34.78% My Marvel Agency / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Career Change Ninja

章 8: Chapter 8: Career Change Ninja

Edward gave the woman a level look. "Alright, guest. Let's hear it. What kind of hornet's nest have you stumbled into?"

The woman, still visibly shaken, took a deep breath. "I've… angered someone powerful," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "Someone who could easily silence me and my family. I need your help to intervene."

"Eliminate them, you say?" Edward raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

The woman's face paled. "No! Absolutely not! I just want peace. A way to negotiate, to spare our lives. Can you do that?"

Edward leaned back in his chair, a sigh escaping his lips. "Honestly, my dear, a clean getaway might be the simpler option. A permanent one, that is."

The woman's eyes welled up with tears. "Please, no violence! All I want is peace."

Seeing her desperation, Edward sighed again, this time seemingly in resignation. "Fine, fine. Since this is your commission, I'll bite. Now, about payment…"

"I… I only have a hundred thousand dollars," the woman stammered, her voice trembling. "Would that be enough?"

Edward didn't answer right away. Instead, he leaned forward, his gaze turning shrewd. "Before we discuss payment, perhaps you could tell me who this unfortunate soul is that you've managed to tick off?"

The woman hesitated for a moment, then whispered a single, dreaded name: "Kingpin."

Edward's eyes widened a fraction. "Kingpin? You haven't done your research, have you?"

The woman offered a small, nervous nod. "I… I know a little."

"A little?" Edward scoffed. "The man's practically royalty in the underworld. The Underground Emperor of New York, some might say. His tendrils of influence stretch across the entire country, maybe even beyond. Negotiating with him for a measly hundred grand? Sounds like a suicide mission."

The woman bit her lip, her face etched with worry. "I… I also have a family heirloom. A crystal skull my grandfather left me. Would that be of any interest?"

Edward's interest piqued. "Crystal skull, you say? What was your grandfather's name?"

The woman hesitated again, then met his gaze with a flicker of defiance. "Dr. Indiana Jones."

A slow smile spread across Edward's face. "Ah, Dr. Jones. Now that's a name I recognize. If that crystal skull is the real deal, then combined with your hundred thousand, we might just have a deal."

With a flourish, Edward retrieved his usual parchment and ink. The woman signed her name, her hand trembling slightly. As she went to press her thumb onto the ink pad, Edward's hand shot out, replacing the pad with a small, glinting object.

"Actually," he said, his voice smooth as silk, "let's make this a bit more… binding."

Before the woman could react, a hidden needle in the object pricked her thumb, drawing a bead of blood. Edward, with practiced ease, guided her bleeding thumb onto the document.

The woman, wide-eyed and confused, could only watch as Edward stood up. "Alright then," he announced, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Time to meet the Kingpin. Tom, Jerry," he called out, his voice momentarily softening, "I'll be back soon. Try not to break anything… again."

Turning back to the woman, he offered a confident smile. "Now, shall we? Your safety is my top priority, especially considering my… acquaintance with Kingpin. He'll show me some respect, I'm sure."

The woman, unsure whether to be comforted or terrified by Edward's words, could only nod hesitantly as he ushered her towards his motorcycle. Together, they roared off into the night, heading straight for the heart of Kingpin's territory.

The roar of Edward's motorcycle faded as they pulled to a stop beneath the imposing shadow of the Wilson Building. The woman, her face pale, stammered, "I-I thought we were meeting Kingpin? This looks… ordinary."

Edward chuckled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Ordinary it may seem," he replied, casually dismounting the bike, "but this, my dear, is the heart of Kingpin's empire. Wilson Fisk, the renowned businessman, is none other than the notorious Kingpin himself."

The woman's eyes widened in realization. The news reports, the hushed whispers – it all clicked into place. Fear prickled at her skin as she stared up at the towering glass and steel structure.

Just as she was about to voice her concerns, a black Hummer screeched to a halt behind them. A hulking figure emerged, his shaved head gleaming under the city lights. A single, menacing bullseye tattoo adorned his forehead. This was Bullseye, one of Kingpin's most ruthless enforcers.

"Well, well, well," Bullseye drawled, a toothpick dangling from his lips. "Look who decided to grace us with his presence. The illustrious Edward Li, and a guest, I see. Have you brought us a… gift?"

Edward, unfazed by Bullseye's intimidation tactics, simply glanced at him with a steely gaze. "Just here on business, Bullseye. Don't get any ideas."

