88.23% fairy tail dragon / Chapter 15: 15

章 15: 15

Chapter 15 – Dragon's Den, Quest

Lucy gaped.

She couldn't help it! They walked through a path in the forest on the edge of Magnolia to get to Natsu, Cana, Mira, and Lisanna's home. She'd expected something like a nice-sized cottage. What she saw as they exited the trees was much larger! Two stories tall, plenty of windows, large beyond her ability to guess without walking around the whole building, with a further walled off area that had little wisps of steam coming from behind it! This was Natsu, Lisanna, Mira, and Cana's home?!

"Welcome to our home, Lucy." Lisanna smiled at the blonde as they walked towards the front door.

"You all built this?" Lucy looked at the home and found it hard to believe that it had been built when they were younger than she was now!

"Yep!" Mira turned to look over her shoulder and grinned at Lucy.

"It's home!" Natsu also turned to face Lucy with a wide smile.

"It's also referred to as the 'Dragon's Den' around Magnolia." Cana chuckled, her arm still around Lucy's shoulders. The Celestial Spirit Mage blushed cutely at the teasing lilt in Cana's tone.

The group made their way inside and Lucy marveled at the warm and cozy atmosphere that washed over her. Mira touched a small rectangle on the wall and multiple lacrima lit up around the house. Natsu walked over to the large hearth and Lucy watched as he breathed fire onto the wood stacked inside. The flames quickly took to the dry wood and in short order a crackling fire was burning merrily in the hearth. The home would be warm in short order with a hearth of that size, were Lucy's thoughts as she was led towards the couch by Cana.

"Take a load off, Lucy." Cana instructed as she sat next to the blonde on the comfortable couch.

"Thank you." Lucy smiled as she leaned back into the cushions and sighed.

"I'll put on some tea." Mira grinned as she and Lisanna headed for the kitchen.

"Thanks Mira, Lisanna." Natsu gave both sisters that bright, warm smile they adored.

"It's no problem." Lisanna smiled lovingly at their Mate. The sisters moved into the kitchen and started preparing tea for everyone. Light chatting could be heard from the beauties as they worked.

Natsu walked over to the loveseat that sat at one end of the couch and dropped onto it. He'd kicked off his sandals shortly after they'd entered the house. Now the Magma Dragon Slayer was lying on the loveseat and stretching out. With a yawn, Natsu turned onto his side to face Cana and Lucy. He propped up his head with his right arm and placed his left foot on the cushions behind his right knee, his left knee bent to accommodate the position. The pinkette quickly looked the epitome of relaxed.

"It's good to be home." Natsu grinned lazily as he looked at his Mate and their new friend.

"It is." Cana agreed with a chuckle and a warm smile.

"This is a lovely home you all have." Lucy complimented as she finished her look over the living room area as well as what she could see of the kitchen. She noticed quite a few photos of the four of them, plus a beautiful redhead and her curiosity was intrigued.

"Thanks Lucy." Natsu grinned at her as he lazed on the loveseat.

"You haven't even tried the hot spring yet." Cana grinned at the brown-eyed beauty. "You'll sleep like a log after a soak, trust me."

"It's nice~" Natsu yawned from his spot. "I'll take my bath later and let you girls go first. We have a guest after all." He offered to Cana and Lucy.

"Such a gentleman." Cana smiled fondly at her Mate, even though her tone was teasing. Natsu was sweet, kind, and considerate, especially to his Mates, but a proper gentleman he was not.

"Thank you, Natsu." Lucy's pretty smile came out again and Natsu grinned back.

"Tea?" Mira asked as she and Lisanna returned with a pot and five cups. Everyone took a cup and enjoyed as they chatted a bit. Natsu finished off his cup first and Lisanna, who had sat next to him, patted her thighs. The pinkette smiled as he laid his head on her lap and Lisanna gently ran her fingers through his hair. Lucy almost cooed at how adorable the scene looked.

"That's adorable." Cana giggled at the sight of Lisanna and Natsu.

"Isn't it~" Mira cooed as she watched their Mate and her little sister be so cute.

"So, I've noticed the pictures around the room." Lucy motioned to a few of them. "Can I ask who the red-haired woman is?"

"That's Erza," Mira replied with a smile at one of the pictures. She and Erza both snuggled up with Natsu under the shade of a tree. Cana had sneakily taken the photo when they'd been napping after sparring with their Dragon Slayer Magic. "She's another member of our family. Currently, she's out on a Quest to slay a large monster in the southeast of Fiore."

