Reviews of God’s Conquest: The Lord of Angels by Onion_lover - Webnovel


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I really tried to read this novel with an open mind, but I couldn't continue as I would not want my meager faith to vanish.

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I personally find this book to be annoying, all props to the sister of the mc. Attitude, common sense, etc out the door that it makes this book unbearable to read

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'-' yeah need more time to read but got cut off i can't really rate this I'm just commenting on the chapters I've read

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Very good novel keep up the work and the readers will naturally come

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[Up to Chapter 36] - Liking the story so far, the fact the main character isnt religious probably made the story a lot better than it would have been without. This is due to having such a strong influence of Cristianity that having a religious MC would have been... too much? Anyway, his sister is pretty cool so far, and the way both their powers seems to covrr eachother suggests that they are both gunna be very close nit throughout the story... or become complete enemies for some reason, though doubt it. The world seems pretty interesting, and we will obviously meet the 3 original Earth Gods at some point probably as enemies with the MC's personality so far. Hiding their true power seems smart, especially with the lore of angels though I think letting the Demon slaying president know some time in the future when they are both closer to eachother seems reasonable, as he can help protect his identity. Looking forward to how his first world will look atfter the transformation and how he will rule his other worlds in the future. Overall, really enjoyed the story so far and hope you keep writing!

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I feel like after two weeks of writing it’s finally time to post my first shameless five star review. I’m pretty convinced that the story is solid for my first real book, especially the world background. If you have any questions or suggestions you might ask them. I will always appreciate comments, reviews, power stones or golden tickets. Thank you for giving it a try

4 の返信を表示する

I personally find this book to be a good read. The world in itself is very intriguing and I can’t wait until the Mc finds out about the other gods

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I really tried to read this novel with an open mind, but I couldn't continue as I would not want my meager faith to vanish.

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I personally find this book to be annoying, all props to the sister of the mc. Attitude, common sense, etc out the door that it makes this book unbearable to read

3 の返信を表示する

'-' yeah need more time to read but got cut off i can't really rate this I'm just commenting on the chapters I've read

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Very good novel keep up the work and the readers will naturally come

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[Up to Chapter 36] - Liking the story so far, the fact the main character isnt religious probably made the story a lot better than it would have been without. This is due to having such a strong influence of Cristianity that having a religious MC would have been... too much? Anyway, his sister is pretty cool so far, and the way both their powers seems to covrr eachother suggests that they are both gunna be very close nit throughout the story... or become complete enemies for some reason, though doubt it. The world seems pretty interesting, and we will obviously meet the 3 original Earth Gods at some point probably as enemies with the MC's personality so far. Hiding their true power seems smart, especially with the lore of angels though I think letting the Demon slaying president know some time in the future when they are both closer to eachother seems reasonable, as he can help protect his identity. Looking forward to how his first world will look atfter the transformation and how he will rule his other worlds in the future. Overall, really enjoyed the story so far and hope you keep writing!

2 の返信を表示する

I feel like after two weeks of writing it’s finally time to post my first shameless five star review. I’m pretty convinced that the story is solid for my first real book, especially the world background. If you have any questions or suggestions you might ask them. I will always appreciate comments, reviews, power stones or golden tickets. Thank you for giving it a try

4 の返信を表示する

I personally find this book to be a good read. The world in itself is very intriguing and I can’t wait until the Mc finds out about the other gods

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