if it would help her already perfect vision. Sam looks back and forth between the dish and the doctor.
"You see something there?" They nod and move the object with the tweezers for a better look.
"Supergirl, come look at this." Kara comes and her face scrunches, "See what?"
Alex crutches up her face the same, "what?"
In unison the two Krypton-born souls say they see nothing, just Alex's blood. Alex blanches.
"It's right-" the redhead shakes her head in disbelief. "I can't deal with this right now, I'm tired, please take me home, we can figure this out tomorrow."
Kara goes to object to Alex coming home but Sam faintly shakes her head no.
"Ok baby, I'll bring the car round and blondie will wheel you out."
"My shoulder is the problem, not my legs, I can walk a couple feet." Sam doesn't like the sound of her girlfriend's tone, her eyes flash red in warning. Usually this show of power would turn Alex on, she loves her dominance and is a happy switch, bottoming only to Sam, right now her strength is intimidating. The scolding has the agent looking down to her lap, hanging her head in shame, and maybe a bit turned on by the quick show of dominance.
Sam gets the car and the ride is silent, all three opting to not play the radio, wanting to bask in the semblance of peace instead of bobbing their head to the beat of music. The car gets parked and since they are all in their super suits and gear, they fly up to the still unlocked balcony at the top of the very large building.
Alex is first to see the tear-stained faces, She internally cries at the display before her. Maggie's phone shattered and a dent in the wall, two bodies splayed out on top of one another, seeking comfort in each other's warm arms.
Sam puts Alex down and the redhead opts to walk to the duo sleeping on the ground. She kisses them both on their foreheads, "Love you both." whispered to each with the same amount of love.
Alex stumbles a bit, legs getting tired from supporting the rest of her body. Sam catches her and guides her to the bathroom to get a fresh rap and a quick bath. She instructs Kara to take care of the two and take them to bed. Alex tunes the rest of the word exchange out and relaxes into her girlfriend's grip.
"I've got you." A lone tear spills from her closed lids, not a tear of pain, well not physical pain at least.
"Bet you didn't expect today to go like this huh?" Sam just hums and strips her bare.
"Let's get you in the bath, yes?" It's Alex's turn to hum in affirmative. 

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


