3.27% Naruto: Faint Smile. / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Rebirth... Quite literally.

章 2: Chapter 2: Rebirth... Quite literally.

Author Note: The protagonist will age, and there's a reason the first arc will take around his early years, why? To establish why he has the connections he has.

That being said, don't worry, he will age fast enough to not feel like the novel is not advancing further. But still, to stablish the essential relationships in the protagonist live, I need to start from here.

Anyways, enough about that. If you have any questions or doubts, be sure to comment! And I will answer as soon as possible.

And like always, remeber if you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

I'm currently updating the novel 2-3 chapters a day in patreeeeon.

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

Enjoy you sexy bastards.


As the days went by in this watery prison, I started to notice something troubling. Time was slipping by, and with it, my memories were fading. With each blink, it felt like weeks were passing. It was as if my life was stuck on fast forward, and I couldn't find the remote control to slow it down.

At first, it was small things. I couldn't remember my favorite movie. Then I forgot the name of my high school. But now, it was getting worse. I tried to recall my old name, the one I had before coming here. It was right there on the tip of my tongue, but it slipped away like sand through my fingers.

Every time I blinked, it felt like chunks of time were disappearing. I tried to keep a hold of myself, trying to hold on to my memories, but it was no use. The harder I tried, the faster they seemed to vanish. It was frustrating, to say the least.

In an attempt to counter whatever was happening to me, I began to keep a mental tally of the things I could still remember. My favorite food (pizza), my favorite color (black), and my favorite hobby (reading). But as much as this had helped at first, the list kept getting shorter.

It felt like my brain was a chalkboard, and someone kept wiping it clean, bit by bit.

There were things that still remained, though.

I knew I wasn't from this world.

I knew I had been offered a second chance by some sort of deity or demon.

I knew I had been an adult at one point in time.

I knew this life I was given was not without dangers.

I knew a lot of things.

But the question was… for how long?


Time passed once more, with a blink of an eye, and my sense of self seemed to be eroding away. I found myself standing on the precipice of nonexistence—a strange sensation of understanding your existence yet not knowing the very essence that creates you. It was like looking at a reflection in murky water.

I could vaguely see myself, but not clearly.

It wouldn't be long now.

It wouldn't be long before I escaped this cage, this womb.

I could feel it.

Then again, what did I know about these things? The passage of time had become so disorienting that I couldn't tell anymore. I clung to the few memories I still had, repeating them like a mantra. Surprisingly, I could still remember a big part of a few selected things.

Some anime, for example.

Though I had forgotten most of Naruto Shippuden by now—a shame, considering it had been my favorite anime… I think—I still remembered the first part of the anime, so it wasn't all bad.

By now, I could hear voices more clearly. My parents, I assumed, were talking about their hopes and dreams for me. The funny part was that despite not understanding them, I could feel their excitement and what they were trying to convey. It gave me something to focus on, something to anchor me in this ever-shifting nightmare.

I wasn't sad anymore.

The memories of my past life were almost completely gone, leaving behind only vague impressions and emotions. It was like trying to grasp smoke. And well… you can't miss what you don't remember loving…

How odd is that? We treasure something that, once lost, is completely useless. How… ironic.


When I opened my eyes again, the first thing I saw was dazzling light. It grew to encompass my entire field of vision, making me squint in discomfort. Once my vision adjusted, I became aware of a blue-haired young lady gazing at me.


Well, that's a weird color…

I couldn't see her well beyond the hair, but I could feel her… or rather something around her, a pulsing stream of energy that somehow seemed familiar, wrapping around me like a warm blanket. The room was filled with it; this powerful, familiar presence, and I realized it wasn't just her. There were others also, their energy intermingling, creating a chain of vibrations that hummed through my every fiber.

It was… strange.

By her side, I could feel a man of roughly the same age as her, his hair black, his awkward smile directed at me. I couldn't detail his physique, but he seemed somewhat muscular.

The pulsing stream of energy around him was bigger, stronger, and wilder than what I had perceived from the woman. His energy felt warm, comforting—a soothing balm that eased the sudden unease I was feeling.

How strange… it seems their presence gives me a sense of comfort.

Could it be... they are my new parents?

I chuckled inwardly at the thought. I might have lost a lot of memories during this reincarnation process, but I still held more than enough… well, me, to find this entire situation a bit strange.

The woman looked at me with a warm smile and spoke. Her words were oddly indistinct and difficult to make out…

Hmm, they weren't speaking English, that might be a problem.

It sounded like Japanese. I had seen enough anime to learn a word or two, and I was almost certain the woman was calling me cute.

The man said something in reply, his energy losing some of its tension. I had no idea what he had replied, but good for him for relaxing. The one that's supposed to be freaking out here is me. I'm the one that was forced into a womb and then evicted from it.

On that thought… I wonder where I am?

As I mulled over this, the strange energy in the room shifted. The once soothing hum of emotions became a flurry of vibrations and anxiety, each one crashing against me like a wave. I couldn't understand what was happening, but I could feel their worry robbing the room of its tranquility.

I peeked through semi-closed eyes at the woman, my supposed mother. She was biting her lip, and her once serene blue-eyed gaze was now turbulent, mirroring the storm of energy swirling around me.

She was worried… but why?

That's when it hit me. I hadn't made a sound since I was born, not a single cry. The familiar wail of a newborn was noticeably absent. It's no wonder their energy was tinged with worry.

They thought something was wrong with their baby.

In my past life, I had witnessed the birth of my niece and remembered the relief that washed over us when she let out her first cry, the signal that she was breathing properly. If that held true here as well, then my silence must be unsettling.

Understanding dawned on me. Even with their muted energies now screaming anxiety and concern into my being, it all made sense. It would be strange, unnatural even, for a newborn not to cry. What's more, an unsettling omen for the parents who anticipated their child's first audible affirmation of life.

With a sigh, I decided to break my silence. After all, I didn't want them to worry unnecessarily on my account. My mind was still foggy with the experiences of my former life, but I knew enough to understand that this was important. So, pulling together all the strength I possessed in my tiny being, I let out a cry. A small wail at first, a squeak really, that escalated into a full-blown newborn's bawl.

The room stilled.

I sensed the strange energy shift again, this time easing from a buzzing tension into a tangible relief that flooded the room like the sun breaking through dark clouds. My cry had acted as the soothing balm, restoring temporary peace in their souls and in the room.

I deserved an Oscar.


Author Note 2: There's a canonical reason why he lost most of his memories, please wait until the reason reveals itself, which its the entire plot of a future chapter.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