"All by herself?" Lucy blinked in shock.

"She can handle it." Natsu spoke up from Lisanna's lap. "Erza's way stronger than any random monster."

"He's right, Erza will be fine." Cana grinned at Lucy. "It's the monster you should feel sorry for."

"Erza is really strong, Lucy." Lisanna assured their guest as her fingers continued to gently run through Natsu's hair.

"About as strong as I am." Mira smirked, making both Cana and Lisanna playfully roll their eyes at the two's rivalry.

"Alright then," Lucy smiled, reassured by the confidence the family had in Erza's success. "Is it too early for that soak? Cana has talked it up and I'm eager to try it out." She admitted with a sheepish grin.

"Follow me." Cana smirked as she stood up from the couch. Mira stood up as well and Lisanna leaned down to kiss Natsu's cheek before he sat up so she could join them. Cana moved over and kissed Natsu's lips, the two sharing a soft, loving lip lock for a moment before they separated. Mira sidled up to Natsu and gently grasped his chin before turning Natsu to face her. Their lips met and the two embraced as they shared a sweet kiss.

Lucy was fairly certain her face was incandescent at the moment from the series of kisses she was watching.

"This way, Lucy." Mira smiled brilliantly as she beckoned Lucy to follow the three of them. The blonde did so, noticing out of her peripheral vision that Natsu had retaken his place on the loveseat and was back to lounging.

"Coming." Lucy called as she moved to catch up. She was led through a short hallway and through a sliding door. On the other side of the door was what looked like a changing room. She closed the door behind her and watched as Lisanna, Mira, and Cana started to disrobe.

"Don't be shy, Lucy." Cana chuckled at the blonde, even as her bikini top was removed and her large breasts bounced into view. Lucy felt her cheeks turn pink slightly. With a deep breath to calm her nerves, Lucy walked over and began to undress as well. First she unzipped her white and blue top. Her bra-clad breasts came into the other women's view. She placed the top into an empty basket and then removed the leather belt that held her keys and her whip. This was followed by her blue skirt. Placing her belt and skirt into the same basket she sat on a small bench near the baskets and pulled her knee-high boots off. Her socks came next and quickly went into the basket with her clothes.

"Oh my~" Mira giggled as she beheld Lucy in just her underthings. Both bra and panties were black, though without much frill or decoration. "Someone's quite the beauty, eh Lucy?" The model playfully teased.

"Mira~" Lucy covered her cheeks, which were quickly going back to pink. Though she was happy that Mirajane Strauss of all people was already letting her call her by her nickname! "Don't tease me!"

"But you're beautiful, Lucy!" Lisanna smiled brightly at the blonde. The youngest Strauss sister was already naked, her curves on display with no embarrassment. Lucy was stunned at how busty the slightly younger woman was. Combine that with the thin waist, toned stomach, flaring hips, and thick thighs, it was no wonder that Lisanna was such a successful model. Lisanna turned to head for the door on the other side of the changing area. This one was made of opaque glass instead of wood. Lucy couldn't stop her eyes from drifting downward for a moment.

'Yeah, with that butt she's got the whole package.' Lucy thought to herself, fully checking off a mental list of things that made Lisanna a wonderful model.

"When you're done checking out my little sister, feel free to finish up and join us~" Mira whispered breathily into Lucy's ear. Lucy's eyes went wide and she felt goosebumps cover her skin. She fidgeted as she turned to face Mira.

"I-I… That… I wasn't…" Lucy stumbled over her words. Before hearing Cana crack up and start laughing. Mira gave Lucy a flirty wink before putting her hands behind her head and cocking her hips. The model was outright posing nude for the Celestial Spirit Mage!

"Don't be so stiff, Lucy~" Mira teased the slightly younger woman. "We don't mind if you get a look in. Plenty of offers have come in from some, let's say, more adult-oriented magazines since we became adults. But I've refused every one of them. So this is something you can only see right now~"

Lucy was stunned. Not at the fact that adult magazines had wanted Mira to grace their pages. That was easy to imagine! But that Mira didn't care that she looked, and was even posing! Unbidden, the Celestial Spirit Mage looked down and took in the voluptuous, naked form of Mirajane Strauss. The beautiful face, with wondrous blue eyes, the large, full breasts that were capped by light pink nipples, the trim waist and toned stomach, the bare mound, her thick thighs, the long, smooth legs; Mira was truly a beauty to behold.

