20% Naruto: Echoes of Valor / Chapter 2: Where Am I?

章 2: Where Am I?

**Chapter 1: Rebirth into the Uchiha Clan**


Darkness surrounded me, an infinite void where time seemed to lose all meaning. The last moments of my previous life as a Marine were a chaotic blur—gunfire, explosions, the desperate voices of my teammates. Now, however, there was only an oppressive silence, a void so complete it felt like an all-encompassing weight.

I floated aimlessly in this abyss, trapped in a state of disorientation. My attempts to move were futile; my limbs felt immobilized, heavy as if bound by some unseen force. I tried to reach out, to grasp at the void around me, but nothingness was all I could touch. The sensation of being submerged in an intangible, suffocating substance was overwhelming. Each second stretched into an eternity as the isolation began to gnaw at my sanity.

Days seemed to meld together in this oppressive darkness. I felt as though I was drifting, suspended in time. The lack of stimuli drove me to the brink of madness. My sense of self began to erode as I wrestled with the crushing solitude. I was losing grip on reality, the fragments of my past life—my mission, my comrades, the battlefield—fading into distant, disjointed memories.

Amid this interminable darkness, faint murmurs began to pierce through the silence. They were barely discernible at first, like distant echoes in a vast expanse. I strained to focus, catching fragments of conversation—words like "birth," "complications," and "head" drifted through the void. Their meaning eluded me, but they seemed to hint at something significant.

Gradually, the whispers grew more coherent, the voices becoming clearer and more urgent. The darkness around me began to fragment, and the suffocating liquid that had confined me started to recede. It was as though the barriers of this void were dissolving, replaced by an intense, blinding light.

With a sudden rush, I was propelled toward the light. The sensation was both disorienting and exhilarating, as if I was being reborn. I felt myself emerging from the darkness, a cold rush of air greeting me as I transitioned into a new reality. The world around me was a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds, overwhelming my senses.

I found myself in the arms of a woman, her face filled with a mixture of exhaustion and relief. This woman, I realized, was my mother. Despite the disorientation of my new surroundings, a profound sense of love and comfort washed over me. My vision began to clear, and I saw the faces of others—figures who seemed familiar yet foreign, their expressions a blend of curiosity and affection.

As an infant, my ability to communicate was limited to cries and gurgles. I struggled to make sense of my surroundings but could only manage to express discomfort or need through my cries. The reality that I was no longer in the world I once knew hit me with a jarring intensity. I was reborn into a new life, and the transition was as bewildering as it was profound.

In the days that followed, I began to piece together my new reality. I was named Kazuki and had been born into the Uchiha clan, one of the most prominent and powerful families in this world. My father, Haruto Uchiha, had passed away before my birth, leaving me in the care of my mother and my uncle, Kagami Uchiha. Kagami, I knew from the stories and the Naruto series I had once read and watched, was a notable figure in the clan. He was set to become Shisui Uchiha's father in a few years, although I had no way of knowing this yet.

The Uchiha compound was a place of grandeur and somber tradition. The walls were adorned with the clan's symbols, and the air was filled with the murmur of conversations about duty, honor, and the mastery of shinobi skills. Even as a baby, I could sense the weight of expectations that came with my new identity. The Uchiha were renowned for their powerful abilities, and the stories I remembered from Earth provided a context for my new world.

As I grew older, the fragments of my past life as a Marine began to merge with my current existence. The values of honor, courage, and sacrifice that had guided me in my previous life shaped my understanding of my new role. I learned to recognize the significance of my lineage and the responsibilities that came with it.

My uncle, Kagami, often spoke of the clan's legacy, the importance of mastering the sharingan, and the duty to protect the village. Despite the limitations of my early years, I absorbed these teachings with a sense of purpose. The Uchiha clan valued strength and skill, and from a young age, children were trained in the ways of the shinobi.


As the days passed since my rebirth as Kazuki Uchiha, I found myself gradually adjusting to my new world. Though still an infant, my mind retained the memories and knowledge from my previous life. I was determined to make the most of this new chance, but for now, my abilities were limited to observation and planning.

I spent my early days absorbing the environment around me. My parents and relatives were attentive, and the Uchiha compound was a hive of activity. Despite my infancy, I was keenly aware of the importance of my surroundings. I could overhear conversations about the clan's traditions, the significance of their abilities, and the daily routines that governed their lives.

One of my primary observations was the armor worn by the Uchiha clan. It was practical and served its purpose, but I couldn't help but think about the advanced protective gear from my past life. The Marine Corps armor I had worn was designed to withstand bullets and shrapnel, and I wondered if similar enhancements could be applied here. However, as a baby, I could only observe the armor's basic construction and functionality. I couldn't experiment or implement changes just yet.

My thoughts frequently wandered to how I might improve this traditional armor. I remembered the properties of Kevlar—its strength, flexibility, and its ability to distribute and absorb impact. My goal was to integrate these principles into Uchiha armor. I needed to study more about the armor's material and the techniques used in its creation before I could make any modifications.

Healing techniques were another area of interest. The shinobi world had its own methods for healing injuries, and I was eager to learn more. Although I was only a few days old, I observed the medical practices within the clan. The Uchiha had skilled healers who used chakra to mend wounds, and I noted their techniques carefully. I understood that mastering medical jutsu would require time and practice, and I began to mentally prepare for this future endeavor.

Genjutsu and kenjutsu were also on my mind. Even though I was too young to actively practice these skills, I listened to stories and discussions about them. Genjutsu, the art of illusion, was a powerful tool in a shinobi's arsenal. Kenjutsu, the way of the sword, was equally important, especially in a clan that revered combat prowess. I observed the training sessions and techniques used by the Uchiha. Their approach to both genjutsu and kenjutsu would be crucial for my future training.

The legendary White Fang of the Leaf was a figure I often heard about. His reputation as a formidable shinobi and his contributions to the village were the stuff of legends. I couldn't yet seek him out, but I made a mental note to explore his teachings and methods once I was older. Learning from such a renowned figure could provide invaluable insights into combat and strategy.

Though still an infant, I utilized my time to gather as much information as possible. I observed the clan's daily routines, their training methods, and their techniques. Every bit of knowledge I acquired was a stepping stone toward achieving my goals. I was determined to integrate the lessons from my past life into this new world, but for now, my role was to learn and plan.

As I lay in my crib, surrounded by the warmth of my family and the hum of activity around me, I felt a sense of anticipation. The path ahead would be challenging, but with careful observation and planning, I was laying the groundwork for my future endeavors. My new life as Kazuki Uchiha had just begun, and every moment of learning and preparation was a step toward becoming the shinobi I aspired to be.

AllMightyOne AllMightyOne

chapter 1 done

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


