/ Anime & Comics / I AM TOAA's GRANDSON (PHELIO)
... Synopsis...
A grandson of The One Above All named Sullivan morningstar going through multiverse and bang kokocrunch.
-World List-
Hunter x Hunter
High School DxD
Spiderman into the spiderverse
レビューを書くI am praying for are good friend i hope he will have many good adventures ahead. good luck 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Amen
I remember that I had this story saved in my library and I had read up to where Assia appears and now that I wanted to continue the story I realize that she disappeared, I was searching for a while until I found this, and I realize that the author has died, it is a Lastly, may he rest in peace. But I want to know if the story will continue or will it only be uploaded to the last chapter published previously?
When I started reading it it was a good story, I wondered why they had deleted it, but thanks for uploading it again, And more heartfelt condolences
Question: craze, are u downloading and re uploading the chp if so why cant you just upload it all at once? Also what chapter was the novel deleted at cause i cant check it :(
Great Story May Author-sama Rest in peace