"Fair is fair, Lucy~" Cana teased drawing Lucy's eyes to the brunette and the naked body she was displaying. With a darker complexion than either of the Strauss sisters, Cana was equally beautiful. Warm brown eyes, a beautiful face, a buxom pair of breasts with darker nipples, another flat and toned stomach with wide flaring hips, another bare mound, thighs that were equal to Mira's and long legs. "You see us, we see you~"

"You girls are a bit forward…" Lucy trailed off even as she reached behind her and undid her black bra. The blonde let out a sigh as the garment came off and her large breasts were freed to the open air. She placed the bra into her basket even as she felt both Mira's and Cana's eyes on her girls.

"Damn~" Cana let out a low whistle. "I think you might be a little bigger than me." The Card Mage sounded impressed, even as she teased the younger woman a little.

"She matches me at the very least~" Mira giggled, trailing her hands up her stomach and gently cupping her breasts before letting go. The twins bounced a bit and Lucy found her eyes drawn to the model's chest without prompting. Her 'girl crush' was ever so pleased with how the evening was going!

"Are you three coming or not?" Lisanna called out from the room beyond the opaque glass door.

"Be right there." Mira called back to her little sister.

Lucy pulled her black panties down her long legs. Stepping out of them she tossed them into her basket and then undid her hair from the side-tail she kept her blonde locks in. The blue ribbon that she tied her hair up with quickly joined the rest of her clothes in the basket. Lucy ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head, sending her long, blonde hair shaking in a wave.

"Oh my," Mira giggled as she and Cana beheld a fully bare Lucy. "You are very beautiful, aren't you Lucy?"

"You can say that again." Cana eyed up the blonde with a smirk.

"Thank you," Lucy couldn't help the small smile that came to her lips. Having two beautiful women compliment her looks, one of which was the current most popular model for Sorcerer Weekly Magazine, was doing a lot for her body confidence! "But how about we get to that soak now?"

"Right, right, let's go." Cana shook her head a little and she walked towards the opaque glass door with Mira at her side. "Enjoy the view~"

"Cana~!" Lucy whined at the teasing brunette. But she did glance down at the pair's bouncy cheeks. They were both blessed in the booty category too! Lucy shook her head and brought her gaze back to eye level; only to meet the knowing gazes of both Mira and Cana. Her whole face went red at being caught, but the winks she got from both of them made her fidget. The trio slid the glass door open and stepped in to the next room.

This room was lined with shower stations. Like the kind you'd find at a bathhouse. Mira sat next to Lisanna and gently started helping her little sister wash her back. Cana nodded towards two stools on Lisanna's opposite side. Lucy followed the brunette and sat at the one next to Lisanna. All four women washed their hair, bodies, and then helped each other with their backs. Cana washed Lucy's back, while Lisanna returned the favor for Mira. Now that they were all clean the four beauties opened the sliding door that led to the hot spring.

"I would believe this was a natural spring if you told me it was." Lucy admitted as she took in the lightly steaming water. The whole place looked like a professional onsen spring!

"Wait until you try it!" Lisanna chirped with a smile as they got to the edge. Mira, Cana, and Lisanna all slipped into the warm waters with pleased sighs. Lucy dipped her toe into the spring first. Finding the temperature to be perfect, she stepped into the spring and made her way to the deeper part of the pool to sit down and relax.

"Ooh~ That's great~" Lucy groaned pleasantly as she let the warm waters soothe her body entirely. "You guys are so lucky~"

"While you're staying with us, you're lucky too, Lucy." Lisanna giggled as she lay back against the edge of the spring with a soft smile.

"No~ Don't say that, Lisanna~ I'll never want to leave." Lucy giggled as she relaxed.

"I mean…" Cana started only to trail off immediately. Lucy was too relaxed to really react to the tease.

"Down, Cana…" Mira chuckled even as she winked at Lucy. The blonde smiled back. The two were teasing and playful, but they were both welcoming and friendly. It was nice. Lucy could get used to this.

"Hmm~" Lisanna hummed in pleasure. "If she stays around Natsu long enough she might fall for him. Are you two prepared for that?" The youngest woman questioned, one of her own beautiful blue eyes opening to look at her sisters.

"We all know it'll probably happen at least once, maybe twice." Cana chuckled as she leaned back against the edge. "Better we find a woman we can get along with than for some homewrecker to try something."

"You know Natsu wouldn't return the feelings of a woman like that." Mira waved off the thought entirely. "It's an all or nothing deal. Our family is for life, maybe even beyond that too." Mira smiled warmly at Lisanna and Cana, both women returning the smile.