Bullseye's grin faltered for a brief moment. His hand instinctively twitched, and a glint of metal flashed – a hidden steel nail, ready to be launched. But before he could react, a figure materialized from the building's entrance. It was a man sharply dressed in a tailored suit, his face a mask of practiced calm.

"Mr. Ed Lee," the man addressed Edward with a hint of deference. "Mr. Fisk requests your presence. And Bullseye," he continued, his voice turning firm, "the boss has made it clear – no unnecessary actions on his property without his say-so."

Bullseye's demeanor shifted as quickly as it had changed. The predatory glint in his eyes vanished, replaced by a forced chuckle.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he mumbled, the steel nail disappearing as mysteriously as it had appeared. "Just, uh, welcoming the guests."

Edward waved him off dismissively, his eyes never leaving the approaching figure.

"Let's go," he muttered to the woman, "Ignore that idiot."

They followed the impeccably dressed man through the building, the tension thickening with every step. Finally, they reached a heavy steel door that swung open with a soft hiss, revealing a spacious office bathed in the warm glow of a setting sun.

Seated behind a massive mahogany desk was a man whose imposing stature and commanding presence lived up to the moniker of "Underground Emperor." This was Wilson Fisk, his face an emotionless mask, his gaze as sharp as a predator's.

"Mr. Ed Lee," Fisk rumbled. "What brings the boss of the Marvel Agency to my humble abode?"

The woman, overwhelmed by Fisk's intimidating aura, froze, unable to speak. Edward, however, stepped forward, his posture unwavering, shielding her slightly from the full force of Fisk's unwavering gaze.

"Alright, that's enough of the menacing stares," Edward said with a dismissive wave. "Look, I'm here representing this client, and we'd like to negotiate."

Fisk raised a sardonic eyebrow. "And why, pray tell, does this mystery client want to negotiate with the likes of me?"

Edward gave a nonchalant shrug. "Honestly? Beats me. All I care about is getting this whole thing settled. So, what's your price for a little chat?"

Fisk leaned back in his chair, a predatory glint in his eye. "One simple favor. You do something for me, no questions asked."

"Fine," Edward conceded easily. "But let's get some ground rules. Nothing life-threatening, and my prized possessions are off-limits. As long as it falls within those boundaries, consider it done."

A satisfied smirk spread across Fisk's face.

"Perfect. I'll let my boys know they can call off the hounds." He rose to his full height, a hint of theatricality in his voice. "Consider this matter resolved!"

"Great, let's get out of here," Edward muttered, already turning towards the exit.

"Is that all?" The woman's voice, laced with disbelief, stopped him in his tracks.

Edward whirled around, exasperation etched on his face. "What else did you expect? A dramatic showdown with Fisk or do you want me to fondle his balls? Come on, be realistic. My job is to get things done efficiently, and that's exactly what I did. The specifics of what I offered Fisk can wait."

With that settled, they made a swift exit, leaving Fisk to watch them go with a cryptic smile playing on his lips.

Back at the agency, the woman, relieved to hear the bounty was lifted, sent for her family to retrieve the cursed crystal skull. The exchange was swift – money and skull traded hands.

Edward then produced a rolled-up parchment. With a flourish, he tossed it into the air, where it burst into flames and vanished without a trace. Clearly unnerved, the woman scurried out of the office.

The crystal skull now occupied a place of honor on a shelf behind Edward's desk. He wasn't in any particular hurry to deal with it – after all, who knew how long his next mission would take? Missing out on potential work because of a spooky artifact just wouldn't do.

Suddenly, a brightly colored gift box materialized on the table, catching the attention of Tom and Jerry. Before Edward could react, his furry companions were on top of the box, engaged in a tug-of-war with the ribbon.

Then the inevitable happened. The ribbon snapped, and the box flew open, revealing a set of throwing shurikens. Edward lunged for the box, yelling in protest, but it was too late. The moment Tom and Jerry's paws touched the shurikens, a blinding white light engulfed the room. Edward squeezed his eyes shut instinctively.

When he finally opened them, he was met with a sight that made him do a double take. Tom and Jerry, his once-ordinary pets, now stood facing each other, clad in attire that sent a shiver down Edward's spine. It was an outfit all too familiar – the kind he'd only seen in those old anime he used to watch.

"What in the world is going on here?" he cried out, bewildered. "Tom… Uchiha? And Jerry… Senju? What have you two gotten yourselves into this time?!"



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


