28% Rise of the wind hero Fūjin / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 combat training

章 7: Chapter 7 combat training

The next few days passed and everyone was know seen sitting in class waiting for the next teacher to appear. Before loud footsteps could be heard soon the door exploded with All Might rushing inside the room wearing a retro suit.

The class erupted seeing that All Might was gonna be their teacher for this class he laughed before explaining today's class. "Today we'll be doing combat training but first you got to look the part of a hero." When he finished talking suitcases came from the ground they held everyone's hero costumes inside.

(Miharu's costume will be dropped in the comments)

Miharu opened a suitcase and looked at his hero costume he submitted and was sastified with it before leaving towards the dressing room a couple of minutes before everyone was know seen standing in front of All Might.

"Young hero's today we'll put you into teams of two while placing you on either a Hero team or Villain Team this will test your battle instincts and teamwork." All Might then explained the rest before everyone started to draw pieces of paper with letters on them.

It was soon Miharu's turn and he picked up a letter with 'C' on the front. Looking around he soon saw a beautiful girl with long black hair with the same letter on her paper Miharu began to walk towards her. "Momo right I guess were gonna be partners today." 

Momo looked to see Miharu talking to her she was kind caught off guard by the casual use of her first name. "Y-yeah I guess we are but your pretty casual with using a female's first names don't you think.

"Miharu blanky stared back at Momo before responding "well if where gonna be classmates it's gonna be normal to get to know each other and plus if your uncomfortable about it you can ask me to stop."

Momo was surprised at this logical sounding response and smiled before holding out her hand which Miharu shook. The two then looked to see they would be facing Jiro and Kaminari. Momo saw this then she started to try and make a plan before Miharu stopped her.

"There's no need I'll just end this match quick their quirks are terribly at a disadvantage against me the purple haired girl's quirk has something to do with her hearing while the other boy conducts electricity from his body I'll i need is for you to make some binoculars and a few speakers." Momo soon realized what Miharu was planning and showed a surprised expression nodding in agreement.

"I expect nothing else from the strongest student in class 1-A." This comment was overheard by a few people who gave Miharu challengeing looks he saw this and openly welcomed the challengers.

"If you got a problem with her statement beat me and show everyone your better." Miharu said making the people who looked at him know stare at him with determination written in their eyes.

Miharu seeing this smiled he was tryna light a flame in their hearts so they could get better. All Might noticed what Miharu was doing and smiled even wider before he got everyone's attention soon they all walked into a building where large computers could be seen. "Know the first two teams please step outside and go towards building (A) each match is 15 minutes so be mindful of your time."

An hour soon passed before it was Miharu's teams turn some people looked at him with high expectations since he claimed to be the strongest in 1-A . "Hey Miharu I've made the binoculars and speakers you asked for." Momo said while looking at Miharu while they were walking towards Building (C).

Miharu grabbed the binoculars "place theses speakers around outside the building and blast them at full volume I'm going to go scout where the bomb is."

(Yes I know in cannon Jiro and Pikachu were the villain team but know their the hero team in this)

Miharu soon flew towards a building opposite of building (C) and began looking through the windows while Momo on the ground started to place the speakers around the building. The match soon began Miharu flew back down the building towards Momo "there on the third floor with the bomb turn on the speaker's and I'll use my quirk to make them fly inside the building.

(Hero's team pov)

"Damnit they know about my quirk it must be Miharu I only thought he was showing off but he really is capable." Jiro cursed under her breath while holding her earphone jack in pain Kaminari saw this and asked what happened before Jiro explained the dire situation.

"He probably found out about our quirks during the quirk test he must've observed everyone closely back then."

Kaminari said with a gloomy expression on his face without Jiro's quirk they won't know where the enemy team will attack at. "Let's just stay near the bomb once they come in we'll just blast them with full force." Kaminari said Jiro agreed before both waited for any attacks to come their way.

Ryuko_453 Ryuko_453

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


