14.81% Zenith Greyrat Became My Main Wife! / Chapter 4: 4

章 4: 4

Flynn had decided to give Zenith a tour of her new home after talking for awhile, his home is the same home he grew up in with his parents. Well, the original Flynn that is. The house is essentially a four-story mansion with a little more than 20 acres of farmland.  While his parents weren't the richest, they were definitely well off due to what his mother inherited from her parents. His grandparents on his mother's side earned a lot of money during their time alive from farming. 

During the last five years, Flynn did not have to worry about money. He just had to keep growing and selling his produce. In fact because of his godly abilities, he was able to make the quality of all his crops jump several levels.

The All-Purpose Farming Tool from the Farming In Another World universe is such a hax. A hax that Flynn got for himself years ago. 

"Wow…you really are a farmer…" Zenith's tone carried a hint of shock.

"What? You thought I was lying?" Flynn chuckled.

Right now they were in the basement in one of the storage rooms. Flynn is showing her the crops he picked from the farm a day ago. These specific crops are for his own food supply, meaning he won't be selling them. 

"No, you haven't lied to me once so far. Granted, it doesn't mean much since we've barely been together for over half of a full day." Zenith had been informed that she was asleep for 9 hours, according to her 'new husband' he had helped her body's recovery rate accelerate once he made her completely healthy. "I'm…just surprised someone as powerful as you is a farmer of all things. I honestly thought you were a noble." 

Flynn snorted. "Me? A noble? Please, these so-called nobles aren't even in the same multiverse as me. None of them could ever compare to your husband, my dear wife." Flynn's tone carried confidence mixed with arrogance. 

However, his words are certainly true. 

He continued. "One very clear difference between myself and nobles is the fact that at least half of bastards are rapists. It's known both genders of humans are liable to get raped by male human nobles. While female nobles also commit rape, it's nowhere near comparable to males. Noble men of the human race are known to have fetishes of other men. Men get it worse than women, as crazy as it may sound. Hell, children aren't safe either, some nobles go as far as to take advantage of children who haven't even entered puberty. From what I know the entire nobility of the human race are ranked the worst amongst all races in the world. I'll be the first to tell you I'm not a good person, but I'm not fond of rape or slavery."

Zenith knew Flynn's words were 1000% true, after all she comes from a noble family herself. The reason she originally became an adventurer was to become strong enough to escape her family's clutches. She refused to be married off to another noble family, especially after learning who her future candidates were. 

She found the currently culture of human nobility absolute disgusting. 

"Why do you say you aren't a good person?" She asked out of curiosity.

"My hands are stained with the blood of at least hundreds of trillions of lives. I've killed children without batting an eye more times than I can count. I've been apathetic to the suffering of others knowing I had the power to help them countless of times. I've killed people over the smallest reasons. I've stolen from others on multiple occasions and even backstabbed my allies for my own benefits. However I've never killed a lover of mine unless they tried to kill me first nor have I ever killed any children of my own." Flynn admitted so nonchalantly one would think he was talking about what he had for breakfast.

Zenith's heart dropped along with her stomach, her body shook as she stared at Flynn in absolute shock and horror. She did not doubt his words one bit, she was a witness to what a speck of his power is capable of. 

"W-Why?" Is all she could ask.

"Plenty of reasons, revenge, missions, collateral, training purposes or just plain boredom. I'm a True Immortal Zenith, I've been alive for so long that I stopped holding value in the lives of mortals I don't care about. While I can't say I've lost all of my morality I once had, I definitely lost a lot of it. So, are you sure you still want to be my wife? I'll always try my best to make you a happy woman, but I'll wipe out this entire continent without blinking if I ever felt the need to." Flynn answered. 

He knew he needed to get Zenith to understand his true personality in order to truly be his wife. She had to know how ruthless he could become in an instant. If she truly felt it was the best for her to be married to an all-powerful mass murderer. 

Zenith sighed, looking him in the eyes. "I already swore on my life to be the best wife possible to you. I won't go back on my word just because I'm learning the atrocities you committed in your past. You may be a mass murder, but you said you never killed a lover unless they tried to kill you first, nor have you ever killed your own children. I…I think I can find some solace that I won't have to worry about my safety and the safety of our future children. It helps that you're not a rapist or into slavery. I owe you my life anyways, whatever happened then has no effect on our agreement. I am your wife, you are my husband."