"Damn right it is." Cana grinned as she leaned over and placed a kiss on Mira's cheek, then leaned in the other direction to leave a kiss on Lisanna's cheek as well.

"Wait…" Lucy sat up a bit more so she could look at all three of the other women easily. "Are you girls actively looking for more partners for Natsu?"

"Not so much looking, more so screening those that get close to him." Lisanna replied with a gentle smile. "Natsu is very desirable. We all realized that as we grew up with him. We know it's a possibility that more women will take notice of that. So we try and get a feel for the other women in Natsu's life. If we think they'd be a good fit for our family, then we let what happens, happen. If not, we make it clear to the woman if she starts showing interest in Natsu as more than a friend. Dragon Slayers have good instincts. We're more often than not good judges of character."

"Dragon Slayers?" Lucy blinked at the term. "You've killed dragons? I thought no one had really seen a True Dragon in almost three or four centuries?"

"Dragon Slayer refers to our Magic, Lucy." Mira explained as she moved a bit closer to the blonde. "You might have noticed our eyes?" The platinum-haired woman pointed at her blue eyes. Lucy noticed, for the second time, that Mira had slit-pupils, like a Dragon was supposed to. "Dragon Slayer Magic affects the body of the one who wields it on a deep, fundamental level. We become 'Dragons in human skin' as Igneel put it."

"Igneel?" Lucy tilted her head at the name.

"Natsu's father, the Magma Dragon King, Igneel." Cana supplied and Lucy's eyes nearly bugged out!

"Natsu's part Dragon?!" Lucy exclaimed and all three women laughed.

"We're all technically part Dragon, Lucy." Lisanna brought her chuckles under control first. "It's what Mira meant when she said Dragon Slayer Magic affects the user on a fundamental level. We take on Dragon traits permanently and that enables us to wield the Magic Power required to potentially kill a True Dragon."

"I've never heard of Magic like that…" Lucy trailed off as she came to grips with this new information.

"Well, it is Lost Magic." Cana chuckled when Lucy's eyes went wide again.

"Lost Magic?! But then, it would have to be hundreds of years old, right?" Lucy questioned the women.

"It is, but Natsu learned it directly from a Dragon, so he didn't have to try and figure out a bastardized version from some ancient scroll or something." Cana explained with a shrug. "As far as Natsu is aware, there are only four other Dragon Slayers in the world besides our family. That's why it's Lost Magic; not enough people know it to remove the classification."

"Only four others?" Lucy quickly did the math in her head. "Only nine Dragon Slayers in the whole world?"

"That's how it is." Mira nodded gently. "The only one we know the location of has fallen in with a rival Guild. Phantom Lord isn't exactly willing to discuss things with us either. The one and only time Natsu met the other Dragon Slayer, Gajeel, he was able to learn that Gajeel hasn't shared the Magic with anyone else."

"Wait, I've heard of him!" Lucy mentioned thinking back on a past issue of Sorcerer Weekly she'd read. "You're talking about 'Black Steel' Gajeel Redfox of Phantom Lord! He was the fifth S-Class Wizard to be recognized in Phantom Lord a while back. There was an article done on Phantom Lord for having five S-Class Mages in a single Guild."

"Yeah, Gajeel and Natsu didn't see eye-to-eye when they met. It was almost a fight." Lisanna sighed at the memory. "Though I'd bet being surrounded by Mages like the ones in Phantom Lord has only encouraged his worst traits."

"So you guys don't know where the other three are?" Lucy asked for confirmation.

"No clue," Cana shook her head. "I've tried to divine their location before, but either those Dragon Slayers have something that blocks such Magics, or they don't want to be found. So unless we run across them somewhere we aren't likely to find them."

"That's too bad." Lucy sighed with a lop-sided smile. "It sounds like they could be better off being friends."

"Right?" Mira smiled warmly at the Celestial Spirit Mage. "Anyway, I think we've soaked enough. Let's make dinner!" With that Mira stood up and Lucy got an eyeful of the water cascading down Mira's naked body. The Take-Over Mage winked at Lucy before stepping out of the spring. Lucy only had a moment to try and collect herself before she saw both Cana and Lisanna stand up as well. Lucy honestly felt like her face might be hotter than the water right now. She watched the water travel down the curves of the two women and turned to face away as she also stood up. This unintentionally gave Cana and Lisanna a little 'show' too. But both women felt Lucy needed a bit of time to cool down so they didn't tease her.

"Oh no!" Lucy gasped as the girls were drying off. "I left my Magic Bag in the living room! It has all of my clothes in it!"

"Don't worry so much, Lucy." Cana waved off the blonde's concerns. "We have extra robes here. You're free to use one." The brunette motioned to the wall with multiple robes hung on it. "We're all close to the same size, so they'll fit you too."

"Oh, thank you." Lucy blushed cutely as she picked a nice white robe off one of the hooks. She pulled it on and folded the hems across each other. She tied the sash around her waist and enjoyed the softness of the garment. She was covered from neck to ankle. With the robe properly worn and the sash tied just tight enough she didn't have to worry about any wardrobe malfunctions.

"You look cute, Lucy!" Lisanna complimented the blonde. The short-haired woman was wearing a light-blue robe that matched the one Lucy was wearing. The only difference being that Lisanna left her top portion open a bit to reveal her cleavage. Looking over to Cana and Mira, in robes of black and dark-purple respectively, Lucy noted that they'd both done the same.

'It's their home. They're probably more comfortable like that.' Lucy mused internally as she followed them out of the changing area. Her clothes from the day folded and carried under her arm so she could put them in her Magic Bag.

"The bath is free, Natsu." Mira informed her Mate with a smile. Natsu rolled off the loveseat, where he'd obviously been dozing and stretched as he stood up.

"Thanks." Natsu smiled warmly at his Mates. They all grinned when they caught his eyes glancing down at their exposed cleavage. Sometimes it was just fun to go all day in a robe just to tease a little! "You look nice with your hair down too, Lucy." Natsu complimented their guest before he headed for the changing room.

"T-thank you, Natsu." Lucy felt her cheeks go pink. With all the teasing, and her new knowledge of the family's relationship, Lucy was a little flustered. Still, it was just a small compliment. She shouldn't go looking for deeper meaning behind it. Natsu didn't seem the type to try and seduce or sweet talk a woman.

"What's for dinner?" Natsu questioned the Strauss sisters curiously.

"We were thinking of making fire chicken and cooking up some veggies from the garden. Maybe some fire tea for the two of us, sound good?" Lisanna grinned at her Mate. The fire would of course be kept away from those that couldn't consume it like she and Natsu could.

"Sounds great!" Natsu grinned brightly, a small bit of drool on the corner of his mouth.

"Aye sir!" Happy agreed as he flew in through an open window.

"Did you help the barmaids clean up again?" Mira giggled at the blue cat as he landed on the large kitchen table.

"I wasn't going to let the fish go to waste!" Happy looked affronted that anyone would leave fish uneaten!

"Happy, Lucy is going to be staying with us for a bit until she finds a place of her own." Natsu explained as he motioned to the brown-eyed blonde. "Be respectful, and treat her like you would any of us."

"Aye!" Happy agreed with a paw raised into the air.

"Alright, I'm off to the spring." Natsu headed down the hallway and disappeared behind the wooden door.

"What's fire chicken and fire tea?" Lucy questioned and Lisanna giggled.

"Lisanna is a Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu is a Magma Dragon Slayer, and they can both consume fire." Mira explained to the Celestial Spirit Mage. "They even do this adorable thing where they feed each other their individual fires and it's so cute!"

"Fire chicken and fire tea are recipes that involve Fire Magic." Lisanna continued the explanation as Mira cooed about how cute Natsu and Lisanna could be. "We simply don't put out the fire when we consume it. We eat the fire too!"

"It's pretty fun to watch." Cana chuckled, remembering the first time she saw Natsu order fire chicken at Fairy Tail. He'd stopped the waitress from putting out the flames. Everyone had gaped as the young Natsu devoured the flames along with his meal!

"Dragon Slayer Magic is wild." Lucy shook her head, a smile on her face. All three Dragon Slayers laughed at her comment.

Natsu had returned just as the cooking was wrapping up. Dressed in a dark-red robe with his chest exposed, he'd made Lucy force herself to look away on three separate occasions! The food was delicious and Lucy greatly enjoyed the warm, loving atmosphere found at the dinner table. This was a family. This was something she'd long missed since she was ten.

Lisanna had helped Lucy settle into the guest room after dinner. She showed the blonde where both bathrooms were in the house as well. Lucy was given free rein over how she handled her own things while she stayed with them. If she wanted her clothes washed then laundry day was on Saturdays. Breakfast could be had with the family, or she could eat whenever she woke up. Lucy blinked at the freedom she had while only a guest. She felt like part of the family almost! That thought had sent other thoughts into her head and she blushed profusely! As she settled into the soft bed for the night she was sure she'd made the best decision possible! Tomorrow Natsu, Cana, Lisanna, and Mira would help her understand Quests and pick out one that she could easily complete.