Flynn nodded, impressed by her character. It seems Zenith is already taking their marriage seriously. Then again it makes sense, he's going to help her rescue her mother after all.


"By the way Flynn," Zenith spoke up, she just finished eating a dinner her new husband cooked for her. As embarrassing as it is, she felt that his food almost caused her to have an orgasm from how good it was. "How exactly do you plan to train me? My current level is level-"

"18 yes I'm aware." Flynn cut her off.

Zenith was surprised. "How did you know?"

"I have an ability that allows me to see your level, stats and status. Think of it as a high level appraisal skill." Flynn said.

"Oh wow, appraisal skills are incredibly rare. I've always wondered what it would be like to attain the skill one day." Zenith sighed.

"Don't worry my wife, you'll actually have it very soon." Flynn smirked. 

"Huh? How?" Zenith asked.

"Simple, I'm going to give you the skill. But there is something important you should know, your level cap is level 30." Flynn informed her. 

…His words shook the blonde woman to her core, she didn't expect to have such a low level cap. As far as she knows, neither her father, brother or mother have such a low level cap. She didn't even think they are close to reaching their cap like she apparently is. Not even her two deceased sister's level cap was a low as hers. 

"W-Wha what am I going to do? With such a low level cap there's no way I can ever hope to achieve my revenge. I'll be weak no matter how much I train. A level 30 practitioner is very weak in the overall picture." Zenith tried hard to hold back her tears of frustration.

She was brought out of her despair by the feeling of a hand gently cupping her cheek. Zenith found herself being forced to look up at her husband. 

"Relax, this is nothing to stress over. You may not know this but the legendary heroes of this world all share the ability to break their level caps. They can infinitely increase their levels without worry of being capped off at some point. They can also break the level cap of others through sexual intercourse. I may not have been blessed as one of the heroes of this world, but I can break the level cap of others the same way the heroes can. In fact I can take it to another level. Zenith, have you ever heard of the term Dual Cultivation?" Flynn asked.

First she felt intrigued then relieved, then shocked and now she is confused. "Dual Cultivation? No I haven't." Zenith shook her head. 

"Dual Cultivation is a type of cultivation method, wherein male and female cultivators pair to cultivate by having sex. During their 'cultivation sessions' they imbue normal sex positions with their qi and combine them with unique Dual Cultivation techniques to extract and refine each other's yang qi and yin qi respectively. Basically each other's ejaculation fluids. It encompasses all types and forms of sex, heavily focusing on pleasuring your partner over yourself. Highly skilled dual cultivators are known to be unmatched in the bedroom, easily capable of breaking up families. Cultivators are basically people who absorb the qi in the air into their bodies in order to go through enlightenment. They repeatedly evolve their bodies to grow stronger, some going as far as to reach the level of gods. Though there are many risk when it comes to cultivation." Flynn explained in great detail.

Zenith could be seen blushing, she understood the gist of what Flynn was trying to tell her. "You're saying I can grow stronger by having sex with you?"

"Exactly, instead of using qi, your magic is what we are going to cultivate. Absorbing the energy within my semen will make your body grow immensely strong at a very quick rate. I'll be able to help you stabilize your increase in magic as you keep growing stronger through sex. Of course I'll also train you using other methods. I need to see how you fight, I know you're a healer but you should have some self-defense skills. By the time we go save your mother, you'll be a beast in battle." Flynn said.

Zenith was quiet for a moment before saying. "If this is how I can surpass level 30, then I'm willing to have all the sex we need to have. Plus…now that we are married we have to consummate our marriage at some point. Might as well use this level cap problem as an excuse to get it over with." Her blush intensified the more she spoke. 

"If that's what you want, we can do it whenever you're ready." Flynn said.

"…Is now a good time?" Zenith never felt so embarrassed in her life.

She can't believe just she asked him for sex, while they are married now she still hasn't known Flynn for 24 hours!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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