-The Next Day ~ Morning-

Lucy hummed happily as she dressed for the day. Breakfast in pajamas was underrated to the extreme! It was so cozy! The beautiful blonde had awoken to the gentle sounds of the forest that surrounded the 'Dragon's Den'. Soft birdsong and the gentle rustle of the leaves in the trees from the passing breezes. Any place she found would probably not be nearly as quiet in the morning. But Natsu's home was a bit far from the main shopping areas in Magnolia. Looking herself over in the full-length mirror that was hanging on the wall she decided she was ready. A forest green tank top with a short black vest over it and a black mini skirt was her outfit for the day. She'd decided on low-heeled boots so she'd be ready for whatever Quest she took today. Checking her keys and strapping her whip to her opposite hip, Lucy Heartfilia was ready for her first day as a Fairy Tail Mage!

"Ready?" Natsu asked the blonde when she joined the family in the living room.

"You bet!" Lucy smiled brightly in return. They headed out the door and towards the Guild Hall right after. The walk through the forest was relaxing, listening to the sounds of nature for a bit. Then they got into Magnolia and the sights and sounds of the bustling town took over. Lucy happily made conversation with Cana, Lisanna, Mira, and Natsu. The girls pointing out shops they liked and thought Lucy would enjoy. Natsu was happily pointing out restaurants and other places that had good food.

When they got to Fairy Tail Lucy was led to the Quest Board and told to pick a Quest she thought she could do. The Dragon Slayers had stepped back and sat at the table nearest the board as they waited. Lucy looked over the various Quests pinned to the board. She knew her Rank in the Guild was E-Class, so she automatically excluded all others from her search. Finding a short Quest that was asking for a Mage to entertain the local park for an hour seemed easy enough. She even had a Spirit that was perfect for a task like that! She picked the Quest off the board and took into over to Natsu, Lisanna, Cana, and Mira to show them.

"I could do this Quest." Lucy smiled as she showed them all what she'd picked. "It's only five thousand Jewel, but for a first Quest I know I can complete it."

"Ah, the Renewed Quest." Lisanna commented and Lucy blinked at the unfamiliar term.

"A what?" Lucy asked her friend.

"A Renewed Quest is a Quest that will be reposted at set intervals over and over again." Lisanna explained with a smile. "Sometimes they're for simple things, like entertainment," The platinum-haired woman pointed at Lucy's choice. "Other times, they're for labor that happens seasonally, like helping with harvesting or escorts for merchant caravans as they travel from one selling point to another."

"That Quest you have is practically on the board all the time." Natsu grinned at Lucy with a chuckle. "If you need a little quick cash, it's an easy Quest to fulfill."

"No amount of money is worth your life." Mira spoke up and Lucy focused on the Take-Over Mage. "That's why Quests are divided up into Ranks in the first place. It's also why some Mages form teams together to take on Quests. What one Mage may not be able to do alone, a team could handle safely."

"Macao over there pushed himself dangerously close with the last Quest he took." Cana mentioned as she motioned towards an older man in a white trench coat. He had dark hair and several bandages on his face. He seemed to be moving a bit stiffly too. "He took a Monster Slaying Quest up on Mt. Hakobe. Wiping out a troop of Vulcans nearly did him in because he didn't take anyone with him. I get that he was protecting his son's pride, but if he hadn't come back his son would have lost his father. Macao and Enno might be divorced, but I'm sure she and Romeo would both mourn him."

"You made a good choice, Lucy!" Natsu grinned at the Celestial Spirit Mage. "All you have to do is head over to the Park Manager's office and he'll set you up on a small stage for whatever kind of entertainment you want to provide. Just get the Quest stamped as in-progress first to make it official!"

"Right!" Lucy smiled as she headed over to the bar to get the Quest marked as in-progress. About an hour later and everyone in Magnolia Park were graced with the wondrous voice of the Celestial Spirit Lyra. The strawberry-blonde spirit had appeared in a flash of light as Lucy summoned her. In her blue dress with white frills she seemed normal enough. When Lucy had explained her Quest the spirit had been ecstatic! The harp Lyra had with her produced wonderful tones that matched the angelic quality of her voice. The music and singing had brought smiles to the faces of all who heard it. That included Natsu, Mira, Lisanna, and Cana. Lyra seemed rather happy to have such a large audience too as she played her harp and sang for the crowd.

It was no surprise that Lucy easily completed her first Quest as a Fairy Tail Mage

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


